Blowhard-fest I Postmortem

May be an image of 2 people

The Biden-Trump rematch is in the books.  Who won and who lost?  Nobody won, and Biden lost.  Will they move on to a second match?  Hardly.

In a nutshell, by the end of the talkathon, my fears about Biden’s infirmity were confirmed, but my concerns about Trump were elevated.  Biden came off as a doddering old Marxist head honcho like one of those Eastern European party strongmen in the waning days of the Iron Curtain, or the party elders standing next to Brezhnev overlooking the May Day grand parade in Moscow in the 1970s.  Yes, Biden is infirm but what came out of his mouth in his infirmity was the socialism that is firmly established Democratic Party doctrine.  If the party movers and shakers succeeded in pushing him aside, his replacement won’t be an improvement, just more presentable.

The left-wing party establishment got what it wanted under Biden (and Obama), and the country is a wreck for it.  Biden resorted to the party’s doctrinal tics throughout the debate: tax the “rich” to save Social Security (it won’t), all the “pay their fair share” talk, the greenie nonsense, the “glories” of ending unborn life as if it was God’s eleventh commandment, and more bribery of friendly political constituencies with other people’s money.  It’s disgusting, and ruinous.

For his part, Trump was . . . Trump.  He brought his “A” game, as in donkey.  He donned his adolescent schoolyard bully uniform for all to see.  Vague generalities, superlatives in regard to himself, avoidance of questions in favor of rudimentary insults, and the repetitive use of a monotonous standard line were the essence of his performance.

Trump boasts were routine.  For instance, “I’ll end the Ukraine War before inauguration day.”  How’s he going to do that?  He has no practical leverage on Putin.  He’ll hang Zelensky out to dry and give Putin a third of the country, that’s how.  All will be done in an isolated meeting after which there will be a smiling Trump photo op.  Zelensky won’t be smiling, Ukraine will be in tears, and naked aggression will have been rewarded.  Speculation?  It’s more realistic than any of Trump’s self-assessments.

Trump made the correct observation that other world leaders see Biden as an embarrassment.  After last night’s performance, they see our country as crazy.  Are these two people the best that we can come up with?

Now more than ever, we need a real leader to prosecute the case against the creeping socialism that is smothering us, and for the unborn.  We don’t have one, certainly not in Trump.  Trump has always been merely a walking gesture, the middle finger to our decrepit politico-cultural elites.  He’s incapable of presenting an argument, a line of reasoning.  It shows every time that he steps onto a stage.  In the meantime, the country is careening to insolvency.  At this juncture, neither party will even recognize the tidal wave of debt that threatens to swamp us and our ability to defend ourselves.  Eco-central planning is no more coherent than the kind in the old Soviet Union.  Who do we have to make the case?  Who has the wherewithal to convince the American people to turn away from their belief in the impossible, from decadence?

Don’t look for it in Trump.  Don’t look for it in either political party.  We need leadership, not a middle finger.

May be an illustration


