Threshold for Maturity?

Crowds of people hold signs on Pennsylvania Avenue at the “March for Our Lives” rally in support of gun control, Saturday, March 24, 2018, in Washington.

One in the flurry of gun control proposals in the wake of the Florida school shooting is raising the age to purchase a rifle to 21, either through state or federal action. The suggestion is a clown-car of inconsistencies and undigested logic.

Right alongside with this latest bullet point of Michael Bloomberg advocacy is the 26th Amendment, the 18-year-old right to vote. If the controllers’ idea is adopted, maturity for voting lives side-by-side with immaturity for buying a gun. What? How does this work?

The NRA might raise the irony of an 18-year-old being issued a gun in the Army but can’t be issued one on purchase once the person steps off base. “Right”, gun controllers will respond as they contend that the “kid” is under supervision on base. Well, the controllers now present the ungainly circumstance of the 18-year-old not being able to buy a gun unsupervised as they exercise the vote unsupervised. Try to square that circle.

The idea has all the earmarks of feelings clouding sensible judgment. If adopted, the proposal sets the ceiling for “immaturity” at 21 for a gun while, at the same time, still allowing the newly-defined “immature” to inflict their choices on the rest of us at the voting booth.

The 26th Amendment grants to the newly-defined “immature” the right to vote; an age-21 gun law also excuses the skeptic for scoffing as the newly-defined “immature” line up to vote. Go figure.


The Kids’ March For … The Resistance, 3/24/2016

Radicalizing the youth: People arrive for the March For Our Lives rally against gun violence in Washington, DC on March 24, 2018.

That’s right, this whole march in DC has all the trappings of a leftist jihad for a grand social revolution. Do you really think this is only about gun control? Lefty platitudes were wafting through the air like pot smoke in a Denver park. Demonization was rife, and lefty banalities had pride of place. Prudence and caution are not the stuff of youth politics.

Why is it so? Young people are flash-point thinkers. Thought seasoned with knowledge and experience is lacking. They think in extremes and superlatives, and react strongly to what they last saw or heard – very understandable for a witness to a massacre. But wise policy doesn’t arise out of the traumatized and incompletely schooled.

Half-digested buzzwords like “restorative justice” and “white privilege” were bandied about like a beach ball on the Florida sand. These kids are in the process of being mentally scarred from anything approaching serious contemplation. They will react with harsh words and contempt for anyone who disagrees, and it may forever stay with them. There are few things more dangerous than a young person filled with poorly-understood righteousness.

Watch this clip of the shouting down of Professor Bret Weinstein for emailing his disagreement about an activist-led “Day of Absence”.

Or this famous display of close-mindedness and shrieking directed at Yale Sociology Professor Christakis.

Don’t think for a moment that the March is a kids-and-their-parents thing. This isn’t youth soccer. It is big money and big adults ginning up the whole affair. If the kids are the spokesmen, they deserve to be challenged. As for the adults cheering on the spectacle, they need to be outed.

My rights are too important to be left to the immature and brazenly self-righteous.

Check out the photos of the ubiquitous outstretched clenched fist of David Hogg and others throughout history.  The emphatic, incendiary gesture commonly goes with youth activism.  It usually indicates a troubling stridency.

David Hogg after “March For Our Lives” speech, 3/24/2018.
Hugo Chavez, socialist dictator of Venezuela, salutes after a speech.
In the midst of the horrific Cultural Revolution, a youthful speaker of Mao’s Red Guards thrusts the communist clenched-fist salute.
More youthful partisans of Mao’s brutal Cultural Revolution.
People’s Climate March, NYC, 2014.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – AUGUST 12: Anti-fascist counter-protesters wait outside Emancipation Park to hurl insluts as white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the “alt-right” are forced out after the “Unite the Right” rally was declared an unlawful gathering August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. After clashes with anti-fascist protesters and police the rally was declared an unlawful gathering and people were forced out of Emancipation Park, where a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is slated to be removed. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)


Losing Is Difficult. For Some, It’s Downright Unacceptable.

Data mining on Facebook was placed on the list of evils by anyone traumatized about the 2016 election.  Since Trump’s campaign momentarily dabbled in it, it’s satanic, conveniently forgetting St. Obama did it in 2012.  The difference between the two approaches is matter of degree, not kind.

A photo illustration depicts the mining of Facebook data after allegations that a British political consultancy had accessed users’ information to build profiles of American voters. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

I’m referring to the 2016 election in the title. If you happened to be a loser, the election drove you to madness. Some couldn’t get over the numbers and fled into escapism. For them, the whole thing was as legitimate as the finishes at a mob-run racetrack. In psychology, it’s called “denialism” – a rejection of reality.

For the psychologically marred, nearly everything is recruited to deny the victor his spoils. Regarding the 2016 result, it was Russia “stealing our election”, Comey’s testimony on Hillary’s awkwardly unlawful behavior, the rise of the “deplorables”, and now Facebook skulduggery.

Somehow, data mining on Facebook has joined the ranks of numbers running. Obama’s people did it in 2012 and they were called wunderkinds. Trump’s people do it and it becomes one of the dark arts. Yes, in 2012, people volunteered their friends’ lists while 2016 Cambridge Analytics bought their’s. In both cases, no friends were asked, and it was simply like ending up on a direct mail or phone list. It’s much-a-do about nothing.

Russia didn’t turn the election. They succeeded, though, in sowing the discord exhibited by Nancy Pelosi and company. As for Hillary’s Comey problem, that was self-inflicted. As for Facebook, Trump’s people found it wanting and used the better RNC data.

Don’t worry about Facebook, they will find way to monetize data mining.

Eventually, for all the enraged Dems out there, you’ll have to come around to accepting that a sizable chunk of the electorate in 2016 had enough of Obama’s revolution. Now, you’ll channel your rage for the midterms and vote to misgovern yourselves … and ourselves. And so it goes.

Protest against Donald Trump. Photo: Socialist Alternative.


“Reprehensible Ideas vs Reprehensible Behavior”: Interesting Exchange

Comments from readers provide opportunities to further expand on a point.  Brevity can lead to leaving some terms obscure – the “reprehensible ideas” for instance in a previous post.  In the following exchange, I gave some sense about what I might mean by “reprehensible ideas”.

Respondent: Right now, the most important thing is character and decency. Period. No Faustian bargains with the likes of DT.

My reply: You make much of “character” but say nothing of character-destroying policies. Unleashing an unaccountable administrative state sets the stage for unaccountable government and irresponsible conduct. Class warfare policies puts the power of government agencies into the incitement of envy and envy-based confiscation. Modern progressivism’s lifestyle fascism is the single largest organized threat to faith institutions. Trump’s episodic insults to particular persons creates a much smaller universe of victims than the state’s massive and broad social destruction. Don’t be so animated about Trump’s boorish behavior while refusing to recognize the much more serious assault on our national health from lefty policies. That’s the “reprehensible ideas” part of our current dilemma.

And so it goes.


“Free College Education”, the Latest Addition to “Free”

For one, “free” isn’t “free”. It’s shorthand for the government making somebody else pay. For another, the whole idea is a mess. If you want to ruin college, unleash public debt, and wreck the lives of many young people, make college “free”.

Two things stand out in this latest crusade for “free”. First, the idea defiles colleges by roping into them marginal students which turns colleges into something resembling failing high schools, and lets loose a form of hyper-inflation … of degrees. It’s like the idea of making a country richer (more educated) simply by printing more dollars (degrees).

Second, it’s as if we can suspend the laws of human nature, as if there are no such laws. Economics can’t exist without them. It’s economics that is really being ridden out of the picture. “Free” means “subsidies”, and subsidies make anything more expensive. Take dairy price supports, or ethanol subsidies, and apply to college. You’ll end up with warehouses full of degrees, many of which have more to do with political activism than practicality and enlightenment. Watch costs escalate.

More troubling is the greater acceptance of the nonsense among normally conservative constituencies. The popularity of the balderdash is proof of debased education and the ascent of the juvenile love for “free” into age groups that should know better.

*”Why States Should Abandon the ‘Free College’ Movement”, Jennifer E. Walsh, NRO, 3/19/2018,…/why-states-should-abandon…/


Reprehensible Ideas vs. Reprehensible Behavior

Reprehensible ideas:

Nancy Pelosi (D, San Francisco), House Minority Leader

Reprehensible behavior:

Donald Trump, President of the United States

The results of the soon-to-be-defunct Pennsylvania 18th congressional district election signals a rising tide for the Democrats in November, but not because of any great love for their lefty ideas.

Conor Lamb (D), winning candidate in the 18th congressional district race.

Their (Dems) fortunes rose in direct proportion to the repulsiveness and churlishness of a president with a “R” after his name. Trump is the accelerant for this state of affairs, not love for SDS-type values. (SDS: the 60’s Students for Democratic Society – Tom Hayden’s, et al, group for bringing socialism to America).

This is an election year that will pivot on the choice between reprehensible ideas (Democrats) vs. reprehensible behavior (Trump). Trump has soiled the “R” label. It’s a sad situation when people react to deplorable conduct by turning to people with deplorable ideas.

Time to recycle the wisdom of the historian Robert Blake: ““The right to misgovern oneself is as valid as any other political right, and it is exercised more often than most.” We might see it play out in November, and maybe two years later.

Robert Blake, historian, Queen’s College, Oxford University.

Say good-bye to your tax cut and guns; say hello to incessant impeachment dramas and the Californication of the federal government.


Colossal Ignorance Abounds

Sorry, I can’t leave the gun debate alone. The reason: the people most stridently supporting gun-control are simultaneously most ignorant about them. They say stupid things like, “These guns [AR-15’s] are killing machines” (Stephanie Ruhle of MSNBC, last week in a radio interview).

Stephanie Ruhle, MSNBC

Here’s a question: Comparing the 2 gun pictures below – #2 and #3 – which one is more likely to kill you? Answer: It depends on which one is pointing at you. Dahhhh! A bullet out of a “killing machine” (Stephanie’s words) acts the same way as one heading toward a deer.

Hunter with a bolt-action rifle.
Sighting-in an AK-47.

Okay, one is a semi-auto AK-47 (pic #3) and the other is a bolt-action hunting rifle (pic #2). But many sport rifles are semi-auto. Depending on the direction of the barrel, either one could be a “killing machine” (Stephanie’s words). See below, pic #4, of a Browning semi-auto and an AR-15.

Top: Browning semi-auto hunting rifle. Bottom: AR-15.

I guess that we should expect a news anchor to be infatuated with cosmetics.


Response to “CNN’s Little Red Guards”

The following is a Facebook exchange about my latest post – “CNN’s Little Red Guards” – on both my blog and Facebook page.  Check it out.

Respondent: Mao’s Red Guards? Good Lord. Take a chill pill, Roger, and stop stuffing so much wood into the stove. Go cross country ski for ten miles.

RogerG: Chill pill? Good Lord, Seth. A 17-year-old witness to a shooting spree does not a pundit make. That CNN lynching didn’t do anything but add a few more nominees for Warhol’s 15-minutes-of-fame museum. Now it turns out that the public employees and their bureaucracies in the vicinity, for whom our dependency would grow if gun-control zealots have their way, failed massively — from the FBI on down. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the model for the Broward County Sheriff’s Department is the California DMV – or maybe Caltrans. All the talk about robust nix lists, gun bans, licensing, expanded gun restrictions, etc., will be executed by the same people who can’t manage a downtown office, can’t restrain an out-of-control 18-year-old, can’t maintain the roads, won’t neutralize an active shooter, and is more concerned about public employee perks than job performance. Good Lord, Seth, get a grip. Layered security is the key: armed outside the buildings and armed inside the buildings.

Respondent: the Red Guard analogy was overwrought. Come on.

RogerG: No, not overwrought but dramatic — because kids are attracted to the dramatic. It’s in their DNA, so to speak. Their mental immaturity shows as unleavened opinions of stark over-simplicity. The Action Jackson of the Hitler Youth, Fascist Youth, and Mao’s Red Guards resonates much less among almost anyone old enough to have kids, a spouse, a mortgage, and freighted with the responsibilities of life. Kids occupy that space of free-wheeling innocence. Their opinions have a scent of irresponsibility about them while anxious to get on with the frenzy of the “movement”. You’re wrong in dismissing this cross-cultural predilection for blunt opinions and fevered activity. They are prime recruits for utopia-mongering, whether it be one of blissful equality or a nanny state managed gun-free existence. In a nutshell, they’re as crazy as moonbats.

And so it goes.


CNN’s Little Red Guards

SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND – FEBRUARY 21: Students from Montgomery Blair High School march down Colesville Road in support of gun reform legislation February 21, 2018 in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Red Guards — high school and university students — wave copies of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book during a parade in June 1966 in Beijing’s streets at the beginning of China’s Cultural Revolution.

CNN’s townhall (2/21/2018) on guns was staged in Broward County, the scene of the shooting, and also a Democrat bastion in a state trending Republican. Remember, Al Gore tried to cherry pick friendly counties like Broward County for never-ending recounts for manufacturing votes to reverse his loss of Florida in the 2000 election, only to be stopped by the Supreme Court.

Broward County canvassing board member Judge Robert Rosenberg looks over a questionable ballot, 25 November 2000, at the Broward County Courthouse in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  AFP PHOTO/RHONA WISE / AFP / RHONA WISE (Photo credit should read RHONA WISE/AFP/Getty Images)

On 2/21, CNN conducted a theatrical display of ritual humiliation reminiscent of Mao’s Red Guards during the weighty days of the Cultural Revolution. Go view CNN’s tape of their event and compare it to this 7-minute exhibit of rage, youthful exuberance, and inhumanity from Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

Today’s young firebrands, in their bullying antics towards Southern statues and the NRA/guns, has striking similarities to Red Guard attacks on bourgeois decadence and, of course, statues.

Toppling a statue in Durham, NC.

We don’t have to look far into the pages of history for evidence of adolescent cruelty. Movements built around coercive utopias have frequently found a receptive audience among the young. Italy’s Fascist Party youth, the National Socialist Hitler Youth, Stalin’s Young Pioneers, Mao’s Red Guards, Bela Kun’s Lenin’s Boys (Hungarian Soviet Republlic, 1919) show the capacity for enthusiastic intolerance among the young. The spectacle of orchestrated hate depicted on CNN is true to form.

Bela Kun’s Lenin’s Boys, the enforcers of the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919.

We must understand these things for what they are. They are not forums for calm deliberation, but devolve into kangaroo courts for compulsory humiliation. Let’s stop the pretense of calling it a “townhall”.


Can’t Question a 17-year-old?

!7-year-old David Hogg

David Hogg has thrust himself into the difficult gun control debate. There’s a reason for the age distinction of minority/majority in law. There’s a reason for the separate existence of juvenile courts. There’s a reason for the determination of minors to be not fully capable in law of “consent”. It’s the same reason they cannot be a representative, senator, or president. Mental immaturity, raging hormones, and victim status aren’t qualifications for the seat of Solomon.

Hogg has been treated with “kid” gloves (pun intended) as he has thrust himself onto the public stage. His opinions have the depth of reasoning of a kid’s Christmas wish list. His demands should be confronted and dispatched, not indulged. There’s too much at stake for millions of others to let rantings go unanswered.

David, you wanted a debate; now you should get it.
