Viral Eyeball Minutes, Mental Contagions, and the Young

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Here’s a disturbing tidbit: tweens (8-12 years old) are on their cell phones for an average of five and a half hours per day; teens (13-18 years old) average eight and a half hours (The Common Sense Census, see below).  In addition, as of 2019, half of adolescents and tweens owned a cell phone, and 84% of teens owned one.  I suspect that it’s only gotten worse.  Why “disturbed” and “worse”?  Think of the behavioral and mental contagions unleashed by these “pocket computers”.

The mania can be measured in “eyeball minutes” by Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.  For them, they are the equivalent of the oilwell gushers of old.  Much that they do is geared to maximizing the fixation of the eyes, particularly of the young.

Now, we have a new meaning for “viral”.  What used to be applied to contagious diseases has greater relevance for today’s addiction for that eyeball-and-thumb rummaging through websites and pictures.  It’s easy to alter mental states as never before.  The emotional enslavement to the device was properly characterized by Bill Maher when he said on 60 Minutes,

“The tycoons of social media have to stop pretending that they’re friendly nerd-gods building a better world, and admit they’re just tobacco farmers in t-shirts selling an addictive product to children.”

Think of the emotional conditions that are sparked by the incessant activity on the thing.  Anorexia nervosa, gender dysphoria, experiments in alternate sexual orientations, teen jealousies, distorted expectations, new and toxic behavioral norms, flash mobs, are just some examples of mental and behavioral contagions that a tween or teen can potentially experience through their incessant connectivity.

No wonder that a good chunk of today’s under-30’s are moonbat crazy.



Read more here:

* Bill Maher quote at “Tech Insiders Call Out Facebook for Literally Manipulating Your Brain”, Jon Brooks, KQED, May 25, 2017, at,to%20children.%27%20Bill%20Maher%2C%20on%20his%20HBO%20show

* “The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teen (2021)”, Common Sense Media, at

* Much thanks to “I Was One of the Last Kids in America to Grow Up before the Smartphone”, Alexandra DeSanctis, National Review Online, Dec. 17, 2022, at

The Youth Are the Problem. They’re Moonbat Crazy.

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Okay, I’ll come out and say it: The young are moonbat crazy.  Not all, but stunningly large numbers are. “Moonbat”, what’s that?  Crazy is the easy part.  The word “moonbat” in this context has been attributed to conservative commentator Howie Carr in referring to California governor Jerry Brown, Jr., who was caricatured in an online poster, “Before Moonbats, there was Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown”.

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It appears to be getting worse – the moonbat craziness, that is.

I know about youthful kookiness because “Been there, done that”, as any child of the 60’s should know.  “Drugs, sex, and rock ‘n roll” isn’t exactly a clarion call for mature judgment.  The nutty stuff is rooted in the young’s unappreciation for the arduous path that was trod by others to get to the present.  It stems from the young’s newness to the world.  All they really know is what’s around them.

They can be taught history, but they have no experience with prior struggles, and telling and showing them won’t be enough, even if someone lectured them.  My WWII-generation parents experienced life before air conditioning, and when capable of acquiring it, they did in a heartbeat.  Today, large percentages of the young, pampered by modern conveniences, prefer to end a/c in a holy war to defeat climate change.  Yet, they wouldn’t last long without it, along with their trendy ev’s and obsession with connectivity.  There’s only so much room on the coastal plain to accommodate the added millions fleeing the oppressive heat everywhere else.  And the attendant blackouts and spiking utility bills won’t be good for streaming and the apps on their cellphones that direct them to the nearest Starbucks and car charger that won’t charge, the cell towers and relay centers absent the juice to run.

The moonbat in our young came out in all its glory in the last few elections.  No, this conclusion isn’t ageist prejudice.  Once again, “Been there, done that.” Epidemics of STD’s and drug abuse, riots, and mass displays of self-righteous posturing were as characteristic of my youth as flower power.  The peace movement’s catastrophic demand to withdraw from South Vietnam led to the fall of Southeast Asia and millions exterminated and millions more shoved into tortuous reeducation camps.  Not quite a Dark Age – for us, that is, a Dark Age for SE Asia – but certainly the quality-of-life lights were dimmed.

Well, the young are at it again.  Kristen Soltis Anderson, pollster and partner of Echelon Insights, unknowingly lays out the evidence for moonbat craziness in the under-40’s.  Large portions of youthful voters are committed to social and economic suicide.  On the social side, they aren’t marrying and having kids at levels of previous generations, support sexual unions that can’t produce them, and want to treat pregnancy as a disease.  I guess to make it all go down easier, they favor legal and social approval of THC intoxication in today’s highly potent, selectively cultivated pot (5 to 6 times more lusty than the kind passed around in the smoking circles of my youth).

The economic side of the self-abasement is a toxic embrace of socialism and eco-madness.  Unknowingly for them, the socialist paradise of North Korea didn’t invent the microchip.  No socialist Shangri-la had a hand in that.  It’s a product of free-enterprise entrepreneurialism, capitalism.  You know, private property and profits, all that “evil” stuff.  Socialism is an assault on private property, profits, and the rich who got rich because they brought all that stuff to the Antifa zealots so they could virally coordinate to close down Portland.

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The eco-madness is their poorly thought out but loudly espoused mitigations of “climate change”.  Well, prove it.  Prove that “climate change” is a man-caused apocalypse. Prove that your chic measures – ev’s, a grid reliant on windmills and solar panels, and chicken-coop housing in today’s urban hellscapes – will make more than a dimple of improvement on the hypothetical crisis.  Convince me that it won’t lead to central planning, the ideological cousin of totalitarianism.  Convince me that it won’t lead to the iron fist of totalitarianism to socially engineer the Sierra Club’s ideal person.  History shows a link between moonbat utopianism in power and thuggery.  What makes the young so confident in thinking that the historically evident travel from an imposed fantasy to full-throated coercion can be successfully suspended?  History isn’t encouraging.

Here’s Soltis’s scoop on the political status of the young: they are strong Democrats, stronger than earlier renditions of youthfulness.  The upper end of millennials has reached 40 and they punched the Democrat ticket by nine points in 2022.  The bulk of them, though, are in their 30’s, and combined with the twenty-somethings, they favored the Democrats by 28 points!  The Republicans are in a world of hurt with them.  It’s been particularly true in the last three election cycles.

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Long lines of students waiting to vote at a Michigan college.

What animates these young folks to ignore the urban filth and crime, inflation, a looming recession, the wildlands as open-air combustion chambers, the blackouts, the crippling national debt, the invasion of boys into girls’ sports and bathrooms, and schools that function more as lefty finishing schools than places of learning?  The affection for the donkey party can’t solely be laid at the feet of Trump.  The young obviously care more about other things. Among those under 30, 53% want abortion to be legal “under any circumstance”.  That could unthinkingly include late term/partial birth abortions, ending the life of babies who survive the procedure, sex-selection abortions, and excusing those mothers who see a baby as an obstacle in the climb up the greasy corporate pole.

“Under any circumstance” is an awfully grizzly affair.  Many of the young seem to be fully onboard with the “right” to abortion translating into the “right” of the mother and doctor to be executioners.  Or do they?  “Under any circumstance” precludes any consideration of viability.  Pardon me, but I can’t accept the claim that 53% of the young are so inhuman.  For many in the polling, I speculate, the response was a visceral reaction to Dobbs, which was caricatured by a similarly ill-informed press as a ban on abortion.  But explaining the decision as a return to federalism would require an understanding of federalism.  The trillions of dollars spent on the schools has yet to succeed at reading, writing, and math (NAEP scores).  What makes you think that they will be any better at conveying the meaning of federalism?

Trillions more and dismal results (NAEP scores).  Dismal results and political illiteracy.  Political illiteracy and hitching a ride on the Democrats’ train of affection for government as super daddy.

Economic illiteracy too.  Young people support labor unions because they supposedly have a “positive impact on the country”, more so than the church and the military.  As long as we keep the discussion out of reality, America’s adversarial unions are seen in poorly developed young minds as fighting the battle against the exploitation of innocent workers by robber barons.  But it isn’t that simple.  A strong historical case can be made that industrial labor unions killed Detroit and sent American steel into a tailspin.  Unionization was contorted into corporate and job euthanasia.  Their extravagant demands, wrapped in a promiscuous right to strike and lavish collective bargaining agreements, paved the way for the rise of Toyota and the other Asian and European automakers.  The industrial heartland became deindustrialized to a great extent by their workers.

Abandoned office/industrial building in Detroit.

The Rust Belt became as rusty as its unions.  Who wants to invest in a dive into the jaws of our labor unions, so long as we still have the freedom to decide where to put our money?  Better to avoid the Upper Midwest Rust Belt and go to friendlier places, like the American South, who are without laws that grant power to unions to force everyone into their clutches.  “Right to work” laws in the South weren’t a ban on labor unions, but merely made them voluntary.  Such nuances aren’t the stuff of K-to-grad school curriculums.  We’ve trained a generation in AFL-CIO urban myths.

It doesn’t end there.  More immediately, our young folks seem to be okay with not getting the latest edition of the I-phone, or even underwear. Those container ships anchored over the horizon at San Pedro were a gift of the Pacific Maritime Association (an affiliate of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union) representing dock workers.  As of October 2022, 77 ships remain anchored outside the port.  Our supply chain is dependent on the featherbedding of $171,000/year dock workers (2019 numbers).  Monopolies of labor have the funny tendency of behaving like any other monopoly.

Even “the most pro-union president” (Biden) is feeling the heat of another possible disruption from a rail strike.  Once the containers get off the ship, the most congested docks face the most congested railyard in the country.  Its expansion faces the usual suspects: organized eco-zealots and California’s exhaustive eco-regulations.  The state’s EIR’s (environmental impact reports), to go along with the fed’s EIS’s (environmental impact statements), to go along with multiple layers of bureaucratic meddling, prompted endless delays and lawsuits.  We may get the expansion, but not without a taxpayer breaking and company busting and bloated price tag, not an unusual experience in the Democrats’ Mecca and Medina of California.  Remember the state’s high-speed rail monolith to nowhere?

Not canceled! High-speed rail is, in fact, already under construction in Fresno, California.
Unfinished California high-speed elevated rail line outside Fresno, Ca.

Such episodes don’t register with the young.  I think that too many of the young are into the excitement and drama normally found in their personal diversions and aren’t attracted to the boring and tedious work of reading and contemplation.  They won’t read a magazine of substance but will glance at Twitter burps and anything on their Instagram feed.

Why bother to vote If that is the case?  Has anyone ever pondered the possibility that voting could be an immoral act?  Think about it.  An uninformed vote is the equal of an informed one, a frivolous one equal to a serious one.  As in a fraudulent vote, one cancels the other.  If you don’t know, don’t care, and won’t inform yourself, don’t you have a moral responsibility to stay away from the ballot . . . and power tools?  Such an ethic of responsibility cannot be encapsulated in a law, but it should be implanted in our minds – to go along with honesty, charity, and love – from a young age.  Before you do something, do it responsibly.

Today’s young are less inclined to be responsible because some parents and most of our schools have failed to prepare them to face the issues of their time.  Take marriage as an example, same-zex marriage in particular. The young favor it by upwards to three-quarters in recent polling.

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But is same-sex marriage an oxymoron?  Has the thought ever graced their mind?  Same-sex marriage might be sensible if marriage is construed as nothing but assuaging the interests of adults.  In history, however, marriage has always been tied to civilization’s stake in procreation.  For that to happen, heterosexual behavior is required.  Not every married couple of a heterosexual complexion can or chooses to have children.  That’s not the point.  The long nurturing process of our young requires the tight bond of the people who brought them into being.  The state and its disconnected operatives are no stand-in.

That tight bond is marriage, and it should be reserved for heterosexual pairings.  Whether they have children or not is a personal matter.  Other conceptions (civil unions, etc.) with many of the privileges and protections of marriage can be made available for same-sex couples.  But heterosexuality is a privileged coupling because without it, there is no next generation.  A society of the incontinent and gray-haired, because we have elevated everything else but childbearing and childrearing, doesn’t bode well for survival.  Heterosexuality must be privileged.  Marriage is the way, born of necessity, to do it.

The reservation of marriage for complimentary sexual pairings isn’t a prudish ban on “loving who you want”.  That’s pure sophistry.  Marriage is society’s minimal requirement for there to be a next generation.

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Has this argument ever been presented to the three-quarters who think that same-sex marriage is a great idea?  The overwhelming numbers in support of something is not proof of the thing’s validity.  More accurately, it’s evidence of a lack of exposure to the history of our institutions, and to a real debate.  Like much else involving the young, they don’t know any better and nobody told them.

It comes back to maturity.  One element of maturity is tied up in the economic concept of tradeoffs: you can’t have it all.  No one can.  We give up one thing to obtain another. So, for our fulminating statue-topplers and Antifa zealots, and our twenty-somethings whose education didn’t educate, you can’t simultaneously have your socialism and 5G and the next generation of connectivity.  That stuff is born of freedom, the freedom to live a life, to think anew, to acquire, without undermining the prerequisites for their being generations to come.  It’s not the freedom of bureaucrats to meddle.

The young are just moonbat crazy.  Is this what degringolade (downfall) looks like?

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Read here for more:

* “Republicans’ Lost Youth”, Kristen Soltis Anderson, National Review, Dec. 1, 2022, at

* “NAEP national test scores fall to lowest levels in decades!”, Anthony Picciano of CUNY, Sept, 2, 2022, at,in%20learning%20outcomes%20were%20starkest%20among%20lower-performing%20students.

* “77 box vessels waiting outside San Pedro Bay ports”, World Cargo News, Oct. 25, 2022, at,Los%20Angeles%20are%20due%20to%20arrive%20at%20anchor.

My Back Pages (Dylan): Dylan’s Lesson for Our Young Rampaging Authoritarians

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The backstory on Dylan’s “My Back Pages” is a teaching moment for the censorious zealots who happen to dominate the commanding heights of our culture and many of our political institutions.  So are the lyrics, if rightly understood.

Here’s what I’ve been able to glean in my research into the song.  In the mid-60’s, Dylan was given the Tom Paine Award for social activism by the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.  Before this, he was getting irritated at being pigeonholed as a radical activist.  He got drunk, made a speech at the award ceremony, and much of that speech made its way into the lyrics.  As one source put it regarding the song, “. . . Dylan intensely criticizes his younger self for his moral arrogance and intellectual naivety.  More than anything, he’s mocking his own hypocrisy.  His outlook on these subjects, on himself and on the progressive movement he lambasted from the awards ceremony pulpit . . . .”  Further, according to this source, “The way Dylan saw it, he was becoming the authoritarian by continuing on his old path.”  Sound familiar?

The song’s chorus, “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”, was a personal admonition for turning into a vain know-it-all.  In the following lines, he upbraids himself for his hypocrisy in becoming as narrow-minded and pushy as the other side:

“In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach”

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Equality at all costs was every bit the holy grail among the radical Left in Dylan’s time as it is today among the so-called social justice warriors spitting and fulminating in lecture halls against anyone who disagrees.  Dylan saw it in the mid-60’s and portrayed it in the following lines:

“A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
‘Equality,’ I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow”

What we are experiencing today is a rehash of an earlier time; only some people saw their descent into inhumanity and corrected.  Others didn’t and won’t.  The full lyrics are below.


Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rolling high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges soon,” said I
Proud ‘neath heated brow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Girl’s faces formed the forward path
From phony jealousy
To memorizing politics of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Unthought of, though, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now


Enjoy the all-star version at Dylan’s honorary concert from the 1990’s with Neil Young, Tom Petty, Roger McGuinn, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, and of course Bob Dylan (below).



* Backstory of “My Back Pages” at,More%20than%20anything%2C%20he%27s%20mocking%20his%20own%20hypocrisy.

The Michigan Election and How to Get People to Ignore Their Lyin’ Eyes

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2021

The Democrats know how to play political hardball.  After all, they are the party of government.  They want it, worship it, and are highly motivated to take it over.  They need it because they have so much to accomplish, like make all of us into them.  Not surprisingly, they’re socialists, the American edition of Europe’s many Social Democratic Parties.  No name-calling here. They just are, despite their face-saving protestations to the contrary.  The 2022 midterm was their template for dominating the government.  It illustrated how to make people ignore their lyin’ eyes.

The fly in the ointment is that this socialism doesn’t work, never will.  Government’s control of the means of production, using a little Marxist lingo, is simply turning over nearly all the important stuff to an entity that operates like the DMV.  Government is a sloth and can never be a cheetah no matter the volume of synthetic hormones or gender reassignment surgeries.  The Squad and the self-deluded Bernie Sanders keep harkening to a Scandinavia that no longer exists, the region having long since eschewed the poison.  Yet, the dream never died, notwithstanding its long record of failure.  To avoid a shellacking, the Democrats discovered the recipe to electorally prosper despite their socialism’s inherent fiascos.

The Michigander and auto critic Henry Payne recently performed an interesting autopsy on Michigan’s election.  Whitmer and the rest of the authoritarian gang overwhelmed the party of government restraint (GOP).  Amazingly, the donkey party found a campaign strategy to make it possible for people to prefer the sewer that the Democrats made of their lives.

First, the party of government used their control of Michigan state government to choose their opponents.  This sounds like Xi Jinping at work – by the way, another socialist.  Credible opposition was ordered off the Michigan ballot, much like Xi commanding the removal of ex-CCP president Hu Jintao from the recent Party Congress.  The Michigan Board of State Canvassers was convened under the overseership of the Soros-backed Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and on a pure party line vote of 2-2 disqualified the Republican front-runner James Craig, the former Detroit police chief with a huge following, and four other Republicans allegedly for fraudulent signatures on their petitions.  The tie means that they’re gone.  No Democrats were ever affected, just Republicans.  It’s fishy as you get into the weeds of the case.  In the end, the Republican primary ballot was amputated to include only the weak with Tudor Dixon winning the primary.

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Michigan Board of State Canvassers earlier in 2022

That’s not all by a long shot.  The party knows how to exploit and champion the cultural barbarity that is now resplendent in certain demographics: the young, single women, mostly professional, and the quasi-educated with degrees.  Of course, I’m speaking of some groups’ love affair with terminating pregnancies.  Abortion has moved from trauma to a personal state of ecstasy in the psyche of some.  We shouldn’t be surprised since the sex act has lost its procreational purpose and has become purely recreational in the minds of some.  Humans being human, we get lazy and sloppy and babies unintentionally result.  We can disagree on the starting line for human life, and compromise is possible between a complete ban and carte blanche to the moment of exit from the birth canal.  All that is lost in the hubbub once the fear of losing power is on the table.  Dobbs was mangled by the donkey party to fit the purpose of stampeding the base to quickly mark their mailed ballot.

Speaking of those mailed ballots, previously (2018), Michigan voters exhibited the now common and strange attraction for Rube Goldberg changes to their government through ballot initiatives.  It’s an interstate phenomenon.  For instance, the superficial glow of term limits in deeply blue California merely ended up replacing seasoned leftists with immature ones.  The state’s adoption of the jungle primary means the routine choice between leftists in the general.  Alaskans chose to mutilate their elections with ranked voting.  For Michiganders, they chose in 2018 to grease the skids for the donkey party’s base, heavily populated as it is with low-information and low-motivated voters.  Adult expectations of reasonable civic effort and responsibility has been reduced to nil with election-day registration and voting thereby complicating the tasks of verification for a government that can barely count them.  Additionally, the no-fault absentee ballot – a device that makes mockery of the secret ballot – means that a person can remain in their pajamas and pause their Xbox hand controller for a short interval to vote their state into California-style chaos.

Shredded boxes and packages are seen at a section of the Union Pacific train tracks in downtown Los Angeles Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. Thieves have been raiding cargo containers aboard trains nearing downtown Los Angeles for months.
Shredded boxes and packages are seen at a section of the Union Pacific train tracks in downtown Los Angeles Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. Thieves have been raiding cargo containers aboard trains nearing downtown Los Angeles for months. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

With the election system duly lubricated, the ginned-up hysteria about Dobbs can be exploited by another contraption in the form of a state proposition: Proposition 3 to place in the Michigan state constitution alongside the usual Bill of Rights the “reproductive freedom” to end the existence of a fully formed baby in utero.  The “protect the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant individual” language is pure jargon for infanticide.  Notice that they can’t say “woman”; it’s “individual”.  This whole thing is a monstrous theater of the absurd.

But it does work to get the sex-as-recreation crowd to vote early and often.  Remember, this is a demographic at the start not too keen on the Dobbs’s federalism rationale.  For them, federalism, what’s federalism?  Anyway, the polyamorous are energized to show up and vote the state into oblivion.

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Like chain immigration, chain-propositions bring in tow the scandalously authoritarian politicos. It’s a strange authoritarianism though.  Freedom is the mantra, but freedom isn’t the result.  There’s no freedom for in utero babies. What about the “freedom froms”?  There’s certainly no freedom from car thieves, smash-and-grabs, killers, burglaries, muggings, drive-bys, and the mentally unstable and addicts turning our sidewalks and parks into open sewers.  Watch where you step.

The use of hysteria-propositions to elect and reelect people who ignore what they should be doing in order to pursue what they ought not to do is folly on stilts.  Whitmer garroted life in Michigan from closing the schools to pronouncing an end to gardening and boating without a scintilla of “science”.  And election 2022 showed how you can get away with it.  Gauging by the returns, terminating pregnancies mattered more than the kids’ lost education and the decline into barbarity.  The kids experienced a double whammy in the election.  Was this the most anti-child electorate ever from womb to classroom?  One has to wonder.

I will not try to absolve the electorate’s responsibility for this descent into dégringolade (rapid decline or deterioration).  Don’t pretend that democracy always translates into wisdom.  A majority vote is not proof of righteousness.  It is only evidence that certain campaign tactics work: construct a well-funded political machine; rearrange the election system to enhance the operation of the political machine; incite the base with fabrications; and with initiatives, distract the people from the politicos’ manifest failures.

It worked.  Expect to see more of it.  As in the fable of Nero, election 2022 showed how to pass out fiddles to the electorate as Rome (Michigan) burned.

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Read more here:

* “The Lessons for Republicans from Michigan’s Midterm Disaster”, Henry Payne, National Review, November 17, 2022, at

* “Five Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidates booted from primary ballot”, Washington Examiner, May 26, 2022, at

* “Gretchen Whitmer Can’t Hide Her Track Record Of Shutting Michigan Children Out Of School”, Shawn Fleetwood, The Federalist, Nov. 1, 2022, at

* An analysis of how strategically timed ballot initiatives can enhance a campaign’s electoral chances: “How ballot initiatives will impact voter turnout in the 2018 midterms”, John Hudack, Brookings, Oct. 22, 2018, at

American Elections: You Don’t Have to Win the Argument, Just Win the Vote

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Pres. Biden making his September 6, 2022, speech in Philadelphia

Margaret Thatcher once said, “First you win the argument, then you win the vote.”  It’s become a cliché, but sometimes clichés are nonetheless true.  Then again, we can make them no longer true.  Today, it’s increasingly apparent that winning arguments aren’t necessary.  You can win the vote without an argument, program, plan, defense, etc.  Brand your opponents, refashion the election system to your likes, then harvest the votes.  Thus, it’s possible to have a majority government of mediocrities, strident revolutionaries, nincompoops, power-seeking narcissists, and a laughingstock to the world.  Welcome to America 2022.

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Margaret Thatcher

Throughout 2022, I expected, like everyone else, a red wave for the midterms.  It didn’t happen.  I wasn’t the only one gobsmacked.  The whole conservative commentariat was left filling baskets with jaws lying on the floor, including their own.  Oftentimes, shock is soon followed by scapegoating those who we already had a well-established emotional investment in disliking.  It’s a way of never having to admit you’re wrong.  A prime example would be the Fox News primetime lineup of entertainer-critics and their gaggle of contributors such as Mollie Hemingway.  They aren’t the only ones.

For others on the right, they talk and write as if we’re still in the bygone era when going to the precinct polling place, being handed a ballot, and taking it to a privacy cubicle to mark it in the sanctity of your conscience was the default setting for elections.  Today, the secret ballot is dead due to the machinations of the Democratic Party and the excuse of COVID.  Pundits like National Review’s Jim Geraghty refuse to recognize how voter behavior and electioneering has been dramatically altered for the worse as a result.  The character and personality of our elections has mutated beyond recognition.  People adapt to new environments, sometimes grotesquely.  Do we need a psychologist to remind us?

The nightly Fox News primetime lineup replaced talk radio as opinion setters on the right. They glommed onto the rising Trump phenomena and out came the jargon of the “establishment” and “RHINO“ as objects of derision, and a romantic attachment to the “outsider”. The terms are invoked like magical incantations, absent of much content. The words are ways of emoting.

Earlier this week, speaking of gobsmacked, Hemingway on Ingraham’s show jumped at the opportunity to blame the leaders of the party – the “establishment” – for the debacle. She’s right, to a point, but that’s only half the story. The other half is the fact that most everyone on the right was caught off-guard. So, they condemn others for believing what they believed. Got that? Theirs is a criticism of others for reading the tea leaves as they did. It’s rank hypocrisy.

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Mollie Hemingway

As the French philosopher and writer Rochefoucauld pithily put it, “Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.” The vice of never having to say your sorry makes a hypocrite of us all.

Then we have the refusal to accept the fact that elections have radically changed, altering for the worse electioneering and what is expected of the voter. Jim Geraghty fell into this trap. He dismisses “conspiracies” as an explanation of the outcome, as do I. But a “conspiracy” is one thing, a revival of Tammany Hall and Chicago’s Daley Machine on a national scale is another. Bribery or a voter roll littered with the dead isn’t necessary. Just warp the system under the color of law so you don’t have to cheat. Some of the chicanery of an older time is legally permitted today. Many, many states have no-fault mail-in balloting and early voting. Ballots are shotgunned through the mail in some states from long out-of-date voter rolls. The secret ballot is dead, dead, dead, as ballots go into domiciles and get marked God-knows-how. Ballot harvesting invites highly partisan activists into the space between the voter’s conscience and its delivery into the box.

No, Hugh Hewitt, the harvesting isn’t the innocent act of collecting them. The older safeguards abounded not because everyone will violate moral norms without them. There’s a reason for the fingerprinting and background checks for school personnel. Without them, more miscreants will be quietly enabled to molest the kids. Ditto for partisan activists being kept as far away as possible from a person’s vote and its depository. The older voting safeguards were confidence-builders for the voter to be safe with his or her choice.

Geraghty cited the unevenness of the results throughout the ballot as proof of the absence of a “conspiracy”. For one, the election was not a conspiracy but exhibited the characteristics of political-machine style electioneering made possible by early voting, mail-in balloting, and ballot harvesting, etc. For instance, Laxalt loses the Nevada Senate race but the Republican captures the governorship. This line of thought ignores how a political machine might operate, particularly a national one, like stressing high-profile races, a laser-beam focus on keeping control of the House and Senate, and how closely a candidate adheres to the script. KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid – with emphasis on the “must-haves” frees up space on the ballot for disparate choices.

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Jim Geraghty

Hemingway dismisses candidate quality, as do I, and Geraghty thought it mattered. I think that if it was of consequence, both parties had a problem. Blake Masters was a novice and John Fetterman was unable to hold a train of thought or put a sentence or line of logic together. Katie Hobbs was a glaring millennial-uptalking/valley girl/airhead. The list is long and filled with charlatans and wastrels. Many Democrats refused to debate or only agreed to one after enough votes were locked up in early voting. Joe Biden in 2020 showed how political-machine campaigning is tailor-made for a basement strategy. This election season had few debates and very little face-to-face campaigning by the Democrats. The strategy was to hunker down, avoid any risk, and tar the other side with over-powering evil.

Was Chicago’s Richard Daley or Tammany Hall’s George Washington Plunkett ever known for their debate prowess? Their expertise was in running the machine of an army of operatives steeped in favor-peddling. Today, single potentates aren’t necessary, just have an overwhelming fundraising advantage to build a machine that facilitates a safe space/basement presence on a nonexistent campaign trail.

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Nobody was put through a wringer to make the average voter ferret out their preferences, because the wringer was absent, or reduced to irrelevance. In many places, especially in blue states, for many voters, the campaign season began and ended within a week or two after receiving their ballot in the mail. The machine went to work locking up these votes ASAP at favorable moments in a news cycle that they helped engineer with an always compliant media. Make broad, spurious charges – “a threat to democracy” or “MAGA Republicans” or “they want women to die” [abortion, Dobbs] – and contort anything to reinforce their self-created stereotype of their opponents (the Paul Pelosi incident). But, by all means, flood the bank with early votes before the public’s attention is drawn to the real issues, the ones that are hammering their daily lives.

In this election, given its structure, issues really didn’t matter – inflation, the border, the Kabul disaster, XY “girls” invading girls’ bathrooms and sports, crime, kids barred from their schools, urban barbarity, greenie authoritarianism, etc. – in order to keep the eyes trained on the meanie Republicans. That’s the reason for hunkering down and let Biden occasionally emerge from his bunker to plaster the meanies.

This style of campaigning leads to some real eye-opening results. The “they want to women to die” led to an endorsement of what can only be described as infanticide in more than a few states. Some state constitutions became festooned with carte blanche abortion. Persistent polls for decades have shown a popular rejection of late-term abortion. Did people really know that they were embracing it, and, in some cases, forcing other people to pay for them or others to perform them under criminal sanction, without parental consent? Did people really know that the “health of the mother” language is subterfuge for late-term abortion? In my own state, Montana, the voters couldn’t bring themselves to protect a baby who survived one. If there is a Judgment Day or some moment of cosmic justice, many souls are imperiled by what they were led to spuriously believe. In some not-to-distant future, will “my body, my choice” join the ranks alongside “racial purity”?

These results, grotesque as they are, are only possible if the vetting of traditional campaigning is replaced by our newly minted political-machine style. We’ll only get more of what we didn’t intend in a government filled with acolytes of the mindless talking point. Highly partisan activists and political groupies seldom make for statesmen/women.

Geraghty, Hemingway, Ingraham, and me too, would probably agree on the need for Republicans to follow suit. It’s a time of reciprocal escalation to avoid unilateral disarmament. However, Republicans should only get good at this malignant political-machine style in order to destroy it. End universal mail-in voting, make election day one day, re-enshrine the secret ballot, and secure the vote. It’s not hard, just use this bastardized system to gain power to end it.

Until we come to grips with a malignant election system that brings out the worst in all of us, anything that we do in the long run will be pointless. A government of shallow narcissists and brain-dead activists will only hasten the decline of a once mighty nation. Competing national political machines encouraging ill-considered voter behavior will guarantee it. Without correction, paste R.I.P on the once-great citizen republic called the United States of America.

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Read or watch here for more:

* Jim Geraghty’s explanation of the midterm results: “The Magnitude of the GOP Midterm Debacle”, National Review, Nov. 14, 2022, at

* Mollie Hemingway’s analysis of the midterm results on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show at

Additional Takeaways from the 2022 Midterms: Democracy Is on Life Support and the Fox News Heavyweights Are Specious

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Absentee ballots handled by a poll worker
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Laura Ingraham’s 2022 midterm prediction

After more time to ruminate on the midterms, I’ve drawn to two conclusions: democracy is in critical condition and the Fox News commentariat and much of the punditry on the right, clouded by “populism” (aka Trumpism), provided a distorted view of the political landscape.  As such, the red wave didn’t materialize, and, for that matter, wave elections may now be a thing of the past.  Elections no longer reflect the deliberations of an informed citizenry thus making a mockery of popular sovereignty.  2022 brought it into clear focus.

For one, it’s the return to the old practices of political machines, brought to you by the Democratic Party’s current fixation with mail-in balloting and its cousin early voting.  Leave it to the Democratic Party to bring machine politics back into vogue since they pioneered the urban political machine in the late 19th century.  Harry Truman began his political career in the Kansas City Prendergast machine and would spend the rest of it trying to break away (read David McCullough’s “Truman”).  FDR adopted machine tactics on a national scale, using the federal New Deal purse and expanded regulatory power to steamroll the country into four straight terms and Congressional dominance for half a century (read Amity Schlaes’s “The Forgotten Man”).  Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised by their latest edition since it is, after all, in their DNA.

Machine politics is back thanks to the absentee ballot.  Hugh Hewitt in his post-election review yesterday (11/9) cut short any discussion of the wisdom of mail-in voting by saying it is “here to stay”.  Regardless of its longevity, it’s corrosive to democracy.  Fact!  How?  Democracy requires deliberation, information, debate, and attempts to make a convincing case. That means speeches, ad buys, and exhaustive travels to convince voters.  Now, no longer.  Get the political machine up and running, identify the party’s voters long before they’re any the wiser, put an absentee ballot in their hands, and collect it long before election day.  It’s like the gambling house fronting the approved player with a mountain of chips before a single hand has been played.  Campaigns are reduced to ginning up the base with fear, reducing public appearances, and eschewing the risk of exposure to the equivalent of cross examination in something called a debate.  We’re back to the days of machine politics with the power to elect a cocker spaniel.

The Democrats got away with it throughout 2022.  Heck, Biden got away with it in 2020.  2022 Democratic candidates avoided debates and rigorous interviews like the plague.  If that isn’t enough, contrary views are censored in a cabal of Biden lackeys and Big Tech oligarchs.

COVID was the excuse to bring back machine politics.  Not only did it result in stunting the education of our kids; it introduced “emergency mitigations” like the broadcasting of absentee ballots from dirty registration rolls and an election day stretching over a month, and sometimes after, with collection boxes scattered all over the landscape.  With so many votes in the bank, the messiness of retail politics is avoided, especially important during times when you’re in power and royally screwed things up.

And we got a senescent president, an impaired stroke victim of Bolshevik sympathies in the Senate from Pennsylvania, a millennial-uptalking airhead/valley girl in a neck-and-neck race for Arizona governor, and other assorted nincompoops and wastrels potentially filling the seats of power – so long as they have a “D” after their name.  Where’s the democracy, particularly if you think that it includes a voter weighing the candidates and issues?  Frankly, it doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter.  It’s been reduced to the mechanical act of punching a ballot.  It’s shameful.

Thus, the polls may accurately pick up a red wave approaching election day but it doesn’t matter since so many votes have already been collected before anyone has a chance to change their mind.  Polls may be accurate but much of what they’re registering is buyers’ remorse; their votes having long since been locked.  The Machine invalidated the polls.  A candidate’s high negatives and “wrong track” numbers were made irrelevant.

The Fox News blockbuster lineup looked gobsmacked the day after.  Red-wave dreams in a mist of pixie dust were shattered.  I watched Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham stumble around groping for an explanation.  Of course, they highlighted the GOP’s bright spots: DeSantis, Kemp, Vance, Johnson, a likely GOP takeover of the House, and the sending out to pasture of Beto and Stacey; however, at no time did “Trump” cross their lips.  It could be that they are as scared of the mythological Trump Leviathan as current GOP officeholders since Trump boosters comprise a good portion of their ratings.  Trump may be a Nielsen winner but he’s a turnoff to voters.  He’s more than kryptonite to the GOP.  He’s a bug light.  Candidates attracted to his glow get zapped.  In battle ground states, his endorsement acted as the light as these candidates flew into the electrified screen.

Laura came closest to admitting the baleful Trump influence.  Listing as one of her lessons from the election, she mentioned that future GOP campaigns should have no room for “revenge and ego”, or some such.  It’s a vague swipe at Trump.  Good for her, but she goes on to miscast the results.  Factors such as coattails evaded her gaze, and her ritual misuse of “establishment” soiled her commentary.  And there’s more.

She couldn’t resist extolling the “populist” cause.  She obviously attributes it to Trump, and she’s correct, to some degree.  The party has broadened its appeal.  Trump, though, isn’t the only one to credit.  The Democrats contributed the most.  They traded blue-collars of all demographics for the utopian visions of the faculty lounge.  Anyone, regardless of race or gender, with a family must grapple with closed schools and stunted educations for their kids, bankrupting gas prices, unsafe neighborhoods, urban war zones, XY “girls” in the locker room and on the team with their daughters, abortion-infanticide, a national debt piling on the backs of their children, humiliations abroad, a steady influx of the “undocumented” to undercut their wages and overrun their towns, blackouts and sky-high utility bills, shortages, and a trip to the grocery store eating up what’s left of the paycheck.  Blacks and Hispanics have eyes like anyone else and are noticing the consequences of Democrat rule.  Trump just happened to be around when the Democrats went full-bore into Lefty ravaging mode.

Sadly, all this occurred when the Democrats turned democracy into machine governance.  Many of the unwitting were roped into the charade before their attention could be drawn to the Democrats’ complicity in the realities about them.  Trumpist pundits refused to admit that Trump’s influence in the GOP assisted the Democrats in their distraction campaign.  In the end, democracy may not be dead, but it is certainly comatose.

Now, as per Laura Ingraham in her commentary, the Republicans must imitate or die.  They will, and soon we’ll be off into escalation and the land of electoral mutually assured destruction.  Republicans will have to follow suit or face unilateral disarmament.  But somebody has to put a stop to this devolution and return us to a real election day and 90% of the electorate voting in-person.  If not, everything from candidate quality to stump speeches will be made into antiquated notions in a fading memory.

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Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Democracy has been defined down to the near-animal act of marking a ballot.  The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote about what happens when standards decline in his essay “Defining Deviancy Down”.  He stated, “By defining what is deviant, we are enabled to know what is not, and hence to live by shared standards.” Substitute “democracy” for “deviant” and you might begin to understand what happens when democracy as a standard is defined down to the equivalent of a psycho-motor tic.


A Picture Says a Thousand Words

The Great Awokening in the wake of George Floyd, and spurred on by Obama’s decade-long sermonizing, was actually The Great Disconnect for the Democratic Party.  The Party is simply out of touch.  No better example can be found of the Party’s separation from most people’s lives than the picture of a hard-working and dirty coal miner attending a University of Kentucky basketball game with his son (see below).  This coal miner is as far removed from the funhouse/playhouse campus of Twitter as one can imagine – in ways more than geography.  The picture captures the Democrats’ predicament.

The Democratic Party traded blue-collars for the pampered denizens of faculty lounges and white-collars sheltered in air-conditioned offices and free to be enraptured without consequences by gauzy ideologies.  The hunt to combat climate change, an undefinable racism, and transphobia jumped to the front and center and over the concerns of people facing worsening family budgets, schools, and safety.

What do the Democrats have to offer?  Nothing but misery.  They’re after that guy’s job.  Biden goes out on the stump and proclaims an end to drilling and the use of coal.  The Party is all agog in fantasies of forests of windmills and vast expanses of solar panels replacing nuclear, coal, and natural gas.  And why are they so enthusiastic about taking away that man’s livelihood?  Answer: a climate-change hysteria that is as unscientific as it is illogical.  It’s more religious than anything.  It can only be entertained in the isolated and pleasant indoor climates made possible by the toil and sweat of people like that dirty miner in the stands with his son.  The Party has become an institutional affront to most of working America.

Do you think that only he knows the dirty secret of the Party turning its back on him?  To borrow from Biden, come on, man.  Working America encompasses both sexes and all races and ethnicities.  Work is color and gender blind.  So, regardless of melanin count and genitalia, many are walking away from a party much more identified with techie billionaires, Antifa, and Sierra Club conferees. Thus, a rising GOP black and Latino vote.

For a Democrat, the picture below should hit you in the gut. What are you doing to that man and his son?

Michael McGuire covered in soot after a shift in the mines. He rushed to be with his son, Easton, for the first live basketball game together at the University of Kentucky. (photo: WKYT)


Our Politics Are a Mess. Shame on the Culprits.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on prescription drug costs, Social Security and Medicare, during a campaign event, in Joliet, Ill., November 5, 2022. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Election Day is nigh, and our politics are a mess.  Shame on the Culprits.

Biden goes on a rant about the “idiots” who actually take the Democrats for their word: the Democrats are “socialists” if not in self-acclamation, then in deeds.  But you are an “idiot” for noticing. Trump fulminates in his usual adolescent way by insulting a potential rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis, as “DeSanctimonious”.  When will that 20% of the GOP electorate actually grow up? Our 2024 choices at this juncture could be between the revolutionaries’ old fart (Biden) or an old-but-narcissistic browbeater (Trump).  It’s a real binary because only one of the two could be inflicted on us after 2024.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a pre-election rally to support Republican candidates in Latrobe, Pa., November 5, 2022. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

How did we end up with two septuagenarian-to-octogenarian figures to represent our political divide?  One is clearly senile and the other is an embarrassing oaf who hasn’t outgrown schoolyard bullying because it sells in our hyperactive digital age.  While the two mouthpieces have an equal measure of their own version of decrepitude, the two parties are not as equivalent in their rot.  The Democratic Party went off their rocker into full-blown ultra-Left fanaticism.  The Republican Party is the one left to buttress the nation against the lunacy, being now the only adult left in the room, but, sadly, they are anchored down by the telegenic buffoon.  He just might get a second shot at it in 2024.

The GOP’s barker, Trump, had his 4-year turn with the brass ring but ran into a buzzsaw of Left/bureaucratic hostility that dominates our increasingly putrefying culture and administrative state.  The thing that attracts clicks and cameras – a dramatic persona, or BDE (look it up) in the words of Trumpkins – also stirred the entrenched Left to attempt to shred our Constitutional order, which they tried to do in short order after they were returned to power under the senescent Biden in January 2021 in calls for court packing, elimination of the Electoral College, engineering four new Senate seats for themselves, calling for an elimination of any voice for the minority in the Senate (it is said that the filibuster is a “relic” of Jim Crow), pushing a federal takeover of elections to legalize election fraud to expand their voter base and ensure dominance over the horizon, etc.

And then the wheels came off the nation under their refashioned version of Il Duce’s old slogan of “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”  No energy for you if it didn’t come from a windmill or solar panel.  No car for you if it doesn’t take 2 hours to 2 days to charge, and won’t burst into flames after being inundated in a storm surge.  The Green New Deal central planners are going to hogtie you into their utopian rabbit hole with or without your consent.

As for your sidewalks and parks, be careful because addiction on the streets and in the green spaces is “decriminalized”.  Plus, you get the opportunity to see nihilism in practice with the rampant smash-and-grab mobs, property crime, and raging assaults – Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange” brought to life.  Heck, just keep your mayhem under $950, and even if you don’t, no-cash-bail and non-prosecution ensures that the miscreants will never get a chance to look from the wrong side of bars.  It’s a huge subsidy for Hobbes’s old prediction of the “war of all against all”.

Our girls’ locker rooms have been invaded by XY “girls”.  Our daughters aren’t safe, and their lifetime efforts and achievements cut short by XY “women” athletes.  All of this brought to you by a party that wants to make all things a matter of human will.  No obvious boys and girls, and all is subject to choice and human interventions.  High school dances are now a real adventure for all concerned.

The so-called kitchen table isn’t exempt because you are increasingly unable to afford much to put on it.  Your nest egg (401k, pension) has tanked.  Shortages are disguised in euphemisms like “supply chain crisis”.  It’s always a crisis with these central-planning folks.  Central planning has its shortcomings.  And, if you had a job, the highways just became useless since you can’t afford the juice to turn the wheels of your car, or the home charger was made inert by a blackout.  “Sustainable” also has its shortcomings.

The ultimate in central planning – the pandemic lockdowns, closures of businesses, schools, and civil life, and the mandates, and the incessant tinkering with essential and nonessential – has contributed to much of the disruption of ordinary life that we experience today, setting back our kids for a year or two.  COVID central planning is like Soviet central planning or the kind run out of Pyongyang: shortages and a stunted existence.

But what’s there to complain about?  Much, oh so very much.  The blathering blowhard of the GOP won’t be on the ballot till 2024, but Biden’s “idiots” – the average person that makes the country click by living and working – face an existential threat: Biden and his big-government party.  Vote like your life depended on it, because it actually does.

You’re the Lifeguard?




Read more here:

* “Biden calls anti-socialism protesters ‘idiots’ in Illinois stump speech attacking GOP”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .

* “Trump hits DeSantis as ‘Ron DeSanctimonious’ at rally amid 2024 announcement rumors”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .


Can I Sue?

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California State Teachers Retirement System headquarters in Sacramento, Ca.

Really, can I sue California’s STRS, the state’s teacher pension system?  I would think that I have standing.  After all, I am receiving a CalSTRS pension.  Why would I sue?  They are imperiling my pension.  Simple.

How are they harming the integrity of my pension?  It comes in three letters – ESG – and, to no great surprise, California is all into it.  The initials stand for “environment, social, governance” and the plan is to impose these political abstractions on the entire business sector including finance, which also includes pension investing.  In practical terms, ESG means the grab bag of leftwing causes from transgender ideology to the crusade against “systemic racism” to climate-change apocalyptics.  The purpose is to strongarm businesses into leftwing causes with the use of the mother’s milk of business – capital – capital even from pension members.

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A leading advocate among mega-financiers for ESG under label of “sustainable” is Chairman and Chief Executive of BlackRock, Laurence Fink. Here he speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 25, 2014. (REUTERS/Ruben Sprich)

The State of Utah is suing – that is, suing Standard and Poor’s (S&P) for assessing the state’s financial stability and credit worthiness according to leftwing metrics (ESG), or how diligent the state is in furthering leftwing causes such as hostility to the firearms industry and energy companies.  Since the electorate of Utah doesn’t have the political sensibilities of gun controllers, BLM, the progressive ladies of The View, or the Sierra Club, the state’s financial status and bonds get downgraded by S&P acting in the role of the Left’s hatchet man.  If the state’s electorate doesn’t pay heed to the fascinations of a college Sociology faculty, their bonds get branded “B” (junk).  The purpose is to jeopardize the state’s financial health if they don’t come to heel.

Public-employee pension funds are particularly prone to the sway of the zealots, especially CalPers and CalSTRS in California, already under the direct thumb of an off-the-charts progressive one-party state.  Out goes the standard fiduciary rule of working in the best interests of the client, in comes a redefinition of “best interests” to involve the political inclinations of those like Gavin Newsom wanting to risk the pensioners’ contributions and ultimate payout on Solyndra-type ventures and away from investments that until yesterday were pro forma.

In the case of a public-employee pension system, “best interest” can’t be limited to managers taking dictates from powerful and ideologically pretentious politicos.  Contributions come from everyone from Marxists to NRA members in general funds like CalSTRS.  The only real requirement is to be a teacher of the requisite number of years.  The one thing that they all have in common is being retired and spoiling their grandkids.  If any of them want to fund the antics of The Squad, they can do it from their pre- or post-retirement income, not beforehand after a deterioration of potential payouts to every beneficiary by Gavin Newsom’s preferences.

Kentucky’s AG, Daniel Cameron, senses the chicanery as well.  He hit the mark with a letter to the state’s pension fund managers when he warned them about ESG investing because it would “violate statutory and contractual fiduciary duties.”  He continued, “There is an increasing trend among some investment management firms to use money in public and state employee pension plans — that is, other people’s money — to push their own political agendas and force social change.”  Those fiduciary duties might apply to California as well.

Daniel Cameron
Daniel Cameron, Kentucky’s AG

A favorite tactic to make ESG seem legitimate is to label the opinions of the Left a matter of “science” and a product of a “consensus”, therefore irrefutable, therefore “misinformation” if challenged, therefore above and beyond the standard rules of fiduciary responsibility.  This new “science” – the scientific truth (?) of Leftist opinion – is actually a “science” without the scientific method.  Think about it: What scientist comes from an experimental test of his/her hypothesis with the observation that the results are wrong because they violate a “consensus”?  The whole exercise is as nonsensical as handing over my pension’s investment portfolio to the screeching ministrations of Greta Thunberg or Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

But here we are at a place where we can’t challenge the destruction of a pension because anyone who disagrees is censored as a “denier”.  So, the Left gets carte blanche with the money for my old age.  I don’t think so.  Send lawyers, guns, and money.  Oh, drop the “guns” part and let’s sue.

I identify with Warren Zevon’s predicament in his song “Lawyers, Guns, and Money”.  The lyics:

“I went home with the waitress, the way I always do
How was I to know, she was with the Russians, too?

I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money, dad, get me out of this, ha

I’m the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck between the rock and a hard place
And I’m down on my luck, yes I’m down on my luck
Well, I’m down on my luck

And I’m hiding in Honduras
I’m a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns, and money
The shit has hit the fan

Alright, send lawyers, guns, and money
Huh, yeah
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Oo, yeah

Zevon’s performance of “Lawyers, Guns, and Money”:


Read here for more:

* “Follow Daniel Cameron’s lead, purge every hint of ESG from your state’s finances”, Washington Examiner, Nov. 4, 2022, at .

* “Utah pushes back against pro-Putin ESG financial analysis”, Washington Examiner, May 2, 2022, at .

Today’s Opportunities for a Columnist with Flair, Heather Wilhelm

Electric cars sit charging in a parking garage at the University of California, Irvine, in Irvine, Calif., 2015. (photo: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)

I get a kick out of Heather Wilhelm’s columns. She writes for The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, National Review, etc., and calls Austin, Tx., home. She has a flair, as in a recent piece “Running on Fumes”. The topic is California’s fetish for electric cars. As I’ve written many times, it’s a looney idea. Wilhelm agrees . . . with flair.

Here’s some juicy tidbits from the column, with a few quips of my own:

* “. . . America’s favorite loopy wine-swilling communist aunt who dabbles in astrology and mushrooms — I’m speaking, of course, of the government of California . . . .” — What a great distillation of Sacramento.

* “What could go wrong?” [A reference to California’s brain fart to end gas-powered cars by 2035 coupled with the state’s grid operator recently requesting a stop to EV charging from 4 pm to 9 pm.] Putting it in more laymen terms in a fictional expansion of the announcement, she wrote, “ . . . freeze, just like a statue, between the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., avoiding movement that could cause an injury, lest you have to walk 16 miles to the ER with a broken scapula. Please also refrain from having any personal emergencies that might require a car during this specific time window. And for heaven’s sake, do not — please do not — go into labor between the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.”

* Then she quotes a Newsom spokesperson: “We’re not saying don’t charge them. We’re just saying don’t charge them between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.” — You can’t make this stuff up. California is an SNL skit in real time.

* “Ah. Remember: If you’re going to get appendicitis, don’t.” — Need I say more?

* “California is a gorgeous state filled with natural wonders and wonderful people, but pretty soon the only way to get out of the place might involve the few remaining clusters of beleaguered residents’ begging Ron DeSantis to fly them to Martha’s Vineyard.” — Nicely put.

* On EV road trips: “Electric cars are great, unless you actually want to go somewhere that’s, you know, far.” Further, “. . . if you want to take a road trip with a car that plugs in, in a vast, sprawling country with multiple wilderness areas that will likely never have an abundance of places to plug it in . . . well, you might want to give the whole idea a second thought.” — You say?

* Or this line about her: “I believe in self-sufficiency, am a bit of a prepper, and always keep my gas tank at half full or higher in case the apocalypse breaks out or Beto O’Rourke somehow gets elected to some form of public office.” – The latter hypothetical would be proof that the electorate went mad. Again, hope that DeSantis will fly you to Martha’s Vineyard.

* Lastly, this jab at the airheaded central planners like Newsom and his coterie of sadomasochistic Green New Dealers: “I’d bet on the free market to do a better job than a guy like Gavin Newsom.” Precisely, let people decide – it’s called a free market – and not some shortsighted drunk-on-power goofs with an adolescent vision.

Radical visionaries seldom trouble themselves with consequences. With the “sustainable” grid chronically down, a heat wave means that you’ll . . . sweat, hopefully not into stroke. No electricity, no air conditioning. After controlling your usage with “smart” thermostats – beware of Alexa – the same geniuses might mandate the return to the Victorian 13-foot ceiling and ban air conditioning to go along with your gas-powered car. In one fell swoop, the state’s housing stock of 8-foot ceilings will be made obsolete. Our airheads follow in the footsteps of the many totalitarians who have gone before. They will make you into their better person even if it’ll ruin you.

Heather Wihelm’s full article is at

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