In the midst of the frenzied jihad against the mythical monster of white racism with its unrestrained attacks and accusatory belittlements, there are those who’ve maintained an even keel. One such person is Monty Williams, head coach of the Phoenix Suns. His decency is a beacon in these troubled times.
In this year’s NBA finals, the Suns lost to the Milwaukee Bucks but Williams strove over to the Bucks’ locker room minutes after the final buzzer and court celebrations to say, “I just wanted to come and congratulate you guys, as a man, as a coach. You guys deserved it, and I am thankful for the experience.”
To get an even fuller measure of the man, in 2016 he performed the eulogy for his wife who was killed in a car crash by a man driving the other car probably high on meth. Widowed with 5 children, in tear-choked words, he said,
“Everybody is praying for me and my family, and that is right, but let us not forget that there were two people in this situation, and that family needs prayer as well. And we have no ill will toward that family. In my house, we have a sign that says, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ We cannot serve the Lord if we don’t have a heart of forgiveness.
“That family didn’t wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard. Life is very hard. And that was tough. But we hold no ill will towards the Donaldson family. And we, as a group, united, should be praying for that family, because they grieve as well.”
What an inspiration. God bless him. We are in desperate need of more people like him.