Not Making Sense

The Getty Fire burns near the Getty Center along the 405 freeway north of Los Angeles, California, U.S. October 28, 2019. (REUTERS/ Gene Blevins)

We aren’t well-served by the mass of our journalists or schools.  Frequently as a simple reader or teacher I’ve come away from an article or textbook treatment of a topic with a lingering sense of bafflement.  The stories don’t make much sense.

As a History teacher, for example, the common treatment of the Great Depression is awash in incoherence.  Blame is placed on greed and “over-production”.  What?!  “Over-production” is everywhere present in an economy and is corrected by sell-offs with no hint of a depression, let alone a “great” one.  As for “greed”, it’s been with us since Eve met the serpent, maybe before.  It wasn’t invented by the 1920’s.

The New Deal’s answer for “overproduction” and the decline in agricultural prices.

Plus, the authors don’t attempt to explain why the thing lasted so long.  The greed and over-production mantras are presented as a set-up for a love affair with FDR and all things New Deal. Interestingly the horror persisted and even worsened in ’36-’37.  Textbooks and teacher training are composed of the long march of banalities, and we’re spreading the bunk to the youngins.

Ditto for news stories.  Descriptions of today’s happenings are often muddled.  Take for instance The Atlantic’s Annie Lowrey in her piece, “California Is Becoming Unlivable”.  The “unlivable” part of California is ascribed to the underlying factors of climate change and high housing costs.  Both, according to Lowrey, led to California’s fires.  The high cost of housing forced development into the wildland urban interface (WUI). Her answer is the totalitarian urge to herd people into apartment complexes, something the commissars in Sacramento have been trying to accomplish for at least a couple of decades.  Could this have something to do with the high cost of housing?  Something about the dementia of “doing the same thing and expecting a different result” comes to mind.

Could this be their vision for the future of California housing?

Mulberry Street, NYC, circa 1900.

Of course they won’t leave the topic without throwing the fire epidemic into the climate change vortex.  But the climate change god doesn’t just pick on California.  It’s a global phenomenon.  What has turned California into matchsticks is a combination of its dry-summer climate, with its El Diablo winds, and the clowns in Sacramento.  Wildland fire suppression tactics are so passé among the ruling class of lefties in Sacramento.  Though, in the dry-summer chaparral biomes, it’s like playing with firecrackers in a refinery.

The clowns try to hide their incompetence behind a barrage of charges against the utility companies.  They can only get away with it under conditions of collective amnesia.  PG&E and the rest of the gang are under the PUC’s thumb and its lefty hobby horses.  Hardening the grid in a dry-summer climate takes second fiddle to dreams of a greenie energy utopia.  After piling up the firewood under the weakly-maintained power lines, the goofs are shocked that physics takes over.  Astounding!

A power line goes up in flames along a hillside as the Cocos Fire continues to burn in San Marcos, California May 15, 2014. (REUTERS/Mike Blake)

Parents beware of the indoctrination of your kids.  Additionally, you have to be leery of the network news and print and digital publications.  I’m beginning to wonder about the benefits of ignorance when compared to propaganda.  Mmmm, something to think about?


The Impeachment Dead End

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi
Adam Schiff (D, Ca.)

Accounts of the last moments of Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi depict him retreating into a tunnel with a dead end and blowing himself up with three of his children. The tale proves that a dead end is what you make of it. For al-Baghdadi, it was off to his 70 virgins (I don’t know where the kids ended up in Islamist theology.). For the Democrats in their incessant drive to impeach Trump, similarly at a dead end of facts, they are weaving a fairy tale in order to create the illusion of the light of dastardly and impeachable offenses at the end of the tunnel. The reality is that there is nothing but a wall of rock and compacted dirt.

Let’s see, we’ve experienced a “whistleblower” complaint which proved to be a collection of hearsay water cooler and lunch room talk among the minions of the administrative state.

The conspirators couldn’t spin the call at the center of their scheme because Trump released the transcript to everyone on the planet. Then the story is repeated, nothing much added, in the tales spun by others vaguely mentioned in the initial yarn. If anything is added, it’s nothing but feelings of anger of people who are upset about how the president is conducting foreign policy. They’re flabbergasted that an elected official – the president – would dare skip over they’re unelected, self-anointed wisdom. Then they’ve attempted to establish a “quid pro quo” as if something that is common in the course of foreign relations is somehow illegal, while it clearly isn’t. What does all this add up to? Nothing!

Shakespeare spun a tale of “Much Ado About Nothing”. The Democrats are trying to steal the mantle of master poet laureate. Their fiction, though, says more about them than Trump.


Swamp Creatures

Go Astros! I had no dog in the hunt that is called the 2019 World Series. Sunday’s rude crowd at Nationals Park changed that.  If you can’t find a good reason to root for someone, rooting against someone may just fit the bill, particularly when they behave like vulgar buffoons.  The boos and the oral flatulence of “Lock him up” were glaringly repulsive.  Go Astros!

It was fitting justice that the Astros pummeled the swamp things 7-1 on boo day.

Conversely, the chant at Trump rallies, “Drain the swamp”, has gained new relevance.  The “swamp” in this case is DC’s polyglot population of government workers, government influencers, partisan operatives, and the net of white-collared professional handlers and manipulators.  The city’s only industry is politics, or the many ways to finagle something for somebody at somebody else’s expense.  The controlling party is, of course, the Democratic Party – the party of big, and ever bigger, government.

The crowd in the stadium is a microcosm of this swamp: the assemblage of over-paid schemers who can afford the $1,000 tickets.  These folks aren’t the peanuts-and-beer bleacher bums at Wrigley or Dodger Stadium.  The Series at Nationals Park is reserved for these well-heeled destroyers of American wealth.

Now the swamp denizens have a professional baseball team to shower their affections upon.  Why the new team to replace the caput Senators in 1960?  It’s simple: the market got bigger.  DC grew into the obese metroplex that busted its lap belt of boundaries, most recently thanks to Obama.

2016 election results by county in Virginia. Note the blue counties across the Potomac from Washington DC.

Its girth flooded into the Maryland and northern Virginia ‘burbs producing one-party Democrat enclaves who’d support Nicolás Maduro if he was the nominee.  The consequence is a deeper-blue-approaching-charcoal Maryland and a Virginia about ready to take the plunge into California governance.

What’s my chant?  Shrink DC!  A depression in DC is a renaissance everywhere else.  Go Astros!


A Political Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect: the natural bending of global air and water currents due to the earth’s rotation on its axis.

The global oceanic gyres from the Coriolis effect.

I’ve often wondered why liberals since the late 19th century have a reflex to lean ever further left.  The tendency is very pronounced in today’s Democratic Party.  Propositions that were soundly rejected only a couple of years ago have morphed into near dogma in the party.  Take for instance the almost universal embrace of gargantuan social engineering in Green New Deals; or the racially charged seizure of wealth from one generation to fund awards to a current and specific racially-favored group 150 years removed from the wrong; or the open and broad avowals of faith in socialism, while, for some, still denying it; or the proud espousal of confiscatory taxation in spite of its historically ruinous effects (JFK would be shocked.).

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn presents a possible answer in the second volume of his 3-part historical novel, “The Red Wheel: November 1916”.  In describing the rise of Russian left radicalism in the decades prior to the 1917 revolutions (there ended up being two in March and October), he compares the liberal’s leftward reflex to the natural phenomena of the Coriolis effect.  Here’s how he puts it:

“Just as the Coriolis effect is constant over the whole of this earth’s surface, and the flow of rivers is deflected in such a way that it is always the right bank that is eroded and crumbles, while the floodwater goes leftward, so do all forms of democratic liberalism on earth strike always to the right and caress the left.  Their sympathies [are] always with the left, their feet are capable of shuffling only leftward, their heads bob busily as they listen to leftist arguments – but they [are] disgraced if they take a step to or listen to a word from the right.” (p.59)

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

Makes sense to me.  Daniel Pipes in his magisterial works on the Russian Revolution described the blind spot in the outlook of the liberals as they deposed the Tsar in March of 1917 and tried to build a constitutional republic.  If there was a threat, they were convinced it would come from the right.  They ignored the warnings of the intelligence services that left extremists, the Bolsheviks, were arming and planning a seizure of power.  Low and behold, Petrograd was left mostly undefended and the rest of Russian history thereafter is one of villainy and misery.

The 1930’s Holodomor, or Stain-engineered famine to destroy peasant resistance in southern Russia and the Ukraine.
New arrivals to the expanding chain of concentration camps as part of Stalin’s war against the peasants in the 1930’s.

What lies in store for us as we approach the momentous date of November 2020?  We have a president wounded by the incessant drumbeat of an increasingly radical left Democratic Party with numerous allies in the media, academia, entertainment, and among the campus and street mobs.  His opposition, the Democratic Party, has become the vanguard of the radical left’s implementation of an all-encompassing transformation of all of society to fit their warped vision.

Antifa protesters burning American flags.

Will the political Coriolis effect in modern America duplicate the misery foisted on Russia?  This is the time for some serious adult thinking on the question … before it is too late.


A Show Trial

Proverbs 18:17 (ESV): The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.


A 1930’s Stalinist show trial in the Soviet Union.
Adam Schiff (l), chairman, and some of the House Intelligence Committee members.

The madhouse in DC over impeachment is more reminiscent of Stalin’s show trials during his purges than American jurisprudence.  The House spectacle is all about a predetermined verdict being sold behind a facade of serious-sounding rubbish.  The American public is being misled.  Putin is taking notes.

The Democrats have been on a jihad since November 8, 2016.  The latest gambit hinges on a nefarious Trump “quid pro quo”.  If the ploy was limited to that, it’s a nothingburger.  “Quid pro quo” literally means “something for something”.  If that was all there was to it, it’s a very thin reed to support a massive structure of impeachment.  Does the Louisiana Purchase remind you of anything?  International relations are almost solely conducted on a quid-pro-quo basis.

Really, though, what the show-trial prosecutors are trying to conjure is something more: a quid-pro-quo-or-else.  And that, the call’s transcript doesn’t support.  The “favor” doesn’t mention the Bidens till further down in the conversation.  At the top of Trump’s mind is the skulduggery conducted against him in 2016.  The Bidens were an afterthought.  Many interpretations are possible whenever a verbal conversation is put to paper, but you can’t say that only Schiff’s reading is the viable one.

The “or else” part is the withholding of a weapons sale, or so they say – while confusing a “sale” with “aid”.  Well, whatever, the Ukraine got the weapons a month later.  The only president to withhold military aid to Ukraine was Obama.  And further, Zelensky and his government wasn’t even aware that they were being allegedly coerced.  It’s a strange quid-pro-quo when quid has no knowledge of the purported quo.  This is nonsense on stilts.

US javelin missile. It was the key part of Trump-approved weapons sale to the Ukraine.

Schiff and his sorcerers have to create the illusion of a grand evil out of thin gruel.  How?  It’s simple: control the process!  In other words, hold a show trial but call it something else.  The Dems liken this charade to a grand jury.  They’re right in an infantile way: charges (articles of impeachment) come out of it.  But there the resemblance ends.  It’s a strange grand jury proceeding when people representing the defense (Republicans) are present alongside people representing the prosecutors (Democrats).  Instead, the whole affair has the adversarial characteristics of a trial.  As such, the situation cries for full due process, not the secret hearings with Schiff the only one allowed to call witnesses and his serial leaking of cherry-picked statements to make his fiction seem like non-fiction.  All the while, the Republicans are muzzled by keeping the thing secret.  This is scandalous.

Another underhanded excuse is often bellowed to make the outrage more digestible.  The process is said to be exclusively “political” in nature.  But is that true?  No.  Impeachment is a blend of politics and statute.  If “politics” was the sole driving force, once we developed political parties in the late 18th century, opposing parties controlling the Presidency and Congress would be embroiled in impeachments right and left.  The fact that we have had so few impeachments tells us something.  It tell us that something more than the fulfillment of political vendettas should be at the core of the process.  It must be anchored in a clear and unmistakable violation of the Constitution or a serious criminal statue.  A high bar is required, not the low bar of grotesque interpretations of paper transcriptions of phone calls or previously Court-approved exercises of executive privilege.

U.S. President Bill Clinton points while being asked questions regarding his relationship with former White House intern [Monica Lewinsky] during his videotaped interrogation before a grand jury on August 17. The four hour videotape was released by the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee along with 2,800 pages of [Lewinsky] case evidence.
If Trump is guilty, what of Obama’s use of his “phone and pen”?  He created by his lonesome new categories of immigration law violators to be free of those same laws.  Is this an example of the Article II branch acting like the Article I branch?  What about “faithfully executing the laws”?  Or how about the Fast and Furious episode in an entrapment scheme against our Second Amendment?  Have we forgotten the IRS vendetta against Obama’s political opponents?  There’s more here against Obama, using Pelosi’s standard, than there ever is against Trump.

Republicans, remember this time.  It’s no holds barred regarding impeachment.  The Democrats have unleashed the tactic of hiding election loss anger and ideological and policy disagreements under spurious claims of misbehavior.  You too, Republicans, can follow the same show trial script when the time comes.


California’s Energy Scam

Authorities announced Wednesday that the 2017 Thomas fire was caused by Southern California Edison power lines.(Mike Eliason / Associated Press)

Once a myth gets firmly established, you’ll play like hell to correct the popular falsehood. Here’s one.  We are said to use only 10% of our brain.  It isn’t true. Neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine says “… we use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time” (Read about it here).

The myth-making potential of human beings was fully on display as I was listening this morning to Rush Limbaugh.  I normally don’t tune into the program but just happened to take a listen.  At that moment, a caller was describing how a Californian could exploit the mandates and tax breaks to pay nothing for their electricity.  Limbaugh was initially caught flat-footed.  Then during a break he uncovered the reality of the scam.  And so can anyone if they apply your brain.

The flim-flam is another rendition of the shell game.  Like the peanut under the walnut shell, socialist governments move the community’s wealth around to create the illusion of getting something for nothing for a favored segment of the population.  If the recipients far outnumber the coerced givers, you’ll run into Margaret Thatcher’s maxim: “‘The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”.   In other words, borrowing another epigram from Economics 101: “There is no such thing as a free lunch” (known by the acronym TINSTFL).

The state’s commissars use the smoke and mirrors of their laws to fabricate a distorted market.  Artificial demand is concocted by ordering home builders and home buyers to install and buy the greenie equipment, or else pay the government-created and extortionate electricity rates.  It’s like paying protection money.  The costs are hidden by piling them onto the backs of taxpayers through subsidies and tax breaks, and forcing them onto the utility companies’ bottom line.

Installing solar panels in California. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

No wonder the state’s grid is deteriorating into a public hazard.


Speaking With Forked Tongue

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an executive order to shift gas tax dollars to “rail”, October 2019.

Native Americans since the days of the 17th century French double-dealing claimed the “white man spoke with a forked tongue”.  The tradition thrives in California.

Guess what?  The one-party Democrat state hawked a law in 2017 to hike gas taxes 12 cents per gallon, 20 cents for diesel, and vehicle registration fees from 25$-125$ for “road repairs”.  The state’s electorate confirmed the swindle when it recently rejected the repeal of the hikes in Prop 6.  The folks probably thought that they were getting money to address the state’s crumbling, unsafe, and massively congested roadways.

Wait, not so fast.  The state’s slick-haired governor, Gavin Newsom, has just issued one of his ukases [executive orders] to siphon off some of the money for “rail”.  These lefty Dems can’t resist that totalitarian reflex to order people’s lives down to the minutest detail.  So “better roads” has come to mean herding people out of their cars and onto government mass transit.  The deception is justified by the all-purpose excuses of “climate change” and “greenhouse gases”.  There you have it, Californians: the Iroquios were right.

You can read about it here in the Sacramento Bee.

So, a transportation system that makes sense for densely packed areas (Western Europe, Japan, Bos-Wash) will be foisted on the 3rd largest state in land area.  In the meantime, consider your relocation options as you send your daughter out on the increasingly dangerous task to get a gallon of milk.

When you elect zealots, you get ends-justifies-means forked tongues.


The Order of the Day: Lies, Lies, Lies

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren in a May interview in Iowa Falls. (Daniel Acker/For The Washington Post)

I remember a conversation with a friend and colleague who appeared to be apoplectic about Donald Trump’s lies during the campaign and up to the aftermath of the inauguration (when the exchange ended). Wow, looking back on it, over-stating crowd sizes seems awfully pale when compared to the whoppers coming out of the mouths of Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Lena Dunham, Jussie Smollett, and the adolescent Amari Allen at Immanuel Christian School. They have in common a desire to exploit ritual identity-victimhood, the central tenet of being “woke”.

Whew, let’s take ’em one at a time. Warren’s angle is to peddle a Native American heritage that doesn’t exist for professional advancement. She compounds the error by spreading a tale of losing a job for being pregnant, also fully debunked. At least the second tall tale takes advantage of something that she quite clearly is: a woman.

Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigns for president in Davenport, Iowa, on June 11, 2019. (Photo: Joshua Lott/Getty Images)

After Warren, we have Biden. This guy is famous for his whoppers. The one that should be most irritating is his rendition of the traffic accident that killed his wife and daughter. He bellows that they died at the hands of drunk driver. Sorry, Joe, not true. The authorities at the time said alcohol wasn’t involved and even more interestingly concluded that Mrs. Biden was the cause of the collision when she strayed into the truck’s path. What’s more galling is Biden’s sliming of the other driver as one who “drinks his lunch”. The man’s family demands a retraction. This is more than a mistake on Biden’s part; it’s evidence of a Biden character flaw.

If that’s not enough, along comes the mouth of the lefty celebrity community, Lena Dunham. She claims in her book that she was raped in college by, what else, a white College Republican. The only problem: it ain’t true. In fact, her publisher had to shell out a settlement to the innocent accused. Is there a congenital connection between being woke and lying? One wonders.

The fictions continue with the little Amari Allen at Immanuel Christian. It just so happens to be the place of part-time employment for Karen Pence, and, of course, being a place of traditional Christianity – the LGBTQ agenda is an awkward fit there.

Karen Pence at Immanuel Christian School. (Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press)

Well, anyway, the little girl came home with a story of abuse and physical assault by, what else, some white boys. The only problem – you guessed it – it ain’t true. At the time, for our woke press, it was a two-fer: racism, racism everywhere, and the VP’s wife is a functionary of the white racist machine.

Do you see a pattern here? I do. The woke folks are so enthusiastic about their lefty social engineering that they’ll defame anyone and anything to get there.

I can’t stop here. Does the slander of the Duke lacrosse team remind you of anything? How about the alleged rape culture at U. of Virginia, courtesy of Rolling Stone, and subsequently and fully discredited? The despicable and wild tales of Kavanaugh’s youth? Come on, let’s call them what they are: lies. Don’t be a bit surprised that more deceits lay in store after the completion of the investigation of the investigators of Russia-gate and whistleblower-gate.

I’ll ask once again: Is there something congenital between being woke and lying? One wonders.


* You can read about many of these episodes in Kevin Williamson’s recent piece in National Review.

Polling, Sh-polling

The mania for polling says more the about the interests of the media than it does about the views of the public.  They are used to inflate clicks on websites, sell air time, bloat premium subscriptions, peddle print copies, and cater to biases in newsrooms. They are also used in the manner of an arsonist to destroy clear thinking.  The particulars of an issue get sabotaged in a frenzy over polls.  All of sudden, facts are less and less relevant.

The media fixation is a manifestation of the old newsroom maxim: If it bleeds, it leads.  In the case of the impeachment talk, the hemorrhage is the bringing low of a prominent person by making news of a series of questions thrust to a random sample of people who may be poorly informed, uninterested, caught up in the hysteria of the moment, and/or willing to answer flippantly.  The thing may be scientifically sound but still be rubbish.

I say this not in regards to any current event, such as the current dust-up over impeachment. Polling has always bugged me.  Why?  Basics first.  The general public isn’t as obsessed with the news as those who are employed to exploit it for fame and reward.  As potential voters, most people don’t take something seriously till they have something serious to do, like cast a ballot.  Till then, they are at the mercy of media hype while, at the same time, they have more pressing concerns at home, like getting by in the world.

Secondly, since polls are of people with more important and immediate burdens, they are snapshots of loosely formed opinions.  It’s for this reason that election polls get more accurate on the state of play as election day arrives.  The person has a crashing deadline, an election, to motivate more thoughtful consideration.  It’s like a student who studies more intensely a day or two before a test.

So, what do the polls indicate about the impeachment of Trump?  Nothing much, other than a mass of rough-hewn opinions-of-the-moment.

The lesson for the public is clear: Watch the facts; ignore the polls.


It’s Repetition, Not Confirmation

The second “whistleblower” complaint is probably a repetition of the same complaint from the same set of eyes with just a different figurehead from the group.  By the way, the complaint makes reference to a group that increasingly sounds like a cabal.  There’s a term for a form of espionage with the same information being used twice to create the appearance of confirmation.  Bottom line, it’s in the toolkit of the intelligence community.  And it’s probably operative here.

There’s more to this latest effort to impeach.  “Whistleblowing” provides cover for the “whistleblower”.  Labeling the person a “whistleblower” shields the identity of the person while also stonewalling efforts to plumb his or her identity for motivations – you know, like the complainant’s possible partisan political aims.  Secondly, the non-inquiry inquiry is conducted to prevent a courtroom adversarial setting that would give evidentiary and debate rights to opponents.  Keeping the process like a committee hearing, but just labeling it an “impeachment inquiry”, puts great power in the hands of the committee chairman and the Democratic leadership.  It’s a tactic that would make Stalin beam with envy.

It’s a two-fer, and nothing but a political flim-flam.
