A New Grassroots Movement to Combat the New Racism

Please watch this CBN report on the growing Loudon County, Va., parents’ protest.

CRT is the new racism and destroys any conception of timeless truths, like “all men are created equal”. In the Christian tradition, all souls are equal. Critical race theory and its grandpa, critical theory, seeks to erase these sacred truths from public memory and replace them with Marx’s dialectic with race, not class, as the catalyst.

L-R of Karl Marx: Elijah Muhammed, Nation of Islam; Derrick Bell, Critical Legal Studies theorist; James H. Cone, exponent of Black Liberation Theology.

Protect your kids from it. Challenge it at your school, school board, and take it to the state capitol. But first, know what it is so you can’t be bowled over by dimwitted teacher union mouthpieces and the far-too-numerous lefty educrats. Here’s where you go to get armored up to protect your kids and schools: https://heritageaction.com/crtbook.

Heritage Action will give you the goods on CRT so that you’ll know more than AFT president Randi Weingarden and NEA head honcho Becky Pringle. Don’t let them intimidate you with the charge of “racist” so they have a free hand to indoctrinate your kids in warmed-over Marxism.

Get Heritage Action’s e-booklet and go get ’em.


