Modern Mass Psychosis in Climate Change, Systemic Racism, and COVID

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Here’s a story for you.  University of South Carolina women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley refuses to admit that she was mistaken in recently cancelling her team’s basketball games with BYU.  In a statement to a reporter, she said, “I continue to stand by my position.”

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Dawn Staley, University of South Carolina women’s basketball coach

Why cancel games with BYU?  Staley was reacting to a charge by a Duke University volleyball player, Rachel Richardson, who claimed some BYU fans heckled her with racial slurs.  An exhaustive review by BYU of all available video and audio recordings and interviews with over 50 nearby spectators uncovered no evidence of the insults.  Still, Staley refuses to back down.  Why cling to an unfounded decision in spite of the evidence?  She isn’t the only one.  Lately, over at least a decade, and more incidents recently, we’ve gone through mass derangements over climate change, systemic racism, and COVID.  Facts don’t matter.  Despite, or maybe because of, trillions spent on education and the most intense networks of information ever devised, we seem not to be particularly inoculated from mass psychosis.

Investors should be aware of this thing called mass psychosis, typically referred to as mass formation psychosis.  It happens in markets and occurs anywhere a large group of interconnected people exists.  One source defined it in the following way:

“Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality.  Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue.  Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise.  A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data.  Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.” (Source: see below)

Evidence, proof, and real scientific inquiry are abandoned.  Take the long-running issue of climate change with the adjective “apocalyptic” added for good measure.  Beyond the reasonable assertion on the contribution of CO2 and fossil fuels, much else strays into the realm of speculation or mysticism.  So many other questions on the subject – other contributing factors, their interplay, and impacts – cannot be answered with reasonable certainty, unless pure ideological bias qualifies for seasoned judgment.  How’s that any different from the Heaven’s Gate cult?  Besides, flagellating the most fuel efficient and clean society on the planet – ours – is pointless as over 2.8 billion people in China and India discover the joys of rising incomes, air conditioning, and affordable transportation.  All made possible from the majesty of fossil fuels.

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Biden’s Climate Special Envoy, John Kerry, disembarks his private jet.

John Kerry is paid by us to jet around the world to cajole foreign rulers whose interests do not align with his fellow comfortable elites in their super-zip estates.  He must be seen by them as a clown to be tolerated, maybe indulged a bit for photo-ops, but otherwise ignored.

John Kerry’s model is California.  The cliché has it that California leads the way to the future.  Maybe so, if that future is characterized by a mass psychosis in the mysticism of climate change.  The rest of the country gets a bird’s-eye view of that fate.  The state’s grid has been turned into a health hazard as the landscape dries out from the dry-summer climate’s periodic droughts.  The state has made it difficult for anyone to clean out the surface debris in its wildlands, and 100 million dead trees await a spark.  And eventually one will be provided by nature or from one of the state’s many urchins from its urban chaos.

The same psychosis that has turned the state into a fire trap is utterly destroying any concept of reliable, affordable energy.  The altar of wind and solar isn’t a sensible means to appease Gaia.  They are intermittent by nature, which strains the grid.  Power lines are made for steady streams of electricity, not the boom and bust that is endemic in sunlight and bursts of air movement.  Any grid under this steady strain breaks down if not assiduously maintained, which it isn’t.  It just so happens, though, that California experiences an annual 5-month dry spell, alongside its endemic droughts, for the ruptures to send thousands fleeing the attendant flames hoping that they have enough charge in their EV to escape death-by-firestorm.

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A California driver fleeing the Camp Fire in Paradise, Ca., in 2018.

But don’t let the facts get in the way.

California is a self-made disaster.  Their infatuation with air movement and sunlight energy has unknowingly made them dependent on steady-stream sources – fossil fuel, co-gen, hydro, nuclear – to buck up the losses from the night and calm days.  But the state is busy torpedoing most of this backbone.  Co-gen is mostly irrelevant.  For the state’s ruling class, natural gas and coal are the devil’s brew.  Hydro is undermined by eco-mandates for steady stream flows that has helped to turn the state’s reservoirs into puddles.  Don’t only blame the drought.  Every year is not a drought year, and no effort is made to store during the wetter times.  Riparian habitats and dreams of the return of ancient salmon runs checkmate any other use.

The state’s dams have become the equivalent of Egypt’s pyramids.  They are monumental but, as opposed to the pyramids, aren’t likely to attract many visitors three-quarters empty.  The same fate has befallen the state’s two nuclear power plants: San Onofre and Diablo Canyon.  Delayed maintenance while the state bullied the utilities into greenie fantasies put the kibosh to San Onofre, which cost the state 2.2 gigawatts of power.  Diablo Canyon was scheduled for death in 2025.  Blackouts have forced the state’s ruling party to back down on that one.  How long?  Well, it’ll probably remain open until the next spate of wet years gin up hydro for awhile, waiting for the next dry spell to once again reasserts itself to overtax the seas of solar panels and vast windmill forests that mar a once beautiful state.  It’s a cycle of futility buttressed by a mass psychosis: a mystical belief in horrors that fact, reason, and science cannot dispel.

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A truck crosses a bridge over the shrinking Lake Oroville, the headwaters of the California Water Project, in a photo from July 2022.

None of this matters one twit to the zealots who run the state.  Evidence be damned.  Electoral majorities in the state are in the grip of a mass mania that jettisons all reason and fact.  All that remains is blackouts, skyrocketing electricity rates, hillsides aflame, and no effect on climate change.

Would it be better to simply enjoy the extended growing season and build more nuclear and low-emission power plants to enjoy the glories of air conditioning?  Regardless, India and China will see to it that CO2 emissions continue to glut the atmosphere with or without the ministrations of John Kerry or the ladies on The View.

Climate change isn’t the only opportunity to go crazy.  We have another one in “systemic racism”.  What is systemic racism?  Does it exist?  Hard to say since “systemic” means that it is hidden and therefore not directly observable.  Thus, we have to rely on others to simply announce its existence as they make an affluent living on their soothsaying.

The racism “experts” are actually grifters.  Racial disparities occur in all sorts of areas such as incarceration rates, educational outcomes, birth rates, marriage, incomes, and social status.  Thus, they insist that racism persists, but not in the Jim Crow way: obvious, in-your-face, and therefore open to rational inquiry.  It’s easier for them to proclaim that the disparities are the proof of racism, even though they haven’t proven it, because they can’t, because the imprecision of the thing makes it immune to empirical testing (falsifiability).  The “ghost in the machine” kind of thing.  Instead, they claim to possess the special gnosis to expose it and how to remediate it as they go to the bank with thousands, if not millions, in book sales, consultant fees, and speeches.  A new industry of charlatans is born.  It’s as if astrology and the four humors in medicine are making a comeback.

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Kimberle Crenshaw

The parallels with medieval medicine are glaring.  People in earlier times noticed that fevers were reduced by bleeding a patient.  The ancient Greek philosopher Galen and his four-humors paradigm was proven correct, or so they thought.  It was, however, the classic post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc fallacy at work: two events occur sequentially with the first one assumed to be the cause.  For our current race hustlers – Kimberle Crenshaw, Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DeAngelo, et al – systemic racism is proven by unequal outcomes by race.  Poor educational outcomes on assessment tests by race, for instance, must mean that the test and its providers are “systemically” racist.  It’s tantamount to saying, “Fever fell after bleeding, and patient is cured.”  It’s nonsense.

Still, two full seasons after the death of George Floyd, “End Racism” dons the helmets of some NFL players.  Viewers and our kids are barraged by the effort to ferret out something mysteriously within them and lurking in everything that surrounds them.  It’s tantamount to the 17th century Salem witch trials in the modern form of a bogeyman in a Klan outfit.

The whole campaign rides on the inequalities in academic measures by race.  The cause is presumed – racism – but only because “family structure” is excluded.  Kids swim around in social circumstances that have greater impact on academic performance than melanin count or more money in the bank accounts of the NEA membership.  Commissioned by the US Office of Education in 1966, the Coleman Report levelled a blow at the ego of the education industry’s special interests when it concluded, “. . . the inequalities imposed on children by their home, neighborhood, and peer environment are carried along to become the inequalities with which they confront adult life at the end of school.”  Yep, chaotic home life and slums have greater bearing on admission to MIT than school funding, teacher salaries, and the racism bogeyman.  But you won’t find outcomes by family structure anywhere in the various measures.  Strange.  You’ll see math, reading, and science scores by race, gender, ethnicity, economic status, etc., but nary a word about the home.

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Chicago police at a crime scene comforting a child in a photo taken in 2020.

The missing link between the social measures and their cause is never filled with anything resembling empirical proof.  Unequal stats by race are said to automatically point to racism.  That’s it, and we’re off to the races to follow the “experts” in the secret gnosis.  COVID gave to us another example of the same phenomena: trust the “experts” to fill the gap between a development and its treatment.

Filling the shoes of Kimberle Crenshaw, one of the overpaid founders of CRT, is Dr. Fauci and his peers in government, the NGO’s, many in BIG Pharma, Democratic Party potentates, et al.  The lockdowns, school closures, mandatory masking, social distancing, the vaccine decrees, the overall suffocation of a society, were persistently avowed without a real scientific basis.  Other approaches to maintain the functioning of civilization and protect the vulnerable were treated to covert and tacit censorship.  Therapeutics, targeting safeguards on those with certain health conditions, natural immunity, the costs to children, the canceled or forgone medical appointments, the strain on a population quarantined in the four walls of their home (many more walls if you live in the super-zips), and the huge economic losses from the waterboarding of work and production were shunted aside in a mad rush to stamp out the virus, the very opposite of “follow the science”.

Once the “experts” had their foot on the pedal, they never let up, in spite of the growing evidence that they were prescribing a suicide pill.  By summer 2020, it was widely established that the young ran little risk.  So, forcing kids into filthy masks and into isolation behind plexiglass in schools that opened their doors was more than pointless.  It was harmful.  The schools most beholden to the blinkered “experts” were in Democrat strongholds, the inner cities, and they closed the longest.  The academic performance gap morphed into a Grand Canyon.  To no great surprise, the principal victims of this enthusiastic pursuit of school lockdowns and other tortures were minorities, putting a lie to “black lives matter”, especially for young ones.

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Data began to stumble out that the states who were the most religious in following Fauci and CDC mysticism fared no better than those who were more agnostic about what Florida’s Gov. DeSantis called “Fauciism” (see below).  Claims were made by our health elites in power that the lockdowns, masking, social distancing, school closures, mandatory vaccines, et al, would “stop the spread” or “bend the curve” when one of the tiniest things in biology and profusely evolving – a virus – will in all likelihood evade the best laid plans of mice and men.  Their interventions were heralded as the holy grail and natural immunity was ridiculed.  Two years after the pandemic’s onset, we’re still grappling with a shape-shifting virus and infections persist.

Who’s to blame for this disorder by mass psychosis?  Certainly, trillions spent annually on schools from K to grad school have monumentally failed at truly and broadly educating the population.  Education is enlightenment.  Are we enlightened?  Evidence to date says “no”.  Conversely, it may be the source of much of this mass psychosis.

What then is the value of our enormous communication network on the net and through satellites, cables, Wi-Fi, cell towers, and the infinite variety of radio signals?  What are they communicating?  Much that is spewed spikes mass psychosis.  We seem to be great at inventing things but no so good at using them.

All our inventions haven’t altered the crooked timber of humanity.  They have only magnified its prese nce.  Immanuel Kant’s famous line from the 18th century remains true: “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” Credentials are certainly no guarantor.  Civilizations over millennia have created civil society to grapple with our fundamental pretzel character.  You know, faith, family, morals, and neighborly affiliations in local self-help organizations came into being.  People like Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Robert Nisbet wrote of the virtues of these “little platoons”. Well, the centralized welfare state carpet-bombed their importance.

We just created more bullhorns for mass psychosis.

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* “What is Mass Formation Psychosis?”, SWFI, 1/2/22, at

* Ivan Rowe at the American Enterprise Institute wrote of the missing ingredient of family structure in most reports of our social condition. One column on this subject can be read at

* Skepticism is always warranted when people go beyond what the science gives. Climate change ideology is a classic example of the phenomena. Those in the field of science who have managed to keep their wits exist. Princeton’s Freeman Dyson outlined his critique in the NYT Magazine at Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg is another. Kevin Shapiro’s review of his book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, can be found in Commentary Magazine at Japanese scientist Kiminori Itoh argues for more complexity in the dynamics of the atmosphere than John Kerry would admit. An account of his views can be found in the Orange County Register at The Norwegian physicist Ivar Giaever, and Nobel Prize winner, equates the climate change crusade with a religion. A talk by him on the subject is available through Foreign Policy Journal at There are many others out there.

* The Federal Bureau of Economic Research in spring 2022 issued a report on how states fared in their response to COVID-19. Biases marred the analysis of the report. Some with blue-state leanings say that the BER paper proved the wisdom of aggressive COVID measures, while others of a red-state tint say the opposite. Blue-state biases downplayed or ignored the secondary damages of children’s developmental and education losses, the harms from delayed or absent medical treatment, the increase in suicides and depression, the massive disruption to the economic life of the country, etc. One analysis from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity appears more accurate than most. It can be read at

* A report on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on student achievement was made by the Brookings Institute in March 2022 and can be read at

The Bear Flag Republic Doubles Down on Stupid

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You should know that I was a second-generation California native of 62 years who no longer lives in the state as of 2015.  I am retired but had been disgruntled with the state for the previous couple of decades.  The state is worn down, falling apart, and progressive utopias were, and still are, pursued at every turn.  At least I got out before the blackouts.

Already, at the time, $400-$500 monthly electricity bills in the summertime heat of Bakersfield were financially strapping us.  The high rates are a form of extortion to compel a resident into poorly-thought-out wind and solar schemes at a time when the powerful were beginning to kill off nuclear, natural gas, and other streams of reliable electricity.  I fled a state with a current average of 25 cents per KWh to a place with 8 cents (national average: 15 cents).  The state’s population is being fleeced for a blackout-riddled energy product, with rates running so high that depopulation of the Central Valley and desert regions is the unmentioned but logical consequence.  What good is accomplished when you must swelter in the darkness?

Average electricity rates in 9/3/22. (Source:

The con is hidden behind the threat of “climate change”, which became the rhetorical substitute for the old “global warming”.  CO2 is the go-to scapegoat, and it probably has a role.  How much?  Hard to say.  Water vapor does to, but the sound of crickets resonates in media gabfests.  People who claim to know don’t, and lack realistic scientific humility.  They fail to admit that there remain huge gaps in our understanding of the dynamics of the atmosphere.

We do know that we live at a time when a plethora of global sensors – terrestrial, atmospheric, in space – produce a flood of data as never before.  The problem isn’t the paucity of data.  Gosh, we can see every weather system around the world.  The problem lies in the processing of the visuals and numbers.  What do they mean?  Nearly everywhere across the airwaves and the net, ideology goes where scientific theory dare not tread.  When they don’t know, they rely on their biases to hide the fact.  Mediagenic mouthpieces declare that it must be man-caused, which leads the unthinking right into the wheelhouse of the progressive utopians: redesign the human being to fit into the utopians’ preferred lifestyle.  We have left real scientific inquiry long ago.  The results are played out in California with the mauling of the state in massive wildfires that are ignited by ideologically driven forestry practices and ideologically driven state agencies mandating and pressuring public utilities away from simple things like grid maintenance.  And now, the regular blackouts.

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Power lines in Siskiyou County, Ca., the same ones that would be blamed for the McKinney Fire. (9/4/22)

Have you heard about PG&E’s guilty plea in causing the deaths of 84 people in the 2018 Camp Fire?  Poorly maintained power lines touched off the firestorm.  But why so poorly maintained? PG&E may be guilty at some level, but so are the eco-driven mandarins in Sacramento and their henchmen in state agencies such as the PUC, one of the state’s utility regulatory agencies.  The political inmates running the asylum in Sacramento in their infinite wisdom foisted on the utilities the “Renewables Portfolio Standard” in 2002, 13 years before my flight from the state.  The state has been in a pell-mell rush to shoehorn its grid into “renewables”, essentially wind and solar, 60% of all sources by 2030, in a mere 8 years!  More money spent on the utopia is less money to prevent sparks from igniting the poorly maintained hillsides.  PG&E was in the dock, but where were the activists, agency heads, and politicians?  They deserve a perp-walk too.

It’s amazing that this is done as mandates for roof-top solar has reduced incoming company revenue.  The utilities are hit by the double whammy of less coming in and more going out.  It’s surprising that more of the state hasn’t been charred, and much more CO2 convulsed into the atmosphere than from the state’s 800,000 internal combustion engines in the residents’ possession.

And to think that now they want everyone out of their dependable car and into a $60,000-$70,000 electric vehicle.  Nothing like doubling down on stupid.

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* “Cost of electricity in California”, updated 9/3/22, at
* “Wind Energy in California”, California Energy Commission, at,the%20south%20to%20Shasta%20County%20in%20the%20north.
* “RPS [Renewables Portfolio Standard] Program Overview”, Public Utilities Commission, at,portfolio%20from%20eligible%20renewable%20energy%20resources%20by%202030
* “PG&E pleads guilty to 84 counts of manslaughter in devastating Camp Fire”, NBC News, June 16, 2022, at

California Is Dangerous to Your Child’s Health. Exhibit #1: S.B. 107

An example of the crazies in California: boosters of transgender ideology pressure a charter school board in Rocklin, Ca., in 2017 to prevent parents from opting out of lessons on transgenderism.

The old warning on a pack of cigarettes went like this: “SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy”.  With some simplification, a warning label could be pasted on all maps: “Parents, California is dangerous to your child’s health.”  How?  Its eco-fanaticism will deprive them of a future, surely, if extended nationally, but California S.B. 107 promises to put the entire weight of California government in opposition to your natural right to raise your children.  It’s on Governor Newsom’s desk waiting for his signature.

Go read the bill.  It’s below.  Under the title “Gender-affirming care”, the bill expressly prohibits medical and insurance providers in the state from releasing the identity of any child from anywhere seeking gender transition treatments even if the child’s state or local jurisdiction has laws that restricts such practices.  You’ll never know as a Florida parent that your 14-year-old, in a phase of gender confusion, is taking puberty blockers, opposite-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries in California.  That’s not all.  All relevant California authorities are forbidden from interceding on your behalf and retuning your child to your custody.  Read it.  It’s astounding.

Just think, unknown to you, your 14-year-old child may spend too much time on social media and gets caught up in a social contagion of gender confusion.  Those same social media platforms will also spread information on the medical interventions, all forever life-altering, and how to get to California to satisfy the urge.  Then, after filing a missing person report to your local sheriff, you get a text from your daughter of her double mastectomy and her metoidioplasty (create an artificial penis) in a California hospital.  Your daughter, without your knowledge and approval, has turned herself into your pseudo-son.  All thanks to the elected lunatics running California.

If any state action screams “unconstitutional”, this is it.  Ever since 1824 and Gibbons v. Ogden, the Constitution gives to Congress the sole power to regulate interstate commerce.  Furthermore, the contracts clause in the Constitution impairs a state’s ability to nullify agreements made in another state. n A state cannot undermine one state’s power to regulate matters within its borders simply because the resident stepped foot in another state.  Kidnapping is still kidnapping if the victim is transported to a different state.  Any differences between the states’ kidnapping laws are irrelevant.

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Scott Wiener (D, San Mateo) introduced S.B. 107. It passed both houses of the California legislature and awaits Gov. Newsom’s signature.

Come to think of it, assisting a child in travel against the wishes of the parent could be construed as kidnapping.  Gavin Newsom and Scott Wiener (D, State Senator, San Mateo) could be eligible for indictment. Remember, Panama’s dictator Manuel Noriega was indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami and arrested by US Navy SEALs under orders of President Bush 41.  If it could happen to a foreign despot, why not to a sitting state governor and head honcho in the state legislature?  Newsom, I’d think twice before signing this monstrosity.

The absurdity of this action by California zealots is easily understood if roles were reversed.  Lets’ say, Florida passes a law to make it a felony for any person wherever they reside to knowingly authorize and protect individuals who engage in medical practices on the state’s resident minors without parental knowledge and consent.  If California can expressly shield violators of another state’s laws, why can’t the offended state seek redress by taking into custody these offenders, whether they be medical practitioners or state officials, when they come into contact with lawful authorities of the offended state?  Interstate interference is interstate interference.  If one is sanctioned, so is the other.  Goose and gander equality anyone?

It’s a useful thought experiment, and a sign of how harmful California has become to the rest of the nation.  Let’s get on with it.  Put the warning label on our maps.



* The full text of California SB 107 can be read at
* For more on the story, read the column by Sharon Supp, a senior research analyst for the Alliance Defending Freedom at

Californios, Get Out While You Still Can

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Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks to Matt Gutman of ABC News about the August 2022 vote by the California Air Resources Board to ban gas powered cars in the state of California by 2035.  (ABC News)

The people running the state of California have issued a ban on the sale of new gas-powered cars, minivans, SUV’s, and pickups by 2035. A centrally planned edict, with little sound reasoning, will descend upon everyone in the state. Of course, the commissars’ dream is to force the lunacy on the entire country. The irony is that California is losing population at a rapid pace – over a quarter million from 2020 to 2021 alone – but the kulturkampf crackpots ruling the state fantasize that the state’s weight of population will force upon the whole country the lifestyle preferences of the California coastal plain. I hope not. In the meantime, Californios, get out while you still can.

If you’re the owner of a business or a person planning to make a huge investment in a home, a car, retiring, or settling your kids into one of the many schools in the state, you might be making one of the biggest mistakes in your life. California is no place to make life-shaping commitments. Millions already got a whiff and fled over the past number of decades. A decline in the rate of increase in previous decades has been replaced by an absolute reduction. 39.5 million became 39.2 million from July 2020 to June 2021. The same people that think they can dictate their lifestyle preferences to the nation are the same ones who can’t keep their people.

Their justification for imposing their choices gets weaker with each passing year. California must be stopped from dictating to the rest of the nation. They get away with this by throwing their demographic weight around which intimidates the Fortune 500. A ban on the sale of conventional cars in cuckoo land, it is hoped, will soon have Topeka and Wichita dealerships flooding Kansas with ev’s against the wishes of the sunflower state’s consumers. That’s the hope of Sacramento’s potentates. But watch the dream get dashed by a lack of appreciation for unintended consequences, which is a persistent blind spot for this breed of power-hungry zealot.

That’s right, they pretend that the unintended consequences are fabrications of “deniers” at the same time that the “fabrications” come crashing into the quality of life. Unintended consequences are either a product of child-like naivete or the belief that the economic law of tradeoffs can be dismissed with a wave of the hand. The central planners’ assault on living standards will happen nonetheless. There is no future in boarded up gas stations and skyrocketing fuel and utility rates. An already decrepit grid teetering into chronic blackouts will be expected to power the state’s new fleet of personal transportation by fiat. Get real. No smothering of the state in a widening blanket of windmills and solar panels can turn intermittent into non-intermittent. Money subtracted from grid maintenance shows up in the massive expansion of “renewables” (tradeoffs), turning the dilapidating grid into a gargantuan arsonist of cataclysmic wildfires. The fires aren’t due to climate change but are the unintended consequence of people obsessed with climate change.

Aerial detection survey photo of dead and dying trees on the Sequoia and Sierra National forests, August 2016. (USFS photo)
Thomas Fire 2
Firefighters attack the Thomas Fire’s north flank with backfires as they continue to fight a massive wildfire north of Los Angeles, near Ojai, California, Dec. 9, 2017. (photo: Reuters)

There’s more. Going back to those abandoned gas stations, the price of fuel will rise as it becomes harder to get because the market is forcibly shrunk by government dictat. For the diesel heavy vehicles and equipment, their fueling costs will skyrocket since the fuel market dwindled to cover only them. Truck stops are rarer.

The immense total societal investment of over a century in personal conveyances will have been wiped out virtually overnight. In its place will come disposable cars, thrown away because the heart of them, the batteries, is no longer composed of moving parts. The great and proven reservoir of human capital (experience, skills, and knowledge) in mechanics will no longer have a place in this new way of life, having been made useless not by the voluntary choices of people in a free market but by edicts of an activist nomenklatura.

Scrap yards, fields, or overgrown back lots will fill up with the things, scavenged for the few things sellable. If the track record of recycling is any clue, subsidies for the recycling of the batteries will be required. All government subsidies are a replay of the student loan forgiveness scam. One group gets a benefit at the expense of another. I don’t care how it’s configured. If a benefit flowed to one group (recyclers) by government command, it must be shaken from the consumer or taxpayer at the end of the day. Any burden on the manufacturer is a pass-through down to the buyer.

The huge battery packs for the bliss of all-electric will come from the ChiComs, unstable and unfriendly Third World kleptocracies, or domestic oligarchs like US RareEarth. I have yet to see an eco-activist with a love of mining, especially of the open pit variety. Where will the rare earths (lithium, gallium, hafnium, zirconium) and magnets come from? The enthusiasts don’t have a clue. They just have faith in a “market” that they detest. The grand viziers dictate and people must bow to suit. The only innovations are those contrived to fit the commands. They aren’t a product of liberty, for they are a product of kowtowing to the state. Few in their right mind would stake a trip to the emergency room on a vehicle that doesn’t perform well in a blackout. The contraption works best if you don’t live far from the emergency room, and, better yet, if you’re a block away and can quickly push the wheelchair that far.

Pray to God that the ambulances aren’t electric. If they are, you’re screwed in a blackout, and doubly so if they’ve had a number of runs that night. The station house might have a generator but it relies on the same fossil fuel from the same rapidly disappearing fuel supply. All in all, you’re still screwed.

An all-electric future is no nirvana. Even so, they tell us, we’ll benefit from saving the planet. Will we? How are 39.2 million souls, and falling, going to counteract the voracious energy appetite of 2.82 billion? India and Red China have no qualms about burning coal, even our coal. They love jobs and air conditioning too. Get this straight: we are expected to believe that 1.4% of the population of India and Red China will save the planet. Uh?

My greatest sympathy goes to the rest of the state east of the Coast Range. Crossing the Coast Range west to east is departing one cultural entity and entering another. California is two states: the nearly 27 million west along the coastal plain has Sandinista sympathies and the 12 million remainder to the east would hang Sandinistas. It’s a schizophrenic state with the largest portion of the state’s brain psychotic. The diseased two-thirds overwhelms the sensible third. If the analogy was perfect, the healthy cells would seek an escape to a healthier body, which many are doing at a fast clip. They can jettison the state since we have a US Constitution which makes us citizens of the USA and merely residents of a state. We have the right to travel.

So, travel. Get out while you still can.

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* “California to ban sale of all new gasoline-powered cars starting in 2035, a “historic turning point”, The Mercury News, August 27, 2022, at
* “Editorial: Yes! California just banned the sale of new gas cars. This is a big deal”, LA Times, August 26, 2022, at
* “A New Demographic Surprise for California: Population Loss”, NY Times, May, 7, 2021, at
* “These 10 maps explain California’s changing population: The state lost more than a quarter-million residents during the first year of the pandemic, but some counties grew and shrank for different reasons”, The Mercury News, April 4, 2022, at
* “US Needs 10X More Rare Earth Metals To Hit Biden’s Electric Vehicle Goals”, Forbes, Sept. 29, 2021, at
* The east/west breakdown of California’s population in “Economics and Demographics”, NOAA, Office for Coastal Management, at,6.8%20million.%205%20461%20People%20per%20Square%20Mile

It Stinks to High Heaven

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FBI agents block one of the gates at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago during the raid on August 8.

What stinks?  The FBI’s newly released affidavit in support of a search warrant, that’s what (see below).  Oh, it’s heavily redacted but what it does expose is the insidious operational habits of the Washington Insiders Club, of which the upper echelons of the FBI are charter members.  And to think that a judicial officer approved this monstrosity.  Amazing.

The first big tip-off was the author and chief protagonist for the Trump investigation and the search warrant being “a Special Agent with the FBI assigned to the Washington Field Office”.  I smell a rat, the same set of rodents that scamper the hallways of the J. Edgar Hoover Building (FBI), the Executive Office Building, Langley (CIA), and Pentagon, not to mention the incestuous political den of lobbyists and big-wheel legal eagles who wallow in the same rarified DC cauldron.

The second thing that glaringly stood out was the “referral” to the FBI from the administrators at the National Archives.  It seems that, when it comes to Donald Trump, the big wheels in DC snap to 11, to borrow a little from “This is Spinal Tap”.  They’re on a hair trigger.  In January 2022, the Archives received 15 boxes of materials from Trump.  Hardly did a month go by and they’re off to the FBI demanding a criminal investigation of Trump.  Mmmm, does Hillary/Clinton in 2015 and 2016 remind you of anything?

This is completely unprecedented.  The people who run the National Archives are not gods.  Their demands do not attain the automatic status of the Ten Commandments from the hand of God.  Implicitly recognizing this fact, there’s normally an extended period of negotiations after the transition from one administration to another.  And Trump was cooperating.  Who among that claque would have dared to behave in this manner with Barack Obama?

The statutory basis for the warrant is astoundingly absurd.  The affidavit is junked-up with references to the Presidential Records Act and various provisions on the handling of classified materials.  There’s even a startling mention of an executive order.  What?  Executive Orders exist at the whim of the president.  They are a creature of him and his office.  They only count if he chooses, or unchooses, to make them count.  This only shows that the vigilantes wanted to throw the kitchen sink at Trump.

For the rest of the statutory laundry list, there’s the litany of what constitutes classified materials and the improper handling of them.  When I read this part of the screed, the thought of Hillary Clinton kept popping into my head.  Wasn’t she conducting the nation’s foreign policy from her own private server and cellphone?  And, interestingly as it turned out, there was evidence of the hacking of her devices.  Trump is accused of hypothetical carelessness; Hillary actually did it to the advantage of foreign adversaries.  There’s evidence of it.  And then-Director Comey goes before the press in 2016 to announce that “there really wasn’t a prosecutable case”.  And there is on Trump?  Incredible.

The lack of inquisitiveness and what constitutes a “prosecutable case” has an obvious partisan lean to them.  The affidavit supporting a warrant on Hillary would sound much like the one served on Trump, except there was more evidentiary basis of actual harm to the nation on Hillary’s home server and her personal cellphone.  This should have gone to trial.  And the hush, hush in regards to the laptop of the scion of the Biden dynasty, Hunter, going so far as to troop out other DC partisans who never saw the laptop to tout the line that it was “Russian disinformation” without a shred of evidence, is execrable.  The brazen double standard screams injustice.

Then, if you notice, the warrant’s author engages in an opinion spat with supporters of Trump.  It’s something that belongs on Twitter or the op-ed pages of his/her favorite NY Times or WaPo, going so far as to cite a TV news report of “‘Moving Trucks Spotted At Mar-a-Lago” (item #30).  That’s worse than hearsay.  No one is placed under a presumption of legal sanction to tell the truth in such stories, and they are notorious for casting events to fit a preconceived view.

In what has all the appearances of petty spite, the producer of this gem writes like Paul Krugman picking a fight with Larry Kudlow on Twitter.  He/she targets Breitbart and Kash Patel for special abuse (item #53).  It’s very unseemly in a document meant to justify a government invasion of a person’s home.  This kind of government behavior should anger any American as it did John Hancock, enough to have him sign with a flourish the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

What of the redactions in the affidavit?  If the denizens of the DC snake pit can go before the press to tout the laptop as “Russian disinformation” with no proof, then this discredited crowd has no grounds to dismiss my speculation on the blotted-out names, sources, and methods of investigation.  They boil down to Trump’s possession of classified materials or an assessment of Trump’s evil intent by a group of long-discredited people.  The possession of classified materials by a recent ex-president shouldn’t be surprising.  Negotiations, compromise, and a back-and-forth period are to be expected.  Just because the demi-gods of the Archives in a pique of Trump animus want to go to 11 doesn’t mean that the public ought to tolerate this partisan jihad.

The affidavit still stinks to high heaven.  I am convinced now more than ever that the FBI and the rest of the agencies, bureaus, departments in DC should be farmed out to rest of the country, far beyond the Beltway.  Breakup DC!  Only the most essential skeleton staff should remain.  People like the “Special Agent with the FBI assigned to the Washington Field Office” should get a daily dose of what the rest of the country thinks of them.



* The affidavit at

The Danger of a Radical Overclass Running Our Schools

Parents protest the teaching of Critical Race Theory during a Placentia Yorba Linda School Board meeting in Yorba Linda, Calif., November 16, 2021. (Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Our public and many private schools are a mess, but the vast majority of the blame shouldn’t be directed at the teachers.  The onus should be shouldered by an intellectually bankrupted overclass that sits atop a sprawling education industry from coast to coast, much like the Janissaries of the old Ottoman Empire or the self-indulgent and self-serving aristocracy in 18th-century Versailles.  Unexamined and unaware, its members reside in a world apart from the rest of society.  It’s an isolated existence with its own values and assumptions about the workings of the world.  Born of 19th century progressivism and its administrative state, their zeal for “reform” has bred a missionary class of consultants, hyped in the latest fads of thought driven by a near uniform set of ideological sympathies.  Duly papered in now-devalued credentials and degrees, they descend upon the schools and make a real hash of things.

Parents might be waking up. Zooming to their children during the pandemic by means of the family computer, right in front of them, was the chic radicalism from a world apart where lefty radicalism is assumed to be a virtue.  The veil of secrecy was blown off.  The fashionable neo-Marxist theory of systemic group oppression and guilt flashed before their eyes.  Racism was mangled into a public good as a means to fight purely hypothetical but politically useful villains.  They saw how adolescent feelings of gender confusion became the rigid theory of transgender ideology.  Now, their daughters are no longer safe in the bathroom or locker room.

Other fancies were exposed such as the religion of environmentalism, a mystical faith masquerading as a not-to-be-challenged scientific fact.  The crooked timber of humanity was somehow, magically straightened depending on your self-professed identity.  Bankers bad, workers always and forever angelic.  Whenever a woman or racial, sexual, or ethnic minority graces the page, it’s always in the context of exploitation.  Tradition is lambasted and morality is fashioned to serve the interests of the latest chic reform.  America is evil and in need of a revolution.  That’s what they’re attempting to groom: little revolutionaries.

As a teacher in the public schools for almost 30 years, I’ve witnessed it firsthand.  Teachers are forced through “professional growth” mandates to be constantly exposed to the latest in stylish radicalism emanating from the academic bubble.  School districts regularly take their teachers away from their students for multiple days of the school year – sometimes called “inservice days” – to get steady doses of the latest in leftist dogma.  Students lose a few days of learning so their teachers can be indoctrinated.  The result is almost always a few steps backward for both the students and teachers.

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Teacher training

To boot, many of the presenters don’t know the radical philosophical roots of what they’re presenting.  It says volumes about the academic preparation and forethought of those pretending to be Zeus on Mt. Olympus.  Two incidents stand out in my long career.  In one, a richly paid consultant was brought in to instruct us on his favorite pedological pet, “cooperative learning”.  Midway through the presentation I got the drift of where this was heading.  I politely asked him if the basis for his approach was “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”  If you’re wondering, it’s straight out of Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto”.  He said, “Yes”, apparently unaware, or maybe quite aware, of his idea’s ideological parentage.  Shortly after that, I quietly slipped away to my classroom to grade papers and prepare instruction for the week, a much better use of the time.

Another example came about as a result of administrative pressure to attend a paid training session on a Saturday, which I was reluctantly to do for certain reasons.  Well, this session just so happened to be founded on the theory of multiple intelligences, a highly contestable notion for which the presenter was unfamiliar with the debate.  Common sense tells us that kids can have excellences in different skill and knowledge areas.  But these aren’t “intelligences”.  They are talents.  In contrast, intelligence is a unique measure of cognitive ability that is innate to a person for various biological and social reasons.  The interplay of the two is open to much debate.

All of this is glossed over to get to the hidden purpose of this questionable idea: everyone gets a trophy, which is born of Marx’s obsession with equality of result.  For people following in the footsteps of Karl Marx, a society of goodness and light can only be achieved if everyone is equal in everything from intelligence to possessions, just institutionally redefine intelligence in a multitude of ways for instance.  Without saying it, but following the logic, unequal performances among students in the form of grades or scores is automatically and morally suspect.  So, classrooms and instruction must be refashioned to make them more equal.  How?  Design and implement multifarious instructional approaches to access the hard to determine but assumed to be numerous “intelligences” in the classroom.  If the task is too cumbersome or inequalities persist, the burden is on the teacher to make things equal.  Marx blames the social system, the educrats blame classroom teaching, i.e., the teacher.  Thus, the schools engage in the perpetual search to weed out systemic oppression in the form of inequalities through incessant “training”.  No time here for placing responsibility on the student or home life.

The Marxian equality of result permeates everywhere in the school.  Merit – a sense of deserving through hard work – is disparaged and replaced with racial, gender, and sexual orientational reparatory contrivances in discipline, instruction, management, and grading (or no grades).  As a teacher scrambles to devise an ever-increasing number of pedagogies for an ever-increasing number of “intelligences” in the classroom, if hell busts loose, punishment is made to adhere to the god of equality of result like everything else.  If someone tallies the expulsions and discovers a “protected-class” excess beyond its demographic proportion, the school is turned upside down by conforming to the newest euphemism to downgrade the effectiveness of a school: restorative justice.  Watch the ratio of non-teachers to teachers explode.  The biggest building in the school will no longer be the one for Language Arts but the sprawling one housing the army of functionaries of the social services for the multitude of interventions required to create the illusion of identity-group equality.

If you think it’s such a great idea, this thing called “restorative justice”, then move to LA, SF, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York City, or any place suffering under permissive Soros-backed DA’s.  They’re all into “restorative justice” and all that goes with it.  You’ve just endorsed the transplanting of the chaos of San Francisco streets to your kids’ classrooms.

Nothing escapes the Marxist obsession with equality of result.  It’s embedded in your teacher’s training in college, and it’s constantly dragged before staffs every school year by an army of consultants.  It’s a very lucrative flim-flam as CRT evangelists like Ibram X. Kendi can attest.  He got $20,000 from Fairfax County taxpayers for a 45-minute virtual training video for the Virginia county’s public schools.  His fellow grifter, Robin DeAngelo, author of “White Fragility”, rakes in $14,000 per event earning a lusty $700,000 a year.  It’s a sweet gig if you can get it.  (See the column below by the American Enterprise Institute’s Frederick M. Hess.)

What do they really have to offer?   Nothing good, and everything deeply troublesome.  If you think that statue-toppling or joining the ranks of the militant wings of the Democratic Party is not an appropriate career path for your children, it is incumbent on parents to help bring to heel this wayward mass of detached educrats by electing state and local public officials who’ll clean house at the governing boards and make our colleges accountable for the undermining of our way of life.

There, we have our task.




* “Defund the Teacher-Trainers”, Frederick M. Hess, Aug. 11, 2022, at

Going Green Had Many Fathers But Watch It Be Orphaned.

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Pres. Biden signs the Green New Deal LIte, also grotesquely misnamed as the Inflation Reduction Act.

“There’s an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan.”  It was the response of President Kennedy to NBC reporter Sander Vanocor at a press conference on April 21, 1961 as his way of taking responsibility for the disastrous Bay of Pigs operation.  Where did JFK get it?  The line of descent can be traced to the movie “The Desert Fox” and before that to Count Galeazzo Ciano, Mussolini’s Foreign Minister.

Why mention it?  It could apply to popular manias and their failures.  A fashionable idea is embedded in the imagination of a sizeable segment of the population, i.e., fathers, and once it falls out of fashion due to its real-world effects, its parentage is forgotten, i.e., an orphan.  It disappears into deep space.

The paramount craze of today is “going green”.  It is both science and anti-science: a blending of real science – but without cost/benefit modification – and many pop-culture phobias.  They are sourced in ideological, theological, and secular-utopian notions.  We are experiencing the frenzies in everything from forest management, food production, energy renewables, zero-carbon, and the eco-iconic electric vehicle.  We are quickly learning unfortunately that, contra to a one-with-nature ecotopia, the reality is obsolete water projects, massive fire storms, an unreliable grid producing rolling blackouts, decaying energy infrastructure, skyrocketing energy prices, outrageously expensive grid-dependent and unreliable personal transportation, and a smaller and more costly food supply.  If you haven’t noticed, some of this “future” is playing out in Sri Lanka.

Protesters in Sri Lanka
Protesters in Sri Lanka in July 2022 force the resignation of the country’s president after the onset of an economic collapse due to the adoption of many green policies such as bans on the use of many ag chemicals.

In many conversations going back decades, I’ve heard people express the most fanciful beliefs.  Do you remember the cliché of those fleets of oil tankers anchored of the coast during the oil embargos of the 1970’s supposedly as part of the oil companies’ conspiracy to jack up fuel prices?  It’s baaaack!  Or how about the Non-GMO, Whole Foods fever of today?  Or the fanatical and popular in elite circles preservationist forestry policies that produced vast landscapes of dead trees in a drought-prone, dry-summer climate, just waiting for the poorly maintained electrical grid or dry lightning to spark a conflagration?  Or the popular war on herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers that promises famine and economic and social collapse (once again, Sri Lanka)?  Or the pricey but government-preferred electric vehicle running low on juice that’ll ensure that you can’t get out of the path of a hurricane because of the blackout from category-five winds and a monstrous sea surge?  Or the huge forests of windmill towers and seas of solar panels scarring the landscape that can’t keep the lights on?  “Going green” is a rediscovery of life in the Middle Ages.  It’s a future of going backwards.

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Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

The Dark Ages looms as we fancy a food supply without Safeway – or Kroger, Albertsons, Walmart, General Mills, the Great Plains ocean of grain, and meat packing plants, etc.  Anything produced on an industrial scale whether it be lettuce, eggs, bacon, burgers, fryers, Minute Rice, or bread is made suspect.  But anything “free range” means less of it and more expensive.  Ditto for Non-GMO.  The world cannot be fed with farmer’s markets and Jeff Bezos’s boutique Whole Foods.  The eco-stuff rots which limit its range of availability.  It may taste better and be marginally healthier, but what difference does that make if you can’t get it, or is priced out of the family budget?  How are barren cupboards healthier?

Do you think that the equivalent of victory gardens will make a dent?  Farmers markets would collapse and quickly run out of product if the throngs who filled the parking lots of Walmart flocked to the stalls and easy-ups on a few acres off I-95.  Some actually think that we ought to live on what we personally grow.  To do that, everyone must have the equivalent of “40 acres and a mule”, er, tractor (Civil War Order No. 15, Gen. Wm. T. Sherman).  But what eco-nut would tolerate the invasion of 330 million people scattered over their wilderness hiking paths?  They’re already up in arms about people choosing to live in the land of bears and chipmunks.  They even have their own arcane vocabulary for it: Wild Urban Interface (WUI).  In other words, places where you oughtn’t be if they get their way.  Of course, the irony is that all places at one time or another were WUI’s.

Anyway, who could afford the real estate?  Let’s face it, these are the fancies of a hyper-wealthy society with a large cohort of people who can afford to live expensively.  Coincidentally, small family size tracks the lifestyle: the fewer disruptive mouths to feed in the family unit, the easier it is to indulge in eccentric, pricey, and ideologically laced lifestyle choices.  Speaking of fewer mouths, guess the demographic with one of the lowest fertilities.  Non-Hispanic whites dredge near the bottom of all groups at 1.64 children per woman (2018).  Non-Hispanic whites in the District of Columbia are even less productive at 1.012, demographic suicide levels.  This element – government workers, white collar and overwhelmingly college educated – has much in common with the residents of college communities, bi-coastal exclusive developments, Silicon Valley, and other areas of like complexion.  Maybe this is the reason for their enthusiasm for massive immigration, legal or illegal, since they can’t rely on their own organically produced offspring to provide the medical supports and entitlement contributions to keep them comfortable in the autumn of their lives.

So, they grow old and are free to wallow in the hang-ups of their youth.  Prominent among them is the “nuclear” bogeyman. A steady diet of movies (“Them”, Godzilla, The China Syndrome, et al) and classroom atomic bomb drills in their youth nurtured nightmares of looming apocalyptic dooms.  The boomers and X’ers transmitted the aversion to their sparse offspring.  A nearly permanent political base against nuclear power has arrived.

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“Nuclear” was a monster like Godzilla, but their depiction of it is in open conflict with the worship of the newest deity in an increasingly secular age, Gaia.  Combine the fear with the climate-change hype and we have only the latest in a long line of self-negating philosophies.  Don’t like nuclear power because characters played by Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda, and Michael Douglas said so in a movie (The China Syndrome)?  Well, we still can’t have it even if it’s carbon-free and safe and will help address all manner of Chicken Little catastrophes that’ll befall mankind like category ten hurricanes and the oceans lapping onto the Obamas’ estate on Martha’s Vineyard, and further reinforced in another movie (An Inconvenient Truth) produced by the politician-Moses of our time, Al Gore, and followed by a steady stream of more (The Day After Tomorrow, etc.).

So, the message is no abundant and affordable energy, and we must accept less and live with more aggravation and disruption in our lives.  We are told that we can’t have fossil fuels, which is plentiful in our own backyard.  Thoughts of R & D in carbon capture are verboten, still born in the crib.  And don’t dare build those efficient, safe, cost-effective Small Modular Reactors (SMR’s) for carbon-free and plentiful electricity. Instead, it’s small in everything from calorie intake to living space to appliances to travel distances.

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Nowhere to charge the Tesla?

With the political assault on more land for housing, we’ll be crammed into more Hell’s Kitchens, infected with crime due to DA’s who are committed to ending incarceration, infested with pandemic-level contagions, and public transportation where the filth, threats, and smells of the outside envelop you on the inside.  Is this where Pete Buttigieg plans to bike to work?

Going green isn’t a better world.  If we’re not careful, the DNC plans to give it to us.  We may wake up one morning with the urge to escape the workers’ paradise, but the all-electric Chevy Bolt is dead because of the regular blackout from a grid connected to overburdened windmills and solar panels. Anyway, where are you going to go?  The roads are unpassable because of striking road workers and less of the infrastructure money going to asphalt and more to expanding the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Department.  You’ll have to invest in a Sharpie and carboard to beg your way to the expanding homeless camps on the outskirts adjacent to the lavish, walled, and secure estates of the DNC donor class.

Now, all of this assumes that you still have a job in a country governed by the fairy tale principles of Modern Monetary Theory.  And if you did, would it make any difference in the chronic inflation from the fire-hosing of the country in paper money?  What began as a scheme with many fathers will soon be orphaned.  The parentage relegated to the misty past.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez


* “Fertility Rates In The United States By Ethnicity”, World Atlas, at

A Much-Deserved College Market Correction

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College students in Seattle protest Trump’s victory in the 2016 election.

We are suffocating in air saturated in government money like the leaves blasted off the hardwood forests of the Blue Ridge by a hurricane in fall (which I saw in 2018).  Waste, oh the waste!  Much of it fire-hosed to the colleges in the form of profligate student loans, grants, subsidies, etc. – which is contributing to a national debt of $30.6 trillion and counting.  The aftermath is a college bubble like a market one, or the housing bubble of 2008-9.

Over the last ten years, total college enrollment has dropped by 4 million.  Why?  College was oversold.  The realization began to sink in that $120,000 spent (the average price tag) on four years of lefty bromides and degree fields that neither advanced the students’ understanding nor added to their skills is a winning proposition for their future.  We are in for a much-deserved market correction.

NBC is alarmed when they reported on the fall off recently (see below).  It’s as if a civilizational collapse is imminent because we don’t have enough gender studies majors and people who still can’t put a decent sentence together.  The network reports the findings of the left-leaning Hechinger Report which declares that the decline will “diminish people’s quality of life and the nation’s economic competitiveness”, as if all those graduates were chemistry majors and not the more likely situation of people who sat through interminable hours of woke claptrap and eroding rigor.

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Don’t blame changing demographics for the slump.  Within the same demographic, from 2016 to 2020, the percentage of high school graduates going to college dropped 7% from 70% to 63%. In many states, it’s worse, much worse.  Blame the colleges for cementing the view that they’re a nest of radical vipers, incompetents, and pointless, if not harmful, instruction.  NBC must have been flabbergasted to learn that fewer than 1 in 3 adults thought that college was worth the cost.  A mortgage-sized debt is hardly a come-on for a public watching statue-topplers, Antifa, BLM, and campus censorship and intimidation on abundant display.

College has given itself a black eye.  And, boy, what a shiner it is.

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* “Why Americans are increasingly dubious about going to college”, NBC News, Aug. 10, 2022, at
*The Hechinger Report in “How higher education lost its shine” at

Netflix’s “Trainwreck: Woodstock ‘99” as Omen

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Sound towers collapsing in scenes of aimless rage at Woodstock ‘99.

Look around you today and you’ll see all the signs of existential social malfunction.  Urban areas are riven with crime, filth, and homelessness.  Grids are dysfunctional operating more as fire starters and plagued by blackouts.  Energy prices are through the roof. Housing is unaffordable.  Massive government overspending abounds in pursuit of utopian unicorns.  The language is bastardized by an ideology that seeks to repeal the divine, or evolutionary, plan for the two sexes, making a mockery of anything designated boy/girl.  Essential racism in the form of “equity” and doctrines of essential oppression in the rhetorical incantations of “systemic” and “critical theory” are everywhere in the media and schools, infecting young minds as early as kindergarten.  The sciences are not immune which raises serious questions about the future efficacy of our medical institutions (see Heather McDonald’s piece below).  That’s just for starters.

Where does this lead?  Watch Netflix’s “Trainwreck: Woodstock ‘99” for a glimpse into our future (see the trailer below).  After showing the consequences of the loss of standards and self-restraint, the flick tries to detour what you are viewing into a condemnation of machismo – or the male patriarchy – and greed and endorsement of wokeness and Me Too.  Still, the images are there, just strip away the juvenile punditry.  Go ahead, watch it.

The trailer:

Woodstock ’99 was a classic attempt to recreate Woodstock ’69 after 30 years of glamorizing that first edition.  Some of the organizers and workers at ’99 were patrons of ’69 and describe it as a harmonious and tranquil love-in.  It wasn’t.  Many of the screw-ups at ’99 was present at ’69.  Shortages of food and sanitation, rampant drug use, lack of crowd control, event personnel exchanging privileges for drugs, and the rain and mud that exacerbated the sanitation problems.  The only thing missing was the riot of ’99 (see below for an abreviated account of ’69).

Fast forward to ’99. Michael Lange, the organizer of ’69, tried to resuscitate Woodstock with an eye to making money – Surprise! – which ’69 did not.  The mellow rock of the Yardbirds was replaced with headliners such as the edgy, high-energy heavy metal of Limp Bizskit, Korn, Kid Rock, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.  Drugs and nudity in the crowd and on stage were commonplace. One cannot think of a clearer signal of the loss of self-restraint and norms of decency.  The visual cues of forbearance were absent.

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Red Hot Chili Peppers on stage at Woodstock ‘99.

More troubling is the fact that the crowd that you get is a product of the musical acts that perform.  The fan of Limp Bizkit and the Red Hot Chili Peppers is not the fan of Joan Baez and Blood, Sweat, and Tears.  An important element of rock by the end of the millennium had slid off into atavistic rage with a fanbase to match – emblematic in the name of the popular group at the time, Rage Against the Machine.  Fans were overwhelmingly male, of high physicality, with a cage-fighting personality.

The festival by the third day reminded me of the worst of a Daytona Spring Break.  Violence and rampant public fornication, including sexual assault, frequently go together and should not be a surprise in an intoxicated, drug-addled assemblage of 300,000 teens and early twenty-somethings.  Add the music and the type of fan that it attracts and the tinder for chaos is present.  The blame cannot be solely placed at the feet of greedy vendors.  For this crowd, we must add “riot hard” to “party hard”.

When standards of decency and the normal guideposts and expectations of life are erased, life becomes a free-for-all.  We are experiencing this happenstance across the board.  A walk through downtown San Francisco is a health hazard, as it is in most of our urban centers.  One can no longer be sure that the girls’ locker room and bathroom will be filled with only girls of the expected chromosomal makeup, essentially ending girls’ sports.  A toxic racial favoritism has been magically turned into a public good.  Flights of fancy replace sober deliberation in policy debates when inflation is said to be cured by more inflation.  Military readiness is said to be amazingly advanced by racial witch hunts in the ranks, self-flagellation, and identity politics from the Pentagon to West Point to the barracks.  We are a mess like those fans at Woodstock ’69 and ’99.

Has there ever been a superpower when at the height of power and influence, it commits suicide?  The gun went to the temple with little advanced warning. It was sudden, nearly overnight, taking less than two years.  Woodstock ’99 is a warning.



* “The Corruption of Medicine”, Heather McDonald, City Journal, Summer 2022, at
* “The Messed Up Things That Happened In Woodstock 1969”, Rock Pasta, at

The Error of Following a Person and Not What They Say: A Lesson that the Right Needs to Relearn

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Jordan Peterson, an icon of the Right

We are in an age of personality cults.  Maybe we always have been to one extent or another.  Regardless, we are in one, big time.

The decline in religiosity could be a partial explanation for people who need something to look up to after they have relegated heaven to myth.  It’s easier to replace God with a human being.  It’s evident across the political spectrum.  The Left has theirs in the many academic offshoots of Karl Marx.  On the Right, icons have arisen in the person of people from Jordan Peterson to Donald Trump.  They may be correct in much that they say, but being human, they occasionally step on a rake.  Then, the followers parrot the mistake while jettisoning their brain, the same brain that God gave them, that they don’t recognize that it was God who gave it to them.

Today’s brain is ill-informed of history.  The schools have failed. We study history for what it says about human nature.  And, yes, there is such a thing as human nature.  Many won’t recognize the errors of the present because they are unaware that we’ve committed the blunders many times before.  For instance, some of what today’s Right seems to be saying about the Ukraine War is an imitation of the rhetoric of the 60’s radical Left.  Jean Kirkpatrick, a longtime Democrat and a defector from the looming socialistic, neo-Marxist takeover of her party, spoke to the 1984 Republican Convention nominating Ronald Reagan for a second term (see below).  Her speech was a bold rejection of the “San Francisco Democrats” (Sound familiar?) and the Left’s “blame America First”.

Today, you’ll hear echoes of the same condemnable language of the 60’s radical Left coming from the likes of Donald Trump, Jordan Peterson, and their media apologists.

Trump introduced the Left’s oratory to the Right when he morphed the Left’s “blame America First” into “American First”.  His 2015-2016 bombast against the Bushes led to a harangue about “endless wars”, i.e., the War on Terror, almost identical to the Left’s complaint about the Vietnam War.  Trump made the chant of “America First” and its cousin “MAGA” into a reflex for isolationism, something ever-present in the GOP going back to 1940 and Lindbergh’s America First.  Don’t’ forget, implicit in “Make America Great Again” is the claim that we aren’t great, which for the Right is due to our decadence.  For the Left, we are censured as “exploiters”.  As decadent or “exploiters”, the Right has made common cause with Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda.

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Seemingly taking their cue from Trump in his odd admiration for Putin, some on the Right chide our support for Ukraine.  The culture war is used as the excuse to criticize support for Ukraine.  Tucker Carlson is scornful of the Zelenskyy government for its alleged autocratic tendencies; Laura Ingraham complains of our aid lost in purported Ukrainian corruption; and Jordan Peterson provides an alibi for Putin’s invasion as Putin fending of western decadence, a decadence resplendent in transgenderism.  He comes close to aligning with Putin and when confronted backs off.  The quote that got him into trouble was as follows:

“The culture war is now truly part of why we have a war [in Ukraine]. It is certainly the case that we do not therefore have all the moral high ground….  In fact, how much of it we have at all is something rightly subject to the most serious debate.”

In my view, transgenderism is a civilizational catastrophe, but to mingle it with Ukraine is sophistry.  That puts Putin as a defender of goodness and light.  If so, where does that put the CCP’s Xi?  After all, Xi is leading a campaign to stop the feminization of men.  Have you seen those PLA recruitment ads?  They’re nothing like those gushing rainbow LGBTQ+ ads by our Marine Corps.  Carlson, Ingraham, and Peterson would find themselves boxed into the corner of opposing US support for Taiwan against a Red Chinese invasion just to remain consistent.  What kind of world would we have if our decadence or any other domestic policy failing is a straitjacket on our ability to stop this generation’s fascist and communist aggressors?  Look to history for the answer.

Jean Kirkpatrick in 1984 outlines the stakes of a Trump/Carlson/Ingraham/Peterson foreign policy.  It’s the same one advanced by the “San Francisco Democrats”.  If you have 21 minutes, please listen to her riveting speech.  It’s the antidote to the bile in this new era of personality cults.

See the source image
Jean Kirkpatrick



*”Jordan Peterson claims Russia attacked Ukraine to stop the spread of ‘degenerate’ US culture wars. . .”, Daily Mail, July 12, 2022, at
*Transcripts of Jean Kirkpatrick’s speech to the 1984 Republican Convention at