A Lawless Party

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Recalled San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin
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San Francisco poop map

Early morning Wednesday (6/8/22), a California man was arrested with weaponry and break-in tools to assault Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his home.  Surprised?

Tuesday (6/7/22), San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin was recalled (i.e., removed from office) by a vote of the people in the city.  Much of the city’s disorder, filth, and crime wave was attributed to him and his platform of “restorative justice” and “ending the carceral state”, which meant that he claimed the power to pick the laws that he was going to enforce and not enforce, and how.

What do these two incidents have in common?  Both of them are indications of the lawlessness of the Left and its institutional avatar, the Democratic Party.

Lawlessness doesn’t stop at Boudin or a failed assassin.  We’ve known for quite some time that public tirades by public figures purposefully instigate the unhinged.  They’re invitations to lawlessness.  Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and others of the donkey party’s hierarchy have incited campaigns of intimidation of those who disagree with them.  No wonder that in 2017 a Bernie Sanders supporter, James T. Hodgkinson, marched onto an Alexandria, Va., baseball field and shot five Republican congressmen.  No wonder that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz couldn’t enjoy a family meal at a DC area restaurant without facing a mob’s verbal fulminations.  No wonder that 2020 would be known as The Year of Living Dangerously when America’s urban centers were turned into stage sets for Escape from New York or Escape from Los Angeles (to continue the movie metaphor).  And Brett Kavanaugh was targeted by an assassin for daring to think that abortion is a matter for the states and not DC potentates.

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Nicholas John Roske (l) arrested for preparing to assault Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his home.

Ironically, and quite a hoot as well, it’s the Democrats who are blindly wedded to the idea of law as cure-all.  Think about it: have poverty, pass a law to spend money.  Have school problems, pass a law to spray more money their way.  Have “gun violence”, pass a law.  And problem solved, or so they think.  Though, it must be admitted, they’re great about spending money but not so great about enforcement.  So, we end up with inflation, bloated budgets, and a breakdown of civilization.

Take their response to the Uvalde shooting.  They trot out their prepackaged, 30-year-old talking points.  It’s chock full of the same gun bans, regulations, and onslaughts on business.  For them, it’s a simple matter of passing a law and then meeting after work for libations.  Their great for “universal background checks”, for instance, but violations of the existing checks are rarely prosecuted.  I suspect that it’s because either prosecutions would create more serious injustices – which says a lot about the inherent wisdom of the law – or a good chunk of the perps don’t fit the preferred profile: too many “people of color”, too few people without color.

A 2017 GAO report on the status of the federal government’s background check system found massive non-enforcement.  Of the 112,000 documented cases of prohibited buyers stopped by the system, only 12,700 were even investigated, and of that number, 12 were prosecuted.  Pass a law, spend money to set up the system, hire the personnel, and then don’t bring the miscreants to court.  Surely, there must be more than 12 of the 112,000 deserving of a date before a judge.

Law without enforcement is no law at all.  There exists a law that bans intimidation in the administration of justice, like what is happening on the sidewalks and streets outside the homes of six Supreme Court justices.  The use of anything but the law in the provision of justice is expressly banned in 18 U.S. Code, Section 1507.  Unlike most of the 1,000-plus-page gibberish that frequently emanates out of the Democratic caucus, this law is unmistakably clear:

“Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

For the constitutionally dense, 1507 is the statutory means to implement the Constitution’s equal protection and due process clauses.  Look them up.  Nowhere do public demonstrations have a role in their application.

Why does AG Garland refuse to enforce 1507? Simple, it’s politics.  The Dems demand a particular result in an abortion case before the Court and are willing to turn a blind eye to the law. In effect, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1507 just disappeared from the federal code.  It’s been relegated to the same purgatory where you’ll find many federal, state, and local provisions on rioting, public indecency, theft, burglary, assault and battery, sentencing guidelines and laws, etc., etc.  Garland and local DA’s like George Gascon and Chesa Boudin see themselves as mini-legislatures to make and unmake statute as they please.  It’s grotesque, and so are our streets and public spaces.

Lawlessness appears to be a key Democratic Party doctrine.

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*Read Kevin D. Williamson’s excellent piece on the federal background check system.

Here We Go Again: Demagoguing the Uvalde School Shooting

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A prayer circle at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Tx., on the day of the shooting.

The Uvalde elementary school shooting has sparked another public discussion riddled with confusion, hyperbole, and banal talking points.  Frothing out of talk shows, the mouths of publicity hounds, and the speeches on the floors of Congress come the same stale rhetoric and empty gestures that will do absolutely nothing to stop sociopaths from shooting into crowds of adults or kids.  The problem is what it has always been: unhinged people looking for soft targets.

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First, the confusing rhetoric.  A favorite among demagogues seeking to exploit horrible incidences for partisan advantage is “weapons of war”.  They go right from the analogy of machine guns, real weapons of war, to the semi-auto rifles available for sale in a civilian gun store.  The guns in the store look like the kind used on the battlefield of Iraq and Afghanistan but aren’t.  They are as semi-auto, and not full auto, as my scoped semi-auto Remington 742 rifle.  The 742 looks like deer rifle in one’s imagination.

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Remington 742 Woodsmaster, semi-auto
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The so-called “weapon of war”: AR-15 in a gun store, semi-auto.

They both operate the same and the bullet exits the barrel at the same frequency.  So, the argument pivots on cosmetics.  That’s right, ban a gun for its appearance but watch the same gun appear later absent the looks (pistol grip, banana clip, and with a different stock). It’s ridiculous.  This is what happens when public policy is left to the firearm illiterate.

Next, the idea of red flag or stop orders that is being tossed around.  These orders allow DA’s and judges to confiscate guns for cause.  The problem with the idea is the great variability in implementation and enforcement.  A Texas DA is likely to be a far cry in implementation from Joe Biden’s Justice Department, San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, or LA’s George Gascon.  In the former, a measured enforcement; in the other, the enticing opportunity to eradicate the Second Amendment.  We’ve all seen what the latter has done to the enforcement of immigration law and a host of crimes below rape and murder.  They execute the law as they wish.

A sensible middle ground might be an enhanced insta-check system, with updated, improved, and expanded criteria for denials.  But, as above, it is only as good as the people administering it.

The “weapons of war” nonsense does nothing to enhance understanding.  Red flag systems are ripe for abuse by the soapbox orator in the DA’s office.  Even the middle ground only applies to new gun purchases.  That leaves a big, huge gaping hole in the security of our kids: many of our schools are glaring soft targets, which means non-existent or too few good people with guns on the school grounds to stop bad people with guns.  If you want to protect the kids, immediately harden your soft targets with many good people with guns.  It’s the one thing that’ll make a difference.

No more soft targets, and leave the rest of the gun debate for another day.

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Batty Elites at Davos 2022

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A gathering of eminences at Davos 2022.

In a previous post, I complained of the embarrassingly poor quality of our current elites, calling them dunces.  The latest gathering at the World Economic Forum in Davos is proving the point.  Their prattle was full of advocacy for a distasteful future.  Snooping from outside and within our bodies, lifestyle controls in minute detail, living on less, and an overall abysmal existence, while calling it progress, were an important part of the gaseous blather.  Of course, don’t expect these people to relinquish their private jets, mansions, and second-home paradises.

La Rochefoucauld once said that hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.  I rework the aphorism for the present moment: hypocrisy’s tribute is actually the price the rest of us must pay for living their conscience.

Absurdities rolled off their tongues in an endless parade at Davos.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, in glorious rapture, spoke of swallowing pills with chips to alert God-knows-who about what passes through our digestive tract.  The complete lack of self-awareness was astounding.

Indeed, an absence of self-awareness is at epidemic levels among these plutocrats.  China’s multinational Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans talked of an “individual carbon footprint tracker” to monitor everything from our kitchen cupboards to our travels to the multiplex.  Stalin would be proud.  Xi is beaming.

That grand eminence, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, was gushing in his praise of artificial intelligence as a “co-pilot of every cognitive task”.  Is he so certain that it will make us better or just more controllable?  The possibilities are endless in the campaign to eradicate the next class of kulaks, or the Joes and Jennies who love RV’s.

The luminaries at Davos preened each other with prognostications of growing veganism and the eradication of borders.  The sanctification of German industrialist Klaus Schwab as the patron saint of the Great Reset – which is a Soviet Gosplan for our future – proceeded apace.  Make no mistake about it, this is a totalitarianism of smiley faces in expensive suits.

They are billing themselves as Plato’s philosopher kings, but are proving to be the latest gaggle of fat cats with an unbounded yearning to be taken seriously on matters beyond their ken.  Every time that they gather and open their mouths, they are proving that they don’t deserve it.  Please, go back to your c-suites and do what you do best: make oodles of cash for spreading prosperity. Prosperity isn’t a dirty word. Drop the hectoring nanny routine.


*Kudos to Michael Brendan Dougherty for inspiring this piece.


A New Normal, And a Frightening One at That

Santa Rosa resident who used his 2013 Nissan Leaf to power his house during a four-day blackout in Santa Rosa, Calif., as a result of the Kincade Fire. (photo: Vanessa Romo/NPR)

Surely, this wasn’t the intent of the article (here), but any sentient being could imagine the horrors of an EV world with California’s electricity grid.  Remember, the clowns running the state are ecstatic about EV’s but absolutely moronic about the generation of electricity.  They seem to be saying, “Hey, go buy one [$40,000 -$60,000] but your charging station will be dependent on the vagaries of the sun and wind, or the combustible, matchstick forests that could flare up at any time.  No nuclear power for you.”  Go figure.

The reporterette (Vanessa Romo) blithely treated the problem of finding charging stations during blackouts and raging forest fires, a recurring theme in California’s present and probable future, as another wholesome family adventure.  One guy was confronting the raging Getty Fire and luckily found an answer to charging his Chevy Bolt from a Facebook group.  Since the fire is busy destroying the grid, his hookup to Facebook must be through his phone.  That means an operative cell tower nearby, not destroyed by fire, with power, and in range and with an unobstructive path to his phone.  What happens if the charge on his cell phone is as low as his Bolt?  What happens if cell reception is spotty or nonexistent?  This is a theater of the absurd.

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Venessa Romo of NPR
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California’s Getty Fire, 2019.
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The Holy Fire (2018) in Orange and Riverside Counties comes close to communication towers.
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California blackout

Another Sonoma County resident was praised for the “ingenious” use of his Nissan Leaf in an area ravaged by the Kincaid Fire.  The subsequent blackout forced him to resort to his Leaf as a generator.  Board certification for brain surgery isn’t required to figure out the massive problems with this “advantage”.  Using the car as a source of electricity for the house depletes the car battery.  This option only works if a charging station with a functioning grid hookup or global-warming fossil fuel generator is nearby.  A charging station could be, but the other prerequisites might not be.

By the way, the inverter used in turning DC into the AC for his house could be employed just as well, maybe better, with a Ford-450 Diesel truck, a vehicle more useful than a glorified golf cart.  A Leaf, or some such, isn’t necessary for that purpose.  So, what’s the benefit for being forced to live in an EV world?  You are being shoved into such an existence for no good reason.

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Ford F-450 diesel


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Nissan Leaf charging up.

The truth of the matter is that the whole charade is pure political theater.  Concoct a catastrophe, stampede the public into mistakenly believing that the family sedan is the problem, declare unremittent war on fossil fuels, bribe and punish worker bees with artificially inflated fuel prices, close down the two remaining nuclear power plants, make your public lands combustible nature preserves writ large, and make the whole contraption reliant on the most expensive and unreliable grid in memory, and you too can enjoy the “new normal” of an asylum that calls itself a state.

Get real!  Are these people crazy, or what?

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More Bad News If You’re Woke

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The tenor of the times in today’s California in this protest march in the state from 2018.

The Great Skedaddle once referred to the flight of the Union Army from the battlefield in First Bull Run in 1861.  No longer.  Many cities and states have opted into the woke revolution . . . and people are fleeing, a Great Skedaddle II.  What’s more, if we shifted the census from a mid-2020 counting to mid-2021, California would come close to losing 3 seats in the House of Representatives instead of the one.  It’s the same in nearly all jurisdictions where Antifa and BLM appeasers reign supreme.

The official census is a centennial affair, but the bureau does annual estimates based on a continuing stream of data.  And as a result, it gets worse for blue America.  From mid-2020 to mid-2021, 10 states grew by 1% or more; eight are essentially red states.  The other two (Delaware and Nevada) have maintained mostly friendly tax regimes in spite of, not because of, Dem dominance, when compared with their high-profile political cousins who routinely vote Democrat by double digits from their bi-coastal, metropolitan enclaves.

Some of the biggest losers are what you’d expect: California (-.76%), New York (-1.81%), Illinois (-1.1%), and Washington, D.C. (-2.83%).  Some lost because of the continuing trend of the hollowing-out of the Rust Belt, which is slowing.  Where it is accelerating can be pinpointed by county numbers.  Manhattan (New York County) lost 6.9% over the one-year period; San Francisco down 6.7%; San Mateo dropped 3.5%.  King County, Washington State, the home of Seattle, et al, and the mother lode of lefty votes, took the biggest step backwards in the state.  With few exceptions, the county metro areas that grew the most are found in Idaho, Florida, Texas, Utah, and South/North Carolina.

An aerial view of today’s Manhattan.

One more interesting aspect to the story: states bordering California are magnets, with the exception of Oregon, thanks to the radical-Left dominance of the Portland/Willamette Valley urban corridor.  Nevada did well, but the flight pattern’s sphere of influence extends to Arizona, Utah, Idaho, and my own western Montana.  Most of these states would come close to gaining an additional House seat if the count was held just one year later.

Indeed, the pandemic is a contributing factor, but not the sole cause of this trend.  COVID ripped off the scab of a festering wound.  The population hemorrhagers were more commonly the most zealous in their regulatory suffocation of lives and livelihoods.  Then, they go off into climate-change hysteria, transgenderism, slashing police budgets, and a racist Anti-racism crusade.  Their schools and urban spaces became open sewers riddled with crime.  What’s there to like?

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Let this be a warning to woke corporate boardrooms: you’ve been betting on the wrong horse.  Boycotting states over election laws and protections for girls’ sports, and ads showing your fidelity to the cultural Left, is not a winning strategy.  People who vote with their feet are also more inclined to vote with their dollars.  Disney, rethink your opposition to parental rights. Your stand may sound glorious in your corporate boardroom, gated community, or lunchroom, but the commoners have a profoundly different take.

Please read the source article for this post here.

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Good God, Is California Seriously Considering the Legalization of Infanticide?

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At the risk of violating the third commandment, good God, what is California thinking?  In a recently introduced bill (AB 2223), California could be on the verge legalizing the killing of newborns.  I’m pro-life but also aware of the political complexities of the abortion issue and the need for compromise.  But this is madness!  Absolutists can be demented, and these abortion Robespierres are proving the point.

Yes, the Democrats are quickly turning into abortion Jacobins.  Instead of marching political moderates and monarchists off to the guillotine in days of yore, it’s the youngest of our children, the most helpless among us.  The DC Democrats, hiding behind their euphemistic Women’s Health Protection Act, want to strip the parents out of the picture by federal statute when it comes to abortion and their minor children.  Now, in the deep blue state of California, it is proposed that the abortion “right” be extended to those babies who successfully exited the womb.  This ghastly act is decriminalized by an explicit prohibition of any legal action (investigation or prosecution) against anyone regarding a “pregnancy outcome” and “perinatal” and “postpartum care”.  What’s that mean?  If a baby ends up dead, there’s no way to determine the reason.  All that’s left is to cart off the little lifeless body.  The super majority in the California legislature is working overtime to earn a spot next to Josef Mengele and his Auschwitz medical staff in the deepest level of Hell in Dante’s Inferno.

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We already know that Governor Newsom is a booster of abortion tourism as the state’s next big hospitality industry to add to Disneyland and Knox Berry Farm.  Yet, the killing of babies to replace the hit to the state’s coffers from business and middle-class flight seems like a bit of a moral stretch.  No, it’s too hideous to even think, let alone legislate.

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Stop the Politics in Everything, Literally Everything

Please watch the clip of political sloganeering in March Madness:

I love March Madness . . . until this year.  Today, the c-suites managing the tournament from their metropolitan lairs gave us a steady diet of messaging, or what is often called “virtue-signaling”.  It’s simply revolting to find almost everything polluted with not-so-thinly-disguised political messaging.  With the tournament as a backdrop, you can see it on everything from the team warm-ups to the litany of ads punctuating every broadcast.  This isn’t basketball.  It’s the same monotonous, droning sermon in the church of the woke revolution.

We are pummeled by “Black Lives Matter” (and its companion, “Stop Racism”) which, by the way, was worn by the players of the tournament’s “Cinderella” team, St. Peters.  Nothing new here.  The banality has been with us since neo-Marxist hooligans started chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” in 2014.  What does the slogan mean?  Simple, and it’s not the obvious.  If we were limited to the direct meaning of the words, it would be the equivalent of “Breathe” on the St. Peters’ t-shirts.  The slogan is the crowd favorite of revolutionaries for a reason.  It pushes the same tired, worn-out oppressor/oppressed gag.  The real meaning: a state takeover of life by us (Antifa, BLM, Inc., snotty upper-middle-class whites, college ASB’s) is essential to make “Black Lives Matter”, and the lives of all the other identity clients in our sloganeering repertoire.  It’s revolutionary theater.

Not content with that, we get walloped by ads from the NCAA, Buick, and Adidas.  The point in the NCAA commercial is a pure inanity.  They are committed to “opportunity” for “all of us”.  Well, if they weren’t, they’d be sued.  What’s new here?  Virtue-signaling.  The NCAA’s corporate bigs are saying that they aren’t like those yahoos at Trump rallies.  They don’t discriminate . . . in sports that have to discriminate, as in distinguish between winners and losers.  To get around the reality that not everyone gets a trophy, they inundate us with images of the Supreme Court’s “protected classes”, as if there is a shortage of black players on basketball teams.  Do we really have to be constantly reminded, going back decades, that Title IX commands equality in sports, that there exist women basketball players?

They do the “opportunity” schtick to such an extent that they’ve created real opportunities for men to compete on women’s teams.  Can’t make a go of it on the men’s team, jump over to the woman’s pool after pumping up on estrogen and announcing that you feel like a woman today, thanks to the NCAA.  So much for opportunities for women . . . while expanding opportunities for men.

Car companies juice-up their commitment to the revolution by playing the statistical-disparity game.  Going to a break during a timeout, Buick prints across your tv screen, “Over 40% of athletes are women, but they get 10% of the media coverage”.  The ad continues, “Buick is committed to raising that percentage.”  In actuality, they mean, shame on you, the viewers, for finding men’s basketball more interesting than women’s hoops.  Bluntly put, that’s the rub.  They, of all people, should know that ad exposure and expenditures closely track Nielsen ratings.  Dah!

As for “raising that percentage”, Buick apparently believes that the natural human preference for watching excellence in greater physicality in speed, strength, and agility can be reshaped by c-suite decisions to spend more of the shareholders money on social engineering.  Is Buick selling cars or militant affirmative action?  Could the money on that ad campaign be better spent on improving Buick’s competitiveness with Toyota?  Shareholders are indicted for letting them get away this.

And then we got Adidas’ ditzy ad offering (see below).  They’re all-in for the trans agenda, the freedom of trans women to compete.  And shame on you for not relishing the thought of your daughter sharing swimming lanes and a locker room with a woman with male genitalia.  Are these folks selling shoes or gaslighting us into ignoring our lyin’ eyes?

For once, can’t we just sit down and enjoy the performance of exquisitely trained athletes and great coaches without the constant clamor of how committed the c-suite is to lefty politics?  We need a separation of politics from athletics in much the same manner as some have constructed an impenetrable wall separating church and state.  If we can ban the post-game prayers of football players and coaches, we ought to be able to keep the inane political opinions of billionaire athletes and c-suite execs from spoiling the fans’ experience.

For me, once again, I’m done with the whole sordid mess.  They just made my time better spent in my garage working on the MGB and reloading cartridges for sport shooting.  Please, stop the politics in everything, literally everything.


What Are They Doing to Our Soldiers? What Are They Doing to Our Children?

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Eau Claire Area School District Administration Building, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
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Naval War College, Newport, R.I., and near Barrington, R.I.

What are they doing to our soldiers?  Indeed, what are they doing to our children?  The “they”?  They go by various titles: “cultural curators (Salena Zito), “cultural commanding heights” (mine), “elites”, “limousine liberals”, “establishment”, “progressives”, “blue-check Twitter”, alongside a host of disparaging terms for anyone outside these tightly-packed super zip codes in the cartography of America.  A tell-tale sign is glaringly evident in almost any place with a college of extortionate social and economic (and by extension political) influence.  Three recent incidents are case studies of their baleful clout.

Who’s educating our children?  It might be the same people like the staff of University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s Gender & Sexuality Research Center (GSRC) who conducted a teacher training session for the Eau Claire Area School District in late February on the whole gamut of woke ideology.  Safe spaces, the evils of heteronormativity and meritocracy and systemic racism and white privilege, and the need to freeze parents out of their children’s gender identity issues were taught as unassailable truths to the government employees who have the residents’ children under their control for 6-8 hours per weekday.  The whole thing might have flown under the residents’ radar, pre-pandemic, but parent groups, post-pandemic, were tipped off.

Thankfully, word got out.  Parents learned that teachers were told in power-point slides,

“. . . parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned. Teachers are often straddling this complex situation. In ECASD, our priority is supporting the student.”

In essence, the area’s children were treated as property of the school district.  The arrogance is startling.  Chris Jorgenson, the director of the GSRC, was impertinent enough to declare to the throng of teachers, “But much like we wouldn’t act as stand-ins for abuse in other circumstances, we cannot let parents’ rejection of their children guide teachers’ reactions and actions and advocacy for our students.”  If you can make sense of the word salad, the presentation of gender-identity ideology – sometimes referred to as transgenderism – makes an enemy of parents who understandably reject the ideology by calling the repudiation parental “child abuse”.  The whole falderol was sanctioned by the district’s superintendent, Michael Johnson, in classic bureaucratese when he said the district “prides itself on being a school district that makes all students feel welcome and safe in our schools.”  The effrontery of our cultural curators was on full display.

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Culprit #1: Chris Jorgenson, director of UW Eau Claire’s Gender & Sexuality Research Center

It doesn’t end there.  Barrington, R.I., is home for many veterans and staff of the Naval War College (NWC), and what we see in the faculty lounge of UW Eau Claire is clearly evident among its professoriate, and it spills over into the town of Barrington.  Don’t forget, the NWC educates the officer corps of one of the institutions that is assigned the sole task of protecting us from foreign aggressors who wish to inflict abject harm on us.  The first decades of this century have made the threat abundantly clear.

Instead, like the teachers and children of Eau Claire, Marine and Naval officers are being indoctrinated with the same ideology of self-flagellation.  Think about it: what effect will it have on morale in the ranks? General George C. Marshal warned us in the tumultuous days of World War II, “It is not enough to fight. It is the spirit we bring to the fight that decides the issue. It is morale that wins the victory.”  Who would want to defend a nation that has been characterized barely this side of Nazi Germany?

At issue in Barrington is the sponsorship of this year’s Memorial Day activities.  For the past number of years, it was the Barrington United Veterans Coalition (BUVC).  Well, not this year.  The town’s Master of Ceremonies will not be the head of BUVC but the role will be turned over to a NWC professor, Frank Douglas, who previously spoke in favor of flying the Black Lives Matter flag at city hall.  The Veterans Coalition had opposed the proposal to grant BLM the same honor as the POW-MIA banner.  Douglas, according to town council minutes, played the trite “diversity” card when he said, “… there is diversity in the veteran community because they [BUVC] do not speak for all veterans.”

The Black Lives Matter flag flies on the pole outside Barrington Town Hall.

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Culprit #2: Frank Douglas, Naval War College professor

Our intrepid NWC prof, Frank Douglas, is probably confusing the neologism BLM as a concept with the group.  But flying a flag is quite different from simply endorsing the obvious truth that black lives matter.  A flag denotes a group, and the BLM group is a scandal in belief and practice.  A person who isn’t aware of the group’s neo-Marxist program has been living in a closet.  Ditto for the bookkeeping shenanigans.  Flying the BLM flag isn’t much different from flying the Viet Cong flag.

I’m not surprised.  Douglas’s resume’ reads like a travelogue through academic bubbles – Georgetown U. (BSFS, Int. Affairs, 1993), Johns Hopkins U. (MA, Int. Relations, 1997), Harriman Institute (M.Phil., PoliSci, 2001), and Columbia U. (PhD, PoliSci, 2005).  Clearly, this guy has the impression that some form of wisdom and competence is granted to someone with a litany of letters after their name . . . or it simply could be the desire for a cushy job.

As for his uniformed experience – he’s a commissioned officer in the Naval Reserve – his bio on the NWC’s website lists staff jobs in and out of theater from 2004 to 2018.  Actual combat experience isn’t evident. I could be wrong but he appears to be a desk jockey.  He might be the military’s version of a teacher quickly transitioning to administration.  The old saying in education has a ring of truth: If you can’t teach, administrate.  In the social ecosystem of the Pentagon, if you find the life of the grunt personally repellant, cram your resume’ with academic honors and be above the grime of actual combat, and, while you’re at it, engorge yourself on the thought-fads of academia.

If I’ve got it wrong, Douglas, please tell me.

The staff overhead of the Pentagon and its academic appurtenances frequently show the very same neo-Marxist influence as in Eau Claire Area School District’s headquarters.  Who can forget General Mark Milley’s (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) statement before the House Armed Services Committee in June of 2021: “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white”? The pinning of “white rage” on the January 6 rioters and protesters sounds like The Squad’s camera-hogging howls.  The lunch room at the Pentagon may not be much different from the UW Eau Claire’s faculty lounge.

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Culprit #3: Pauline Shanks Kaurin, Naval War College professor

Back to the NWC, another prof, Pauline Shanks Kaurin, delivered a lecture to sailors in June of 2021 that treated Meghan Markle’s fully unsubstantiated accusations of racism in the royal family as analogous to the alleged systemic racism in American society.  She went further in slamming classical liberalism in its focus on the individual.  If you want more of the mental gobbledygook, she continued to ineptly wax as follows:

“… [racism] is not a case of a few bad apples. This is, as the Duchess of Sussex said, she said, racism, racist is not rude….

This is not a matter of people who are being mean or rude or ignorant individuals. We tend to think of racism or sexism as, ‘this is a problem with individuals’. It’s not a problem with individuals. It’s not a problem with individuals only, it’s a problem of individuals within a structure, within a society, within a system.”

This is the stuff promulgated to the people trained to kill.  Those in charge should be held accountable for wrongly presenting this bombast.  And if they won’t be responsible, keep it out entirely.  The nonsense should be treated as the bone of contention that it is.  That means that you don’t deliver it from a lectern, as from a pulpit, even if discussion is permitted. The setting grants to the presenter the power to frame the discussion.  Rather, it only deserves the full debate treatment: two sides cognitively armed to argue the merits, or lack thereof.

If not, keep it away from our troops, and keep it away from our children.  It’s noxious neo-Marxism whether flying under the BLM banner or anti-racism ideology in teacher training, and needs to be confronted, and not in any way presented as truth.  Our men and women in uniform and school-age children merit better.  Schooling should not be a national suicide pill.

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The Death of the Personal

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Ask yourself a couple of simple questions.  How could a governor coldly announce the end of the internal combustion in 15 years without any recognition of the upheaval – i.e., human cost – that it’ll create?  In September of 2020, Governor Newson of California did:

“In the next 15 years we will eliminate in the state of California the sales of internal combustion engines.  We will move forward to green and decarbonize our vehicle fleet … substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as oxide nitrogen, in so doing, we’ll improve air quality and improve the economic climate here in the state of California.”

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Governor Gavin Newsom announces an end to the sale of the cars with internal combustion engines.

How could Black Lives Matter declare economic war on white-owned businesses?  Oh, but they did on Twitter in December 2021:

“Time to: #BuildBlack – Support Black-led-Black-serving organizations.  #BuyBlack – Skip the Black Friday sales and buy exclusively from Black-owned businesses.  #BankBlack – Move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks. . . .  White-supremacist-capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal Black life. . . .  Let’s use every tool in our toolbox…including our dollars…to end white-supremacist-capitalism.”

When not announcing an end to the traditional family, calling for the death of cops (“fry ‘em like bacon”), or excusing riots and murder in our cities, they applied the same old tired rhetoric in declaring their own version of apartheid nirvana.

Businesses torched in downtown Minneapolis during the George Floyd riots of 2020.

What’s happening?  Well, it’s what happens when a person becomes incapable of examining their own assumptions.  They blindly accept a set of propositions and then act upon them.

Something is missing from their mental comportment.  The thing that is absent is the life of the personal. The life of the personal – also referred to as interiority – involves reflection, comprehension, and the private space to do it.  For these avatars of a new world order, no time for that.  That private space is to be treated as suspicious pods of conspiracy to stop them.  The personal life is branded “counterrevolutionary”.  For them, it’s time to light up the Molotov cocktails and torch the entire civilization and end the life of the personal.

However, it’s out of the life of the personal that arises all those things that we call private.  You know, the private sector, private property, civil society, church.  The life of the personal is more than emotions and the arts, even though it certainly encompasses them.  It incorporates our tendency to gravitate to form family, a deeper form of intimacy than mere eroticism can satisfy.  It includes our personal choices to make a living, whether to follow in the footsteps of mom and dad or not.  It encompasses the natural inclination to acquire things unto ourselves – private property, private enterprise.  It embraces the grappling to understand the nature of things, which includes the spiritual.  Thus, churches arise.

All these things lie outside the revolution, because revolution is what these people are all about.  They’re not into deep private reflection.  They are consumed by ends (a complete revolution) sanctioning means (unbridled callousness).  They desire to let loose an eruption to overturn nearly everything to make life conform to their unexamined vision.

No better illustration can be found than in a clip from director David Lean’s film from 1965, “Dr. Zhivago”, based on Boris Pasternak’s novel.  In the scene, Dr. Yuri Zhivago is brought before the revolutionary commander Strelnikov in the heady days of the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War (Whites vs. Reds).  They met earlier before the Revolution but only briefly.  The exchange is enlightening.  Please watch the clip.


Ukraine and Hidden Agendas

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While ruminating on the latest thought-fad emanating from the Left, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), I was reminded of the tendency of people to hide their real intentions behind a flurry of academic jargon.  Thus, the convoluted and incoherent MMT.  Economists – left, right and center – have dubbed it “Calvinball” (Paul Krugman), “not ready for primetime” (Scott Summer), “sounded like lunacy” (Michael Strain), and “a political [not economic] manifesto” (report for France’s central bank).  Frankly, MMT boils down to this: if the government wants to do something, go ahead and print the money and do it.  No problem, the MMT priesthood would sing in chorus.  Everything will be hunky-dory.

But what are they really after?  Pure and simple, they want a humongous government with the power to tax, regulate, and spend at will; no restraints; socialism.  MMT is just another tangled oratorical path to get there.  Please, fans of socialism, cut the crap.

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The same mental gymnastics are at work on the right.  Events in Ukraine have exposed a segment of the right’s own rhetorical curtain.  Tucker Carlson babbles on about “just asking questions”, “neocons”, “Ukrainian corruption”, “World War III”, “Americans dying”, and “America first”.  Laura Ingraham joins the chorus.  What are they really after?

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The normally sensible Mollie Hemingway also seems to practice this form of mental subterfuge when talking about Ukraine.  In a recent interview on the Hugh Hewitt show, she incessantly rambled about “knowing the risks” of US support for Ukraine, as if the thought was original to her; nobody but her is aware of it.  But everybody intuitively does it when doing simple things like deciding to go to an ATM in crime-ridden LA under DA Gascon or proposing to prick the nose of the CCP with tariffs (they’ve got nukes too).

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What’s up?  Two motivations lie buried in the verbiage: they are paralyzed in fear of Russia and have a hankering for a “fortress America” national defense strategy.  Goatherders with boxcutters (9/11) proved the latter to be foolish.  On the former, I fail to understand the gripping dread of Putin’s nukes over, say, those of Chairman Xi.  Tucker, Laura, and Mollie are gung-ho in respect to China and have said so ad nauseam, but can’t bring themselves to support actions to forestall a mauling by a power wishing to resuscitate the Soviet empire on a continent historically beset by world-shattering aggressors.  Speaking of spent blood and treasure to put thugs back in the box, recall WWI and WWII?

Hardly does an episode go by without two straw-man choices to bolster the cognitive inanity.  Tucker presents the choices as either staying out, completely out, or body bags/nuked American cities. What happened to simply arming our friends?  Putin and Xi do it regularly, and American soldiers have paid the price in such disparate places as Syria, Fellujah, and the Hindu-Kush.  The Tucker-to-Laura axis’s response would be “no more forever-wars” or run and hide after, as Mollie would have it, tortuously “assessing the risks”.

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The thinking boggles the mind.  They are quick to “assess the risks” of a bungled Afghan bugout but have no desire to “assess the risks” of a bludgeoned Ukraine, and possible defeat, as we sit idly by, safe in our “fortress America”.

Which brings to mind another hidden motive: pure cult-of-personality politics.  Trump-love could be clouding their eyesight and mind.  Biden, who defeated their master, did the Afghan bugout and is at the helm when Putin unleashed his doddering Wehrmacht on the Ukraine.  They’re quick to blame Biden’s Afghanistan-appeasement for Putin’s invasion – and they’d be right – while at the same time they hawk appeasement in regards to Ukraine.  Putin saw Kabul airport and Xi is watching Ukraine.  A failure to stop Putin at the borders of the Ukraine could lead to a failure to stop Xi at the shores of Taiwan.  If so, we’ll be really forced into “fortress America”.  A self-fulfilled prophecy anyone, one not likely to be satisfying to most Americans?

I wish that they’d get their appeasement angles straight before they blather to us.

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The modern punditry class is a disgrace.  Previously, most of the sensible among us had no recourse in legacy media.  The networks, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, AP are mostly lefty propaganda organs.  Now, it turns out, the primetime lineup on Fox News can’t be trusted.  All of them prove that human fallibility is evident everywhere and academic degrees, party registration, ideology, race, gender, age, and telegenic qualities accord no fix.  Fact.

Really, Tucker, Laura, and Mollie, tell us what actually lurks behind your wordiness.  If it’s abject fear of Putin, say it.  If it’s a sincere belief in the veracity of Russian propaganda, say it.  If it’s a derivative of knee-jerk Trump-love, say it.  If it’s an undying faith in oceans as our best defense, say it.  If it’s a secret admiration of Putin as a fellow nationalist-populist, say it.  If it’s the fright of “forever wars” trumping all other thoughts, say it.  And, by all means, cut the crap.
