This is something to drive our steel pipe, hand laser, and match wielding rioter/protester into shrieks of hysterical comparisons with the Wehrmacht conquest of Europe … for the halfwit semi-literate on our college campuses capable of making the comparison. In July of 1861, Union forces in their first major confrontation with Southern troops fled in a panic from the battlefield on Bull Run Creek all the way back to Washington, DC. It was called The Great Skedaddle. A similar Skedaddle is taking place as many are fleeing the violence and totalitarianism on the west coast for the safer environs of the mountain time zone.
The evidence of it is all around, especially if you live in the epicenter of the destination of the teeming hordes, as I do. My sons are trying to buy a house in our corner of the country and are facing a feverish market. Real estate agents, based on the statements of buyers, say it’s due to the rampaging disorder and totalitarian shutdowns throughout the Pacific time zone. Yes, low interest rates play a role, but they say that an unusually high spike is occurring right now. It seems that freedom and safety have a quality all their own.
The prevalence of the totalitarian shutdowns is indeed taking a toll. Many in the market say that the shutdowns and particularly the school closings have lasted way too long. The prospect of their kids falling further behind by the mandated “distance learning” is intolerable. In contrast, Hellgate School District in the Missoula area has announced a full-open of 5-day in-person instruction in the fall, with an in-home option. Try that in California as sunshine state dwellers face the opposition of the teacher and public employee unions and the trendy and despotic cultural leftism in Sacramento. Good luck with that.
Many have mentioned the blue/red divide in the country. Me too. We are sorting each other out by belief and geography. But its more than that now. The current atmosphere has taken on the character of a panicked flight for safety. The more accurate dichotomy might be blue/sanctuary (by “sanctuary” I don’t mean the silly boilerplate used to disguise the effort to nullify federal immigration law). More and more people see the pyrotechnics, beatings, shootings, shuttered businesses, and empty schools as a Mad Max movie set that they happen to live in. So, for many, off to the next time zone over.
As a refugee myself, I understand. I have a greater appreciation for the predicament of the Sonoran resident fleeing the cartels. And, now, so do the nervous denizens of Seattle-to-LA. Welcome to The Great Skedaddle II.
People wonder where we got the screaming college students who demand the immediate surrender to their opinions by everyone. People also might wonder where we got the roaming gangs of radical left twenty-somethings who claim the wisdom to pass judgment on centuries-old personages not advantaged from sitting at the feet of narrowly doctrinaire professors like they did. Seldom can it be said that fanatics are born. They are bred in the culture, family, and schools. Probably, the first two set the stage for the influence of the third.
Then these twisted minds filter out into corporate boardrooms, the professions, media, and teaching positions to perpetuate the cycle. I was reminded of the phenomena after reading a back issue of National Geographic Magazine from December 2018.
After the first four articles, I began to wonder whether I was reading “Mother Jones Magazine” under another title. They amounted to a single op-ed for bigger-getting-bigger government of the international variety, of cultural left agitprop, socialist redistribution, and the lionization of a once honorable activist who descended into rank partisanship (John Lewis, D, Md.). The National Geographic Society has been absorbed into collectivism’s Borg.
One common technique in the arsenal of today’s Left is “branding”. Subsuming totalitarianism under a catchy phrase – or “brand” – frequently does the trick. For example, the conservative-looking President and CEO of the National Geographic Society, Tracy Wolstencroft, opined on the need for a “Planet in Balance”. What does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means: it means Control, control of the mind and everything else through government power.
It’s the same old ploy first pushed by Stanford’s great gift to the cause, Paul Ehrlich and his “The Population Bomb”. First Ehrlich postulates X number of people and Y number of resources and, voilà, we have disaster – unless we adopt Ehrlich’s tome to replace the Bible, erect a plethora of government carrots and sticks, and implement mammoth brainwashing in the schools-turned-reeducation-camps.
Wolstencroft goes through the trite litany of the usual suspects of overpopulation, apocalyptic climate change, and no more tigers, et al, and we arrive at the all-too-familiar ground of environmental totalitarianism. His unacknowledged eco-socialism, like all socialisms, has an alluring fetish for eco-totalitarianism. Of course, Wolstencroft’s gazillions earned in the securities industry will insulate him from the consequences of his beliefs while everyone else enters the new normal of personal malaise common to all socialisms. His kids will be okay; as for everyone else’s …?
Following Wolstencrofts’ sermon was chief editor Susan Goldberg’s softball interview of John Lewis in a piece titled “We Can Lay Down the Burden of Race”. Au contraire, Lewis can hardly put it down. He has spent a lifetime in the fever swamps of race politics. For Lewis, it’s Jim Crow and 1955 Montgomery, Alabama, forever.
He makes much of the Charlottesville “riot” (2017) but was dismissive of the rioting and looting in Ferguson, Mo., (2014). He called for an end to the violence in Minneapolis (2020), to his credit, but couldn’t avoid the society-wide “justice denied” mantra for which he clung till his last breath. He didn’t seem too concerned for the rights of property owners (black or white), the right to self-defense (black or white), the right to equal protection for Asians and “whites” in college admissions, while advancing the cause of other nations’ citizens who happen to be in our country in violation of our laws: an odd stance for someone who claimed to be a stalwart of justice for African-Americans as he ironically pushed the interests of another group (the “undocumented”) to the detriment of his own.
He just couldn’t let go of the race thing when he said, “… the scars and stings of racism are still deeply embedded in our society ….” He never wanted to get rid of it and kept moving the goal posts to retain its usefulness as a whipping boy. He’s like Christopher Reeves who couldn’t shed the stereotype of Superman. Lewis rose to fame fighting Jim Crow and he would forever claim its presence, even when the nation did all it could to eradicate it. Unlike Reeves, though, Lewis reveled in his race-baiting persona and rode it to fame and a career in politics.
There was no pushback by our stalwart (?) member of the fourth estate, Susan Goldberg.
The socialism line was front and center in the next piece on the Inupiat people of Alaska. A frequently repeated angle in the story was the tendency of the glorious Inupiat people to equally share the proceeds of the glorious hunt. All well and good for a small tribe wishing to remain the same, except they weren’t … remaining the same, that is. These folks weren’t wearing animal skins and possessed weapons and tools that didn’t come from the bones of the bowhead whale, the tools and weapons of choice for their ancestors. The outfit of an Inupiat hunter pictured in the article belied the impression of an indigenous people at one with nature. The rifle slung over the shoulder came from one of those factories belching pollution and exploiting hundreds of wage slaves in a scheme to bilk unearned profits from the masses, or so the young writer might have written if he wasn’t so enamored with patronizing another non-white colonized people (using the lingo of the “social justice warrior”).
To be honest, the depiction was one of manifest incongruency. Some association with capitalism must have its appeal for the brave Inupiat people. They seem to want a lot of our stuff. I would too if I was beset by a polar bear and had to resort to a sharpened piece of whale bone at the tip of a wooden shaft.
Wanting a lot of our stuff was one theme in the next excursion into a mind that tilts left. Who’d the editors choose to join the lineup? It was Jared Diamond, UCLA Geography prof and author of Guns, Germs, and Steel. He presented an incoherent piece of punditry that rambled through the 9/11 hijackers, ebola, social envy, and to his main point: inequality is the single biggest threat to harmony and the march to kumbaya (pidgin English for “Lord, come be here”).
Let’s take a timeout to unwrap the “inequality” thing. Definitions first. Don’t confuse “same” with “equality”. Things don’t have to be the “same” to be “equal”, and vice versa. It depends on your metric for both. If your measuring stick is quantity of wealth, as it seems to be for Diamond, he obviously means the equality in wealth and not a demand for people to be the same in all things as they pursue it. Diamond’s obsession is with “wealth”.
But is the inequality of it always and forever bad? Is it the principle cause of all bad things today? Color me skeptical. Inequality is found everywhere in nature. Why not with us? Everything from rocks to trees and from snakes to apes are not equal. Watch a herd of hippos and the dominant alpha male protect his harem. He’s got more than the rest of the male pachyderms. I’ve got a forest of pines on my property and none of them are equal. Some have obviously hogged more light. The only way for equality to exist is our forcible intervention to cultivate uniformity in a tree farm behind fences, something reminiscent of a gulag.
So with people. Individuals, tribes, groups, and societies vary in their accumulated wealth. I suppose that the riches could be resented if it was capriciously extracted by force. But what if it was sanctioned by time-honored custom? What if it was an outcome of some person’s natural affinity for acquiring it and having the freedom to pursue the natural affinity? Ditto for societies. Some possess an ethos that comports well with rising standards of living, and the acceptance of some having more, they being the catalyst for the wealth that unavoidably spreads to many, many others.
Got it? If not, read a little from Joseph Schumpeter.
Diamond can’t seem to grasp the naturalness of inequality. And he can’t grasp the fact that when you try to impose it, as in a tree farm, you never really get rid of it. You only changed the protocols for it. Instead of a Vanderbilt getting rich from providing a cheaper and more luxurious service to the public, the Bolsheviks created the grasping party and state apparatchik – the nomenklatura in Soviet-speak. If you want to talk about arbitrary, that’s arbitrary. The whole system is only possible if the state is the sole proprietor of the guns in the place – i.e., the police, secret and otherwise, and the armed forces (no posse comitatus laws here). Those unwilling to tolerate the scheme disappear or find themselves in the “tree farm”. Inequality oozes out despite their best efforts to eradicate it.
Nonetheless, Diamond charges forward into his diagnosis of our greatest sin: inequality. You see, in Diamond’s words, the 9/11 killers were born of “inequality” in his final analysis. You see, in Diamond’s words, the conduit for inequality is globalization. From the interconnectedness of globalization, we are supposed to get envy on the part of the non-white everywhere. And envy translates into resentment, and then he gets back to the terrorism thing. His whole schema is a binge of rambling incongruity.
Yes, Jared, ease of travel and communication makes it much easier to spread the hatred of America as the Great Satan and provide the opportunity for boxcutter-wielding fanatics to turn airliners into missiles. But what genuinely animated them? Was it really their anger at not possessing a house in the ‘burbs? If you listen to their words, they are bitter about Western decadence. Remember, these are the same people who throw homosexuals off of six-story buildings. They want a return to their seventh century. Diamond, go ahead, try to uncover their hidden motivations through Jungian projection. I’ll rely on their words.
The internet and diesel and fan turbines don’t make murderous zealots. People do that quite on their own. Who knows the origins of the world’s worst bad ideas? They have popped up since man first put stylus to clay. The last century and into our own was especially plagued by them. And some of them reside in the cranium of Jared Diamond. One could be Diamond’s infatuation with levelling. He won’t come out and say it but it’s all about international and national socialism. According to him, we must flood the zone – the zone being everywhere America’s upper and pampered middle-class are horrified – with dollars. Government-engineered Robin Hood is another way of saying “socialism”. Diamond is all into it.
But we’ve been doing it since the US first emerged as the numero uno economy at the dawn of the 20th century. After WWII, we jumped in with both feet with the Marshal Plan and endless foreign aid ever since. What has it earned us? We got the moniker of Great Satan and despots in poor countries peddling socialism as the path to power, and more inequality under their thumb. Redistribution, the go-to for the myopic like Diamond, hasn’t worked. It hasn’t even worked here with our own interminable War on Poverty. Is Diamond insane, following the well-known formula for its presence: repeating the same mistake but still expecting it to succeed?
The error will be repeated so long as there is a constituency for it. The more, the merrier. One way to inflate the fan base is to internationalize it. Marx saw the advantage: Workers of the world unite! Diamond has no more use for the nation than Marx. He invents an “evil” – inequality – and pushes on to internationalism. People like Diamond have an instinct for it and quickly move to empower unaccountable international authorities to take what didn’t work in America – a War on Poverty – and implant it in a UN commissariat without the slightest say-so from the people who had their money appropriated. Internationalization is essentially autocratic bureaucratization. For Diamond, he doesn’t get it. He’s still wallowing in the ether of the heady days of the First International (1864), the agglomeration of 19th century socialist pinheads. He’s there with our century’s edition of the silly trope.
After four articles, the pressure had built up in me to such an extent that I had to respond. This is what goes for as “mainstream”. Nothing can be further from the truth, unless the poison of the past has suddenly become broadly chic again. In that case, we’re back to broadly popular insanity. If that is true, we’re in more trouble than I thought.
National Geographic Society and its signature publication is part of the problem, not the solution.
The word “callous” comes from the Latin “callum”, hardened skin. The idea of a nice pair of Nikes was unknown for most of human existence. A lifetime of barefoot travel means hardened skin and “callouses” on the feet. See the connection? So, can a lifetime of committed political zealotry lead to an emotionally hardened personality, one with a furtive substratum of acceptance of wrecked lives to achieve long-sought ends? “To chop down a forest splinters will fly” was famously invoked by Lenin to signal his desire to build a socialist utopia on a corduroy road of corpses. I’m wondering that somewhere deep down in the psyche of your average Left/Democrat officeholder lies a little Lenin.
Maybe the thought shouldn’t be so surprising given their affection for Lenin’s ends, just without the holocaust … or, then again, I might be too optimistic. There’s no doubt that avowed socialists are piloting the Biden campaign bus in more ways than one. Assisting them along the way are a cadre of public executives at the state and local levels. I can’t think of a better way for them to reach their socio-political nirvana and upend a detested incumbent cruising to reelection than to create the stench of failure around him by fabricating an economic depression and lawlessness in the streets. Instilling a sense of fear and dread in the public works wonders for those seeking power over the body of Donald Trump.
I’m loathed to think that people could be so cruel, but there they sit in their little local soviets. They create their own banners to hide the reality, like Cuomo’s “New York on Pause”. California’s Newsom was the first to jump at closing down 14.6% of the US economy. The others followed suit. Soon 44 million Americans were out of work. Thousands of small businesses were shuttered as “nonessential” while the big boys – supermarkets, big-box stores, etc. – were allowed to reinforce their near-monopoly because they were labeled “essential”. Economic feudalism engineered by government dictat.
The media picks up on the drumbeat. Indeed, they are the drumbeat. The incessant dark message of doom about a virus whose ill-effects were egregiously overstated and whose lethality was highly targeted on a narrow segment of the elderly was churned into an apocalypse … and an excuse for statewide and local totalitarianism.
No wonder that in a recent Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll 51% of parents were stricken with fear about sending their kids back to school in the fall. Forget about any conception of risk, about any conception that risk is chronologically uneven, that risk follows their kids the moment that they leave the house at any time. Applied consistently, helicopter parents should morph into gulag superintendents.
Soon, a sixth-grader becomes a fourth-grader after “distance learning” under the tutelage of distracted and overwhelmed adults and the ever-present allure of the nearby Xbox. Some parents are wealthy enough to keep the learning spigot flowing with hired help. Economic feudalism will be followed by education feudalism.
Then we have the same culprits in many cases – already experienced at the nullification of federal immigration law – thumbing their noses at the White House by allowing their streets and downtowns to be turned into playgrounds of violent anarchy. Remember Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s “We could have a summer of love!” in CHAZ? In-between the arrests of unmasked joggers in Central Park and the painting of Marxist Black Lives Matter graffiti on New York City’s avenues, Mayor Bill de Blasio slashes the police force, mutes his constitutional role as guardian of public safety, and pronounces justifications for mayhem. The scene is repeated throughout the country in any deep blue bastion.
The economic misery and violence are quietly sanctioned, or at least seems to be. These lefty poobahs don’t seem to be in much of a hurry to quell the disorder, or bring the kids back to school, or get the adults back to work. Oh, I forgot, it’s the virus and “race justice”, they say.
And, by the way, if it ain’t “race justice”, it’s “science”. They have tried to corner the market on “science”. Yes, “science” is helpful in decision making, but these politicos have choices to make. That’s why we elect people: to make choices. Recognizing relevant scientific information, though, isn’t a green light to the Disneyland of Bernie/AOC’s dreams. “Science” can give you the nature of the virus but it can’t tell you the choice to make among competing risks. Socialists like those who run the Democratic Party always think that “science” is their personal handmaiden and, funny, always ends up with them being ensconced in the catbird seat of some all-powerful commissariat. Hogwash! “Science” and despotism aren’t peas in the same pod.
In the end, if polls are any indication, the Lefties have proven successful in creating the stench of failure around Trump, even though, remarkably, they are wholly responsible for the anguish. Which brings to mind the state of education in America. What else could explain the easily-achieved bamboozlement of the American public? The Democrats discovered that enough blue state governors and mayors exist to put American society into a tailspin. Are they calloused enough to do it? Are they cunning enough? I don’t know, but I’m suspicious given the wide lane of misinformation and ignorance open to them.
The appalling scenes of defacement of our nation’s identity in the destruction of statues, the frenzies over the renaming of established places, and the jihad to expunge illusory “white supremacy” deserve the level of respect that one should reserve for a child’s temper tantrum.
They are founded on the juvenile desire for everything to conform to their wishes. Right now, these seasoned adolescents demand that the past be shoehorned into their closed-minded sense of social order. As such, they condemn long-dead others for not being them.
The situation gets worse when infant maturity has the endorsement of a major political party, the Democratic Party. What is the Party signing onto? They are adopting a campaign to exterminate the past and institute Pol Pot’s year-zero since olden times can’t be rejiggered to fit the fantasy. People in prior eras didn’t have the “advantage” of expensive, university-trained “wokeness”. It would never occur to our self-righteous founts of ignorance that folks in times past might have a slightly different conception of what constitutes the good society. For the street thug, it matters squat. The intolerance of the youthful-and-ignorant zealot is now part of the Party’s platform.
Like it or not, George Washington can’t be made into an advocate of the belief that a person can think themselves into a different sex. For all of Thomas Jefferson’s forays into revolution, he can’t be made into a neo-Marxist. These national paragons were a product of their time every bit as much as a Black Lives Matter/Antifa street hooligan is a product of theirs. It would never occur to the spoiled hood that people in the past were trying to form the good society too. They just had a few different ideas on how to accomplish it.
For the bulk of people in earlier times, and awkward for us to accept today, they might believe that social peace is best advanced through a separation of the races; or a childrearing that requires the woman to be chained to the home; or a peace and stability that is best achieved in a unity of the secular and religious in a person of hereditary authority; or the ancient notion that slavery is just another possible station in society; etc.
But alongside those notions, we see emerge out of Christianity the equality of all souls and our ideas of morality, justice, rule of law, popular sovereignty, due process, equal protection, etc. The woke malcontent can’t grasp the concept of a developing ethos. For these youths, if it doesn’t align with their prejudices of the here and now, it must be ground down by the wheel of history – the jargon of the 20th century’s worst blood-thirsty totalitarianisms.
Our modern street punks really don’t have a mature sense of what constitutes the good society to present to us other than a desire to manufacture equality everywhere and on everything, real or imagined, and overthrow something vaguely referred to as the “system” or “man”.
These simpletons can’t imagine that many wild excursions into ideological frenzy produce inhuman dead ends. In fact, more misery may result. The French Revolution had its Reign of Terror and descent into despotism. The Bolshevik Revolution from the git-go was a woke exercise in stamping absolute equality on everything, and it gave birth to a 74-year nightmare of gulags, a party and personal dictatorship, bloody purges, a huge army of secret police, show trials, the use of famine for ideological ends, and a generally sordid existence. The same experience is being replicated in today’s Venezuela. Ditto for China. Our young fanatic isn’t aware that he or she might be walking in the footsteps of history’s worst killers and harbingers of misery.
Such a thought is inconceivable to our fired-up juvenile wrapping straps around the neck of Christopher Columbus or the Virgin Mary. They are intolerant of others who can’t be them. Sounds to me like a screaming fit posing as a revolution.
Watch Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, engage in an act of secular humiliation.
Cathy’s heart may be in the right place, but this isn’t an act of humility in the Christian tradition. It has more in common with the mob’s contemptible and often brutal denunciations in the heady days of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Anyone seen as better off than someone else – “privileged” in today’s groupthink – was publicly abased, often with torture and/or death. If you’re keeping a scorecard of misery, the death toll ranged from hundreds of thousands to millions, and only ended when Mao succumbed to join the rest of history’s great monsters in evil’s hall of infamy. “Transformative” revolutions, which Antifa and Black Lives Matter are pursuing, don’t end very well.
He might think that he’s fulfilling the expectations of Christ. In reality, he’s helping to sustain a totalitarian movement which will have disastrous implications for all of us – black, white, et al.
“Black Lives Matter” isn’t limited to the literal meaning of the words any more than “Bolshevik” (the majority) is. It’s the title of a political front that can be loosely organized, sometimes more disciplined, but coalescing around a set of lies and half-truths. The demands around the unprovable “systemic racism”, the calls for reparations and defund/abolish the police, and the always fungible “white privilege” are a replay of the dangerous jargon on Krisallnacht (Germany, 1938), the Petrograd Soviet/Bolshevik Central Committee (1917), Mao’s Chinese Communist Party (1949), the Khmer Rouge (Cambodia, 1975-1979), etc.
Required reading for Cathy and any of our corporate leaders should be the “Black Book of Communism” by Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Andrzej Paczkowski and several other European academics. The “rich” – or “privileged” in today’s jargon – don’t end up in a nice place.
An act of public humiliation at the feet of a Christian rapper is not what this moment requires. It’s steadfastness. This moment necessitates Christians to denounce an anti-Christian crusade, not engage in displays of ostentatious humiliation that do nothing but give it a credence that it doesn’t deserve.
Cathy, get up off your knees and both you and Lecrae condemn a movement who’ll bring nothing but misery to the “privileged” and “unprivileged”.
The whole scene was disgusting, far from righteous. Shame on you, Dan Cathy. You have given me another reason to steer clear of Chick-fil-A.
“Big Sports” in America has chosen to hitch their wagon to a radical political movement founded upon a mountain of untruths, half-truths, and out and out lies. If the NFL, NBA, MLB and MLS want to join the ranks of the perfidious, I refuse to let them drag me into the position of being an unwitting patron of the deceit. I’m cutting my ties with them. I love athletic competition, not athletic competition tied to a neo-Marxist revolution.
Indeed, since all of us are created in the image of God in the Abrahamic tradition, black lives matter, as do all lives. Black voices matter, as do all voices. Of course, some voices matter more than others if what comes out of the mouth is grounded in reason and empirical data. Sadly, that isn’t always true. Some claims carry an unwarranted ring of truth only because they are repeated so often that the unthinking person becomes even more unthinking and prone to political manipulation. Watch Thomas Sowell provide much for your typical social justice warrior to ponder before they rush off to the next statue-toppling bacchanalia.
Of particular note in this 1981 episode of Firing Line is the rank condescension coming from an established east coast liberal, one with all the respectable Ivy League and professional credentials, Harriet F. Pilpel. She joins Buckley in the questioning of Sowell. She exhibited one the most blatant examples of vile noblesse oblige since the days of rampant serfdom. Some of her queries were predicated on her assertion of the inability of poor black parents to make the “best” choice of education for their children. Without saying it, she was all-in for the overseer of the antebellum South to be replaced by the overseer of the education bureaucrat and the self-serving officers of the teachers’ unions. Frankly, it was disgusting.
And these were the architects of the War on Poverty – a “war” we are still waging … and apparently losing. A Princeton degree is not a license to supplant the parental rights of the poor. The results of these overweening social engineers is not encouraging, what with the annihilation of civic order and the nuclear family in poor neighborhoods. It’s currently playing out on our inner-city streets.
More correctly, will we leave them or did they leave us?
Corporate America and our professional sports franchises are surrendering to a malicious assemblage of half-literate, quasi-Marxist fanatics and a similarly ill-educated brood of young middle class, mostly white malcontents. Take your spoiled college snowflake and mix them with incendiary black Marxists and you have the crowd that Big Sports wants to ingratiate.
The NBA will paint “Black Lives Matter” on their courts and permit the mob’s sloganeering on player jerseys. The NFL will denigrate the national anthem with a prior performance of something referred to as the “black national anthem”, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. “Lift Every Voice” has been weaponized by extremists, and has no place as a prelude to our consecrated national anthem. Expect a scourge of kneeling at every game, not just the opening ones, from now on. MLB and MLS will have their own radicalized displays to mar the joy of athletic competition.
I’ve had enough. How about you?
The most disgusting aspect of our current moment is that the perpetrators are zealots for a pack of lies and disastrous notions. “Systemic racism” is a fabrication to be peddled to the truly ignorant, in spite of – or because of – trillions of dollars of national treasure devoted to K-to-grad-school. Disparities aren’t due to some mysterious, skulking “man” but have an origin in social factors such as lifestyle choices and government efforts to subsidize those personal wrong turns. You won’t hear that coming from our over-priced millionaires in team uniforms and the mandarins in the NFL’s New York City headquarters.
Black lives do matter, as do all lives. And black voices matter, especially, as with all voices, the ones who have given these issues more thought than your pampered social justice warrior wrapping cables around a statue. Thomas Sowell is one important voice and a black one at that. Rather than watch another gaudy season of Big Sports, pay your dues as a citizen by tuning into the antidote to the shouts of the radicals in the streets. Watch other black voices who put to shame the chants and grotesque behavior that parades across your tv screen.
Sowell in this video puts the blame for the leftist mania squarely at the feet of an unexamined vision. The vision requires you to believe that bad things are corrected by a new army of government employees peddling more dollars. The vision is rooted in a disparagement of traditions, morality, and institutions such as marriage. The results are horrifying to the most vulnerable, the poor of every stripe.
Check it out, get a cup of coffee for the 53-minute presentation, and be prepared to have your mind stretched. Oh, more videos will follow. Enjoy.
Here’s Tom Payne’s full quote from his tract, The Crisis, in 1776:
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
America is under assault from a small mob of neo-Marxist firebrands rampaging without restraint. We bred this ill-educated, semi-literate horde in our families and schools and now we face the full fury of their ignorance and folly. Now is not the time for summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. Now is the time for resolve.
The weak-kneed in elite and influential circles are buckling to the temper tantrum. The hissy fit commands that adults seize the moment and impose discipline. Instead, we get tech giants and other Fortune 500 leaders giving support to the outrageous. We see sponsor-boycotts of conservative oriented programs and flagrant censorship of those who disagree. And even more troubling, the schools will put the heinous thought-molding on steroids. Watch that space when schools reopen this fall.
The KIPP charter school network, for instance, has promised to incorporate the spittle-laced fulminations of the brats into its curricular and pedagogical design. Go here for Frederick Hess’s (of AEI) account if you’re interested. .
Mom and dad, the “transformation” of America is coming for you and your kids. The poison pill of destroyed futures in socialism, Stalinesque purges of the new kulaks in the form of “systemic racism”, and an end to civic order is about to be foisted on you and your children. Never before in recent memory has the country faced such a dire threat.
Where are the adults in the room? Parents, this is not a time to hide. March to your school board; march to the voting booth; flood the automated message system with our demands; boycott businesses, schools, and organizations who play footsie with the delinquents. Now is the time for you to rediscover your spine and demand “Clean it up!”
In 1904, Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, a Moroccan tribal leader, took hostage Ion Perdicaris and his grandson, Cromwell Varley. President Theodore Roosevelt quickly dispatched warships to Morocco. Secretary of State John Hay put the case very succinctly when he declared, “This government wants Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead.”
The incident is enticingly analogous, though not perfect, to our current situation. Today, the Perdicaris role could be filled by the American people and Democrat eminences are playing Raisuli. I’m waiting for the American voter to take up the mantle of TR.
In reality, could anyone be so calloused as to hold an entire people hostage in the service of a cold and calculated power grab? I am loath to think so. On the one hand, my fellow citizens with a “D” after their name can be just as good-hearted and well-meaning as those on the opposite side of the aisle. On the other, never has their public statements and policy ideas been more sinister: the caress of socialist revolution in the form of wealth confiscation (the “eat the rich” mentality of “D” politicians); the spread of central planning into more areas of life (Medicare for All, Green New Deal, cementing the monopoly of the government schools, et al); the enthusiasm for totalitarian lockdowns and controls on public and private behavior in response to the virus; the coddling of the Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa; and the willingness to unleash criminals on their citizens (no bail laws, refusals to prosecute, the withdrawals of police from riot zones, the slashing of law enforcement budgets).
The contemporary Democratic Party appears to be very ambitious. Could a person be excused for entertaining the idea that the party of Mayor Jenny Durkan (Seattle and CHOP) and AOC has a more utilitarian purpose in mind: namely, the Party desires the creation of as much pandemonium as possible to make Trump impotent and win in November 2020? If so, a nationwide emotional and economic depression would suit their purposes quite nicely.
The most heavy-handed clampdowns and inexcusable sanctions of wanton violence occur in deep blue jurisdictions. Trump has offered help and cajoled governors, mayors, and school superintendents to protect our heritage, end the anarchy, and get the kids back into the classroom. They not only rebuff the assistance; the secessionists – for that is what they are – revel in it. They have resurrected the Party’s historic love of states’ rights, something to warm the heart of “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” George Wallace … if it was still beating today. Could they be holding the livelihoods of millions, the safety of multitudes in our cities, and the education of our children hostage to their demand for a Biden presidency?
Do you think for a moment that this government-fabricated misery would continue much past November 3 and a Biden victory? Don’t surprised of its magical disappearance if the American people turn over the reins of power to a person of diminished mental capacity and his coterie of socialists and cultural revolutionaries. Consider it ransom paid.
What other conclusion is possible given the promiscuous smear of the Founders, the mayhem on the streets, and the arbitrary shuttering of the schools? It’s so egregious that a person could be forgiven for concluding that some ulterior, insidious purpose is being served – like political extortion. Could anyone be so stupid as to “abolish/defund the police”, unless something more cunning is afoot?
Our time is rife with wacky conspiracy theories. The nuttiness of the alt-right’s QAnon and the left’s Zinn/Black Lives Matter/the Squad/Anifa/college snowflake roils the minds of folks as far afield as Trump to DC’s Russia-collusion hawkers to the Dem grandstanders mouthing the vaguery of “systemic racism”. I wish not to be in their company.
Yet, the thought of manufactured mayhem for political ends is not unknown (excuse the double negative). The Jacobins and Lenin were up to their ear lobes in it.
Sherlock Homes admonished, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” For me, there are two possibilities for the Dems’ leveraging of ruination: cunning or stupidity. The Dems might be cunning as they play chess to the Republicans’ checkers. Or they are just plain stupid in mistakenly believing that the shutdown of life and assaults on police departments will lead to a summer of love. I am reluctant to believe that somebody could be so brutally calculating. Since there is no cure for stupidity and the symptoms are so widely apparent, my money is on stupid. Still, hostage-taking is a favorite on today’s racecard.
The scientific method begins with a hypothesis. You notice something happening in the world and ask why. You combine prior experience and facts to stitch together a possible answer. Call it an educated guess as opposed to a mere guess. Then, it must be tested and either confirmed, rejected, or reformulated for further testing. The rules of logic apply at every step along the way. So, I hear the cry of “systemic racism” from agitated marchers in the streets and ask why, why are they saying it? More to the point, is it true? They assert it, but historically speaking, mobs are seldom the founts of goodness, truth, and light.
And mobs they are, if you notice the charred remains of entire blocks in our major cities and vandalized monuments. The angry protesters went right from the post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc fallacy (this therefore that) to the illogic of the general-and-particular confusion (rule of logic: what is true of the particular isn’t necessarily true of the general and vice versa). The angry protesters qualify as mobs not only because of the violence. It’s also because of their track record for irrationality.
Let’s engage the mind of your typical acolyte of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, or your run-of-the-mill college snowflake. The constant pounding of “you (or they) aren’t responsible for your (or their) condition because it’s really the racist man holding you down” is the only truly systemic thing about the mania. The mobsters are voluntary inmates of a reeducation camp, thanks to our schools. They are primed for illogic.
With the unsupported conclusion in tow, they go right to the streets and statues. The only factoid in their cognitive miasma is some number in relation to a group’s proportionality – like police stops in relation to a subject group’s portion of the population. From there, they jump to the “racist man”. Post hoc ergo propter hoc anyone? But could there be any other possible explanation for the factoid other than the racist man? Don’t tax their minds with that question because you will first be met with a pause of blank stares to be followed by spittle-laced shouting in your face or a beating.
They’ve turned themselves into Leftist street thugs. As such, they gloss over any alternative hypothesis that might show the blame to lie with the same policies that they hold so dear. It might come as a shock for them to learn that their beloved idea of massive new social programs has already been tried and found wanting. LBJ announced the War on Poverty and proceeded to bulldoze entire neighborhoods and call it “urban renewal”. Welfare budgets ever since have exploded into mountains of cash and new ways to distribute it.
In the meantime, single parenthood became the mainstay in the black community, swelling from 24% in 1965 to over 70% today. In many cities, it’s worse. Alongside of it came increased dropout rates in school and the workforce. Crime rates soared. The litany is too well-documented to deny. Is it more logical to indict a shadowy “racist man” or recognize the fact that a Sherman’s March has been conducted through the families of the poor, many of them black, aided and abetted by the nanny state? Skin color isn’t the cause of these circumstances, but upbringing can be. The little platoons of civilization – the intact family – is an endangered species. How about that possibility?
There is no room in the mind of a late teen or twenty-something for the possibility after the non-stop pounding of tendentious curriculum, teachers, and profs from K to 16 and beyond. I should know. I was witness to it as a functionary in the Education Borg for 30 years.
The indoctrination created a new default position in formative minds. They are ready to plug single instances like a viral video of individual misbehavior into their preset dogmas. Thus, a single bad cop morphs into a cabal of Klansmen in uniform in all police departments and the hair-on-fire protester-run-amok. One or a few cops says little about all cops in much the same way as one shoplifting shopper fails to say anything about all shoppers. The foolishness of the particular-and-general confusion anyone?
Many of the adults in positions of authority aren’t any better. They are the equal of the mental midgets in the streets. If you wait to get your wisdom from Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, the Squad, Lefty mayors and governors (of which there are legions), and the army of mercenary and partisan pundits on CNN and MSNBC, you are setting yourself up for a fall. They similarly jump, for instance, from black over-representation in the crime statistics to the breezy scapegoat of “systemic racism”.
It never crossed their minds that the crime numbers come from black victims. This is supported by stats for victims and suspects by race. Looking at the numbers for violent crime, 45% of assault victims are black while 53% of suspects fit the same bill. The same is true for murders – 56 and 62 – and shootings – 71 and 74. The vast majority of complaints are brought by victims who overwhelmingly are black. Pelosi and company can only square this circle by mimicking Groucho Marx: “Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?”
A wild claim of supplanted and delusionary memory on the part of black victims would fall into the same category of illogic as the hoax of “systemic racism” – unproven, unprovable, and demagogic. Still, it is enough to enrage the inmates of the reeducation camps when they are freed to spill out onto our streets. I don’t blame the dupes. I blame the opportunistic adults, many of them with D’s after their names, many of them in tenured teaching positions, and some with R’s after their names who mistake the mob for the voice of the people. Shame on them all.