A blog in defense of western civilization by Roger Graf
Author: RogerG
I am a retired teacher and coach, Social Science Department chairman, community college instructor in Physical and Human Geography. I have attended 4 colleges with relevant degrees and certificates in History, Religious Studies/Philosophy, Education, and Planning and Community Development. I am also a 3rd generation native Californian, now refugee living in northwest Montana.
The historical model for Sen. Kamala Harris (D, Ca.) at the Kavanaugh hearings is Stalin’s prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky.
During the purge trials of the 1930’s, the fate of the defendants was sealed before interrogations and evidence. The trials were extravaganzas to create an aura of malevolence over the subjects in the dock and thereby justify the political and physical necktie party (actually, a shot to the back of the head after a lonely walk down a basement hallway). The defendants didn’t even have to be present to be found guilty.
I wonder if comrade Harris closely studied the Vyshinsky playbook. She was among the Democrat claque on the committee who didn’t wait for the public announcement of the nomination to proclaim their “no” vote. California has given us a senator who has taken on the role of prosecutor as political attack dog, like Andrey Vyshinsky. Her goal isn’t truth. It’s conviction without the formality of just cause.
Her questions were littered with loaded and partisan political rhetoric in which any answer would be tantamount to accepting a distorted and one-sided storyline. For instance, she, like her other Dem colleagues, kept interrogating with questions freighted with “voter suppression”. It’s lefty code for regularly clearing voter registration rolls of deadwood, reducing voter fraud, and implementing voter ID, three very popular fixes to our election system. A good Vyshinki tactic is to hide the obvious details behind an odious conceptual accusation, place it within a question, all to embarrass and trip up a witness.
Another favorite slander was the attempt to plaster Jim Crow on the witness. Racial disparities, whose causes run deeper than Kamala’s makeup, were reduced to the toddler-like reasoning of “racial disparities = hidden racists everywhere = you must be a racist if you oppose me”. It’s a new take on the loaded question gambit of “When did you stop beating your wife?”, only understandable as a natural law in the Leninesque world of the ends justifying the means. The macabre scene is plainly revolting.
Is Comrade Harris in the running for the Order of Lenin? I can’t think of a more deserving candidate.
Can any objective observer come away from yesterday’s Kavanaugh hearings with anything but disgust? Democrats on the committee, with a straight face, petulantly disrupted the chairman from even making his opening remarks. Then, a few spectators jumped up shouting spiteful epithets at Kavanaugh, so much so that his wife and daughters had to be escorted from the room under police protection. Has today’s hard progressivism become a synonym for mob rule?
That debacle yesterday wasn’t an accident. There was coordinated agency by the Dem caucus to make it happen. Everything from conference calls to distributing tickets to fevered activists created an unsafe atmosphere for Kavanaugh’s family while making a mockery of the “august” Senate. The decent thing for the Dems to do would be to publicly apologize. Don’t hold your breath.
As a point of comparison, look at the friendly and light-hearted treatment of Elena Kagan by Sen. Graham (R, S.C.) in 2010 alongside the fracas yesterday in the comment section below.
Sen. Lindsay Graham from 2010.
Sen. Kamala Harris and the other Dems at the recent Kavanaugh hearings.
Once again, many American citizens can’t avert being affronted doing something as simple as going to the store to buy a pair of running shoes. Nike has given a paycheck to a person whose claim to fame is using the national anthem as the opportunity to express his radical social views. A NFL fan had to put up with it during the 2017 season and now Nike, with Kaepernick unemployed, has hired him to peddle their wares. Nike has the freedom to hire him; Kaepernick has the freedom to push his babble; and I have the freedom not to subsidize his extremist views. I’ll refuse to participate by steering clear of the “swoosh”.
Oh how muddled is the thinking of some. George Takei of Star Trek fame tweeted the rubbish, “Protest is patriotic”, during Kaepernick’s 2017 kneeling crusade – a takeoff of the old mental kabuki, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”. The saying has no provable author, but the left from Howard Zinn to the 60’s neo-socialist SDS have tried to attribute it to Jefferson – wrongly – or exploit it to justify spitting on returning Vietnam vets.
If Nike thinks nobility lies in hawking Kaepernick, they are mistaken. No, dissent isn’t the highest form of patriotism. Follow the logic. If dissent is patriotic, treason is the highest form of dissent, and, therefore, treason must be the highest form of patriotism (Thanks Jonah Goldberg for the witticism). George, it’s called a syllogism. Now we’re in the land of Timothy Leary and psychedelics.
Soiling the flag and anthem while forcing others to bear the spectacle is an unhealthy way to run a league or shoe company. Nike can burnish indecency as decency and Americans can avoid the corruption by staying away. Shame on you, Nike.
I’m drawn to Ronald Reagan’s famous witticism, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.” Refashioned to our current political climate, it could very well be “America didn’t leave the blue dots, the blue dots left America” (mentioned in an earlier post). By blue dots I mean those densely packed, urbanized blue specks scattered across the electoral maps of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
What makes them distinct from the sea of red? It’s a relatively recent but deeply embedded and culturally partisan mentality, to the point of being an ambient governing doctrine, among the critical cultural and political influencers in the dots. The creed is part temperament in the form of arrogance in an assumed monopoly on facts and science, and part constipated intellectual imagination – a kind of myopia – in the form of a congenital rejection of earlier and widely accepted propositions. The blue dots have their foot on the pedal with their creed in tow leaving the rest of America behind.
Today’s National Geographic magazine reflects the soul of blue America. If you want a barometer on the state of play in our blue clusters, the magazine won’t disappoint.
Susan Goldberg, the editor-in-chief, is taking the magazine full blue.
Take the May and June issues of this year (2018). The May issue featured an in-depth portrait of Picasso as genius. For June, the title might as well be “The Plastic Apocalypse” of Goldberg’s introduction. Both profoundly reveal planks of today’s progressive (aka “of the left”) catechism, the prevalent philosophy of life in the blue dots.
Budding Chefs of Genius
A key part of the left’s dogma is the unshaken belief that circumstance is all. The historical setting, social environment, and economic backdrop are accepted as the forces of consequence for defining a person. Today’s lefty and urban writers wreak of the idea. Claudia Kalb, the author of “Intense, Provocative, Disturbing, Captivating, Genius Picasso” in the May issue, is an evangelist of this secular gospel.
The piece is a Godless sermon that unleashes two basic assumptions. First, since circumstance is all and circumstances change, so all standards must adapt to keep up. Einstein’s scientific relativity is expanded into the relativity of all things, and, by so doing, elevating to metaphysical importance all things circumstantial in a person’s experience . Out the window go overarching norms … as well as the basis for simple judgment.
Well, maybe not fully. While lefties talk a good game, they can’t live it. Nobody can. The word “disturbing” in Kalb’s title hints at the faint pulse of morality – those nasty overarching norms – that makes it possible for her to elicit uneasiness at certain aspects of Picasso’s life (like his womanizing). Thus, a Newtonian universe of fixed laws (morality) is jumbled together with Einstein’s general theory (relativity in the form of circumstance is all). Oh well, coherence may not be a hallmark of the outlook.
Freed of the straitjacket of an enveloping order to the human universe, the second horse in the lefty stable bursts out of the gate, assumption #2: the compulsion for reform. All we have to do in their estimation is examine our setting with the methodical precision of a gene-splicing lab tech, understand the workings of the discovered social elements, and manipulate them into a better person and world. Voilà, social engineering is born with its resulting wreckage.
It’s not that a person’s surroundings aren’t important. It’s what the lefties do with the info. Traditionalists profess the need for certain requirements for human flourishing, regardless of era or setting, then match the facts on the ground with these necessities . They recognize the existence of a permanent natural order for humanity like the one in the physical universe. Today’s progressives have a sense of order but their model is evolution, not Newton. For them, history presents a new stage that makes much of the older wisdom as obsolete as the woolly mammoth. Once they are convinced that they have a grip on the social evolutionary process and its direction, they scurry around as relentless busybodies to make the better world … in their estimation.
Watch President Obama – that bluest of all presidents – enunciate the folderol in a speech in support of Hillary’s candidacy on November 3, 2016. (Click on the caption. *Thanks to NBC News.)
The talk of “bending the arc of history” is straight out of the lefty playbook. The rhetoric appealed to Martin Luther King because of his inherent optimism. It is singularly cherished, though, by today’s leftists. Leftists claim to know the path of history and the means to speed it along and tweak it toward nirvana. They see themselves as social engineers with a scientist’s touch. People who think otherwise are treated as dinosaurs waiting for the asteroid.
The confidence in their possession of the scientists’ touch breeds an arrogance to brand those who disagree as “deplorables” (Hillary’s famous 2016 characterization), or as Barack Obama put it in 2008: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”. (1) There you have it. Opponents are ignorant rubes when compared to the purported clinical brilliance of progressives.
They claim sole ownership of rationality and science. In publications such as the May 2018 issue of National Geographic we see the reflex to connect whatever is written to something resembling a laboratory experiment no matter the precariousness of the relationship.
It’s an attempt to validate a tendentious viewpoint with a patina of science, as if disagreement with them connotes dumbness. Woven into Kalb’s story of Picasso’s genius is a tangent into neurology.
But more telling as a window into Kalb’s progressive soul is her comment about the factors leading to Picasso’s genius:
“All the elements are there: a family that cultivated his creative passion, intellectual curiosity and grit, clusters of peers who inspired him, and the good fortune to be born at a time when ideas in science, literature, and music energized his work and the advent of mass media catapulted him to fame.” (2)
All but one of the determinants is either social or historical. The perspective invites efforts to duplicate the ostensible formula to manufacture more geniuses as one would follow the Betty Crocker cookbook.
Or will it, leaving aside the dangers of raising a generation of puerile know-it-alls? Who knows, but it most certainly will lead to an endless rejiggering of the public schools and the family to do it. Prepare for boundless parental how-to therapies and school reform consultancies. Helicoptering urban and suburban parents will have new and experimental reasons to micromanage their kids’ lives. The likely consequence is never-ending upheaval in the family and the schools without any glide path to improvement.
It’s the arrogance of people without much scientific acumen but possessed with media connections and some writing ability. Their writings bleed with the arrogance of a teenager’s first exposure to the rudiments of AP Physics. They know enough to profess opinions but not enough to draw back from them. They lack the deeper understanding that comes with years of study and experience with disappointments and dead ends. It’s the first blush of innocence, not wisdom.
Arrogance and myopia are related. Arrogance blinds a person to other possibilities — like, you could be wrong. He or she wallows in a mental rut, lacking the means to question prior assumptions. In fact, the person’s imagination can’t go very far since many hunches about reality go unrecognized.
The Tirade Against Plastic
Such is true in the June issue’s jeremiad against plastic. Arrogance and myopia go hand-in-hand.
More telling than Goldberg’s editorial stance against plastic is the location for the scene at the top of her page (above). It depicts a huge mound of plastic bottles in … Bangladesh. Do we have a global plastic problem or a disposal problem in poor countries? Goldberg would have us leap over that question and go right to a global ban, or some approximation of it. So, a litter problem in South Asia means an American motorist can’t buy an affordable and accessible bottle of water at a convenience store on a hot summer day? Forgetting your canteen when you jump in the car may mean a meandering hunt for a water fountain in a strange town.
Indubitably, activists would recognize the complication and address it with the tried-and-true “surcharge”, CRV, etc., to be layered on top of all the others of prior crusades. They’ll justify it as a down payment on their favorite rhetorical gambit, “social cost”. The term is flexible enough to encompass any penalty for behavior that doesn’t hew to their wishes. Myopic do-goodism has a built-in inflation factor.
People being people, they will adapt to this new normal as the recent CRV assessments and plastic bag and straw bans have shown. To feel better about it, though, any number of academics can be recruited to add a gloss of “science” to what is, in essence, an ideological expedition. Right away, starting on p. 15, we get exposed to “Greed vs. the Common Good” by Dylan Selterman.
The piece is, at root, an attempt to condone an expanding array of governmental measures to control individuals. This is how Selterman does it. First, he accepts as a given Garret Hardin’s famous pet theory, the “tragedy of the commons”. The tragedy, according to Hardin, lies in the natural incentive to overuse and abuse things held in common, such as air, land, and most other resources. The reasoning is that you don’t own it; you don’t care; you wish to grab as much of it for yourself as possible; and consequences be damned. Selterman concocts a game to convince the youngins in his University of Maryland psychology classes of the divinity of the concept.
Though, is it true? As in many misleading beliefs, a faint inkling of truth can be buried deep within. Yes, things owned by nobody, least of all the user, can quickly look the worst for wear. Ask any parent handing the car keys to the teenage son. Unpleasant side effects normally accrue to things lacking a personal and direct investment on the part of the user. Expect the car to look different when you get up in the morning.
The last time I checked, parents can still impose controls on the minors under their roof. Now we get to the rub of it all: Selterman/Hardin/Goldberg turn our basic conception of government on its head. To avoid the “tragedy”, their logic places government in the parental role as the citizens are relegated to wayward children in need of a leash. Forget about the “government of the people, by the people” parts of Lincoln’s famous line, or Jefferson’s admonition “that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God”. (3) Instead, these mavens call for an unaccountable EPA commissariat from the international level down to one’s humble abode. Ineluctably, popular sovereignty is mangled into one man/one vote/one time as power increasingly accrues to an army of apparatchiks.
Yet, must the “tragedy” logic lead to despotism? No. Rather than resort to commissars, the despoliation can be avoided with more private ownership, not less. The enclosure movement in England of the 17th century, spurred by acts of Parliament, did more to ignite the second agricultural revolution than any other single event. Land became fenced with personal title of ownership. It became more productive and resulted in the beautiful rural English countryside of today. No tragedy there.
Furthermore, the title of Selterman’s article is a false dichotomy by positing a hostility between “greed” and the “common good”. The war between the two isn’t the done deal that Selterman would have us believe. Adam Smith became the famous Adam Smith due to his articulate exposition of the beneficial intersection of “greed” and “common good”. As Smith laid it out, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest”. The insight explains the difference between an American supermarket and the streets and stores of today’s Caracas, Venezuela.
The problem with the obsession over the “common good” is the unavoidable question about whose “common good”. Maduro and company of Venezuela have an answer. Theirs!
Positioning an unaccountable United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – with our unaccountable EPA hitched – into the role of arbiters of human activity would be to supplant popular sovereignty with a board of Maduros. The new potentates can’t possess enough knowledge for decision-making without massive and negative unintended consequences. We’ve been down this road many times before in the USSR, the countries behind the Iron Curtain, Mao’s China, Maduro’s Venezuela – indeed anywhere the “common good” was the excuse to translate good intentions into sweeping state controls.
The real tragedy would be to recapitulate the dreadful history of the USSR’s experience with its cadre of overseers. America’s blue dots are replaying the scenario. High taxes and powerful buttinsky bureaus proliferate in places run by de Blasio clones. Bans on everything from super-sized drinks to happy meals to all things plastic are blue-dot chic, now actively seeking a home in DC’s halls of power. Not content with localized efforts, the activists seek the whip hand of a centralized state, the one most removed from people’s daily lives. The crusade is revving up with Susan Goldberg’s National Geographic magazine at the tip of the spear.
Back to the June cover story. Biography is telling. Well, who is Laura Parker, the author of June’s “Plastic” cover story? She’s a journalist and self-employed writer with past and current homes in Seattle, Detroit, Washington DC, and maybe New York City. Her education consists of a BA in Communications – the degree of choice for today’s journos – from the University of Washington, and appears quite proud of her Neiman Fellowship at Harvard.
She conspicuously displays one of the fetishes among our urban “elect” (to borrow John Calvin’s famous term for the “saved”): environmentalism. From her LinkedIn page she writes, “As a staff writer at National Geographic, I cover climate change and water–including the decline of underground aquifers to sea-level rise and the huge mess that plastic trash is making of the world’s seas” – a concise confession of faith in the citified dogma if there ever was one.
The worldly church of environmentalism brooks little confidence in capitalism while fondling a conviction for social engineering. It’s the quintessential doctrine for reimposing a form of feudalism with its new aristocracy: politicized technocrats and degreed ideologues. The models are Robespierre and Lenin, not the disinterested “experts” of the early progressives’ dreams.
Marx tried to turn history into a science inexorably leading to his preferred social order. Robespierre, Saint-Just, and the rest of the Jacobin crowd of 1793 imposed their version of rationality as “pure reason”. Lenin, the community organizer par excellence, took Marx’s rhetorical pugilism and cooked up the political means to impose it. The Jacobin brain trust and their Committee of Public Safety marched off in 13 months 16,594 souls to the guillotine and other creative methods of execution. The real history – not the “science” of Marx’s fevered imagination – is a sorrowful tale of the rule of centralized pedants.
Our blue dots are awash in the philosophical underpinnings of self-righteous pedantry. Pregnant with implications is the fact that the French Revolution was a Paris affair with its mob in the vanguard. Similarly, Lenin’s claque extended control from Petrograd and Moscow with the help of urban radicals, his so-called “vanguard elite”. A slog through the multi-part series on the Russian Revolution by both Aleksander Solzhenitsyn and Richard Pipes, with Simon Schama’s Citizens (French Revolution) thrown in for good measure, would prove enlightening.
The cities are famous for their innovations in the arts and technology, but also in new forms of inhumanity.
The zealotry for environmentalism – the only thing that functions as a vibrant religion in metropolitan America – cries for some definition. It has many postulates. First among equals is man’s bastard status in relation to nature. Nature is often mindlessly inferred as a unitary being by the movement’s clergy (Pope Gore?). The concept has all kinds of room for Planned Parenthood, unbridled abortion, euthanasia as both mercy and merciless killing, PETA, and any greenie scheme to control and remake us in appeasement to the mother goddess. The word “balance” seems out of place in the paradigm. It’s meant to.
The normal, run-of-the-mill utilization of nature – you know, like mining, lumbering, building homes and factories – becomes much more difficult as people struggle through the state organs run by a new godless clergy with the enlightened gnosis. Since only the new secular priesthood are entrusted with the mysterious truths, the hoi polloi must be supervised. The emphasis – and emphasis makes the big difference between popular sovereignty and Pol Pot – is “control” and not the greatest possible freedom in accord with decency. Thus the love of bans like the current political fad of blackballing plastic.
Parker’s article in National Geographic is an example of their disfigurement of Kierkegaard’s leap of faith. There’s a leap, but it’s a jump from plastic in the oceans to plastic elimination. She mentions the source of much of the problem – Asia – but she appears to be in a hurry to get to her favorite solution: eradication of the stuff. She’s got the impatience of Lenin.
Laura, let’s slow down. If the source of the problem is in Asia, then the solution is in Asia. But before we get to the talk of solution, as the saying goes, context is everything. Asia’s context in many places is one of grinding poverty from which much of it is just beginning to emerge as free market capitalism makes its halting, contorted, and meandering march around the world. Public sanitation is a persistent problem. One basic choice for the masses in such places is between potable water in a plastic bottle from a Nestlé factory or cholera in the village well. It’s a mistake that a friend experienced in the Philippines when he avoided the tap water but not the ice cubes in his hotel room’s freezer. Montezuma was avenged.
Under these circumstances, clean water is more reliably and inexpensively distributed in plastic bottles than anything else known to man or woman, or the other 38 or so genders imagined by our urban betters. Until an expensive sanitary grid is in place for taps, the 16-ounce bottled water of Nestlé , Unilever, and assorted knock-offs are the only practical option for a Bangkok worker on the go.
And what does the worker do with the bottle when finished? Of course, he throws it out the window. It’s what we used to do before the crying Indian public service ads of the 60’s and 70’s. It’s what poor people in poor countries still do without blinking. It’s a matter of values. Outside the super-rich enclaves in most places around the world, filth is common; litter is common.
A poor resident of Guatemala City isn’t so concerned about Santa Barbara urban aesthetics as he or she struggles to survive on a dollar a day. Talk to a rich-country anyone who’s spent many years outside the Anglosphere and Europe. You become inured to the litter, and when you return home, a formerly considered filthy area suddenly looks like the home of a germaphobe (a person with a compulsion to clean excessively).
If there’s a need for consciousness raising, it’s at the level of the denizen of the third world and not a people who look upon littering as a sin akin to assault and battery. But when our hypersensitivities meet with third world reality, we frequently end up as Green Peace activists.
Something the first world activists won’t recognize is the real source of their anxiety. It’s something that they can’t handle nor recognize. These scions of our suburban/urban sophisticates can’t come to grips with the realization that the mass of the world’s population don’t share their neatness values. What muddles their thinking and makes it easy to avoid the obvious conclusion is the airy notion that all cultures are equal. The idea disarms our privileged activists. It might be considered the second doctrine of environmentalism, and every other lefty cause for that matter. So, plastic must be banned everywhere and not just for the people who produced the dilemma.
The approach is a blind alley when practiced in other fields. A teacher can’t establish classroom discipline by constantly admonishing the whole class. The problem is concentrated on a few individuals. It’s easier to make a general indictment than engage in the unpleasantness of one-on-one encounters with the few malefactors. As a consequence, the innocents begin to dislike the teacher as much as the hellions. From there, it’s downhill. Such is the lefty approach to the problem of plastic litter. In the end, we avoid coming to grips with the principal cause: South Asia has a litter problem!
And more than that, it has a sanitation problem. And more than that, it has a government problem. And more than that, it has a wrenching poverty problem. And more than that, it has a corruption problem. And more than that, it has an infrastructure problem. And more than that …. Such countries aren’t going to look like the manicured landscapes of Bel Air.
But anyway off we go on the merry crusade to eliminate plastic from the face of the earth. The circus may be fun, replete with bucket-list trips to exotic locales and foundation-funded conferences in affluent resorts to meet with the like-minded. But is the scare well founded? Is plastic really a bonafide boogeyman? The answer requires more of Parker than a chronicle of littered beaches and breakdowns of plastic bags into nano-particles.
A comparison of alternatives would prove useful before we pack for the Davos trip. Surrogates for the typical light-weight plastic bag (high density polyethylene, HDPE) come up short for their harmful environmental impact, or so says a 2011 study by the Environmental Agency of England. Alternatives to the light-weight plastic bag included bags composed of HDPE laced for decomposition, bio-degradable starch/polyester, paper, heavy-duty low-density polyethylene(“bags for life”), heavier duty polypropylene (“bags for life”), and cotton (“bags for life”).
Consider the “bags for life”. They must be reused between 4 to 131 times (cotton) before they equal the environmental benefits of the disposable kind. Counter-intuitive? Maybe, if your exposure to science is limited to “Bill, the Science Guy”. (4)
What about cross-contamination and the hazards of washing chemicals associated with “bags for life”? Cross-contamination involves the danger of spreading pathogens from an unwashed bag to the contents of your Safeway cart. From there, who knows where it spreads.
It has happened. Check out this story from 2010. An Oregon teenage soccer player fell ill with an awful norovirus that quickly spread to teammates. As NBC reported, “The girl had been very ill in the hotel bathroom, spreading an aerosol of norovirus that landed everywhere, including on the reusable grocery bag hanging in the room. When scientists checked the bag, it tested positive for the bug, even two weeks later.” The snacks in the reusable shopping bags feeding the kids then infected the team. (4)
How many people are going to wash the things after every visit to the supermarket? One study presents good grounds for skepticism. You should be too.
Rather than wipe out an entire industry, wouldn’t it be better to run the familiar public service ads, organize voluntary trash collections, and establish something kindred to solid waste management in the developing world? They would have to do it anyway as poor people in poor countries become richer to afford more stuff, much of it disposable, with or without plastic. The people in these countries now have the wherewithal to access potable water that also happens to portable … in plastic bottles. Whereas before, they wallowed in sewage and cholera. Next on the national development list is anti-litter campaigns and solid waste management. Speaking of evolution, that appears to be the normal progression if our experience is any guide.
Do we really need to resort to death squads on a mission to destroy the plastics industry? Take it away and we have a mess. Saran Wrap works wonders in protecting our foods from insects and airborne pathogens. It functions better than blood-soaked wrapping paper seeping onto a “bag for life”. In short order in tropical climates things start to stink. Plastic is cheap – thus making things affordable for the average person – and wonderful for human health. Plastic provides too many benefits to ignore. Now poor countries need to stop being poor in the means to dispose of all forms of rubbish, let alone plastic. Also, try some crying ads.
Inconvenience seems to be an important part of the blue-dot weltenschauung. Its urban purveyors won’t be happy until they run us out of our air conditioning, bungalows, cars, guns, and almost anything sold at a Walmart. All this while afflicting us with high taxes, high-priced everything, and the entanglements of nanny state regulations.
Hedonism, though, is ok, particularly of the sexual variety. It’s part-and-parcel of the disrepute in the blue-dot world for old standards and norms. It is ironic that nearly everything is subject to control and governmental manipulation except matters dealing with sex and gender. The irony might dissipate if one sees it as additional site preparation for the brave new world.
There is little self-reflection by these politicized technocrats and degreed ideologues in our urban centers. For them, it all makes so much sense as they wallow in their confined mutual admiration society. They may not even be aware of their biases. In that sense they are both myopic and arrogant as they brook no opposition. The Bible, conservative Christians, Christian bakers, gun owners, advocates of limiting marriage to couplings who can consummate it, etc., are to be steam-rolled in the paving of the road to nirvana – a blue-dot nirvana.
At its most basic level, the divide in our politics is a philosophical one with a geographic dimension.
Footnotes and sources:
“Obama angers Midwest voters with guns and religion remark”, Ed Pilkington, The Guardian, April 14, 2008, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/apr/14/barackobama.uselections2008
“Intense, Provocative, Disturbing, Captivating, Genius Picasso”, Claudia Kalb, National Geographic Magazine, May 2018, pp. 99-125. This quote can be found on p. 103.
From Thomas Jefferson’s 1826 letter to Roger C. Weightman, http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/letter-to-roger-c-weightman/
“The Crusade Against Plastic Bags”, Kenneth P. Green and Elizabeth DeMeo, Pacific Research Institute, Dec. 2012, https://www.pacificresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/PlasticBagF_low.pdf
I’ve been watching the trade war talk heat up as our president pursues something mystically called “fair” trade. I’m all in favor of free and fair trade. Furthermore, I agree with the president that trade deals should be “reciprocal”. But, in a sense, on trade, Trump gets it and doesn’t get it.
Certainly, the broad general benefits of our free trade agreements are real. Yet, those very real gains aren’t evenly distributed. The negative repercussions seem to be concentrated in the industrial middle part of the country. Even though, to be honest, the problem had been building long before NAFTA and WTO. It’s the coastal urban financial centers, though, who have garnered most of the dough. That’s the “gets it” part, if we can construe his comments to be some roundabout recognition of free trade’s spotty effects.
As for the “doesn’t get it” part, he talks about $500 billion trade deficits as if the money is lost from our country. Really? No, it isn’t lost. For instance, China gets dollars for its exports to us. What are they going to do with the dollars? They can’t use them as currency in China or any other foreign country for that matter. They have to either spend them in the US or park the dollars in US financial assets. I suppose that they could hunt around on the international money markets to unload them but that just shifts the problem to somebody else. No, Mr. President, the money isn’t lost from us. Really, the things never left.
Now, here’s where it gets tricky. Most of the dollars end up in our financial centers. Read: mostly our coastal urban cores and Chicago. This does much to explain the bull market in California coastal real estate despite its Venezuela-type government. Trendy blue dots, with their lefty culture in tow, prosper.
Ironically, as recent events will attest, free international markets end up feeding the places that are busy destroying them. The dem-socialist darling of the Dem Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, could only get elected in one of those pampered locales.
She’s proof that an economics degree did her no more good than Trump’s self-taught trade “wisdom” did for him. It’s the age of gibberish.
The workings of the federal behemoth in DC would make the tangle of Amazon tributaries seem as straightforward as a lonely highway on the North American plains. Case in point: the 2016 shenanigans of our topmost public servants in the FBI and DOJ. After the release of the October 2016 FISA warrant Saturday (7/22/2018), though, at least some of the mystery is beginning to lift. The pungent odor of a partisan campaign of federal officials against a candidate is wafting beyond the confines of DC. I’ll wait for the reports of the Inspector General and Mueller before any grand conclusion. But, as for now, the public should be getting the sense that a large mound of garbage is building nearby.
Of particular concern is the relationship of DOJ and FBI aparatchiks, the DNC, and the Hillary Clinton campaign to the Steele dossier and FISA warrant. Further, as for the warrant itself, was hiding the connections in the application’s footnotes, and under vague pseudonyms, sometimes requiring a jurist’s conjecture – if he or she was up to it – sufficient to render the thing legitimate? Look, the warrant’s defenders say, “All you have to do is dig a bit”. Are they serious? Calling it proper with a straight face requires the help of an intoxicant.
A year after the warrant’s approval, it is apparent even to the NY Times that the notorious Steel dossier was a DNC and Hillary campaign piece of naked oppo research. A NY Times article of October of 2017 laid out the connections. The line of descent goes something like this: $12.4 million from the Hillary and DNC war chests to Perkins Coie; from Perkins Coie and its lead election lawyer, Marc Elias, to Fusion GPS (managed by Glenn Simpson); from Fusion GPS to Christopher Steele; Steele’s oppo research product to the FBI and into the warrant – making up the bulk of the “probable cause” for the warrant. (1)
How did DNC oppo research get to the FBI and move the national security machinery of the federal government to operate for the benefit of the Hillary campaign? Two answers seems apparent: one of America’s power couples and an intense anti-Trump animus par excellence among some of the fed’s movers and shakers. A relevant example of a fed power couple is the Obama DOJ’s #4, Bruce Ohr, and his wife Nellie. Nellie worked for Fusion GPS as it was conducting the Dem commissioned oppo research. She would have access to the Steele memos that make up the “dossier”. From her it goes to her hubby and from him to salivating administrators in the DOJ and FBI. Sound reasonable?
Voilà, we are inundated with investigations, accusations of collusion, incessant calls for impeachment, and shouts for confrontation everywhere by Democrats in a fevered state of war. In addition, the media’s fixation on what is, in essence, good old fashioned campaign smears – the same stuff of politics going back to Socrates – keeps the hyper-active ginned up. Just click the remote over to the ladies of The View to get a dose of the hysteria, or stir up the wasp nests on Twitter with any kind sympathy for Trump.
Sure, Trump has done much to fuel the hysterics, though the extravagant hyperbole predates our current instigator-in-chief. Remember the references to Reagan as an “amiable dunce”, “cowboy”, or allusions to “Bonzo”; or the chant about Bush 42: “Bush lied and people died”? The term “truther” began life as a Bush conspiracy to foment war, akin to the second gunman on the grassy knoll. You see, to the unhinged, the mayhem of 9/11 couldn’t have been conducted by jihadis. The scent of meth-induced hyperventilating was much in the air.
And we have Obama ready to step into the mire. Not content with merely using the trusty technique of smearing your opponent, he went on to bash a broad swath of the electorate. He coolly dismissed his rural detractors by saying, “… they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”. Claptrap replaced engagement with the voters. Substituting the word “deplorables” for an entire opposing constituency is beginning to gestate.
Going full “deplorable”, Hillary blasted them with this comment (Sept. 9, 2016): ” … you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic — Islamophobic — you name it”.
So now we have Trump giving back – and indeed in some ways pushing the envelope – what the left has been dishing out for years. No excuses, the whole thing is disgusting. Well, few of us can no longer lay claim to be chaste in our slide to incivility. The genie is out of the bottle. The left likes to trumpet Joe McCarthy as the quintessence of evil. Borrowing the metaphor, the left has gone full McCarthy for quite some time, and some on the right have followed suit. Thanks Trump, Trump sycophants, the loud but minuscule alt-right, Code Pink, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Michael Moore, the Resistance, campus social justice warriors, pc panderers (meaning the bulk of the Democratic Party base), lefty bankrollers, lefty celebrities ….
Not surprisingly, some of the frenzy penetrates conversation around the water coolers in the DC workplaces of the DOJ and FBI. It’s a habitat for creating insular, self-reinforcing political and social prejudices that could be lessened if we had something like court-ordered busing to coerce integration in thought and experience. Instead, de facto segregation exists and works to amplify the mania in the media and on the campaign trail. Some in influential positions may have acted on it.
It’s starting to appear that way. The progressive dream of a government of experts, inoculated from the mud of politics, is turning into the reality of an open septic tank. Prejudice and ignorance are still alive and well even among our allegedly disinterested “experts”.
Sources and footnotes:
“Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier”, Kenneth P. Vogel, NY Times, Oct. 24, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/24/us/politics/clinton-dnc-russia-dossier.html
“FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo”, Byron York, Washington Examiner, 7/22/2018, https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/fisa-warrant-application-supports-nunes-memo
Come on, let’s face it: “Russia attacked our democracy” is a hackneyed Dem chant to delegitimize the 2016 election. Yes, other culprits like the alleged red neck hatred for the “marginalized” have pride of place in lefty boilerplate. But the Russia mantra offers the unique opportunity to enlist the fabled objectivity of our intelligence agencies in the excuse-mongering. It only works, though, if the history of US meddling (aka “attack”) goes down the memory hole.
To be clear, much past US meddling was a response to Soviet/communist meddling. It is reassuring to know that Mosaddegh and Allende didn’t succeed in turning Iran and Chile into a part of Russia’s “near-abroad”.
Still, one cannot say that political interference was invented by Putin. We have a well-documented history of “attacking” elections, and, yes, even in Russia. Just ask the ghost of Boris Yeltsin. Boat loads of cash were funneled to Yeltsin’s political clan, some of it laundered through the IMF, to ensure his victory in 1996. (4) Or maybe we should ask Benjamin Netanyahu. In 1999, Clinton sent James Carville over to advise the Labor candidate, Ehud Barak, against Bebe. (3)
Obama’s meddling in Israeli elections mirrors the recent murky Russian activities. US money goes into one organization and then into another and then into assorted anti-Likud voter drives and electioneering. Obama wasn’t content with “hacking”, Twitter, and Facebook, like the Russians. He sent over to Israel part of his political brain trust – Jeremy Bird, fresh off of Obama’s 2012 field operations. (1)
Obama’s hostility to Netanyahu was glaring in 2010 when he rudely left Netanyahu simmering with his aides in the Roosevelt for over an hour. (5)
Maybe comments from experienced intelligence community hands would calm excitable lefties. (4)
* Countering the charge that the Russian effort was exceptional is 30-year CIA veteran Steven Hall: “If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all”.
* Loch K. Johnson, American intelligence scholar and staffer on the Senate’s Church Committee from the 1970’s: “We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947. We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.”
* Dov H. Levin, Carnegie-Mellon scholar, documents 81 US and 36 Russian instances of attempts to influence foreign elections from 1946 to 2000.
You might call this kind of thing a well-traveled approach to foreign policy. This isn’t an excuse, and when it happens to us, it is up to us to sanction the offenders and install additional safeguards. But, please, stop feigning shock and horror at something that is part of the toolkit to bend nations toward your preferred interests.
Grow up, or, better yet, read and listen a little more to sources outside the echo chamber.
Footnotes and sources:
1. “The Obama Campaign Strategist Who Could Break the Israeli Elections Wide Open”, Roy Arad, Haaretz, 1/26/2015, https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-could-obama-s-strategist-break-elections-wide-open-1.5365391
2. “Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel”, Jon Greenberg, PunditFact, 3/25/2015, http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/mar/25/blog-posting/blog-claims-us-funded-anti-netanyahu-election-effo/
3. “The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries”, Nina Agrawal, LA Times, 12/21/2016, http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-us-intervention-foreign-elections-20161213-story.html
4. “Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.”, Scott Shane, NY Times, 2/17/2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/17/sunday-review/russia-isnt-the-only-one-meddling-in-elections-we-do-it-too.html
5. “Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim”, Adrian Blomfield, The Telegraph, 3/25/2010, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/7521220/Obama-snubbed-Netanyahu-for-dinner-with-Michelle-and-the-girls-Israelis-claim.html
Some states seem to be at war with a federal government that they do not control. These are died-in-the-wool, neo-socialist Democrat states that have had their way with the federal tax code since the birth of the 16th Amendment. Watch NY’s AG Barbara Underwood as she shows chutzpa in claiming that somehow the state and local tax deduction (SALT) is somewhere in the Constitution while announcing a lawsuit to stop Congress from exercising its tax powers.
After I stopped laughing, I began to realize that these people are serious. She asserts that New York was unfairly targeted by the cap on SALT at $10,000. Targeted? Yes, they were targeted, but with benefits … up until the new law. One could easily say that they unfairly benefited with the old law as to say that they are unfairly treated with the new one.
This is one of the reasons politics is a great spectator sport. People unknowingly say the most preposterous things with a straight face. She needs to take this act on the road.
Our president’s statements after his meeting with Putin were appalling. He went further than Neville Chamberlain’s famous “Peace for our time” announcement after Munich, 1938. Trump also sounded like a 60’s teenage anti-war activist blathering moral equivalence. Remember the shouts from the time – we are just as bad as Ho, comrade Brezhnev, and the Belgians in the Congo? Chamberlain, though, to his credit would have recoiled at such rubbish. Nevertheless, Trump and Chamberlain end up at the same place: appeasement.
How can a Republican president, knowingly or unknowingly, sound like the radical SDS of yore? The mind-set could be the outcome of a pinched view of life solely reliant on personal experience. Like Chamberlain, domestic matters framed the near totality of knowledge and interest for our fumbling president. Lifetime efforts to go beyond through study and thought are absent, leaving behind only interests and knowledge accrued through business and relationships within an arm’s reach. Everything outside this box is given the first-thought-that-comes-to-mind treatment. This mental reflex makes it easy to be fooled by thugs whose rise up the “greasy pole” resembled the career pathway of a mafia don.
Business and politics in a developed country is decidedly different from the rabid dog approach to power and fame in many other countries, à la Stalin. People with a business background are disarmed when dealing with people who’ll coolly instigate a “Night of the Long Knives” (Hitler’s slaughter of Ernst Röhm and the SA in 1934) or “Great Purge” (Stalin’s massacre of party and military leadership of 1936-38). The Kim sadism and Putin gangsterism are modern versions of the same phenomena. Sitting down with them isn’t quite the same as haggling with planning commissions and union bosses. If you think otherwise, you are proving that you haven’t done much in your life beyond a momentary Google search.
Jonah Goldberg in his column of 7/18 makes much of the self-centeredness of Trump to explain Trump’s blarney after the Putin summit, and there’s much to the charge. But we Americans are particularly adept at choosing the naïve and ill-prepared when dealing with the key part of the president’s Constitutional job description: foreign affairs and national security. Woodrow Wilson was convinced his oratory would win over the Allies and Germany to his lofty moral internationalism; FDR thought he could charm the 500,000-corpses-per-year Stalin right up to his last breath; JFK was bitch-slapped by Khrushchev in Vienna; W was romanced by Putin’s eyes; and Obama pledged to be “flexible” if he succeeded in fooling the American electorate into giving him another 4-year lease on the White House (which he did). The pizzazz fizzled into the rise of fascism, the Iron Curtain and Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Russian military adventurism. Naivete fueled by ignorance has dark consequences.
Much of the world is a political cesspool, a far cry from having to deal with corrupt local politicos, mudslinging, and trumped up (pun not intended) oppo research. Compare that to group garroting and a bullet to the head down a lonely basement corridor — by the thousands. Vice-President Cheney had it right when asked about what he saw in Putin’s eyes. He saw a “KGB colonel”. An educated realism has been chronically missing from the résumé of many of our most recent chief executives, including this one. A sobering thought.
It seems a whole lot of things are pungent these days. Peter Strzok, with the olfactory glands of a bloodhound, is hot on the scent of Trump voters as if thoughts metabolize into odors – “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support…”. As for something that’s really beginning to take on the stink of a deer carcass in the summer sun, the FBI’s Hillary and Trump investigations are becoming quite ripe. I’ll withhold judgment till after the Mueller report but the stench is maturing beyond a whiff.
Strzok maintains that he faithfully abided the “bright line” between personal beliefs and work. Who’s he kidding? The email investigation – of which he was central – wreaked: exoneration before the target was interviewed; clear and plain evidence of the destruction of evidence; suspects in the criminal conduct are allowed to represent and collaborate with the target of the investigation; proof of violations of national security statutes messaged into the bland “extremely careless”. The fix was in, and Strzok’s fingerprints are all over it.
Fresh off that sham, Strzok jets off to London to moonlight as DNC oppo research coordinator on the FBI dime. But Trump won the election and upset the apple cart. The 2016 machinations of the DOJ/FBI lawyers at the top of the DC pile were exposed. Instead of savior, Strzok and company ended up with a diet of crow, and maybe facing a few criminal indictments to boot.
The aforementioned reference to Strzok’s uncanny ability to sniff out Trump voters shows another side of this sordid affair. The condescension for the people outside the Georgetown bistros and wine socials and upper middle-class northern Virginia suburbs was as palpable as London fog.
Borrowing Strzok’s “smell” metaphor, his texts smell like the cultural divide at the root of our politics. The Democratic Party is the party of the blue dots (dense urban cores) and the few states wholly beholden to their blue dots. The culture in the blue dots has evolved into a brew of social libertinism, dreamy multiculturalism, and fascist intolerance. Yet, they hold their snouts high in the air at the people who patronize Walmarts. Reagan said that he didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left him. A more up-to-date version would be, “America didn’t leave the blue dots; the blue dots left America”. The blue dots changed into something that the rest of America didn’t want any part of — thus the election of Trump.
It’s a cultural divide possibly as stark as the one in the 1840’s when a person crossed the Ohio River from free Ohio into slaveholding Kentucky. The places developed as differently as if they were on different continents. For instance, today, the blue dots are at war with traditional standards. One’s simple expectation about the occupants of a public restroom has to be revised as blue dot media mavens propagate the fantasy of 40 genders. You can’t even be certain of the chromosomal makeup of the participants in a girls’ track meet. The cultic philosophies of victimhood and shallow identity-mongering are rampant. And that’s only a start.
The experience of a person fresh from a Baptist Sunday service and passing through West Hollywood must be akin to the Ohio resident stepping off the ferry into 1840’s Kentucky. Culture shock anyone?
It’s fascinating to wonder if Strzok and Page were caught up in one of America’s premier blue dot bubbles – DC – so much so that their muscular confirmation bias would not appear as a choked worldview but as the only true reality. Insular echo chambers work that way. In the meantime, the notion of a government of enlightened “experts” free of the prejudices of the average person is as shattered as Conan [the barbarian] throwing a 20-lb sledge hammer through an untempered glass window.