Are We Getting Stupider?

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Students taking the ACT

Could be, I don’t know.  We fellow Boomers weren’t so smart.  We rebelled against self-restraint and got a world without self-restraint.  Now, a pleasant afternoon stroll in Denver or New York City will be through a smokey haze of people lighting up blunts amid the staccato bursts of drive-bys.

You can’t say that the times are the best for kids.  If we aren’t pummeling their future prospects with eco-nuttery and $31 trillion of debt, we are destroying their mental capacities under a barrage of toxic neo-Marxism and a campaign to turn teenage emotional instability into gender dysphoric mutilations.  Not only that, with all the cultural poison at their I-phone fingertips, we suffocate their leaning behind masks, plexiglass, social distancing and an end to in-person instruction under the threat of teacher union die-hards.  The results?  This is the most anti-child era in living memory, if not all time, and I haven’t got to the zealous push to abort them from conception to just before the slap on the back side after exiting the birth canal. Maybe after that too.  A few data points are illustrative.

Item #1: ACT Scores dropped to their lowest level in 30 years.  The ACT is a snapshot of the mental astuteness of this year’s incoming college freshman class.  The shamings, lockdowns, school closures, and kids living their lives in the glow of flat video screens have produced one of the most ill-prepared incoming classes of matriculants.  We did it to them under the pseudo-claims of “follow the science” and “experts”.  Progressivism’s blind faith in a professional-but-politicized class of bureaucrats led us straight into a dark hole, and an even darker and deeper one for our kids.

And once they get to the ivy-covered walls of state U, more stupidity awaits them.  Look at what our isolated hyper-wealthy in the isolation of their hyper-wealthy foundations consider “genius”, a “genius” that will flush through the lecture halls.  Item #2: the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation released this year’s 25 winners of their no-strings-attached “genius” cash awards ($800,000).  They’re left-wing activists.  They’re “geniuses” because of it.  Really.  I don’t know of any veterans of the Young Americans for Freedom or Federalist Society getting the phone call.

The winners check all the preferred boxes of today’s race/gender neurotics.  Two-thirds are women and 19 of the 25 were recruited from the so-called “marginalized”, all of the approved biases.  No Candice Owens or Winsome Sears (Virginia lt. gov.) types were obviously considered.  Somewhere, among the sanctified, you might find someone of the wrong genitalia and melanin count but still certainly, along with the rest, of the right ideological orientation.

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Patrisse Colours, Black Lives Matter co-founder and the picture of “intersectionality”, Black/female/Gay.

Patronizing mediocre artists (Amanda Williams) and a chattering class of whiners (Kiese Laymon, etc.) with the title of “genius” will degrade it like “real estate agent” after the collapse and serial fraud in the Florida Land boom in 1926.  “Genius” was applied to Reuben Jonathan Miller, U. of Chicago prof and peddler of the “mass incarceration” nonsense.  The crusade against “mass incarceration” means “mass decarceration” and is turning many of our neighborhoods into war zones.  Thanks “genius”.  How many more vapid treatments of anything “indigenous” do we need?  Robin Kimmerer serves up another one in “Braiding Sweetgrass”.  The more-in-tune-with-nature schtick is an attack on air conditioning, the family mini-van, and the single-family home.  This stuff is as old as the hippie commune and is as equally bankrupt.  And this makes her a “genius”?  The WaPo reporter tried to buck up Kimmerer’s status by writing that her book “has gone from surprise hit to juggernaut bestseller”.  No, only if “juggernaut” is 4,474 in Amazon’s rankings (paperback, 1,504 in Kindle, 3,313 in hardcover).

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See the source image
Robin Kimmerer

Are these our educational influencers?  These are only geniuses among people who are gullible enough to believe it.  As a teacher of 30 years and annually exposed to the blatherings of credentialed activists telling us how to teach, I’ve watched them wilt under even mild cross examination.  The phrase “empty suit” was tailored for this type.  Yes, they’re empty suits but now they’re also rich “geniuses”.  As for the kids, they’re languishing.

Watch Kmele Foster’s excellent observations on the decline in ACT scores, but don’t expect an $800,000 “genius” award for him coming from the MacArthurs.  Use the link below.


Read more here:

* “ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest in 30 Years Following School Closures”, Cheyanne Mumphrey, RealClear Politics, 10/13/2022, at .

* “Meet the new MacArthur ‘genius grant’ winners”, Karen Heller, Washington Post, 10/12/2022, at .


Read more here:

* “ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest in 30 Years Following School Closures”, Cheyanne Mumphrey, RealClear Politics, 10/13/2022, at .

* “Meet the new MacArthur ‘genius grant’ winners”, Karen Heller, Washington Post, 10/12/2022, at .

