“2,000 Mules”, 2,000 (or More) Chumps

May be an image of 3 people and text

May be an image of 1 person and text

I am a man of faith.  There is a God.  But is faith an appropriate basis for judgment in, let’s say, a court of law or a lab?  Don’t facts or evidence count?  Two instances bring to light the muddled thinking – the weird confusion of using the thought processes of the pew in a trial or medical experiment – in Trump’s surreal conviction of God-knows-what and Salem Media’s now-discredited “2,000 Mules”.  The misapplication of faith abounds in both, and both are disgraceful.

Now, with Biden out of the picture, the Dems are pivoting to the tag line “Harris prosecutor and Trump convicted felon”.  It’ll work among people who have a deep faith in the Democrats’ neo-Marxist vision, who are already disposed to believe anything that dribbles out of PBS, MSNBC, or The View.  However, of what was Trump convicted in a Manhattan court, before a Manhattan jury, by a Manhattan DA who would make a Stalin prosecutor proud?  The indictment’s 34 felony counts were actually one count just multiplied every time it appeared in the paperwork.  The felonies were invented by injecting an ethereal and fuzzy federal election fraud charge into accusations that can’t survive the statute of limitations.  All of it was hocus pocus for people who are inclined to believe in the unbelievable.

Well, the belief in the unbelievable is evident in people who regard Trump to be God’s vicar on earth, in the same fashion as that Manhattan jury’s belief in socialist prosperity, an oxymoron if there ever was one.  So, if Trump castigates his 2020 election loss as fraud so will the massive supportive political complex behind him.  Facts, evidence aren’t allowed to stand in the way.  Salem Media’s “2,000 Mules” is a classic in the annals of political fiction.

In case you haven’t heard, Salem Media dropped Dinesh D’Souza’s “2,000 Mules” from its media platforms and issued an apology to Mark Andrews, one of the so-called “mules” (see #1 and #2 below).  As it turned out, Andrews was placing in the Atlanta drop box ballots for himself, his wife, and three adult children.  This is one “mule” that couldn’t be made to fit the invented profile.  The narrator’s “What you are seeing is a crime” was pure poppycock.  What of the other 1,999 “mules”?  We get a clue when Salem Media dropped all mention of D’Souza’s monstrosity.  Even diehards shrink from the prospect of having to shell out millions of dollars in compensatory awards.

Might there have been vote fraud in 2020?  Possibly.  Might there have been more fraud than normal?  Possibly.  But “possibly” shouldn’t be good enough for an electorate with their heads screwed on straight.  Good sense demands a large dose of skepticism of an allegation of a secret conspiracy of 2,000 anybodies.  A man with much good sense, Benjamin Franklin, once wrote, “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.”  Actually, conspiracy is the last refuge of the scoundrel, not patriotism, in today’s toxic political playground.

Why is it so toxic?  It’s the junction of two factors.  On the one hand, in true Marxist fashion, the Democrats have firmly adopted the maxim, the ends justify the means.  Anything is considered proper so long as it accomplishes the desired end.  On the other hand, the Democrats’ institutional heft behind the neo-Marxist revolution is confronted by their opponents’ cult of the middle finger in the person of Donald Trump.  As a result, our politics are grotesque and filled with fantasies.

Welcome to a public that has been made into chumps.

December 2020:

May be an image of elephant and text



1. “Publisher of ‘2000 Mules’ Apologizes to Georgia Man Falsely Accused of Ballot Fraud in the Film”, US News and World Report from AP, 5/31/2024, at https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/georgia/articles/2024-05-31/publisher-of-2000-mules-apologizes-to-georgia-man-falsely-accused-of-ballot-fraud-in-the-film

2. “A Belated Apology for ‘2000 Mules’”, Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, 6/5/2024, at https://www.wsj.com/articles/2000-mules-salem-media-lawsuit-mark-andrews-dinesh-dsouza-2020-election-true-the-vote-1565ace0

