1986 became the pivotal year when American universities began the process of turning American’s young people into illiterates of their own national and cultural inheritance. It was the year when political entrepreneurs like Jesse Jackson arrived on the Stanford University campus to chant “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Culture’s got to go.” Their target was instruction in the western way of life, the cultural legacy of advanced science, personal liberty, intellectual enlightenment, Judeo-Christian spirituality, economic prosperity, and popular sovereignty. Jackson and his student audience demanded to chuck it all.
The 1980’s core requirement of a multi-quarter Western Culture curriculum for all students had replaced Western Civilization after the uproar against western civilization by 1960’s left radicals. Shortly after Jackson’s appearance on campus, anything exclusively western would be expunged as a universal core requirement. Eventually, the Stanford faculty senate replaced Western Culture with the nebulous Cultures, Ideas, and Values. The signal for the ostracization of western civilization has since permeated everywhere down to the instruction given to the kindergartners of today. Don’t dare place a mic before a college senior on spring break to describe the Constitution’s three branches of government. You’ll get jibberish.
And look at what replaced it, for something did. Nature hates a vacuum and so does the mind. In crept a neo-Marxist self-loathing. On the heels of the incessant assault on western culture and history came the full-throated “Rectification” program of the 2000’s that mirrors what Mao did in China, which started in Moa’s remote base of Ya’nan, Shaanxi province, in the 1940’s, and was called the Ya’ana Rectification Campaign. It was a ghastly campaign that slaughtered an estimated 10,000 people before Mao was done. It was Moa’s megalomania on parade. Of interest here isn’t the bloodthirsty escapades, even though that’s bad enough. It’s his methods of inculcating the incipient Marxist/Maoist mush.
The isolation of groups by identity, the “struggle sessions”, the bizarre confessions, the identification of abstract enemies, the pounding indoctrination, and the denunciations goes beyond thought control and right into emotion control. It’s sickening, and it’s replicated today. Mao’s target at the time was the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but for today’s revolutionaries, the entire society is the target. Don’t worry, Mao got there quick enough.
Under the labels of “CRT”, “Critical Theory”, “Anti-racism Training”, “Understanding White Privilege”, etc., our modern revolutionary theorists are treating the minds of Americans up and down the social pyramid from classrooms to corporate boardrooms as clay. Employees are subjected to Anti-racism training, essentially the works of revolutionary theorists such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin Deangelo. The kiddies in their classrooms go through lessons that heap shame on them for their “whiteness”, and doubly so if they happen to be male. The shaming of “heteronormativity” knows no bounds. The victimology is relentless. Watch as your kids know more about Belgian colonialism in the Congo than they do about the American founding or the Protestant Reformation. How can young minds withstand the withering assault?
I say that they don’t. They are befuddled as they are made ignorant of the West’s great gift of the probing mind that has ballooned the food supply, pulled millions out of living in the dirt, expanded the frontiers of medicine, pushed back disease, spread freedom of conscience, etc. Software engineers’ “rectified” minds are as toxic to that legacy as anything described in Orwell’s “1984” or Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon”.
They have succeeded in importing Mao into America. We are having our own Cultural Revolution and it will end in the same place: stunted minds and stunted lives.
*The 1980’s abandonment of Western Civ at Stanford University: https://stanfordreview.org/the-case-for-a-western-civilization-requirement-at-stanford/
*The debate between Donald Kennedy, president of Stanford University, and William Bennett, Secretary of Education in 1988: https://archives.stanforddaily.com/1988/04/20?page=1