My Back Pages (Dylan): Dylan’s Lesson for Our Young Rampaging Authoritarians

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The backstory on Dylan’s “My Back Pages” is a teaching moment for the censorious zealots who happen to dominate the commanding heights of our culture and many of our political institutions.  So are the lyrics, if rightly understood.

Here’s what I’ve been able to glean in my research into the song.  In the mid-60’s, Dylan was given the Tom Paine Award for social activism by the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.  Before this, he was getting irritated at being pigeonholed as a radical activist.  He got drunk, made a speech at the award ceremony, and much of that speech made its way into the lyrics.  As one source put it regarding the song, “. . . Dylan intensely criticizes his younger self for his moral arrogance and intellectual naivety.  More than anything, he’s mocking his own hypocrisy.  His outlook on these subjects, on himself and on the progressive movement he lambasted from the awards ceremony pulpit . . . .”  Further, according to this source, “The way Dylan saw it, he was becoming the authoritarian by continuing on his old path.”  Sound familiar?

The song’s chorus, “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”, was a personal admonition for turning into a vain know-it-all.  In the following lines, he upbraids himself for his hypocrisy in becoming as narrow-minded and pushy as the other side:

“In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach”

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Equality at all costs was every bit the holy grail among the radical Left in Dylan’s time as it is today among the so-called social justice warriors spitting and fulminating in lecture halls against anyone who disagrees.  Dylan saw it in the mid-60’s and portrayed it in the following lines:

“A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
‘Equality,’ I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow”

What we are experiencing today is a rehash of an earlier time; only some people saw their descent into inhumanity and corrected.  Others didn’t and won’t.  The full lyrics are below.


Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rolling high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges soon,” said I
Proud ‘neath heated brow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Girl’s faces formed the forward path
From phony jealousy
To memorizing politics of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Unthought of, though, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now

Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow

Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now


Enjoy the all-star version at Dylan’s honorary concert from the 1990’s with Neil Young, Tom Petty, Roger McGuinn, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, and of course Bob Dylan (below).



* Backstory of “My Back Pages” at,More%20than%20anything%2C%20he%27s%20mocking%20his%20own%20hypocrisy.

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

The Great Awokening in the wake of George Floyd, and spurred on by Obama’s decade-long sermonizing, was actually The Great Disconnect for the Democratic Party.  The Party is simply out of touch.  No better example can be found of the Party’s separation from most people’s lives than the picture of a hard-working and dirty coal miner attending a University of Kentucky basketball game with his son (see below).  This coal miner is as far removed from the funhouse/playhouse campus of Twitter as one can imagine – in ways more than geography.  The picture captures the Democrats’ predicament.

The Democratic Party traded blue-collars for the pampered denizens of faculty lounges and white-collars sheltered in air-conditioned offices and free to be enraptured without consequences by gauzy ideologies.  The hunt to combat climate change, an undefinable racism, and transphobia jumped to the front and center and over the concerns of people facing worsening family budgets, schools, and safety.

What do the Democrats have to offer?  Nothing but misery.  They’re after that guy’s job.  Biden goes out on the stump and proclaims an end to drilling and the use of coal.  The Party is all agog in fantasies of forests of windmills and vast expanses of solar panels replacing nuclear, coal, and natural gas.  And why are they so enthusiastic about taking away that man’s livelihood?  Answer: a climate-change hysteria that is as unscientific as it is illogical.  It’s more religious than anything.  It can only be entertained in the isolated and pleasant indoor climates made possible by the toil and sweat of people like that dirty miner in the stands with his son.  The Party has become an institutional affront to most of working America.

Do you think that only he knows the dirty secret of the Party turning its back on him?  To borrow from Biden, come on, man.  Working America encompasses both sexes and all races and ethnicities.  Work is color and gender blind.  So, regardless of melanin count and genitalia, many are walking away from a party much more identified with techie billionaires, Antifa, and Sierra Club conferees. Thus, a rising GOP black and Latino vote.

For a Democrat, the picture below should hit you in the gut. What are you doing to that man and his son?

Michael McGuire covered in soot after a shift in the mines. He rushed to be with his son, Easton, for the first live basketball game together at the University of Kentucky. (photo: WKYT)


Our Politics Are a Mess. Shame on the Culprits.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on prescription drug costs, Social Security and Medicare, during a campaign event, in Joliet, Ill., November 5, 2022. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Election Day is nigh, and our politics are a mess.  Shame on the Culprits.

Biden goes on a rant about the “idiots” who actually take the Democrats for their word: the Democrats are “socialists” if not in self-acclamation, then in deeds.  But you are an “idiot” for noticing. Trump fulminates in his usual adolescent way by insulting a potential rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis, as “DeSanctimonious”.  When will that 20% of the GOP electorate actually grow up? Our 2024 choices at this juncture could be between the revolutionaries’ old fart (Biden) or an old-but-narcissistic browbeater (Trump).  It’s a real binary because only one of the two could be inflicted on us after 2024.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a pre-election rally to support Republican candidates in Latrobe, Pa., November 5, 2022. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

How did we end up with two septuagenarian-to-octogenarian figures to represent our political divide?  One is clearly senile and the other is an embarrassing oaf who hasn’t outgrown schoolyard bullying because it sells in our hyperactive digital age.  While the two mouthpieces have an equal measure of their own version of decrepitude, the two parties are not as equivalent in their rot.  The Democratic Party went off their rocker into full-blown ultra-Left fanaticism.  The Republican Party is the one left to buttress the nation against the lunacy, being now the only adult left in the room, but, sadly, they are anchored down by the telegenic buffoon.  He just might get a second shot at it in 2024.

The GOP’s barker, Trump, had his 4-year turn with the brass ring but ran into a buzzsaw of Left/bureaucratic hostility that dominates our increasingly putrefying culture and administrative state.  The thing that attracts clicks and cameras – a dramatic persona, or BDE (look it up) in the words of Trumpkins – also stirred the entrenched Left to attempt to shred our Constitutional order, which they tried to do in short order after they were returned to power under the senescent Biden in January 2021 in calls for court packing, elimination of the Electoral College, engineering four new Senate seats for themselves, calling for an elimination of any voice for the minority in the Senate (it is said that the filibuster is a “relic” of Jim Crow), pushing a federal takeover of elections to legalize election fraud to expand their voter base and ensure dominance over the horizon, etc.

And then the wheels came off the nation under their refashioned version of Il Duce’s old slogan of “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”  No energy for you if it didn’t come from a windmill or solar panel.  No car for you if it doesn’t take 2 hours to 2 days to charge, and won’t burst into flames after being inundated in a storm surge.  The Green New Deal central planners are going to hogtie you into their utopian rabbit hole with or without your consent.

As for your sidewalks and parks, be careful because addiction on the streets and in the green spaces is “decriminalized”.  Plus, you get the opportunity to see nihilism in practice with the rampant smash-and-grab mobs, property crime, and raging assaults – Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange” brought to life.  Heck, just keep your mayhem under $950, and even if you don’t, no-cash-bail and non-prosecution ensures that the miscreants will never get a chance to look from the wrong side of bars.  It’s a huge subsidy for Hobbes’s old prediction of the “war of all against all”.

Our girls’ locker rooms have been invaded by XY “girls”.  Our daughters aren’t safe, and their lifetime efforts and achievements cut short by XY “women” athletes.  All of this brought to you by a party that wants to make all things a matter of human will.  No obvious boys and girls, and all is subject to choice and human interventions.  High school dances are now a real adventure for all concerned.

The so-called kitchen table isn’t exempt because you are increasingly unable to afford much to put on it.  Your nest egg (401k, pension) has tanked.  Shortages are disguised in euphemisms like “supply chain crisis”.  It’s always a crisis with these central-planning folks.  Central planning has its shortcomings.  And, if you had a job, the highways just became useless since you can’t afford the juice to turn the wheels of your car, or the home charger was made inert by a blackout.  “Sustainable” also has its shortcomings.

The ultimate in central planning – the pandemic lockdowns, closures of businesses, schools, and civil life, and the mandates, and the incessant tinkering with essential and nonessential – has contributed to much of the disruption of ordinary life that we experience today, setting back our kids for a year or two.  COVID central planning is like Soviet central planning or the kind run out of Pyongyang: shortages and a stunted existence.

But what’s there to complain about?  Much, oh so very much.  The blathering blowhard of the GOP won’t be on the ballot till 2024, but Biden’s “idiots” – the average person that makes the country click by living and working – face an existential threat: Biden and his big-government party.  Vote like your life depended on it, because it actually does.

You’re the Lifeguard?




Read more here:

* “Biden calls anti-socialism protesters ‘idiots’ in Illinois stump speech attacking GOP”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .

* “Trump hits DeSantis as ‘Ron DeSanctimonious’ at rally amid 2024 announcement rumors”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .


Can I Sue?

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California State Teachers Retirement System headquarters in Sacramento, Ca.

Really, can I sue California’s STRS, the state’s teacher pension system?  I would think that I have standing.  After all, I am receiving a CalSTRS pension.  Why would I sue?  They are imperiling my pension.  Simple.

How are they harming the integrity of my pension?  It comes in three letters – ESG – and, to no great surprise, California is all into it.  The initials stand for “environment, social, governance” and the plan is to impose these political abstractions on the entire business sector including finance, which also includes pension investing.  In practical terms, ESG means the grab bag of leftwing causes from transgender ideology to the crusade against “systemic racism” to climate-change apocalyptics.  The purpose is to strongarm businesses into leftwing causes with the use of the mother’s milk of business – capital – capital even from pension members.

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A leading advocate among mega-financiers for ESG under label of “sustainable” is Chairman and Chief Executive of BlackRock, Laurence Fink. Here he speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 25, 2014. (REUTERS/Ruben Sprich)

The State of Utah is suing – that is, suing Standard and Poor’s (S&P) for assessing the state’s financial stability and credit worthiness according to leftwing metrics (ESG), or how diligent the state is in furthering leftwing causes such as hostility to the firearms industry and energy companies.  Since the electorate of Utah doesn’t have the political sensibilities of gun controllers, BLM, the progressive ladies of The View, or the Sierra Club, the state’s financial status and bonds get downgraded by S&P acting in the role of the Left’s hatchet man.  If the state’s electorate doesn’t pay heed to the fascinations of a college Sociology faculty, their bonds get branded “B” (junk).  The purpose is to jeopardize the state’s financial health if they don’t come to heel.

Public-employee pension funds are particularly prone to the sway of the zealots, especially CalPers and CalSTRS in California, already under the direct thumb of an off-the-charts progressive one-party state.  Out goes the standard fiduciary rule of working in the best interests of the client, in comes a redefinition of “best interests” to involve the political inclinations of those like Gavin Newsom wanting to risk the pensioners’ contributions and ultimate payout on Solyndra-type ventures and away from investments that until yesterday were pro forma.

In the case of a public-employee pension system, “best interest” can’t be limited to managers taking dictates from powerful and ideologically pretentious politicos.  Contributions come from everyone from Marxists to NRA members in general funds like CalSTRS.  The only real requirement is to be a teacher of the requisite number of years.  The one thing that they all have in common is being retired and spoiling their grandkids.  If any of them want to fund the antics of The Squad, they can do it from their pre- or post-retirement income, not beforehand after a deterioration of potential payouts to every beneficiary by Gavin Newsom’s preferences.

Kentucky’s AG, Daniel Cameron, senses the chicanery as well.  He hit the mark with a letter to the state’s pension fund managers when he warned them about ESG investing because it would “violate statutory and contractual fiduciary duties.”  He continued, “There is an increasing trend among some investment management firms to use money in public and state employee pension plans — that is, other people’s money — to push their own political agendas and force social change.”  Those fiduciary duties might apply to California as well.

Daniel Cameron
Daniel Cameron, Kentucky’s AG

A favorite tactic to make ESG seem legitimate is to label the opinions of the Left a matter of “science” and a product of a “consensus”, therefore irrefutable, therefore “misinformation” if challenged, therefore above and beyond the standard rules of fiduciary responsibility.  This new “science” – the scientific truth (?) of Leftist opinion – is actually a “science” without the scientific method.  Think about it: What scientist comes from an experimental test of his/her hypothesis with the observation that the results are wrong because they violate a “consensus”?  The whole exercise is as nonsensical as handing over my pension’s investment portfolio to the screeching ministrations of Greta Thunberg or Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

But here we are at a place where we can’t challenge the destruction of a pension because anyone who disagrees is censored as a “denier”.  So, the Left gets carte blanche with the money for my old age.  I don’t think so.  Send lawyers, guns, and money.  Oh, drop the “guns” part and let’s sue.

I identify with Warren Zevon’s predicament in his song “Lawyers, Guns, and Money”.  The lyics:

“I went home with the waitress, the way I always do
How was I to know, she was with the Russians, too?

I was gambling in Havana, I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money, dad, get me out of this, ha

I’m the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck between the rock and a hard place
And I’m down on my luck, yes I’m down on my luck
Well, I’m down on my luck

And I’m hiding in Honduras
I’m a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns, and money
The shit has hit the fan

Alright, send lawyers, guns, and money
Huh, yeah
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Send lawyers, guns, and money
Oo, yeah

Zevon’s performance of “Lawyers, Guns, and Money”:


Read here for more:

* “Follow Daniel Cameron’s lead, purge every hint of ESG from your state’s finances”, Washington Examiner, Nov. 4, 2022, at .

* “Utah pushes back against pro-Putin ESG financial analysis”, Washington Examiner, May 2, 2022, at .

Real Institutional Racism in the Boardroom

The admissions building at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A trial widely perceived to be a referendum on affirmative action is scheduled to begin Monday. (HADLEY GREEN / The New York Times, file)
The admissions building at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (HADLEY GREEN / The New York Times, file)

Benjamin Disraeli (19th century British politician, Prime Minister, and writer/philosopher) in his book “Sybil, Or the Two Nations” wrote of the deep split of a people into two camps, almost nations, each completely estranged from the other:

“Two nations; between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other’s habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same laws . . . .  THE RICH AND THE POOR.”

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Benjamin Disraeli

For him, the divide was between the rich and the poor, an artifact of a time of much greater hardship.  For us, it is between the blue silos of a radical Left cultural ethos and the red hinterlands of the traditions of standards, faith, the rule of law, equality before the law, and popular sovereignty under constitutional checks.  The former wishes to overthrow the latter.

In these isolated little blue enclaves, overwhelmingly inner cities and college campuses, the hyper-wealthy and academics can entertain ideological fancies far afield from the lives of the vast majority of people living outside, people who are actually struggling with the daily realities of living and not secure from them by walls, money, and tenured academic freedom.

How could the corporate boardroom – in the past immune – become so enthralled by this revolutionary ethos?  The answer lies in the social realities of living in a narrowly confined space of limited interactions.  A homogeneous mind incubates in a scene of intermarriage, secluded social engagements in a protective cocoon, and an upbringing that transmits the same campus cultural revolution in these secluded social petri dishes.

los angeles estate
Security gate at a Beverly Hills estate

Adapting Mao’s Long March mythology, Rudy Dutschke, a leader of the German radical Left of the 1960s, advocated a long march through institutions in that 1967 time of troubles of strikes, riots, and massive protests in the West.  Rather than tear the institution down, take them over, he said. Well, it happened.  Yesteryear’s student radical is today’s tenured college faculty with matriculated mental offspring littered throughout the Fortune 500.

What brings this to mind?  Eighty-two American companies expressed their official support for race-based college admissions, loosely referred to as affirmative action, in two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving the University of North Carolina and Harvard (see their briefs below).  Big corporate players such as Google, Apple, JetBlue, and General Electric produced briefs utilizing the same old neo-Marxist rhetoric of group-conscious oppression.  Rhetorically, the table is set for the talisman of “diversity”.  Merit is redefined as being a member of the proper race or possessing the proper genitalia and calling it “diversity”.  No, this isn’t diversity of opinion.  It’s the diversity of immutable characteristics.  Competence and a special gnosis, it is assumed, emanates from melanin count and genitalia, not from observable qualifications.  It’s preposterous.

The pretzel logic required to make this scheme marketable boggles the mind.  In Monday’s hearing before the Supreme Court, defense counsel emphasized the gambit of race as one among many factors but couldn’t escape withering cross examination from Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Alito and Barrett.  The inescapable fact is that at least some admissions will be based on race, and thusly a violation of statute and the Constitutional guarantees of equal protection.  Trying to hide race among the weeds doesn’t eliminate the fact that race will be determinative to award advantages to some to the detriment of others not so privileged with the right skin color and genital comportment.

How could they get away with this after a Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment, Brown v. Board of Education, and the various Civil Rights Acts in the long campaign to end the award of benefits and/or disabilities based on race or other immutable factors?  The whole enterprise relies on rhetorical legerdemain and a mountain of verbiage in bastardized “studies” to the point that “studies have shown” has gained the reputation as a tipoff for ideological skullduggery.  It’s a new Jim Crow favoring the radical Left’s “oppressed”.

And an afront to most people’s practical sense of fairness.  There’s a reason why lady justice wears a blindfold.

May be a cartoon of text that says 'PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT NO WHITE MEN NEED APPLY. Belu ©2012 BALOOCARTOONS. "We got tired of explaining to everybody what affirmative action' means."'

Not surprisingly given their backgrounds, corporate titans have bought into it.  Read the briefs and you’ll find the ritual abuse of “diversity” and “qualified”, as in “Classroom diversity is crucial to producing employable, productive, value-adding citizens in business.”  Or, how about the claim that the favoritism produces “a pipeline of highly qualified future workers and business leaders”?  “Highly qualified” just became an oxymoron.  “Qualification” now means the right melanin count and genitalia.

The whole thing is a legal, moral, and rational trainwreck.  To borrow a movie line, “Yes, Virginia, there is institutional racism”, but it’s coming from the folks who brought you The 1619 Project, CRT, the 2020 summer of BLM riots, home appliances, and annual college admission letters.  Amazing, the campaign against institution racism was always about furthering institutional racism.

May be a cartoon of text


Read more here:

* The corporate briefs in Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, and Harvard, can be found at .

* An excellent synopsis of the case by Brittany Bernstein can be found at

Amazon’s The Rings of Power: The Middle-earth Matriarchy

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Jeff Bezos and his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez at the gala for The Rings of Power

In Tom Wolfe’s novel, “A Man in Full”, the main protagonist is the successful Atlanta entrepreneur Charlie Croker who seems to have everything but tranquility and satisfaction.  His corporation is mired in crushing debt but he has all the trappings of material success, and a new, younger trophy wife.  He divorced his first wife, Martha, after decades of marriage.  She begins to resume her life without him by getting back in shape.  She joins a gym and quickly realizes that women have changed, particularly in body type.  Gone is the hour-glass figure and everywhere she notices the absence of hips among the female fitness fanatics.  A female ideal has changed.  She dubs these women “boys with breasts”.

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Harvey C. Mansfield, Harvard professor of political philosophy, wrote the book “Manliness” in 2006.  In it, he distinguished between masculinity and manliness.  Masculinity can, but not always, stray into beastly behavior (“toxic masculinity”).  By contrast, manliness in the ancient Greek is synonymous with “courage” and therefore tied to virtue.  A manly person – for women can also exhibit manliness – would protect the weak.  Bluster, bullying, and abuse is not the stuff of manliness.

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Harvey C. Mansfield

Manliness must be differentiated from the modern slang of “BDE”, or “big d*** energy”.  At a recent campaign rally, Keri Lake (Arizona gubernatorial candidate) introduced Ron DeSantis using the earthy initials.  People enamored of Trump use it.  Manliness should not be confused with brutish bellicosity.

Why mention “boys with breasts” and manliness in connection with Amazon’s Rings of Power?  Simple, if the masterminds of the series, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, wanted to create a Middle-earth matriarchy, they could find no better device than to turn Galadriel into an Aragorn with breasts and refocus Tolkien’s tale on one of the three queens of Númenor, a total of three among the twenty-five rulers of the land in the legendarium.  The women’s characters were crafted to portray Mansfield’s manliness but lack the charisma to inspire a drug addict into an opium den.  And why the decision to exercise the creative arts to distort Tolkien’s story in this manner?  I suspect that something more fundamental is afoot, like the politico-cultural prejudices of a narrow social claque that gave us Jane’s Revenge (pro-abortion terrorism) and cancel culture.  They are the same crowd that ate up as gospel the wild smears against Brett Kavanaugh.  The bias is everywhere in our institutions and now unsurprisingly could be corrupting this rendition of Tolkien’s Middle-earth in the second age.

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J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay

Or, conversely, it could be just a terrible misreading of the public’s desires from the top of the cultural pyramid above the clouds.  McKay and Payne may be doing it without awareness, mistakenly thinking that’s what the public wants.

Either way, we got an incoherent mess in this the first season.  The creation of Mordor was so off-the-wall that it could have been the product of an all-night LSD-laced bull session.  Tolkien’s Mordor was created by the evil super-spirit Melkor to be a land of volcanic activity.  Payne/McKay make it a product of the mechanical operation of turning a sword hilt like a key and voilà we have volcanic eruptions, bursting aquifers, and pyroclastic flows.  By the way, this pyroclastic flow doesn’t behave like a real pyroclastic flow.  Amazingly, magically, the hurricane of super-heated deadly gasses and fine ash doesn’t kill everyone in its path.  Galadriel, the queen of Numenor, and many others walk away as if they were only plastered with the dust from a shaken vacuum cleaner filter.  A pyroclastic flow buried Pompeii in AD 70. Talk to anyone who fled the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption.  Fantasy is riveting if it has some relationship to the real.  This falls into the category of laughingstock.

The speeches of the matriarchy are not, shall we say, awe-inspiring.  It’s not because they were made by women.  They are just simply stale.  Compare any of them to Margaret Thatcher’s refusal to bow to the pressure to compromise at the October 1980 conference of the British Conservative Party: “The Lady’s not for turning” (see below). Or, closer to home, Peter Jackson/Fran Walsh managed the stirring words for Aragorn at the Black Gate of Mordor in “The Return of the King” (see below), or Theoden’s rallying cry before the Rohirrim’s charge into the orc ranks in the Battle of Pelennor Fields (see below). They would steel the spine of anyone facing long odds. In comparison, the words of the Payne/McKay matriarchy are an insipid string of gibberish.

Then we have the disjunction of physical prowess and the natural female musculature and skeletal fragility of, say, the Aragorn with breasts, Galadriel.  There’s a reason why actors as diverse as Christian Bale to Chris Pratt to Michael B. Jordan bulk up.  It’s intuitive to match in some sense the physical action of a role with the appropriate appearance.  While it’s a stretch at times, it’s an easier visual sell.  But take Morfydd Clark’s Galadriel and her domineering physical antics alongside her frail muscle mass.  These are muscles that would have difficulty crushing a grape, let alone wielding a heavy sword to take down the mighty men of Numenor.  They’d be better casting a female MMA fighter for the role.  At least the gap between the action and her appearance would be lessened.  But better yet, reshape Galadriel’s character to fit Tolkien’s strengths for her.

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Morfydd Clark as Galadriel in The Rings of Power

Ludicrously beefing up the female roles was evident throughout, to the point of relegating the men to subsidiary positions in the story.  The Payne/McKay men are weak, petulant, or stubbornly wrongheaded.  All of a sudden, Tolkien’s mighty men of Numenor become . . . ? ? ? . . . .  One is left to wonder how they became so pivotal and deserving of great respect in the later trilogy.  Now, in the hands of Payne/McKay, the two sagas don’t relate in a basic sense.  What we have with the Rings of Power is something that appears to be an artifact of the present moment of millennials who were raised on identity politics and cultural reparations, warping everything to fit the manias of the present.  Some would say that this is a “woke” LOR and in many ways they would be right.

Even for the Harfoots (proto hobbits), while they have a male leader, it’s two teenage girls in the tribe who carry the action and wisdom of the group.  They dictate the clan’s thread in the story.  The males are limited to being sperm donors, objects of pity, and comic relief.

Women, women, girls, girls everywhere may be alright in another context, but it isn’t Tolkien.  Galadriel was strong in character, and according to Tolkien sparred with the boys, and had special gifts.  She is deserving of a prominent role in any production under the byline of Tolkien.  But Aragorn, or even Legolas, she is not.  Tolkien’s conception for her would parallel the English history of powerful monarchs like Elizabeth I.  Elizabeth was wily and shrewd, but not known for her swordplay with the Earl of Essex.  An adult Galadriel would use her feminine guile, wisdom, and special powers of foresight to command a situation.  Watching this production left me with the idea that this is Tolkien as the women of The View would have him.

We are not viewing Tolkien’s legendarium.  In the hands of Payne/McKay, it became another exercise in the modern fixation to turn women into boys with breasts.  No wonder transgenderism has gone viral and men seem to be settling into the role that Hollywood has assigned for them – as they are seemingly dropping out of the workforce, marriage, and college in substantial numbers.  Will I be watching any more of it?  Maybe.  I’d be interested in seeing how much further this thing descends into our modern cultural rabbit hole.

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The new man for our “enlightened” times


Are We Getting Stupider?

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Students taking the ACT

Could be, I don’t know.  We fellow Boomers weren’t so smart.  We rebelled against self-restraint and got a world without self-restraint.  Now, a pleasant afternoon stroll in Denver or New York City will be through a smokey haze of people lighting up blunts amid the staccato bursts of drive-bys.

You can’t say that the times are the best for kids.  If we aren’t pummeling their future prospects with eco-nuttery and $31 trillion of debt, we are destroying their mental capacities under a barrage of toxic neo-Marxism and a campaign to turn teenage emotional instability into gender dysphoric mutilations.  Not only that, with all the cultural poison at their I-phone fingertips, we suffocate their leaning behind masks, plexiglass, social distancing and an end to in-person instruction under the threat of teacher union die-hards.  The results?  This is the most anti-child era in living memory, if not all time, and I haven’t got to the zealous push to abort them from conception to just before the slap on the back side after exiting the birth canal. Maybe after that too.  A few data points are illustrative.

Item #1: ACT Scores dropped to their lowest level in 30 years.  The ACT is a snapshot of the mental astuteness of this year’s incoming college freshman class.  The shamings, lockdowns, school closures, and kids living their lives in the glow of flat video screens have produced one of the most ill-prepared incoming classes of matriculants.  We did it to them under the pseudo-claims of “follow the science” and “experts”.  Progressivism’s blind faith in a professional-but-politicized class of bureaucrats led us straight into a dark hole, and an even darker and deeper one for our kids.

And once they get to the ivy-covered walls of state U, more stupidity awaits them.  Look at what our isolated hyper-wealthy in the isolation of their hyper-wealthy foundations consider “genius”, a “genius” that will flush through the lecture halls.  Item #2: the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation released this year’s 25 winners of their no-strings-attached “genius” cash awards ($800,000).  They’re left-wing activists.  They’re “geniuses” because of it.  Really.  I don’t know of any veterans of the Young Americans for Freedom or Federalist Society getting the phone call.

The winners check all the preferred boxes of today’s race/gender neurotics.  Two-thirds are women and 19 of the 25 were recruited from the so-called “marginalized”, all of the approved biases.  No Candice Owens or Winsome Sears (Virginia lt. gov.) types were obviously considered.  Somewhere, among the sanctified, you might find someone of the wrong genitalia and melanin count but still certainly, along with the rest, of the right ideological orientation.

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Patrisse Colours, Black Lives Matter co-founder and the picture of “intersectionality”, Black/female/Gay.

Patronizing mediocre artists (Amanda Williams) and a chattering class of whiners (Kiese Laymon, etc.) with the title of “genius” will degrade it like “real estate agent” after the collapse and serial fraud in the Florida Land boom in 1926.  “Genius” was applied to Reuben Jonathan Miller, U. of Chicago prof and peddler of the “mass incarceration” nonsense.  The crusade against “mass incarceration” means “mass decarceration” and is turning many of our neighborhoods into war zones.  Thanks “genius”.  How many more vapid treatments of anything “indigenous” do we need?  Robin Kimmerer serves up another one in “Braiding Sweetgrass”.  The more-in-tune-with-nature schtick is an attack on air conditioning, the family mini-van, and the single-family home.  This stuff is as old as the hippie commune and is as equally bankrupt.  And this makes her a “genius”?  The WaPo reporter tried to buck up Kimmerer’s status by writing that her book “has gone from surprise hit to juggernaut bestseller”.  No, only if “juggernaut” is 4,474 in Amazon’s rankings (paperback, 1,504 in Kindle, 3,313 in hardcover).

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Robin Kimmerer

Are these our educational influencers?  These are only geniuses among people who are gullible enough to believe it.  As a teacher of 30 years and annually exposed to the blatherings of credentialed activists telling us how to teach, I’ve watched them wilt under even mild cross examination.  The phrase “empty suit” was tailored for this type.  Yes, they’re empty suits but now they’re also rich “geniuses”.  As for the kids, they’re languishing.

Watch Kmele Foster’s excellent observations on the decline in ACT scores, but don’t expect an $800,000 “genius” award for him coming from the MacArthurs.  Use the link below.


Read more here:

* “ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest in 30 Years Following School Closures”, Cheyanne Mumphrey, RealClear Politics, 10/13/2022, at .

* “Meet the new MacArthur ‘genius grant’ winners”, Karen Heller, Washington Post, 10/12/2022, at .


Read more here:

* “ACT Test Scores Drop to Lowest in 30 Years Following School Closures”, Cheyanne Mumphrey, RealClear Politics, 10/13/2022, at .

* “Meet the new MacArthur ‘genius grant’ winners”, Karen Heller, Washington Post, 10/12/2022, at .

Democrats Are Revolutionaries, Not Politicians

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Today, the word “politician” is considered foul language in political discourse.   Well, what about “revolutionary”?  If you are repelled by politicians, what do you get when uncompromising ideological activists are swept into power?  These people are defined by a radical vision to transform your life.  We’ve seen this before, and it isn’t pretty.  And the Democratic Party is in the grip of it.  Biden lied in Philadelphia, September 1, for the threat isn’t coming from “MAGA Republicans”.  He needs to look at himself and those running the show in his party.

2022 is starting to resemble 1793 in more ways than one.  France, in a maelstrom of revolution since 1789, was divided between those who favored a constitutional monarchy in the mode of Britain, those who wanted to rip the Ancien Régime (Old Regime) of divine right and aristocracy, root and branch, out of the country, and a mushy middle that shifted between the two.  It’s the beginning of our commonplace political jargon of right/center/left.

Jacobins on the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror

Today’s Democratic Party has evolved into 1793’s The Montagnard (The Mountain) of the legislative National Convention in Paris.  The Left of the revolution clustered in the seats high up in the chamber and used the Jacobin Club to gather and plot.  Quickly, they succeeded in gaining control of the Convention and set the country on the path to the Reign of Terror.  The similarity between the Democratic Party of today and the Montagnards isn’t in the advocacy of a bloodbath but in their radical dream of a refashioned society.  The people of our modern Left, like the protégés of Robespierre, aren’t content with tinkering and adjustments – no “politicians” need apply – but in radical transformations in everything from the definition of male and female to the meaning of infanticide.  Traditional institutions are to be steamrolled and constitutional checks-and-balances obliterated.  Make no mistake about it.  They’re advocating a revolution.

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This is a political party, if given unitary control of our federal government, that would make our country unrecognizable.  Rattle off their agenda: out goes the filibuster and in comes the rule of momentary majorities to rock the country between extremes; in comes court packing and a Supreme Court to rubber stamp the revolution; the Equality Act which would pit the federal government against Bible-based Christianity and anyone who would seek its guidance on matters of marriage, faith, morals, and family; the requisition and creation of huge sums of money to fund the revolution (Build Back Better), inflation be damned; a pseudo-ecotopia to destroy our way of life; say goodbye to a border; say hello to easy to vote and easy to cheat (For the People Act); the equity crusade to indoctrinate our kids and dole out rewards by race and other politically favored identities; the unleashing of crime under “restorative justice” and equity schemes; the passage of the “Women’s Health Protection Act” to green light all abortions up to birth and force conscientious objectors out of the medical profession; the single-minded pursuit of “gender affirming care” to practice chemical infertility and sex-change surgeries on our children — without parental consent; a general disarming of the public and demonization of the firearms industry; . . . .  And this is what they’ve publicly announced.

How could a suburban soccer mom endorse this kind of thing?  If truth be told, she probably doesn’t, but they hear something about the Dobbs decision ending all abortions and unknowingly end up voting for our modern Montagnards’ agenda.  They don’t know any better because our mainstream, legacy media is complicit in hiding the agenda’s dark side.

Take for instance the Washington Post’s fact-checking guru, Glenn Kessler.  He felt compelled to correct Marco Rubio’s legitimate contention that the Democrats’ “Women’s Health Protection Act” (WHPA) would authorize abortion up to birth. In truth, Kessler doesn’t correct Rubio.  The woman’s “health” provision in the Act would encompass “all factors physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age” (Supreme Court in Doe v. Bolton) to sanction abortion throughout the pregnancy.  Late-term abortion would be codified.  Instead, the WaPo’s intrepid reporter tried to undercut Rubio’s statement by mentioning something that Rubio never said.  Kessler goes on a tangent about the rarity of such abortions.  That’s not Rubio’s point!  The Act grants carte blanche to any “health care provider”, whether it be a midwife, nurse, or doctor, to approve the ending of the life of a fully formed baby if they judge it to be a threat to the broadly defined “health” of the mother.  The number of such abortions is irrelevant.  The WHPA sanctions an act that should shock the conscience of any normal human being.

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But when you’re in a fevered pitch for revolution, “normal” is an enemy to the desired ends.  Revolutionaries don’t want normal.  The Montagnard of the Democratic Party want a radical change in everything about us: our self-perception, social and economic arrangements, and political institutions.  This is a thoroughgoing revolution, totalitarian in scope.  This is what is on the November ballot.  Punching a ballot next to a Democrat candidate is an endorsement of much more than the person.

“Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true.”  Whoever first coined the quip was onto something.


Read more here:

* “The GOP claim that Democrats support abortion ‘up to moment of birth’”, Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post, Sept. 22, 2022, at .

* “Questions for Glenn Kessler on Late-Term Abortion”, John McCormack, National Reivew, Sept, 22, 2022, at .

* “If the Dems Win It All”, John McCormack, National Review, Sept. 15, 2022, at

The Tomfoolery of “Transition”, Social That Is

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Karine Jean-Pierre, Pres. Biden’s press secretary, tries to explain away Biden’s search for a knowingly deceased congresswoman.

Watch buffoons in the national media and the upper rungs of the government sound technocratic, which means that they claim to be the inheritors of the “science”, the “experts”, and the “best and brightest” from our academic bubbles in the grip of, truth be told, cultural extremism.  And watch our life get measurably worse.

Politics corrupts judgment, and no more fevered environment exists than one just before an election.  Today, the word “transition” is employed to hide many sins. Just a week ago, Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s press secretary, announced, “. . . what we are seeing . . . is a transition to a more steady and stable growth.”  Transition frequently crosses her lips on nearly everything that could foretell troubled times ahead.  Biden, the donkey party powerful, and blue-state potentates are also especially fond of the word.  It’s their current favorite to sound wise.

The jargon is a reflex of progressivism.  Progressivism built its reputation on replacing the compromises, clashing interests, “smoke-filled rooms”, and bargaining of messy democracy with the credentialed “expert”.  They actually believed that society can be managed by fine-tuning, like a technician adjusting an old-style carburetor.  A little turn of the fiscal and regulatory screw here and there and bliss will be upon us.  So, if fighting climate change and pursuing social justice (ergo blatant racial favoritism) are your goals, an agency of degreed “experts” and appropriate decrees from on high will seamlessly float the people in the right direction without pain.  It’s all a bunch of hooey.

Hundreds of millions of free souls will not be rigidly controlled by a claque of government employees who lack the humility of admitting that they don’t know half as much as they claim, and a good portion of what they do know is wrong.  The economist Friedrich Hayek warned of the inherent “knowledge problem” in government.  It’s playing out before our eyes.

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“Transition” conceals a troubling winter.  Fuel prices normally experience seasonal gyrations, but the Biden people raised the water level of those fluctuations by over half.  Prices undulate at a rate of 50% to 100% over a year or two ago.  Be prepared for a jump in electricity rates this winter on the east coast, Northeast, and other blue bubbles, which is not surprising given that they are most enthusiastic about rule by “expert” – all according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency, an agency that is limited to measuring reality, and not to be confused with the “experts” of the climate change and equity freakouts.

“Transition” is often coupled with “soft landing”.  President Clinton caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, once parsed on the meaning of “is” in his perjury before a federal grand jury.  The same is true for the treatment of “transition” and “soft landing” by the gaggle of progressives dominating the regime.  The words are rhetorical cosmetic surgery for probable layoffs and business retrenchment.  You don’t have to look far for proof.  The economy only recently reached its pre-pandemic total employment numbers, which doesn’t take into account population growth.  The laggard pace of employment screws up the unemployment rate.  Vigorous job growth coming out of a shutdown by government fiat isn’t surprising.  But a 3.7% unemployment rate out of a pool of adults shrunk by huge numbers opting out of the workforce makes the unemployment number almost superfluous.

Retrenchment is in the winds.  Big Tech and others are beginning to trim some fat. Meta, Twilio, and Snap are jettisoning workers.  Gap, Boeing, and Walmart are lopping administrative overhead.  Real estate is taking a big hit as Wells Fargo, RE/MAX, and Redfin cut employees and agents as the Fed raises interest rates to combat another Fed-induced problem: inflation.  And Biden and company still want to fight inflation – too much money chasing too few goods – by amazingly throwing more money at it.  Never has a fire been successfully fought by pouring jet fuel on it.

Local businesses are hard it. The 2020 summer of riots didn’t help.  Downtowns resemble ghost towns.  Cities can’t proclaim a welcome mat for business when the sidewalks are open sewers and wanton theft, even serial assault, are ho-hum to district attorneys.  Now we get to the cultural dimensions of “transition” and “soft landing”.

“Transition” to an “equity” society entails racial discrimination (against Asians and white males), lawlessness, crime victims, property destruction, XY-chromosome girls in XX-chromosome girls sports, and extremist indoctrination (eco-cultism, CRT, transgenderism, socialism) in the schools.  No place is safe from the transitioners, not the home, not parenthood.  Listen to Nikole Hannah-Jones – a symbol of the intersectionality of Black, female, and extremist cultural revolutionary – expounding on the danger of parents having a say in their children’s education (see below).  It encapsulates the foolishness of “transition” and “soft landing” by “experts”.

Dropping the pretense of deceptive verbiage would be a great start.  The so-called reformers are revolutionaries and should be forced to lay out their vision of how to create the new person for their new world. It’s totalitarian in scope.   They need to lay their cards on the table so we are aware that the “soft landing” will be hard and brutal, as all such movements have proven to be.  It won’t end well.


Read more here:

* The U.S. Energy Information Agency’s electricity rate forecast of Sept. 7, 2022 can be found at .

* Jim Geraghty of National Review wrote an excellent piece on the subject in “The Economy Is Starting to Buckle”, National Review Online, Sept, 26, 2022, at .

* The normally suspect Bloomberg News announced the achievement of the employment milestone In “Employment in US Has Finally Exceeded Its Pre-Pandemic Level” at .

The Dystopia Bowls

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San Francisco 49ers safety Tashaun Gipson Sr. (31) celebrates after intercepting the football against the Seattle Seahawks during the second quarter at Levi’s Stadium on Sept. 18, 2022. (photo: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports)
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Los Angeles Skid Row in recent photograph
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Santa Cruz, Ca., homeless encampment
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San Francisco homeless encampment
Robert Smiley with The Hand Up Project brings backpacks full of food and essentials as he visits a homeless encampment along 112th Street Southwest in Everett on Friday. Smiley used to be homeless and addicted to drugs. Now he runs The Hand Up Project, where he goes to homeless camps and asks people if they want to get into treatment. (Mike Siegel / The Seattle Times)
A homeless encampment along 112th Street Southwest in Everett, Wa., near Seattle. (photo: Mike Siegel / The Seattle Times)

Probably due to past loyalty, I sat down to watch the San Francisco 49ers v. Seattle Seahawks game last Sunday (SF won 27-7); however, I must admit that my enthusiasm for professional sports has waned.  I can’t remove from my mind Big Sports’ enrollment in the radical left.  Neither can I erase the images of these two cities’ decline into urban chaos, as is true of most of the other NFL home cities.  These cities willingly chose that path. A smothering cloud of ideologically driven misrule overhangs the stadium crowd, the broadcast, and the team organizations.  With few exceptions, the NFL schedule has turned into a series of Dystopia Bowls: one team booster of the radical left agenda from a radical left dystopia playing another with an identical image.

I didn’t politicize the sport.  Previously, I had no clue about the political leanings of those composing the team organizations and the league, and didn’t care.  As for the cities, they upheld for the most part some sense of decency.  Not anymore.  The sport concerned itself, pure and simple, with athletic competition at the highest level.  Not anymore.

How did the NFL and their urban homes allow themselves to descend into such depravity?  The movie “All the President’s Men” made popular the modern cynic’s favorite principle: “Follow the money”.  That’s not true by a long shot.  If you want to accurately follow the course of human events, “Follow the ideas”.  It’s how we got to a compromised NFL and today’s unlivable cities.

It begins with one word: Socialism.  Yes, that word, a rhetorical vessel wherein the perennial hopes and dreams of human betterment can be realized, despite its track record of abysmal failure.  Its oppressed/oppressor dialectic is so appealing that it escapes any final verdict on its failure.  It’s the vampire that won’t stay dead.

In one sense, what began with Marx and Engels, passed through the 60’s New Left, and would end up in today’s BLM, Antifa, college campuses everywhere, and the Democratic Party platform.  In the good ‘ol days of the 19th century Socialist International, the oppressed was the industrial revolution’s urban working class (proletariat).  But the dreams of revolution by the proletariat fizzled and where they did succeed in a takeover, it was a litany of nightmares: 100 million deaths in the 20th century by one accounting of a group of French historians in The Black Book of Communism.

Yet, something happened on the way to the collectivist Emerald City of Oz to keep the flame burning.  Two things: new groups auditioned for the roles of oppressor (the white patriarchy) and oppressed (minorities and a plethora of hypothetical outcasts), and the real threat was said to come from an abstract “system”.  And voilà, new life was breathed into the disgraced Marx.

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The home of The Frankfurt School in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1930’s.

Pointing the way were disgruntled Marxists ensconced in what came to be called the Frankfurt School.  They followed the line of thought of Antonio Gramsci who tried to explain away the reluctance of workers to be enthusiasts of revolution by pinning the blame on “cultural hegemony” – the values, mores, institutions, and ways of life that keep them supposedly docile.  In modern lingo, synonyms would be “the man”, “the system”, or “the establishment”.  Inspired by Gramsci’s gambit, European activist academics banded together and formed the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, which would later be dubbed The Frankfurt School.  Hitler, however, set them packing in the 1930’s.  Many of them made their way to the United States – the Frankfurt School set up shop in New York City – to eventually take up academic posts to proselytize the American young in their babble.

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Antonio Gramsci

Theordor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, et al, and the risible Herbert Marcuse lent their thoughts and encouragement to the burgeoning 60’s counterculture and the extremist New Left to continue the erosion of the foundations of western civilization.  The physical consequences were plagues of drugs and STD’s.  The political offshoots were the SDS, Weather Underground, Black Panthers, Symbionese Liberation Army, etc.  Crime and urban riots erupted, and campuses were paralyzed in protest and violence.  It would appear that the trail of these ideas is one of tears.  Some liberals were shocked into neo-conservatism by the 1970’s and 1980’s.

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Herbert Marcuse

Once again, disaster, and, once again, someone will appear to pick up the torch to fling it.  It’s proof that gullibility like the poor will always be with us.  In our social media world, glibness reigns supreme in the form of stitching together words into appealing quips that remain just as erroneous as they did before.  The glibness of the BLM politburo, Nikole Hannah-Jones (the lead founder behind the intellectually bankrupt The 1619 Project), Bernie, the Biden crowd, the CRT demagogues, AOC and her Squad, and the big wheels of the Democratic Party can only put lipstick on a pig and cannot with a wave of the hand turn the porcine beast into Miss Universe.  I don’t believe in shapeshifting.  Do you?

Today is different, though.  Whereas before, the nuttiness infected the fringes of society, only occasionally bursting forth to wreak havoc.  Today, it’s everywhere and especially among the those who occupy the commanding heights of the culture.  Why does big business from Major League Baseball to Coca-Cola to Delta Airlines to Disney risk alienating two-thirds of their customer base, unless they actually believe this bunk?  There must be something more at work than fear of the race hustlers’ shakedown racket.

Rudi Dutschke, a German missionary of the 60’s New Left, pointed the way by espousing a “long march through the institutions”.  He elaborated, “Revolution is a long complicated process in which people have to change.”  He meant to shove aside and replace established civil society and government.  But others realized that a root-and-branch approach wasn’t necessary, that today’s unkept radicals in blue jeans could be tomorrow’s tenured staff in tweed.  Welcome to your kid’s nest of revolution, errr, college.

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Rudi Dutschke

Simply put, the barbarians at the gates became the barbarians inside the gates.  Lo and behold, the neo-socialism is dogma among the beautiful people residing in their super-zip code (Martha’s Vineyard, Chappaqua, NY, Atherton, Ca., Malibu, Ca., etc.), any place where hyper-wealth screens people from the consequences of their beliefs.  Of course, part of the uniform for this new aristocracy is a degree from a legacy university, preferably Ivy League.  They have all the outward signs of manners and outlook of a college pedigree, and the inward signs of proper breeding in fealty to the dogma.  The Fortune 500 is no longer the Republican Party at work.  It’s an alumni booster club for the neo-socialism of the campus.

The minions of this new privilege infiltrate beyond the boardroom and into all positions of power and influence.  Since FDR made DC into the new Rome, and swelled its politico-cultural influence beyond the District and into the surrounding states of Maryland and Virginia, the neo-socialism has at its disposal the aggrandized power of the federal government.  Any popular threat to its monopoly can be squashed under the banner of another German rhetorical import: streitbare Demokratie, or defensive democracy.  It normally shows up as censorship.  It’s the speech control in “hate” and “extremist” statutes and regulations in the European Union, UK, Austria, Germany, etc.  You hear it out of the mouths of Pelosi, Schumer, Biden in “defending our democracy”, which is code for thought control by pasting contrary views with “misinformation”.  Biden has attempted an institutionalization of the censorship by creating “misinformation” ministries in his administration, all stymied as of now.

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Pres. Biden’s speech in Philadelphia on Sept. 1, 2022, branded “MAGA Republicans” dangerous “extremists”.

Streitbare demokratie seeks to freeze in amber the gains of the long march of neo-socialism through the institutions.  The effects are physically observable in viral gender confusions among the young, uninhabitable downtowns, a plague of crime, radical indoctrination of the young, an ecotopia that forcibly reverts life back to medieval times, and a crumbling infrastructure that can’t deliver safe roads, sewers, water, or affordable and reliable electricity.  Hillsides aflame, high taxes, inflation, and gargantuan government waste characterize life in this “democracy”.  It’s like the decay of Rome in the 5th and 6th centuries after repeated barbarian conquests and misrule.  Soon, much of the place is abandoned only to fall into rubble, to be later uncovered by the new field of 19th century archeology.  Is that the fate of New York City, Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, et al?

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A late 19th century photo of ancient ruins in Rome. Or could it be today’s Seattle or San Francisco?

The stench of watching it unfold in real time overpowers the senses.  The knowledge of the occurrence overwhelms any enjoyment of watching a football game.  Sorry.

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* An account of the super-zip codes can be read here: “Super ZIPs: New map reveals who is part of the rich ‘isolated elite”, Deseret News, Nov. 18, 2013, at,5%2010514%3A%20Chappaqua%2C%20N.Y.%20%28New%20York%20City%20area%29

* A rudimentary internet search of “streitbare Demokratie”, Rudi Dutschke, The Frankfurt School, the guiding lights of the School, Antonio Gramsci, will shed light on today’s neo-socialism.