A Bear in the California Woods

A LAUSD bus driver joins school workers at SEIU Local 99, which represents about 30,000 support workers, as they march at Marlton School in February 2018. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)

40 years as a one-party state has made California very vulnerable to bear markets, like the one that we’re experiencing right now.  Sometimes black swan events can come in the form of a virus and the effects move down the money digestive tract to the California taxpayer.  Watch out taxpayers, pensioners, younger government employees and the whole gamut of local governments.

There are two bears stalking the state.  One is the huge bond and pension indebtedness and the other is the public employee unions.  The second one gave birth to the first one.

A local newspaper headline announces bankruptcy in Stockton, California June 27, 2012. (REUTERS/Kevin Bartram)

Here’s the scenario.  Unsustainable defined-benefit public employee pensions – the most expensive to maintain, as opposed to the defined-contribution kind – requires a high rate of return to successfully service the payouts to retirees like my wife and I.  The coronavirus bear market has shattered the 7 percent rate of return to adequately fund CalPers, CalSTRS, and any others out there.  The pension bear was beget by the public employee union bear, the most powerful lobby in Sacramento.  Who’ll make up the loss?  If you said the taxpayer and lower-rung government employees, move to the front of the class.

The pension fund managers will go to the one-party state, which is housed in the state capital, to make ends meet.  These clowns will then try to bilk more out of the “rich”.  Already the top 1% of the state’s income earners account for 50% of the state income tax, which contributes 60-70% of the dough to the state’s coffers.  What’ll happen?  You guessed it: capital – meaning the “rich” – have already begun to flee to places like Incline Village just across the border in Nevada.  Others seek refuge further points east.  For a state that prides itself in its open heart for refugees, why is it so intense about making them?

Watch for how totalitarian taxation leads to totalitarianism.  The State Franchise Tax Board is already manning up to scowl the nation for what it considers its truant millionaires and billionaires.  We’ll see what the Supreme Court has to say about California’s attempt to fleece the new-found residents of other states.  Does a state have the power to enter another state – literally or digitally – and force that state’s residents to prove that they didn’t spend 6 months in the People’s Republic?

The next in line to the guillotine will be local governments.  To meet their pension obligations, they’ll have to layoff workers.  It’s highly unlikely that the state with one of the highest combined rates of taxation in the nation can squeeze any more out of local residents.  To pay the bill, they’ll have to raise the contributions from a shrunken workforce.

And what’ll happen to current retirees (like myself) whose retirement decisions were based on contractual obligations over a 30-year career?  I’m nervous for the bear in the woods.  Little did we know that Reagan’s 1984 commercial would have relevance beyond the Soviet threat.  Watch the 1984 ad below to get my point.

The situation is clearly laid bare in a podcast interview of state Senator John Moorlach (R., Costa Mesa) by Will Swaim of the California Policy Center.   You can listen to the discussion by clicking on Moorlach’s picture.

State Senator John Moorlach (R, Costa Mesa)


Panic in the Age of Trump

Walmart, Sandpoint, Id., paper goods isle on Sunday, 5/15/2020.

The photo (above) is of the paper goods isle of Walmart, Sandpoint, Id., on Sunday, 3/15/2020. A  young mother with a couple of kids in tow had 2 30-roll bricks of toilet paper in her cart, the only tp that I saw in the entire store.  Is this what modern-America panic looks like?

Shoppers at BJ’s Wholesale Club market at the Palisades Center mall in West Nyack, N.Y., March 14, 2020. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

On that same day, we rolled into a gas-‘n-stop for fuel and corn nuts.  A fellow customer waiting in line mentioned a wild rumor on social media that Trump is considering the closing of the interstates.  Panic, once again, in the age of Trump?

Our eyes and ears are saturated with “pandemic” and doctors on tv with warnings galore. Social interaction has become a dirty word.  It’s “coronavirus this” and “coronavirus that” everywhere we look.  Is America starting to resemble in thought and deed the America of the 1938 radio broadcast “War of the Worlds” by Orson Welles?

Are we, modern sophisticates, really so “above that”?  I doubt it in the age of Trump.  Trumpophobes see all external stimuli with real or imagined evil intent as emanating from Trump.  “Trump’s Katrina” is bandied about in the same manner as “abortion” and “control of her body” comes off the lips of Madonna.

Maybe what’s at work is something I call “vortex thinking”.  Most everything of consequence today goes down two vortices: Trump and climate change.  The Polar Vortex of a few years back, with its bone-chilling temps, was blamed on … global warming.  A tornado that passes through your backyard is pinned on … global warming.  Etc., etc.  Regarding Trump, anything that’s bad in your life is due to … Trump.  Everything that’s bad to anyone at any given time is placed at the feet of Trump.

George Will – no fan of Trump by any means – calls the phenomena “Caesaropapism”.  Our presidents are now accorded demigod status.  They are expected to control the tides in the manner of Persian king Xerxes flogging the Hellespont for destroying his pontoon bridge in the advance of his invasion of Greece in 480 BC.

Xerxes’s soldiers flogging the Hellespont.

Depending on the group of boosters, a president is saintly or evil incarnate. He or she is expected to be a master marionette controlling the actions of 330 million individuals.  Does “sophistication” now mean thinking like a 5-year-old?  Apparently so.

Right now, we are experiencing the first natural disaster to be pinned on the next-Republican-president-in-line.  Bush 41 was pasted with the rather mild recession of 1991-1992. Bush 43 had his hurricane.  Trump’s is COVID-19.

What separates a hurricane and a virus from an economic downturn is the fact that recessions are, indeed, man-caused.  They may occur due to a constellation of actions that were taken earlier in a president’s term, or, more likely, they erupt from the gestation of factors unleashed long before he took the oath.  Ditto for the good economic times.  For instance, back in 2008-9, the bills came due after many years of easy money and political pressures to extend mortgages to financially insecure people.  Obama rode it to the presidency.  Ironically, his wing of the Dem Party had a big role in setting up the dominoes.

Now we have the coronavirus.  Yeah, it’s unique … like all the previous strains were unique.  Sure, take all the practical mitigations available but remember, this thing, like the earlier ones, will have to run its course.  We have one thing going for us: we aren’t the Athens of 480 BC, or Constantinople of 541-542, or Europe of the mid-14th century.

The Triumph of Death by Pieter Bruegel, 1562, is a famous painting that relates to the Black Death of the 1340’s.

Please, get some perspective … and stop hoarding the toilet paper!


The Census Hustle

SACRAMENTO, CA – JULY 29: Secretary of State Alex Padilla is photographed in his office on Monday, July 29, 2019, in Sacramento, Calif. (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)

I’ll be a “census enumerator” for a couple of months to do my very small bit to prevent declining blue states – like California – from poaching a representative or two from the others.  Actually, the motive is more than altruism.  They’re paying me $17/hr plus mileage.  But the probable antics of the deteriorating coastal-corridor states to pilfer what rightly belongs to others got me off my duff to join the fray.

California is pouring $187 million – compared to $10 million in 2010 – to find and/or invent humans so as to inflate its count.  They’re even implementing a phone survey, not knowing who’s really on the other end and possibly doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the count from the other end of the line.  Homelessness is rampant so tallying those folks – when they may not be around next week, next month, next year, or even in the land of the living – will make for abundant opportunities for hanky-panky.  For the chief statewide Democrat ward healer, Sec. of State Alex Padilla, keeping the state’s congressional count at 53 is a matter of life and death.

The most commonly cited number for the flight of native Californians from the state over the past decade is about 400,000, nearly equal to the loss of one House seat.  Meanwhile, other and more deserving states (mostly red) have blossomed.  With foreign immigration declining (legal and illegal), the state can’t count on that source to makeup for the losses to red states like Texas and Florida.

Make no mistake about it, this is about the maintenance of raw, partisan political power.  Padilla put it quite succinctly: “If people [bodies – real or imaginary – in California] don’t participate in the census, Trump wins. If we are successful in counting every Californian, Trump loses.” Translation: Screw the Republicans!

You can read more about the hustle in an August 15, 2019, interview with Padilla in the San Jose Mercury News here.


Today’s Recommendation, a Documentary: “One Child Nation”

Showing on Amazon Prime is “One Child Nation”, a deeply disturbing excursion into the cruelties of Communist Chinese social engineering.  Social engineering is the sine qua non of communism.  An allegedly wise cadre of elite apparatchiks sit on top of a society and pronounce from the summit measures to bring about the better world, as they are totally uncaring and devoid of understanding of the unintended consequences.  And for Communist China, the one-child policy is replete with state-manufactured horrors.

Don’t expect the host/narrator to endorse the pro-life position, though.  She doesn’t, in a rather befuddling way.  She equates in a perfunctory fashion the grotesqueries of the Communist policy with US and our state governments’ actions to restrict abortion.  Both are nonsensically lumped together in her mind as government attempts to “control a woman’s body”.  Don’t let that dissuade you from seeing the film if you are pro-life.  There’s enough in it to soil the entire concept of abortion and the social engineering endemic to an assumed omni-competent state, the kind that would be erected by Bernie or Joe.  The two differ only in scale.

From 1979 to 2015, the CCP enforced a 1.0 birth rate on the whole country.  It was barbarous both in its implementation and results. In 2015, the potentates pulled another number out of their hat: 2.0.

Abortion weighs heavy in the story, along with forced sterilizations, the killing of babies who survived the procedure, and the lingering psychological scars from participation in the campaign.  The malefactors even received awards for their “service”.  One Chinese artist in the 1990’s was shocked into opposition when he discovered fetuses (or babies, depending on your preference) in yellow and green plastic bags marked with “Medical Waste” in garbage dumps and landfills.

The Chinese artist who discovered aborted fetuses in yellow bags in landfills. Also pictured are fetuses that he collected, suspended in formalin.

The demography of China became tilted toward males as the females were aborted or abandoned to die, all due to a Chinese cultural bias in favor of the males.  Older people many years later were in tears reminiscing on leaving a baby in a box alone in the countryside or street, fearful of the repercussions for exceeding the quota.  Abandonment supplied the wherewithal for an new international adoption industry, much of the proceeds lining the pockets of government apparatchiks.  What happens when an entire population of over a billion is so emotionally scarred?

Like it or not, the film doesn’t skirt the issue of the legitimacy of abortion very skillfully.  If Sen. Charles Schumer had seen the flick, he might not had been so enthusiastic in his threats to a couple of pro-life-leaning jurists.  What he and, ironically, the film’s host ignore is the first question at root in the dispute: Is the entity in the womb (and all of us were an “entity in the womb”) a human being?  If “yes”, euthanizing a prenatal baby is an act of killing.  No amount of a person’s “control of their body” can atone for the immorality.  If “no”, the fetus is the equivalent of a tumor.  The Chinese artist puts the “no” position in an awkward spot when he displays dead pre-natal babies suspended in jars of formalin.  They look like my two sons at their birth; only these are dead.

Sen. Charles Schumer at pro-choice rally outside the Supreme Court , March 4, 2020.

See the film, but ignore the self-contradictory commentary at a short juncture at the end.  Whether forced or not, the flick puts abortion in a bad light.  If you’re pro-choice, abortion shouldn’t be construed as a sacrament, as some hard-core activists screeched outside the Supreme Court.  Whether it’s legal or not, it’s still a horrible thing.  No mistake about it.


Socialism Without the “Socialism”

On Super Tuesday (yesterday), the Democratic Party may have stepped from the brink of a full-throated endorsement of truth-in-labeling.  Appearances matter a lot, and most Dem voters seemed appalled at appearing to fondle a cranky septuagenarian holdover from the days of Tom Hayden and the SDS.  They seem to want their socialism in an accumulation of smaller doses and without the “socialism” title.  Comrade Sanders scraped a few wins in hard-left bastions (read California) and lost in many other locales that turned out to be more hospitable to another doddering septuagenarian of the plodding socialism-lite wing.  A Super Tuesday vote for slow motion socialism?

When that great uncle, fresh from the dementia unit in a chronic care facility, becomes a party’s alternative to the ranting great uncle at Thanksgiving dinner, you know that the Dem bench is nearly empty.  They both are nuts: one literally so, and the other a lifetime believer in falsehoods.

One wants to replicate the carnage of a long-dead Swedish socialism, thinking that the adjective “democratic” makes it all better, while extolling the virtues of totalitarian health care and literacy campaigns for the purpose of mind control.  After all, Castro, Maduro, and Lenin can’t be all that bad … he says.

The other wants to dial back from “11” – to, let’s say, “9” – every one of the half-baked ideas to ooze out of the minds of the Squad and that good ol’ SDS crank.  Instead of a real Green New Deal, the other wants a lime-green one.  Instead of a full-on Medicare for All, he proposes a more haphazard government takeover but will, over time, eventually transform all health care workers into government employees.  As for any damaging fallout, well, another group of government employees will be hired to clean up the mess, ad infinitum.  Take each childish blathering of AOC and he will adopt it … but add a little water.

So, Dems, you have a choice between honest and damaging socialism and honest and damaging socialism-lite.  And while you’re at it, vote to make pre- and post-natal abortion, along with gun confiscation, a commonplace.  Both the honest fool and the demented one insist on it.  They only differ in the amount of lead on their throttle-pressing foot.


Frighteningly Familiar

Today’s movie recommendation: “The Rope” by Alfred Hitchcock, 1948, starring James Stewart.  Two well-to-do young men, fresh from their elite colleges, both considered smart with above average IQ’s, committed a murder because they thought themselves to be above morality.  Hitchcock probably got the idea from a famous 1924 murder case.  The script and the reality are eerily similar.

A scene from the movie with the James Stewart character between the killers.

The reality: On May 21, 1924, Richard Loeb (age 19) and Nathan Leopold (age 20) planned and executed the killing of 14-year-old Bobby Franks as he as walking home from school.  Loeb, the son of a millionaire Sears and Roebuck executive, and Leopold, the son of a millionaire founder of a box manufacturing company, would be legitimate Mensa Society members.  Leopold was a scholar of botany and ornithology, mastered 10 languages, and translated classics from their original Greek and Latin.  Loeb was the youngest graduate, at age 17, of the University of Michigan in 1921.  They would reunite in a couple of years for their ultimate and horrifying stick-it-to-the-man caper.

Nathan Leopold (l) and Richard Loeb at their trial. Their kinship for each other developed into a sexual relationship.
Bobby Franks, age 14, shortly before his murder.

Both were fascinated with the philosophical writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, in an extremely garbled fashion.  They were attracted to Nietzsche’s notion of the rise of “supermen” after he predicted the fall of traditional institutions and norms, an idea that resonated with both National Socialists and the Bolsheviks: Lenin had his “vanguard elite” and Hitler his Aryan supermen.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It wouldn’t stop there.  An emphasis on an elite of “smart” people with the appropriate college credentials would be a keystone of late 19th-century Progressivism.  Progressives valued an unelected class of administrators and regulators – a technocratic elite – to govern society.  The conceit is still with us in our expansive administrative state, and as Democrats parade about with their constant use of the term “expert” to nullify opposing views.  Their proposals – The Green New Deal for instance – would fast-track the ongoing trend of transferring great power to their preferred class of elite college-credentialed overlords in ever-expanding agencies.

Have we been softened-up to accept this state of affairs?  As a 30-year veteran of the classroom, I think so.  In the movie, a prominent teacher (James Stewart) is presented as a powerful influence on the minds of the killers, until the teacher discovers too late the wayward extent that they took his classroom musings.  The earlier pride in his clever mental gymnastics in the classroom is wiped off his face as he discovers the body later in the story.  Then he comes to realize his huge mistake.

A similar corruption of the mind was noticed by CS Lewis in his famous tract “The Abolition of Man”.  Lewis worried about the dehumanization of young minds occurring in British classrooms of the mid-20th century.  In a chapter titled “Men Without Chests”, he wrote of the degradation of rampant subjectivism and relativism in English instruction.  Out goes firm standards of good and evil, in comes the unrestrained individual.

CS Lewis

Progressivism performs a similar trick.  Essential to their understanding is a denigration of the past as corrupt while the present is an improvement on the way to a better world.  There’s not much veneration for the old and true.  No wonder church attendance is down. Our schools and culture are depressing it.

How about some serious thought of what we are doing to ourselves?  Watch the movie.

More on the Leopold and Loeb murder case here.


The Decline of Memory and Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders, Oct. 30, 2018. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

In our times, 5 decades is too long.  Our historical memory seems to not last beyond one decade.  What have our families, institutions, and schools done to us?  One possible cause for the memory loss is a kind of imperialism of the present: an unexamined assumption that the past is a lesser, corrupted life and the present is all that counts.  The lack of memory exaggerates the present and puts us in a position to repeat past mistakes, not realizing them as mistakes.  Thus, to no surprise, we are seeing a rekindling of socialism and the rise of Bernie Sanders – a Super Tuesday and general election away from the White House.

The fabled 60’s counterculture gave birth to a willful forgetfulness of the past. The tenor of the times was captured in one of my favorite songs, “Let’s Live for Today” by the Grassroots.  Great song, horrible philosophy.  Here’s a good rendition:

The song came to mind as I was reading about Reagan’s strangulation of the USSR that would lead to its ultimate demise.  He instituted steps to shrink hard currency (the stable currencies like the pound sterling and US dollar) to the monstrous behemoth.  He lifted the price controls on our own crude oil production (imposed by Carter).  The price controls led to a shuttering, for instance, of the oil fields around Bakersfield, where I lived, and across the country.  Bernie promises to relive the disaster that was the malaise of the 70’s.

Man begging in Moscow in the 1980’s. Looks like a homeless encampment in one of our Democrat-run metropolises.

The price controls destroyed our own production, increased our dependency on foreign sources, and created shortages and inflated prices at the pump.  Bernie wants to leap beyond Carter and reregulate the economy while imposing huge tax hikes on it, as well as bring Soviet central planning in the form of The Green New Deal to America.  What Carter did to the US oil industry and the Soviet Union did to its people, Bernie wants to do to us.

Now, the Dems in Sacramento want to accelerate Bernie’s version of eco-terrorism – The Green New Deal – by “managing the decline of the oil industry” in the state.  This isn’t about “price controls”.  It’s about economic euthanasia.  Wow be to those in the oil-producing regions of the state.  No amount of utopian retraining will replace the loss.

Kern River oilfield outside Bakersfield, Ca.

I put the blame for the rise of Sanders and the crazy left in Sacramento squarely at the feet of pop culture’s corruption of our schools, families, and institutions — a present from the Summer of Love.  It’s a form of engineered social amnesia.  Are we about to institutionalize calamity because we have the memory of a hormone-addled teenager?

Drug-infused ecstasy during the Haight-Ashbury Summer of Love, 1967.


A Basket of Deplorables, the Democrats’ Version

The Democratic presidential hopefuls in debate in South Carolina, Feb. 25, 2020.

Hillary Clinton, September 9, 2016:
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  Right?  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it.”

Hillary Clinton speaking at a fundraiser in New York City, Sept. 9, 2016, where she made the infamous “basket of deplorables” comment.

Clinton slimed an entire demographic for mere partisan political advantage.  Well, I’d like to inform Ms. Clinton that “deplorables” exist in her own party.  They were on display in South Carolina last night.  It was an extremely ironic episode in shaming Bernie for his “socialism” while the other 6 advanced different degrees of it.  Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, Free…, named and unnamed boosts in taxes, open borders, etc., are, in their own ways, heralding a socialist future.

To add to the irony, 2 billionaires were on the stage.  How could big-moneyed men be so socialistic, whether under Steyer’s environmental radicalism or Bloomberg’s nanny statism/gun grabs/Green New Deal?  They’re either grossly ignorant or simply pathetic.

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in his The Red Wheel series on the Russian Revolution recounts a realistic conversation in 1916 between Lenin and Alexander Parvus, a long-time socialist (indeed, “democratic socialist” as they all called themselves, and was the title of Lenin’s publication, Social Democrat) and successful businessman.  In Solzhenitsyn’s rendering, Parvus concocted the scheme of enlisting the financial help of Kaiser’s Germany to fund Lenin’s seizure of power in Russia.  German money, indeed, kept the Bolsheviks afloat in Russia as a revolutionary enterprise in 1916 and 1917.  Parvus was rich – like Bloomberg and Steyer – and was free with his money to advance the cause.

Alexander Parvus

Lenin’s old trope about using the money from the rich to buy ropes to hang them would be quite appealing to Bernie bros.  But why are Mike and Tom so eager to walk under the noose?  The contradiction is so glaring that the only practical conclusion is that they are fools.

That’s another reason to keep the whole gang from ever getting close to the White House.

Watch the debate highlights below.


Bernie’s Screwed-up Head

Bernie Sanders appeared on “60 Minutes” last Sunday (below) to say a number of things including his tendency to make sure to praise the world’s most hideous regimes, like Castro’s.

Rather than dialing it back, he doubles-down on the “good” things about communist rule on the island.  He mentioned Castro’s great strides in literacy.  It would never cross his mind that communist literacy campaigns are another pillar in totalitarian control.  See, if the communist state controls all avenues of information and media, being able to read becomes another means to control and shape the individual’s mind.  Far from liberating the person, it locks him and her in a communist mental prison.  Bernie is so decrepit in his thinking that he can’t bring himself to think that literacy can be put to evil purposes.

A teacher lectures on the history of the Communist Party of China at Red Flag Elementary School in Chongqing, June 28.

To him, as in a Marxist, government is geared to outcomes such as the equal distribution of wealth.  That feat doesn’t come naturally so great government power is required to control all sources of wealth.  In contrast to him, our founder’s sense of government was based on its alignment with and under “nature” and “Nature’s God”.  To be in accord with God’s design, government is subservient to a higher law which includes the moral law, and integral to the moral law – or law of nature – are the natural rights of human beings.  Bernie’s conception tramples all over those fundamental natural rights to get to his artificial equality.  Bernie’s entire career is an affront to the founding.

Don’t expect him to know or care.  He’s an old dog who hasn’t learned any new tricks.  All he can do is yap class warfare and blather about any issue (climate change) that furthers a Castro-like control of all sources of wealth.  Personally, I think he knows but has spent his whole life mentally corrupted by Marxist drivel on the evils of one person having more than another.  Keep this guy away from sharp objects and the levers of power.

He’s a huckster for national ruin.


Full-On Red, Part II: A Grave Forewarning

In the previous post I wrote, “It [socialism] sells … to a small slice of our over-credentialed but grossly ill-educated population.”  Could persistent ignorance in the face of trillions spent on education be a major factor for socialism’s appeal today?  I don’t know, but socialism has risen from an underground of cranks to a near takeover of one of our major political parties.  Bernie Sanders is about to achieve what Eugene Debs failed to do in the early 20th century: be a standard bearer of a major party.

Eugene Debs had to quit the Democratic Party to run five times for president as the candidate of the Socialist Party of America.  Democrats wouldn’t have him.  John Dewey, the guru of education from his lofty perch at Columbia University, said that he was a socialist but advocated not using the term because of its ill-favored reputation with the public.

Eugene Debs, the rail union president and ex-Democrat who ran five times as a Socialist for the U.S. presidency, campaigned with fiery speeches. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)

Socialism was associated with the worst sort of violence in the early years of the labor union movement.  The Haymarket Square Riot (1886) and Homestead Strike (1892) still seared in the public’s mind.

Flyer printed at the office of the German-language and left-wing newspaper Arbeiter-Zeitung, 1886. The call for participants to arm themselves is circled.
A near-contemporaneous rendering of the bomb explosion killing 7 police officers that set off the riot.
SALEM EVENING NEWS, Massachusetts, May 6, 1886.

Today, socialism is about to be served up as the other choice on the ballot, in spite of its perfect historical record of carnage.  Legions of Bernie bros and glib half-wits in Congress are openly advocating the hot mess.  Socialism may lose, but is its time coming?  Are we, to alter a bit Moynihan’s famous quip, defining social, political, and economic deviancy down to the point of making the horrible acceptable?

This election may be a first.  To borrow from Neil Armstrong on the moon, is this election a small step for socialist man and a giant leap for socialist mankind?  Absent a resounding electoral slaughter, we may be in serious trouble from this election forward.

