A blog in defense of western civilization by Roger Graf
Author: RogerG
I am a retired teacher and coach, Social Science Department chairman, community college instructor in Physical and Human Geography. I have attended 4 colleges with relevant degrees and certificates in History, Religious Studies/Philosophy, Education, and Planning and Community Development. I am also a 3rd generation native Californian, now refugee living in northwest Montana.
We are sorting each other out; however, events have accelerated the process, like the coddling of violent anarchists by woke metropolitan governing establishments. Moving vans have been pulling out of California for decades, and now the itch to relocate has spread up and down the Pacific coast from Seattle to San Diego. The driving force, unbeknownst to urban politicos, is something that they like to call “progressivism”, but in reality it’s “socialism” (public control – not ownership – of economic activity). Combined with the cultural leftism that is resplendent in urban public policies, a noxious brew of codes and mandates is offered up that is not conducive to healthy living.
Here is one mother’s account of what has happened to her beloved Portland.
It’s better to put a face and life (and lives) to the great migration. Her rendition of the situation indicates that the problem is much broader and lies much deeper than a particular set of city councilmen or mayors. Granted, local elections aren’t attention-getters and turnout is low, but the majority who does show up at the polls is remarkably, consistently, and militantly of the left down to their personal values. These are popularly-elected governments. And as a result, the tolerance of the Sermon on the Mount has been turned into open and pervasive hostility for the few remaining holdouts of tradition.
“Joanna” in the article describes the stance of her liberal/left neighbors change from friendliness to sneers and bitterness for her support of Republicans and Trump. 2016 was a watershed in her mind. Everything went south as many residents on her street became surly after the rest of the country seemingly rejected their vision of the better world. To borrow a woke term, many urban denizens were “triggered” by the folks in flyover country actually voting their interests and values.
The scene, in my mind, must have been reminiscent of Bolshevik agents in the 1920’s and 30’s stoking hatred among peasants for the ones who happen to be a little better off. Only in this case it isn’t Central Committee operatives doing the dirty work. Minds have been shaped for years in the fashionable media-saturated existence of our urban complexes and too much formal public education without wisdom. Portland has been a basket case for years, and the rest have been teetering on the edge of oblivion for quite some time.
The Great Skedaddle II, ironically, is now starting to include more than the few remaining Republican holdouts in our metroplexes. As one pundit (a Democrat) put it, law-abiding Democrats are joining the caravans. Even they can’t stomach the consequences of their beliefs.
We are experiencing a collective amnesia. As the Democratic Party descends further into a mania for a collectivistic dystopia, reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and as the movement’s younger zealots deface the public square and intimidate alternative voices, our country seems adrift on what to make of it all, having forgotten or never been informed that history is rhyming, as Mark Twain would have put it.
It takes monumental courage to persevere in the face of brutalities from the mob, like the ones currently pillaging our public squares. There are a few such people who deserve our everlasting praise for their stand for decency. One such person was Li Zhensheng, the sometimes covert photographer of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, who passed away June 23 of this year in Queens. He gave voice to millions of voiceless victims who, without him, would have remained nameless and unknown abstractions.
He showed in good resolution what a crowd of mostly young and indoctrinated zealots can mutilate in the name of their narrow, close-minded cause. Thank you, Li Zhensheng, for reminding us of the danger posed by street-thugs-with-a-cause.
Please view the photographs with an eye for their resemblance to what is happening today in places as diverse as our Senate Judiciary Committee during the orchestrated sliming of Brett Kavanaugh to the streets of Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC, and beyond. Today’s mobs take no second place for wanton depravity.
Our left-leaning media, hot for any evidence of disenchantment with Trump by their blatant showcasing of anti-Trump groups like the Lincoln Project, missed, or simply ignored, the even more eventful sea change in the Democratic Party. In the July 7 Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District, Jamaal Bowman defeated Eliot Engel, a three-decade veteran of Congress.
An old-style liberal of the JFK stripe, Engel faced a socialist – which is a more truthful word for radical progressive – in the person of Bowman, and lost. The Party is stampeding left, pulling the old party war horses along with them, and nary a word from the media about this coup d’tat. Now, this is a party more at home with Marx than James Madison — when they aren’t busy concocting excuses for toppling his statue.
Oh how 15 years can make a big difference. In a 2005 interview, Engel said the despicable (despicable to the ears of the Squad and BLM), “We, as a country, aren’t perfect. We’re all human, we all make mistakes. But I think our vision—what we want to share, what can be taken from our experience—is overwhelmingly positive. I don’t agree with the Blame America crowd.” Sounds about right to me; however, today, those words are more likely to only come out of the mouths of Republicans. Today’s Democrats are fire-breathing advocates for the construction of their soviet.
Like Trump or no, him and his party are opposed by a socialist revolutionary party. That is the pertinent fact on the ground.
I was watching Fox News this morning as I was making breakfast for my family and, low and behold, there was a piece on the controversy of mail-in balloting. They poo-poohed the concern about the potential fraud in massive postal voting. The whole report was a crock.
They narrowly focused on malfeasance once the ballots get to the county clerk, trumpeting all the checks in place there to prevent it. That’s NOT the real threat! Come on! The problem lies at the other end of the process: the ballots arriving at the homes.
Let me lay it out for our journos: we are seeing the end of the Australian ballot – i.e., the secret ballot. What’s that? It’s how we vote: go to a polling place, receive a ballot, and then vote in a booth. No one knows how you voted and no one can intimidate you into voting a particular way. Say goodbye to it.
Mail-in voting murders the freedom of the person to vote their conscience. Tens of ballots can arrive at a residence and plopped on the kitchen table … and who knows who’s filling them out. Do you really think that a signature underneath a perjury statement matters? Get real.
Anybody who has performed canvassing with voter registration rolls (they’re public documents by the way) will notice the single residence with 5, 6, or 8 registrations. What’s to stop one person voting 8 times? Answer: NOTHING!
Our media is a fount of ignorant reporting. No wonder opinion polls favor the monstrosity. The public isn’t informed of the ways that widespread voting-by-mail can produce one huge scam.
Please read the interview between National Review’s Michael Brandon Dougherty (a man of the right) and Michael Tracey ( a left-leaning independent journalist) found here.
What you have been reading and viewing in mainstream media about our current urban disorders is a sham. It is the duty of the responsible citizen to ferret out fact from fiction, there being much to filter and uncover. The needs of our current moment require something more than quips on Facebook.
A party line was evident since the disturbances first erupted in our cities a couple of months ago. The Democratic Party line is to characterize the events as “peaceful protests”, with emphasis on “peaceful”. Jerry Nadler (D, NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, went so far as to characterize contrary reports of violence as a “myth that’s being spread only in Washington DC.” The word “peaceful” is ubiquitously attached to “protest” in Dem Party circles and throughout much of our biased legacy media: CNN, MSNBC, the networks, and big city urban dailies like the NYT and WaPo. But is it true?
No, no, no! Tracey went across the country reporting on the events. He didn’t find “peaceful protests”. He discovered something that can only be described as an insurrection. While ostensibly the “protests” started as an outcry against racism, at the tip of the spear were white middle-class urban twenty-somethings, and the victims were overwhelmingly minorities, many black. Far from there being only marches and speeches, Tracey discovered a bombed-out, boarded-up, and vandalized urban landscape stretching for blocks, a hulking mass of dystopia.
Portland he describes as “unique”. It has been in a permanent state rebellion for years. So, why are the Democrats so keen on hiding the truth about Portland, et al? One answer: politics! Since the election of Trump, the “Resistance” became the “Movement”, not that there’s much difference between the two. The “Movement” encompasses more than the armed militia of the Democratic Party on the streets of Portland – BLM, Antifa, and other muscular utopians – but also the cores of our major cultural institutions. Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s account of Russia at the dawn of revolution depicts a similar malign disorientation. The threat is real and broad based.
We are facing a real revolutionary march down the well-traveled road of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror and the Bolshevik’s Red Terror. This will not end in a pretty place if allowed to fester and grow. The American people will have to steel themselves against an onslaught of misinformation meant to advance a huge totalitarian-like power grab. So, please read.
From the politicization of science to further a centrally planned future in grand schemes like the Green New Deal to the New York Times’s “The 1619 Project” refashioning of our self-identity as a nation to fit the leftists’ prefabricated, all-purpose explanation for western civilization and America, we are getting very close to the Khmer Rouge’s Year Zero as frighteningly displayed in 1984’s “The Killings Fields”. Maybe you have heard of Democratic Party politicians (most recently at the Barr hearings before the House Judiciary Committee) and left wing activist academics claiming that you are a racist because of the race of your supporting staff or for making the simple truism that all lives matter. We have seen pastors leading their congregations in groveling acts of submission or confession of sins for which there is no sinful act. In fact, your melanin count alone is enough to condemn you. The radical dogma has penetrated the universities, teacher colleges, your child’s classroom, and Big Sports. It’s everywhere.
It’s an eerie world, and it’s descending on us very rapidly. The Democratic Party is the revolutionary party for this new totalitarianism. The revolution isn’t solely on the streets of Portland, et al. It’s appearing on your ballot in November 2020.
The Killing Fields clip below was one of a few that I would use in my World History class to introduce students to the real nature of 20th century totalitarianism. Of particular note is the dismantlement of the family in the camp’s school scene. A signature doctrine of BLM also belonged to the Khmer Rouge. Key to constructing the utopia is mind control (the radicalized curriculums) and supplanting memory (statue toppling and the imposition of their “History”) in order to mold the minds of the people so they will better fit into their new world order. Please watch the minute and a half clip for it could be in your and your children’s future.
I was a teachers union local president. I know what teachers unions are all about. They are about maximizing rewards for their members, not students, as they push lefty curriculum. Circa 2020, they want to keep the schools closed, their full pay for “distance” instruction, with as few work hours as possible, and no accountability. Plus, plus, this from the microphone of incoming United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) president, Cecily Myart-Cruz: they are all-in for defunding police, the district’s campus police that is. UTLA is a combination of CHAZ (of Seattle fame) and La Costra Nostra. Give them what they want or they will extort the education of your children.
The prospect of more loosey-goosey “distance” learning is driving more parents to abandon the public schools. Some are turning to self-help by forming learning pods for their children. They might even learn that they don’t need Myart-Cruz and her UTLA cohorts.
When schools reopen, and they will have to reopen – probably after the Biden/AOC regime wins the White House – these teachers might wake up to fewer kids in the classroom. With budgets crimped by the lockdowns, and ADA numbers falling, many of those teachers in the photo might be looking for barista jobs. My guess: math and economics won’t show up in the college transcripts of the pink-slipped.
UTLA, CTA, and NEA are to the education industry what the UAW was to the American auto industry by the end of the 20th century. Sometimes, poison is self-administered.
One thing that I told my sons when they were younger was that the adolescent’s lack of self-control and impulsive judgment when possessed by an adult can lead to a life in and out of the criminal justice system. Now fuel that impetuousness with an enthusiasm for new ideas that aren’t new. Many of the notions have deeply troubled histories, unbeknownst to the excited zealot. So, pile ignorance on top of rashness. Now we have quite the noxious brew of a personality. Have I accurately described the malicious clowns laying waste to the city centers around the country?
Maybe add pampered to the list of personality traits of the miscreants who are pillaging our public squares. Here’s the cartoonist Michael Ramirez’s succinct portrayal that does a better job in making the point.
This is something to drive our steel pipe, hand laser, and match wielding rioter/protester into shrieks of hysterical comparisons with the Wehrmacht conquest of Europe … for the halfwit semi-literate on our college campuses capable of making the comparison. In July of 1861, Union forces in their first major confrontation with Southern troops fled in a panic from the battlefield on Bull Run Creek all the way back to Washington, DC. It was called The Great Skedaddle. A similar Skedaddle is taking place as many are fleeing the violence and totalitarianism on the west coast for the safer environs of the mountain time zone.
The evidence of it is all around, especially if you live in the epicenter of the destination of the teeming hordes, as I do. My sons are trying to buy a house in our corner of the country and are facing a feverish market. Real estate agents, based on the statements of buyers, say it’s due to the rampaging disorder and totalitarian shutdowns throughout the Pacific time zone. Yes, low interest rates play a role, but they say that an unusually high spike is occurring right now. It seems that freedom and safety have a quality all their own.
The prevalence of the totalitarian shutdowns is indeed taking a toll. Many in the market say that the shutdowns and particularly the school closings have lasted way too long. The prospect of their kids falling further behind by the mandated “distance learning” is intolerable. In contrast, Hellgate School District in the Missoula area has announced a full-open of 5-day in-person instruction in the fall, with an in-home option. Try that in California as sunshine state dwellers face the opposition of the teacher and public employee unions and the trendy and despotic cultural leftism in Sacramento. Good luck with that.
Many have mentioned the blue/red divide in the country. Me too. We are sorting each other out by belief and geography. But its more than that now. The current atmosphere has taken on the character of a panicked flight for safety. The more accurate dichotomy might be blue/sanctuary (by “sanctuary” I don’t mean the silly boilerplate used to disguise the effort to nullify federal immigration law). More and more people see the pyrotechnics, beatings, shootings, shuttered businesses, and empty schools as a Mad Max movie set that they happen to live in. So, for many, off to the next time zone over.
As a refugee myself, I understand. I have a greater appreciation for the predicament of the Sonoran resident fleeing the cartels. And, now, so do the nervous denizens of Seattle-to-LA. Welcome to The Great Skedaddle II.
People wonder where we got the screaming college students who demand the immediate surrender to their opinions by everyone. People also might wonder where we got the roaming gangs of radical left twenty-somethings who claim the wisdom to pass judgment on centuries-old personages not advantaged from sitting at the feet of narrowly doctrinaire professors like they did. Seldom can it be said that fanatics are born. They are bred in the culture, family, and schools. Probably, the first two set the stage for the influence of the third.
Then these twisted minds filter out into corporate boardrooms, the professions, media, and teaching positions to perpetuate the cycle. I was reminded of the phenomena after reading a back issue of National Geographic Magazine from December 2018.
After the first four articles, I began to wonder whether I was reading “Mother Jones Magazine” under another title. They amounted to a single op-ed for bigger-getting-bigger government of the international variety, of cultural left agitprop, socialist redistribution, and the lionization of a once honorable activist who descended into rank partisanship (John Lewis, D, Md.). The National Geographic Society has been absorbed into collectivism’s Borg.
One common technique in the arsenal of today’s Left is “branding”. Subsuming totalitarianism under a catchy phrase – or “brand” – frequently does the trick. For example, the conservative-looking President and CEO of the National Geographic Society, Tracy Wolstencroft, opined on the need for a “Planet in Balance”. What does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means: it means Control, control of the mind and everything else through government power.
It’s the same old ploy first pushed by Stanford’s great gift to the cause, Paul Ehrlich and his “The Population Bomb”. First Ehrlich postulates X number of people and Y number of resources and, voilà, we have disaster – unless we adopt Ehrlich’s tome to replace the Bible, erect a plethora of government carrots and sticks, and implement mammoth brainwashing in the schools-turned-reeducation-camps.
Wolstencroft goes through the trite litany of the usual suspects of overpopulation, apocalyptic climate change, and no more tigers, et al, and we arrive at the all-too-familiar ground of environmental totalitarianism. His unacknowledged eco-socialism, like all socialisms, has an alluring fetish for eco-totalitarianism. Of course, Wolstencroft’s gazillions earned in the securities industry will insulate him from the consequences of his beliefs while everyone else enters the new normal of personal malaise common to all socialisms. His kids will be okay; as for everyone else’s …?
Following Wolstencrofts’ sermon was chief editor Susan Goldberg’s softball interview of John Lewis in a piece titled “We Can Lay Down the Burden of Race”. Au contraire, Lewis can hardly put it down. He has spent a lifetime in the fever swamps of race politics. For Lewis, it’s Jim Crow and 1955 Montgomery, Alabama, forever.
He makes much of the Charlottesville “riot” (2017) but was dismissive of the rioting and looting in Ferguson, Mo., (2014). He called for an end to the violence in Minneapolis (2020), to his credit, but couldn’t avoid the society-wide “justice denied” mantra for which he clung till his last breath. He didn’t seem too concerned for the rights of property owners (black or white), the right to self-defense (black or white), the right to equal protection for Asians and “whites” in college admissions, while advancing the cause of other nations’ citizens who happen to be in our country in violation of our laws: an odd stance for someone who claimed to be a stalwart of justice for African-Americans as he ironically pushed the interests of another group (the “undocumented”) to the detriment of his own.
He just couldn’t let go of the race thing when he said, “… the scars and stings of racism are still deeply embedded in our society ….” He never wanted to get rid of it and kept moving the goal posts to retain its usefulness as a whipping boy. He’s like Christopher Reeves who couldn’t shed the stereotype of Superman. Lewis rose to fame fighting Jim Crow and he would forever claim its presence, even when the nation did all it could to eradicate it. Unlike Reeves, though, Lewis reveled in his race-baiting persona and rode it to fame and a career in politics.
There was no pushback by our stalwart (?) member of the fourth estate, Susan Goldberg.
The socialism line was front and center in the next piece on the Inupiat people of Alaska. A frequently repeated angle in the story was the tendency of the glorious Inupiat people to equally share the proceeds of the glorious hunt. All well and good for a small tribe wishing to remain the same, except they weren’t … remaining the same, that is. These folks weren’t wearing animal skins and possessed weapons and tools that didn’t come from the bones of the bowhead whale, the tools and weapons of choice for their ancestors. The outfit of an Inupiat hunter pictured in the article belied the impression of an indigenous people at one with nature. The rifle slung over the shoulder came from one of those factories belching pollution and exploiting hundreds of wage slaves in a scheme to bilk unearned profits from the masses, or so the young writer might have written if he wasn’t so enamored with patronizing another non-white colonized people (using the lingo of the “social justice warrior”).
To be honest, the depiction was one of manifest incongruency. Some association with capitalism must have its appeal for the brave Inupiat people. They seem to want a lot of our stuff. I would too if I was beset by a polar bear and had to resort to a sharpened piece of whale bone at the tip of a wooden shaft.
Wanting a lot of our stuff was one theme in the next excursion into a mind that tilts left. Who’d the editors choose to join the lineup? It was Jared Diamond, UCLA Geography prof and author of Guns, Germs, and Steel. He presented an incoherent piece of punditry that rambled through the 9/11 hijackers, ebola, social envy, and to his main point: inequality is the single biggest threat to harmony and the march to kumbaya (pidgin English for “Lord, come be here”).
Let’s take a timeout to unwrap the “inequality” thing. Definitions first. Don’t confuse “same” with “equality”. Things don’t have to be the “same” to be “equal”, and vice versa. It depends on your metric for both. If your measuring stick is quantity of wealth, as it seems to be for Diamond, he obviously means the equality in wealth and not a demand for people to be the same in all things as they pursue it. Diamond’s obsession is with “wealth”.
But is the inequality of it always and forever bad? Is it the principle cause of all bad things today? Color me skeptical. Inequality is found everywhere in nature. Why not with us? Everything from rocks to trees and from snakes to apes are not equal. Watch a herd of hippos and the dominant alpha male protect his harem. He’s got more than the rest of the male pachyderms. I’ve got a forest of pines on my property and none of them are equal. Some have obviously hogged more light. The only way for equality to exist is our forcible intervention to cultivate uniformity in a tree farm behind fences, something reminiscent of a gulag.
So with people. Individuals, tribes, groups, and societies vary in their accumulated wealth. I suppose that the riches could be resented if it was capriciously extracted by force. But what if it was sanctioned by time-honored custom? What if it was an outcome of some person’s natural affinity for acquiring it and having the freedom to pursue the natural affinity? Ditto for societies. Some possess an ethos that comports well with rising standards of living, and the acceptance of some having more, they being the catalyst for the wealth that unavoidably spreads to many, many others.
Got it? If not, read a little from Joseph Schumpeter.
Diamond can’t seem to grasp the naturalness of inequality. And he can’t grasp the fact that when you try to impose it, as in a tree farm, you never really get rid of it. You only changed the protocols for it. Instead of a Vanderbilt getting rich from providing a cheaper and more luxurious service to the public, the Bolsheviks created the grasping party and state apparatchik – the nomenklatura in Soviet-speak. If you want to talk about arbitrary, that’s arbitrary. The whole system is only possible if the state is the sole proprietor of the guns in the place – i.e., the police, secret and otherwise, and the armed forces (no posse comitatus laws here). Those unwilling to tolerate the scheme disappear or find themselves in the “tree farm”. Inequality oozes out despite their best efforts to eradicate it.
Nonetheless, Diamond charges forward into his diagnosis of our greatest sin: inequality. You see, in Diamond’s words, the 9/11 killers were born of “inequality” in his final analysis. You see, in Diamond’s words, the conduit for inequality is globalization. From the interconnectedness of globalization, we are supposed to get envy on the part of the non-white everywhere. And envy translates into resentment, and then he gets back to the terrorism thing. His whole schema is a binge of rambling incongruity.
Yes, Jared, ease of travel and communication makes it much easier to spread the hatred of America as the Great Satan and provide the opportunity for boxcutter-wielding fanatics to turn airliners into missiles. But what genuinely animated them? Was it really their anger at not possessing a house in the ‘burbs? If you listen to their words, they are bitter about Western decadence. Remember, these are the same people who throw homosexuals off of six-story buildings. They want a return to their seventh century. Diamond, go ahead, try to uncover their hidden motivations through Jungian projection. I’ll rely on their words.
The internet and diesel and fan turbines don’t make murderous zealots. People do that quite on their own. Who knows the origins of the world’s worst bad ideas? They have popped up since man first put stylus to clay. The last century and into our own was especially plagued by them. And some of them reside in the cranium of Jared Diamond. One could be Diamond’s infatuation with levelling. He won’t come out and say it but it’s all about international and national socialism. According to him, we must flood the zone – the zone being everywhere America’s upper and pampered middle-class are horrified – with dollars. Government-engineered Robin Hood is another way of saying “socialism”. Diamond is all into it.
But we’ve been doing it since the US first emerged as the numero uno economy at the dawn of the 20th century. After WWII, we jumped in with both feet with the Marshal Plan and endless foreign aid ever since. What has it earned us? We got the moniker of Great Satan and despots in poor countries peddling socialism as the path to power, and more inequality under their thumb. Redistribution, the go-to for the myopic like Diamond, hasn’t worked. It hasn’t even worked here with our own interminable War on Poverty. Is Diamond insane, following the well-known formula for its presence: repeating the same mistake but still expecting it to succeed?
The error will be repeated so long as there is a constituency for it. The more, the merrier. One way to inflate the fan base is to internationalize it. Marx saw the advantage: Workers of the world unite! Diamond has no more use for the nation than Marx. He invents an “evil” – inequality – and pushes on to internationalism. People like Diamond have an instinct for it and quickly move to empower unaccountable international authorities to take what didn’t work in America – a War on Poverty – and implant it in a UN commissariat without the slightest say-so from the people who had their money appropriated. Internationalization is essentially autocratic bureaucratization. For Diamond, he doesn’t get it. He’s still wallowing in the ether of the heady days of the First International (1864), the agglomeration of 19th century socialist pinheads. He’s there with our century’s edition of the silly trope.
After four articles, the pressure had built up in me to such an extent that I had to respond. This is what goes for as “mainstream”. Nothing can be further from the truth, unless the poison of the past has suddenly become broadly chic again. In that case, we’re back to broadly popular insanity. If that is true, we’re in more trouble than I thought.
National Geographic Society and its signature publication is part of the problem, not the solution.