Another Failed Experiment Waiting to Happen

Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke in the late 18th century warned of the disaster awaiting the French nation as their revolution teetered off into the Reign of Terror. Political power and political institutions are poor substitutes, he wrote, for the character forming role of traditional faith, family, and the “little platoons” of civilization reaching beyond the home in voluntary associations in the neighborhood and community. When someone’s detailed scheme bypasses the “little platoons” in order to politically engineer a better person for an imaginary better world, a calamity awaits. Past human experience proves it.

A man cleans a skull near a mass grave at the Chaung Ek torture camp run by the Khmer Rouge in this undated photo. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

The 20th century is littered with the horrors of these political experiments of grand social engineering; a lesson that today’s Democrats have forgotten or never learned. Towed by zealous and immature minds, the party lurches to the extreme left side of the political spectrum in an embrace of a fairy-tale heaven on earth with them as the grand viziers overseeing the immense project, just like the previous students of Karl Marx: Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, and Castro before them. We are on the cusp of a replay of that sordid story.

Soviet central planning is in the offing in the form of the Green New Deal and Medicare for All. Higher taxes, racial reparations, and “reimagine policing” will confiscate more wealth, enforce racial group guilt leading to more wealth and property seizures, and lay the population open to the zealous and partisan mobs after law enforcement has been “reimagined”, something reminiscent of Mao’s Red Guards, the Bolshevik goons, and the Jacobin’s inflamed Paris hordes. Few will recognize the country once Sanders and the Squad have realized their dream.

We need look no further than our own past for additional proof of the consequences, a time before Bernie bros and the giddy AOC. In 1864, Maj. Gen. John Carleton wanted to finally solve the Navajo problem. In an earlier expedition, he looked upon the Bosque Redondo on the Pecos River at the edge of the Staked Plains in eastern New Mexico as an ideal place to ship the entire Navajo nation (the Diné), in spite of others who cautioned him of the poor soil and fetid water. He had in his mind the quick transformation of an entire nation into sedentary pastoralists and no one could dissuade him. So began the infamous 450-mile Long Walk of the Navajos from their ancestral lands in present-day northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico to far eastern New Mexico.

Maj. Gen. James Henry Carleton

Carleton is a case study of the zealot with great political power which was conferred upon him in the midst of the Civil War. He was an energetic, strong-willed detail man who was confident in his design for the Diné and ability to make it happen. It resulted in a four-year-long reign of misery with a Navajo death toll of around 2,400. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman put the kibosh to the whole thing in 1868 and signed a treaty which allowed the Navajos to return to a large reservation in their ancestral land.

Map of the Navajo Long Walk.
Photograph c. 1864 of Navajos after enduring the forced march to Hweeldi, or the Bosque Redondo.
Navajo group at Indian Issue House, Bosque Redondo era, Fort Sumner, New Mexico, ca. 1864–1868. Photograph by the United States Army Signal Corps, courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives.
This group of Navajos and U.S. Soldiers gathered together near Fort Sumner during the Navajo internment at Bosque Redondo in 1866.

There’s just something ominous about people with great power who claim to know what’s best for us. Today’s Democratic Party is filled with the very same arrogant half-ignorant. Unschooled in the dangers and failures of big government and utopias, they push ahead in the hope that the population will confer upon them the power to do what they promise. The promise is a devastating and hollow one.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: “Be careful what you wish for because you will get it.”


A Spring and Summer of Disrupted Lives and Riots

Destroyed sections of downtown Minneapolis after riots on May 28.

Lately, so much has been happening that scarcely a day goes by without a portentous event so serious that the normal Facebook frivolities seem senseless. ‘Tis a spring and summer of disrupted lives due to authoritarian reactions to a virus and viral videos being exploited for revolution.

The tension has been building before Trump. Riots have been roiling since the ludicrous attempt to turn Michael Brown into a hero in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014. Parts of Portland has been occupied Isis-like by Antifa for the last few years. Now, we are experiencing viral videos exploited for more revolution by one Marxist group birthed in Ferguson – BLM – and another gaining prominence after a Democrat temper tantrum for losing the 2016 election – Antifa.

Police officers using tear gas on rioters in Ferguson, Mo., August 2014.

The truth in both the George Floyd (Minneapolis) and Jacob Blake (Kenosha) cases is getting murkier by the day. The crown jewel in the uproar over police brutality is the death of George Floyd, and, as it turns out, he had enough fentanyl in his system to kill him nearly four times over. And I quote Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker: “If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3 [he had 11 ng/mL]”. One side effect of overdose is swelling of the lungs, which might explain Floyd’s cry while in the back seat of the police cruiser, “I can’t breathe”, and this before his escape from the car and the officer’s knee to the neck – something missing from the truncated, mob-inflaming version of the video.

As for Jacob Blake, he’s no Boy Scout. He had an outstanding warrant for sexual assault and this was relayed to the officers by the dispatcher according to department recordings. More importantly, why did he continue to ignore officer requests to stop and walk to the front door of his car, open it, and reach in, all while apparently holding a knife? I wouldn’t doubt the stories of prior convictions in his background.

And then we have the case of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha this past Tuesday (Aug. 25). The circumstances of his shooting of 3 people is a huge fog bank. I suspect that more will come out both for and against the shooter.

One lesson from the ubiquitous use of smartphone video is the unreliability of them. They’re great for mob and vigilante justice. Too much is left out before the moment “play” is hit or the footage gets to the hands of a zealot. And then, beware, board up your business and flee the city.

That’s where we are at … until the fever breaks in our partisan media or a clear, unmistakable injustice is about to be inflicted that even Anderson Cooper can’t ignore.

I’m reminded of 14-year-old Bobby Fijnje who was charged with multiple counts of child sexual assault in a church child care center in 1989. He was hounded by Dade County DA Janet Reno – yeah, that Janet Reno, later to be Clinton’s AG – as a sexual fiend in a case based on “repressed memories” of children ferreted by a couple of buccaneer child therapists. The brave kid, rather than cut a deal, chose to go to trial and was finally acquitted of all charges. It broke the fever for any more jihads against phantom day care center child abuse – only to leave Reno to prove the Peter principle at Waco and guilty jurisdictions to pay millions in damages to the unjustly convicted.

Bobby Fijnje at age 14 in a picture in his parents’ home.
Janet Reno as Dade County DA.
Child therapist inventing stories of abuse by the use of very leading questions in an interrogation of a 5-year-old.
The flames consume the Branch Davidian compound in 1993 killing 74 people, 23 of them children, in an assault approved by Janet Reno, Clinton’s AG.

Will something like that rescue us from our current mania? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, if you live in a city or state under Democrat control, keep your options open by preparing to jump in the car at a moment’s notice as if a category 5 hurricane is bearing down on you.


Walking Billboards of Fear

A family wearing masks walks in downtown Los Angeles on March 22. (Apu Gomes/AFP/Getty Images)

Alexis de Tocqueville travelled to America in 1831 to initially examine our penal systems. His observations quickly expanded to include the distinctive nature of the American character in contrast to Europeans. He described an American as more rambunctious, independent, and more likely to accept risk. Using sailing ships to illustrate the point, even though the seamanship and vessels were quite similar, American ships got to Canton for a load of tea with one stop at port in a two-year voyage while European voyages consisted of multiple stops. Needless to say, Americans had a higher return-on-investment.

As he writes, “… the European navigator is cautious about venturing onto the high seas. He sets sail only when the weather is inviting.” An American “sets sail while the storm still rages” and “often ends in shipwreck, yet no one else plies the seas as rapidly as he does.” Further, highlighting self-reliance, “Americans are taught from birth that they must overcome life’s woes and impediments on their own.”

Daniel (1734-1820) and his wife Rebecca travelling westwards to Kentucky, by George Caleb Bingham, 1851 or 1852. In the 18th and 19th centuries, our ancestors flooded over the Appalachian Mtns. How many Americans today could withstand the ardors of the trek and cut a living out of the wilderness? I suspect a diminishing few..

Are we the same people as our ancestors? I wonder. Some have concluded that we have been “feminized”, meaning that we increasingly dread risk in the same manner as a mother is apoplectic about the most minimal discomfort to her baby. We might be about as far removed from our 19th century predecessors as the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) is from its gray wolf ancestor (Canis lupus), about 14,000 years, for good or for ill.

Take for instance the ready submission to the wearing of masks in regards to COVID-19. One pundit referred to the compunction for mask wearing as “walking billboards of fear”. She’s right! Many of these people are strolling advertisements of gripping phobias.

The docility doesn’t stop there. It extends to the willing acceptance without questioning of authoritarian decrees for lockdowns, six-foot social distancing, an end to common worship, etc. The meek may inherit the earth, but our inheritance will resemble an existence in a padded cell overseen by a cadre of wardens and guards.

The economist Joseph Schumpeter wrote of the indispensable role of the entrepreneur as economic adventurer. Everyone else rides in his or her wake, not everyone being so compose by temperament or ability. These economic adventurers aren’t mommies but swashbucklers of risk and innovation. We still produce them but they are easily counterbalanced by a growing army of power-hungry “experts” and a growing national population inured and dependent on the credentialed with political power.

The ground has been prepared for a new public ethos. It’s a mental state among a critical mass of the population that hovers between three semi-mystical orders: the cults of safety, the “expert”, and the state who embodies them. Combine the longing for a zero-risk utopia, a class of certified shamans with the hidden gnosis, and an authority with the power to make it happen and you have a society more at home in the World State of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World than the Federalist Papers. Safety and little tolerance for risk surpasses every other consideration and the public timidly goes along.

Helicopter parents of today – a byproduct of the cult of safety.
Kids on bikes in helmets. Today, to jump on a bike without one is considered recklessness of the highest order.
Kids on bikes in a photo from the 1950’s. How did we ever survive?

We have a population riddled with the submissive and the dependent, a dependency on the state and its credentialed overseers. The situation cultivates a population in paralysis when the promised services disappear because state and local authorities reneged on their civic responsibility in places like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Atlanta, Los Angeles, etc., etc., etc. Few citizens are willing, able, and emotionally ready to stop the annihilation of their communities. They have boxed themselves into a corner with the only recourse being the scramble to flee. Popular docility means that we go from the acceptance of authoritarian decrees to a bewilderment in the face of mobs who rampage with the quiet endorsement of the powerful.

This is not meant to be a piece against the wearing of masks. The use of masks should be, like all mitigations, conditional, conditional, conditional. It should not be a papal bull emanating out of the state capitol or DC. And if it does, there will be moments when the surviving residue of self-reliance and personal responsibility will have to rear its head to check an overweening state.

Can we recover from the stupor inculcated by the modern, progressive state? I don’t know. We are becoming a different breed of citizen. Indeed, are we more subject than citizen?

I hope, I pray that I’m wrong.


A Modest Proposal

MILWAUKEE, WI – AUGUST 17: In this screenshot from the DNCC’s livestream of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, actress and activist Eva Longoria (L) introduces Former First Lady Michelle Obama to address the virtual convention on August 17, 2020. The convention, which was once expected to draw 50,000 people to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is now taking place virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by DNCC via Getty Images) (Photo by Handout/DNCC via Getty Images)

Have you watched any of the Democratic Convention? If, like the vast majority of America, you haven’t, I must confess to joining you in the legions of the “non-viewing”. You can’t “attend” so saying “non-attending” doesn’t apply. We are quickly learning the limits of distance [fill in the blank]. A convention without a crowd is like attempting to kiss your wife through Plexiglas. Blahhhh!

The little that I’ve seen though the lenses of CNN and Fox News was … borrrring! Everybody was “mailing” it in from remote locations, and it showed. It ain’t working.

The Republicans can learn from this debacle. Here’s my proposal for their convention in the era of COVID. Trump – like or hate him – is quite an interview and stage presence. Use him. Bookend the convention with 2 rallies in states that will allow large outdoor gatherings. The list could include Utah, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Missouri, Idaho, Alaska, and Alabama. The Republicans will bottle the crowd energy, and people who wouldn’t think of rubbing elbows with MAGA’ers get the energy of the moment. The first one opens the convention and sets the tone. The last one is the acceptance speech and thrills the warriors to rescue the land from the socialist revolutionary party (Democratic Party).

In between, scatter some Trump interviews, endorsements (short but sweet), and motion pics such as Larry Elder’s “Uncle Tom” and video pieces of urban life under one-party, decades-long Dem Party control. The idea is to keep it moving and hit the public with your campaign points like a sledge hammer. Avoid the snooze-a-thon currently on display from the donkey party.

Just some thoughts.


The Great Skedaddle II: A Vignette

Portland woman getting dowsed with white paint after challenging “protesters” for damaging property.

We are sorting each other out; however, events have accelerated the process, like the coddling of violent anarchists by woke metropolitan governing establishments. Moving vans have been pulling out of California for decades, and now the itch to relocate has spread up and down the Pacific coast from Seattle to San Diego. The driving force, unbeknownst to urban politicos, is something that they like to call “progressivism”, but in reality it’s “socialism” (public control – not ownership – of economic activity). Combined with the cultural leftism that is resplendent in urban public policies, a noxious brew of codes and mandates is offered up that is not conducive to healthy living.

Here is one mother’s account of what has happened to her beloved Portland.

Signs at a protest against racial inequality and police violence in Portland, Ore., July 30, 2020. (Caitlin Ochs/Reuters)

It’s better to put a face and life (and lives) to the great migration. Her rendition of the situation indicates that the problem is much broader and lies much deeper than a particular set of city councilmen or mayors. Granted, local elections aren’t attention-getters and turnout is low, but the majority who does show up at the polls is remarkably, consistently, and militantly of the left down to their personal values. These are popularly-elected governments. And as a result, the tolerance of the Sermon on the Mount has been turned into open and pervasive hostility for the few remaining holdouts of tradition.

“Joanna” in the article describes the stance of her liberal/left neighbors change from friendliness to sneers and bitterness for her support of Republicans and Trump. 2016 was a watershed in her mind. Everything went south as many residents on her street became surly after the rest of the country seemingly rejected their vision of the better world. To borrow a woke term, many urban denizens were “triggered” by the folks in flyover country actually voting their interests and values.

Trump sign vandalized in Eastern Shore, Md., Juyly 4, 2020.

The scene, in my mind, must have been reminiscent of Bolshevik agents in the 1920’s and 30’s stoking hatred among peasants for the ones who happen to be a little better off. Only in this case it isn’t Central Committee operatives doing the dirty work. Minds have been shaped for years in the fashionable media-saturated existence of our urban complexes and too much formal public education without wisdom. Portland has been a basket case for years, and the rest have been teetering on the edge of oblivion for quite some time.

The Great Skedaddle II, ironically, is now starting to include more than the few remaining Republican holdouts in our metroplexes. As one pundit (a Democrat) put it, law-abiding Democrats are joining the caravans. Even they can’t stomach the consequences of their beliefs.

Take a look at the interview.


An Indomitable Spirit

Li Zhensheng at the time of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

We are experiencing a collective amnesia. As the Democratic Party descends further into a mania for a collectivistic dystopia, reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and as the movement’s younger zealots deface the public square and intimidate alternative voices, our country seems adrift on what to make of it all, having forgotten or never been informed that history is rhyming, as Mark Twain would have put it.

It takes monumental courage to persevere in the face of brutalities from the mob, like the ones currently pillaging our public squares. There are a few such people who deserve our everlasting praise for their stand for decency. One such person was Li Zhensheng, the sometimes covert photographer of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, who passed away June 23 of this year in Queens. He gave voice to millions of voiceless victims who, without him, would have remained nameless and unknown abstractions.

He showed in good resolution what a crowd of mostly young and indoctrinated zealots can mutilate in the name of their narrow, close-minded cause. Thank you, Li Zhensheng, for reminding us of the danger posed by street-thugs-with-a-cause.

The Cultural Revolution poster says it all: “Destroy the old!”

Please view the photographs with an eye for their resemblance to what is happening today in places as diverse as our Senate Judiciary Committee during the orchestrated sliming of Brett Kavanaugh to the streets of Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC, and beyond. Today’s mobs take no second place for wanton depravity.

Beatings and public humiliations. Sound familiar?
Youthful zealots. Look familiar?
Image may contain: 12 people, crowd and outdoor
Youthful zealots. Look familiar?
Image may contain: 1 person, shoes
Public beatings and humiliations. Look familiar?
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor
Assault, battery, and humiliation. Remind you of anything on the streets of Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, NYC, etc.?
Image may contain: one or more people and people standing
More of the same, like more of the same on our urban streets.
Image may contain: one or more people, people on stage, people standing and crowd
More of the same.
Image may contain: 3 people, crowd and outdoor
Pity the victim who falls to the mob.
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing, child and outdoor
More beatings and public humiliations. Welcome to the world of BLM and Antifa. The scope of their vision is totalitarian.
Image may contain: 2 people
More of the same. I could flood the zone with Li’s photographs, every one a precursor of our current and thuggish street theater.


Another Casualty

Jamaal Bowman (l) and Eliot Engel

Our left-leaning media, hot for any evidence of disenchantment with Trump by their blatant showcasing of anti-Trump groups like the Lincoln Project, missed, or simply ignored, the even more eventful sea change in the Democratic Party. In the July 7 Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District, Jamaal Bowman defeated Eliot Engel, a three-decade veteran of Congress.

An old-style liberal of the JFK stripe, Engel faced a socialist – which is a more truthful word for radical progressive – in the person of Bowman, and lost. The Party is stampeding left, pulling the old party war horses along with them, and nary a word from the media about this coup d’tat. Now, this is a party more at home with Marx than James Madison — when they aren’t busy concocting excuses for toppling his statue.

Oh how 15 years can make a big difference. In a 2005 interview, Engel said the despicable (despicable to the ears of the Squad and BLM), “We, as a country, aren’t perfect. We’re all human, we all make mistakes. But I think our vision—what we want to share, what can be taken from our experience—is overwhelmingly positive. I don’t agree with the Blame America crowd.” Sounds about right to me; however, today, those words are more likely to only come out of the mouths of Republicans. Today’s Democrats are fire-breathing advocates for the construction of their soviet.

Like Trump or no, him and his party are opposed by a socialist revolutionary party. That is the pertinent fact on the ground.


Fraud By Mail

I was watching Fox News this morning as I was making breakfast for my family and, low and behold, there was a piece on the controversy of mail-in balloting. They poo-poohed the concern about the potential fraud in massive postal voting. The whole report was a crock.

They narrowly focused on malfeasance once the ballots get to the county clerk, trumpeting all the checks in place there to prevent it. That’s NOT the real threat! Come on! The problem lies at the other end of the process: the ballots arriving at the homes.

Let me lay it out for our journos: we are seeing the end of the Australian ballot – i.e., the secret ballot. What’s that? It’s how we vote: go to a polling place, receive a ballot, and then vote in a booth. No one knows how you voted and no one can intimidate you into voting a particular way. Say goodbye to it.

Mail-in voting murders the freedom of the person to vote their conscience. Tens of ballots can arrive at a residence and plopped on the kitchen table … and who knows who’s filling them out. Do you really think that a signature underneath a perjury statement matters? Get real.

Anybody who has performed canvassing with voter registration rolls (they’re public documents by the way) will notice the single residence with 5, 6, or 8 registrations. What’s to stop one person voting 8 times? Answer: NOTHING!

Our media is a fount of ignorant reporting. No wonder opinion polls favor the monstrosity. The public isn’t informed of the ways that widespread voting-by-mail can produce one huge scam.
