Biden, the Prevaricator-In-Chief; Trump, the Obstacle; and an Eviscerated Energy Industry

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Biden’s a liar, but the Republicans have to contend with Trump.  What a pickle for the American people.  Trump makes it possible for Biden to rule and make a hash of our lives.  It’s hard for Republicans to make the case when they’re constantly trying to live down one of the most repugnant characters on the political scene campaigning under their banner.

There is a chunk of the GOP base that remains enthralled by Trump.  They are stuck in 2016.  Back then, Trump was the fresh face with an outsized personality and no political track record to excoriate.  He won and we quickly learned that it wasn’t an act.  He gave us four years of repellant behavior and hasn’t stopped.  Like it or not, he became the easily caricatured face of the party, and the necessary distraction for the Democratic Party to avoid accountability for their descent of the country into “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” (Thomas Hobbes, 17th century).  The embrace of Trump has allowed the Democrats to get away with it.

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Smath-and-grab in a high-end store in Los Angeles, November 2021

Trump is a big turn-off, and he’s turning off more.  The act is getting old.  He has a vendetta against people who have no vendetta against him, but against whom he might play second fiddle.  Governor Ron DeSantis was insulted with “DeSanctimonious”.  Governor Youngkin was pasted with an anti-Asian slur on Truth Social: “Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?) in Virginia couldn’t have won without me.”  What a narcissist.  Because National Review isn’t sufficiently worshipful, he blasts them “as being led by lightweights that couldn’t shine the shoes of Bill Buckley.”  Speaking of Buckley, he laid out the common-sense approach to choosing a candidate by advising conservatives to vote for the most conservative ELECTABLE contender.  After three losing election cycles – 2018, 2020, and 2022 – Trumpkins are showing themselves to be a kamikaze brigade, and willing to take down the party with them.  He isn’t the most conservative and he’s far from the most electable.  Need more proof?

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Republicans need to excise Trump’s influence from the party before we can hold Biden and the Democrats accountable for their engineered misery.  No mistake about it, Biden gave us a 360-degree world of hurt.  Energy is at the root of all that we do, especially economically.  It’s hard to imagine prosperity with a Biden-imposed recession in the energy industry.  Biden chose to take the advice of the teenage Greta Thunberg and lead us into a greenie fantasyland.  And he’s lying about it.

Biden trotted out Energy Secretary Granholm in June 2022 to perpetuate the don’t-blame-me and the gaslight-the-public PR strategies.  Granholm: “We are now at close to record levels of [domestic] oil production here in the U.S. . . . .”  Lie.  See chart below.  Biden in October 2022: “Today, the most common price of gas in America is $3.39 – down from over $5 when I took office.”  Lie.  What other word qualifies when it’s as demonstrable as my current runny nose?

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Energy Sec. Granholm at a press conference

There’s more where those came from.  It’s as if Orwell’s Ministry of Truth leapt off the pages of “1984” and landed in D.C. Economist Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago puts it plainly when he wrote in October of 2022, “. . . we are well short of the production levels and trends that were occurring just three to four years ago.”  The pandemic crushed everything, and we haven’t bounced back.  Keep in mind that fracking made us into the Saudi Arabia of the western hemisphere.  We have the abundant capacity so why haven’t we upped our game?  Why hasn’t the supply side of the market responded as it always had before to price increases?  The answer is found in the fact that the Thunberg-influenced Biden is signing executive orders to turn America’s grid into California’s.  No big pipelines for you, America.  Oh, let’s tax and EPA-regulate production on federal lands and offshore into near oblivion.  Of course, let’s lie about it.  While we’re at it, let’s herd the population into ev’s so we all can experience “range anxiety” together.  If that isn’t enough, let’s strangle producers’ access to capital with new lefty ESG regulations from the SEC.

A natural gas wellhead.
A capped oil well in the US.

Former Fed chairman Greenspan spoke of “animal spirits” in the market.  Fear is an animal spirit.  So is hostility.  You’d have to be in a cryogenic state not to get the clues that the federal Leviathan hates you if you’re a supplier of the stuff that keeps people from freezing in the winter.  Better to play along with algae, corn, tides, or anything that pops into the heads of the yoga-room minions on the Meta campus.  Forget about more refineries and more exploration.  Pardon an oil company CEO for not seeing the guillotine as the Welcome Wagon.

The concept of supply elasticity clearly stretches the mental capacity of the eco-fantasists around Biden.  The responsiveness of supply to price changes has inexplicably taken a hiatus under Biden.  Take my memory of the Kern River oilfields outside Bakersfield, Ca.  Price goes up, wells are uncapped and the secondary-recovery generators turned on.  Price goes down, there’s no justification for the expenses.  It’s topsy-turvy if you’re Jimmy Carter of the 1970’s and put your foot on the neck of producers with a cap on domestic crude oil prices.  Biden of 2021 put his foot back on the neck of producers to the point that the law of supply elasticity disappeared.  Then he lambasts them for responding to his hostility by restraining their capital investments.  It’s a replay of Stalin’s hunt for “wreckers” or “kulaks” after the blunders of his Five Year Plans in the 1930’s.

Lesson: Don’t expect the equivalent of the DMV to beneficially determine what to produce, how much of it to produce, and who’s to get it for everyone, everywhere, always.  It’s a cluster*#&@.  Welcome to Biden world.

Biden’s escape from the real world can be seen in his October price boast.  Gas wasn’t $5 per gallon when he took office.  It was $2.39.  Is this old age infirmity at work or prevarication?   Remember, this guy has a long history of wild exaggerations and untruths.  Going back to his college days, blatant plagiarism and embellishment of his record were standard for him.   Today, I’m not certain if it’s pure senility or the serial untruths of his youth ossifying into imaginary truths in a decaying brain.  Is this a difference without a difference?  Can’t say.

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Fuel prices in Los Angeles, March 2022

Fuel prices normally gyrate through the year.  It’s not month-to-month changes that are most relevant.  It’s year-to-year, or June 2022 compared to June 2021.  Biden is responsible for the elevated gyration plateau of 2021/2022 when compared to the gyration valley of 2019/2020 or 2020/2021 and before.  For me, Biden’s falsehoods are true to form with a kicker of infirmity.

The lie reduced to one line has more appeal in this age of the internet attention span of a five-year-old than a reasoned analysis in a three-thousand-word essay.  People can’t sit still long enough when Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube are beckoning.  Biden ritually does it.  Trump too, but he’s brazenly repugnant as he does it.  Republicans would do the country a great service by putting Trump out to pasture.  With him out of the way, the country might be in a mood to open up space in the same field for Biden and his lefty coterie.  Something to ponder.

Glenn Russell/The Burlington Free Press via AP
Then-VP Joe Biden finds two quarters on the sidewalk in Burlington, Vt., 2016. “I found two quarters.”
Biden’s inauguration


Read more here:

* The administration lying to the press at a June 2022 press briefing: “Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm”, The White House, June 22, 2022, at

* Biden’s false claim of cheaper gas prices: “Fact check: Biden falsely claims the most common gas price was over $5 when he took office”, CNN, Oct. 28, 2022, at

* Casey Mulligan’s piece: “Biden Has Bungled Fossil-Fuel Policy”, National Review Online, Nov. 2, 2022, at

