Case in point: Parenting Montana.
I begin with “crowding out”. Crowding out occurs when so much money flows to one thing that other things die on the vine. It happens in venues other than those based on mammon. Big, really big question: Has the state become so huge that it’s sucking the blood out of civil society? A vampire could work as a metaphor.
Nosferatu is phlebotomizing civil society. What is the victim, civil society? Our definitions are muddled. The UN’s World Health Organization tries to pigeonhole civil society away from business and government. To them, civil society is “collective action around shared interests, purposes and values”, and the third rail of life. Sorry, that’s way too cute. Sounds too much like something out of a snooze-inducing textbook. Actually, much business is born of the interactions of those “shared interests, purposes and values”. The same could be said of government, but civil society – and business, at least pre-Sanders – is voluntary. Government isn’t about voluntary. People in power have a quiver full of carrots and sticks to make you do something they want, and behind every carrot is a big fat hand holding that big fat stick. Isolate government to itself while civil society since business share too much DNA. Thus, in actuality, 2 rails exist.
Of side note, Ocasio-Cortez and her minions would like to gene-splice business and government together. That’s the socialist thing at work. They want 2 rails with this new hybrid Leviathan attacking the neck of a remaining and wilting civil society (in keeping with same metaphor).
This came to mind while streaming Pandora. An ad for “Parenting Montana” appeared between the music, another one of those dot-org’s. What the heck is that? Smelling a rat, yep, it’s government. Go to the website and you’ll find in the fine print a scat trail to a federal block grant program to the State of Montana, CFDA 93.959. Mind you, I find not much wrong with government helping to address the deeply troubled in our neighborhoods. The fly in the ointment is that it is today’s government doing it.
Our present government isn’t a better one than great grandpa’s; it’s just bigger, way bigger, and beset by the ACLU, dominated by a narrow demographic, and addicted to fashionable causes. The result is a mess.
I’m not sure what John Dewey and the rest of the Progressive leading lights of a century back, as pushers of big government, would think of today’s Leviathan. They envisioned a government of technocratic know-it-alls guiding us to the promised land. He probably couldn’t grasp the fact that the techs could lack wisdom and are infected with their own prejudices. What they, the Prog’s, produced is a government shaped around their experience of 16-plus years sitting in a classroom receiving curriculum. Yes, curriculum. For them, curriculum is the answer. There’s nothing that couldn’t be cured by more curriculum.
Follow the steps, procedures, and factoids and you’re supposed to be a better person. It is the chosen path for the representatives who made the law and the people who passed the civil service exam to get the thing up and running. Do you get the picture? The whole outlook is based on form (curriculum), not the substance (what’s in the curriculum).
Decamp to the website,, and you’ll find curriculum and some referrals to nonprofits in government’s gravitational pull. Watch videos, read the how-to links, and pay a visit to a counselor steeped in the curriculum – more people with degrees and certificates as Dewey preached.
Issues develop not with curriculum per se. Curriculum is only a guide for what and how to teach. The person doing the teaching most assuredly is important, but even more important is the “what”, what are they teaching? The substance mentioned before. Sadly, the spiritual is absent from the syllabus. No room here for the faith. A Bible study is replaced by your state-sponsored counseling group led by your state-approved counselor. A referral to a church would be met by the hounds of the ACLU and years in court. The experience produces a vanilla curriculum without God.
It competes with the kind offered by your priest or pastor, but with a distinct advantage. Milton Friedman had it right when he said, “Nothing is more permanent than a temporary government program”. Government draws strength from its access to everybody’s paycheck (the taxing power) and the Bureau of the Mint. And politics is the measure of success, not bottom-line metrics, so a program has life long after it became rancid (ag subsidies anyone?). Not exactly a level playing field here.
And government programs can be hip. Your local priest or pastor, in contrast, will be bound to God’s word, the Bible. Government is bound by politics, and politics is bound by money under the spell of any tight organization of commonly-oriented loud mouths. If something gets popular traction, you bet that the authorities-that-be will take it in. Consider gay marriage and transgender rights. Look at the pot craze sweeping red and blue states alike (see Forbes). The fashion-of-the-moment will find a place in government decrees on everything imaginable, including its “wisdom” on being a good mommy.
I saw the phenomena at work in a California high school. California being so chic in thought and feeling, and personally as a teacher and department chair (Social Studies), the staff and I were frequently told of a new mandate from the state to honor one of the many “marginalized” in our lessons. So, we went from unions to blacks to women to multiple ethnics to LGBTQ in its many variations, and back again. Remember, the more time devoted to balkanized America, the less time for the Constitution, the Civil War, Supply/Demand, the Great Depression, etc. “Crowding out” at work before your munchkins. Welcome to politics flummoxing your kid’s school.
It’s no less true for “Parenting Montana”. Scroll through the links. Since many problems in the home can be traced to the desire for a high, a good part of the guidance will be consumed with booze and drug abuse. Going to the links, I couldn’t find any mention of marijuana. I found heroin, meth, alcohol, but no “mary jane”. The words “abuse” and “reefer”, and its many equivalents, weren’t connected. Could it be that marijuana has a constituency? It’s fashionable whereas shooting up in a public bathroom isn’t.
But think about it: today’s THC-rich cannabis isn’t the stuff wafting through a 60’s Grateful Dead concert. It’s jam-packed with maybe 3x’s more (though potheads hotly dispute the figure). Hey, more bang for the buck, and with the “bang” comes all kinds of things attaching to your lungs as if you were lighting up a Marlborough (according to the American Lung Association). Even more disturbing are the neurological and cognitive effects (see here). It helps in germinating mental illness in the form of multiple psychoses like schizophrenia (see here). The junk should not be given a free pass as “Parenting Montana” does.
But what are you going to do when getting high becomes “medical” … and fashionable?
I can only imagine the kinds of mischief that a hotbed of a lefty dreamscape like California can put the money to. “Parenting” could be combined with “Heather Has Two Mommies” and how to teach your child to share a bathroom with someone of divergent genitalia. The possibilities are endless. If government is your mommy, you just found another way to inject politics into the family and the rest of civil society. And then is civil society all that civil? It certainly is more political. Soon, we may be down to only one rail: government. Sanders, AOC, and Marx would be smiling.