Our Defiled Brahmin Caste, Part II: Professional Associations

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2015 meeting of the American Historical Association.

Thomas Piketty, an academic apostle of the Left, once crowed in 2016 of the increasing correlation of higher educational attainment and the tendency to vote Democratic: high school graduates 44%, Bachelor degrees 51%, Masters 70%, and PhD degrees 76%.  Does this mean that smarter people vote for the Democrats?  Hogwash.  The gap between smartness and possession of degrees has not been greater than in our time.

It’s fair to say that degrees and certificates in many cases just paper over human failings.  We are still prone to unexamined and purely fashionable beliefs, an overwhelming desire to win at any cost, the penchant to make facts fit predetermined conclusions, and let hubris cloud our vision.  Nothing much has changed for many of us after many years of schooling.  Today, we have many such highly educated ideologues circulating amongst us.

It’s not necessarily a sign of brilliance to almost uniformly take crass positions on highly contentious issues. It heralds, if anything, a blind deference to peer group pressure.  Not exactly evidence of high intellectual acumen.  Abortion is one issue that brings to light a kind of organized intellectual debasement among the highly papered.

Just a reminder that the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade was written by a lifelong Republican
Justice Harry Blackmun (r), author of the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is before the Supreme Court.  The case has attracted amicus briefs like flies to a feed lot.  Stepping into the fracas is the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians in support of the Roe decision and abortion as a right.  That wasn’t the first time.  In 1989, 400 of them displayed their pro-abortion bona fides in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services.

Strange thing, though, these doyens of historical truth based their position on a falsehood in the original Roe v. Wade decision that was allowed to marinate and pass into their “consensus”.  The fallacy stems from the uncritical adoption of the historical exegesis of a lawyer and abortion activist, Cyril Means, Jr., back in 1973.  Means contended that abortion was a common-law liberty before the 19th century.  He mangled primary sources, such as Samuel Farr’s 1787 medical treatise, to make it sound like abortion was an acceptable practice back then.  Instead, his source, Farr, makes the opposite point if Means had only turned a few more pages: “. . . unborn embryos . . . may be supposed indeed from the time of conception, to be living animated beings, there is no doubt but the destruction of them ought to be considered a capital crime.”  Historians, of all people, should know better but these didn’t.  Apparently, professional integrity must not be allowed to get in the way of prejudices.*

The issue has always been fraught with an emotional tug-of-war between the unborn child and the mother in distress, but it’s very probable that the practice was nonetheless condemned going back centuries.  Scholars have uncovered indictments in the 13th century for the killing of unborn children.  In 1602, a woman in Surrey, England, was indicted for ingesting poison to kill the “child in her womb”.  Many such examples exist in the historical record.

One cause for the confusion has much to do with state of knowledge, or lack thereof at the time, of the embryo (discovered in 1827 and the beginning of embryology) and pregnancy in general which led to the complicated picture in regards to early pregnancy abortions.  There were muddled attempts in a few instances at determining when the baby was “alive”, using the arcane language of the “quickening”.  Remember, this was a time when medicine was under the sway of Aristotle’s four humors (body fluids).  Confederate general Stonewall Jackson was said to ride into battle during the Civil War with one arm raised to keep the fluids in balance.  Still, it’s fair to say that abortion has always been considered at least an “inchoate felony” in the common law.  The “inchoate” part is tied to the limited pre-natal understanding of the era.

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The four humors in a medieval text.

It’s scandalous that professional historians have become so ahistorical.  It’s equally scandalous that legal experts are willing to use deceit to establish far-reaching precedents.  An example is the factual fraud in Mapp v. Ohio in 1961.  The SCOTUS decision extended the exclusionary rule (Weeks v. US, 1914) to state court cases.  After Mapp, the most violent perps – these are 90% plus tried in state courts – have a new legal weapon in their arsenal to take a walk.

The legal chicanery revolved around the belated claim of a lack of a valid search warrant.  The case went all the way to the US Supreme Court under the false assertion that there was no search warrant.  A simple examination of past issues of the Cleveland Plain Dealer establish beyond doubt that a valid search warrant was issued to enter the apartment of Dollree Mapp whose boyfriend was a bombing suspect (later convicted).  She was charged with the possession of obscene materials as a consequence of the search.  Authorities couldn’t locate the warrant during the legal proceedings in her case, but that wasn’t unusual in the era before photocopying.  At most, there might be one or two extra carbonized paper copies in a dank basement file room where decay was rampant.  Anyway, it wasn’t thought to be relevant since the operative legal principle was that evidence was considered valid no matter how it got to the court if it had a bearing on the case.

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Formal portrait of members of the United States Supreme Court,Washington DC, 1962. Pictured are, front row, from left, Justice Tom C Clark, Justice Hugo L Black, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice William O Douglas, and Justice John M Harlan; back row, from left, Justice Byron R White, Justice William J Brennan Jr, Justice Potter Stewart, and Justice Arthur J Goldberg.

Ohio was blindsided late in the game by the defense assertion of no valid search warrant and a call for the Court to apply the exclusionary rule in state jurisprudence.  If it was understood to be a point of contention earlier in the process, more stringent efforts at storing and retrieving these documents would have been made.  The Court took the side of Mapp: no warrant, no allowable evidence, perp takes a walk.  Now, with its application in state courts, where the overwhelming number of violent suspects are tried, the rule is extended to a suspected serial killer as much as a porn enthusiast.  And to think that it all rests on an untruth.  So much for the integrity of the titans of the law.

Even in cases when the Court reaches the right conclusion, oftentimes the reasoning is littered with drivel.  More than that, these decisions sometimes show the degree to which our judicial aristocrats get sucked into vogueish patterns of thought.  A classic in how to meander in junk thought but end in the right place is 1954’s Brown v. Board of Education.  To bolster their argument that racial segregation was unconstitutional, they resorted to the bag of tricks of ideologically charged social science researchers.

The married research team of Mamie and Kenneth Clark, MA student in psychology and CCNY prof respectively, conducted experiments that allegedly proved that black children were mentally and emotionally scarred to a greater degree by segregation.  As proof, they conducted studies such as the famous doll test.  A small group of children were given dolls of different skin and hair colors. The doll of the lighter shade was preferred by all children, including the black children.  Based on these preferences and answers to follow-up questions, the Clarks concluded that black children were traumatized with self-hatred.  They further asserted that it was more acute among black children in segregated environments such as segregated schools.  The test’s claims were cited in Earl Warren’s majority opinion.

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The Clarks’ doll experiment.
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The Clarks’ doll test with Kenneth Clark in the background.

Since that time, the failings of the experiment were laid bare.  Everything from the small sampling to the biases of the researchers to the conclusions drawn from the children’s responses has drawn fire.  Yet, there it was; a highly questionable study lassoed into the judgment of the most eminent jurists.  The simple thought that crusading academics might not be the most reliable wasn’t a serious enough matter to avoid using them.  Right conclusion in the decision, but a perplexing path to get there.

Later, the dam broke on using social science studies as a substitute and supplement to the law in judges’ decisions.  The Coleman Report of 1966 proved to be a rich source to order forced busing, a court takeover of the management of the school districts in a region (St. Louis), and all sorts of incessant court and federal meddling in local schools.  Earl Warren’s majority opinion in Brown set the precedent for incorporating activism, disguised as chic research, rather than the law, its text and history, into a court’s rulings.  What’s next, filling court vacancies from the ranks of Harvard’s African and African-American Studies Department?

We are not well-served by the upper crust in many of our professions, our so-called best and brightest.  Historians are ahistorical.  The crème de la crème of the legal profession doesn’t hesitate to practice deceit to achieve the desired end.  Shoddy social science studies are ingested into rulings that impact everyone in ways large and small.  Maybe a civilization’s state of health is reflected in the state of health of its elites.  Now that’s serious food for thought.


*Read here: “The Corruption of History”, Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review, Nov. 29, 2021.

Biden’s First Supreme Court Nominee. She’ll Be a Doozy.

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Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

Justice Stephen Breyer is stepping down.  Since the Supreme Court has insinuated itself in all matters of life, there’s much at stake when choosing a juridical potentate for a lifetime appointment.  President Biden set down his criteria for filling the seat and, guess what, it has little to do with merit.  It has everything to do with melanin count and genitalia.  But does it, really?

In a pandering applause line to a radicalized party base in a debate, Biden boasted of a “black” and “women” choice.  Do you think for a moment that’s what he’s really after?  Do you think the “black” part is encapsulated in a Clarence Thomas?  Do you think “black woman” means a Condoleezza Rice (NS advisor to Bush 43, former provost to Stanford University, Dir. of the Hoover Institution, and concert-quality pianist) or Winsome Sears (Lt. Gov. of Virginia)?  No, the closest equivalent is Corey Bush, charter member of The Squad.  Many of the women that he chooses are lefties, so much so that it’s hard to avoid the descriptor “socialist”.

Take for example his floundered choice for comptroller of the currency, Saul Omarova, a graduate of Moscow State University pre-Soviet collapse.  This Cornell University prof favors a Fed takeover of banking, a proposal that would make Lenin’s corpse smile.  Get the idea?

In a debate, Biden plaintively cried, “Do I look like a socialist?”  I don’t know what a socialist “looks” like since many of them look like they stepped off the pages of style magazines.  But I do expect a full-blown lefty of the kind that’ll produce the gibberish of a Sonia Sotomayor.  Once installed, the appointee better have an army of clerks to clean up the mess in her opinions.

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Get ready for a Supreme Court that looks like America: six sane ones, two Kool-Aid-drinking lefties, and one lefty trying to avoid the scat left by the other two.


The Woke Bowl

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SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, Ca.

It looks like two-thirds of the key elements for a woke Super Bowl are lined up: a woke team and a woke location (plus the racial anthem and BLM sloganeering on team attire).  The NFC championship game will be represented by two urban dystopias in a dystopian state – San Francisco and Los Angeles in California.  One woke city or another from a woke state will land in Inglewood, an enclave in one of the worst governed metropolitan areas in the worst governed state.  Either the Bengals, Chiefs, or the Bills of the AFC will have to play in wokedom (Bills and Chiefs are tied as of this writing).

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49ers celebrate after the winning field goal against the Packers, 1/22/22.
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Rams players celebrate after defeating the Buccaneers, 1/23/22.

That’s not the end of it.  The geographic center of wokedom, the state of California, will get its grubby hands on a good chunk of the players’ earnings.  Over half will be taken in income taxes once the tax-thirsty Sacramento goons with their highest state income tax in the nation thrust their mitts into each player’s till.  It’d be better if the game was played in Texas or Florida.  They don’t have a state income tax.

If you’re wondering how the scam works, California fine-tuned in 1991 the gambit of any professional athlete performing in the state to be subject to the state’s highest in the nation income tax.  The state dubs the teams’ visits “duty days” which includes all days for the visit.  The players for the Rams, 49ers, and Chargers really get whacked for at least 6 home games.  All other teams face the ordeal at most only two times, absent any playoff games in the tax hellhole.  The Woke Bowl in Inglewood may not be as joyous of an event if the players’ tax accountants run the numbers and get word to their clients.

As for me, the game is “Meh”.  The Woke Bowl has little appeal.  I’m not sure if I’ll watch it.  It depends on what’s showing at the theater.

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The Babylon Bee: The Return of Satire

As a follow-up to “Buddy can you spare a U-Haul” in a previous post, check out this bit of humor from the uproarious The Babylon Bee under the headline, “U-Haul Introduces Armored War Rigs For Californians Trying To Flee State’s Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland”.  If you think that satire is dead with the downfall of SNL, it is alive and well on The Babylon Bee.

On the same link you’ll find this gem of a headline: “Christian plumber under fire for refusing same-sex fittings.”  Parody is an excellent vehicle to unmask the ditzy pretensions of the Left.  The whole belief system is a slipshod amalgam of demonstrably proven silliness.

Long live satire, an admirable tradition going back to Aristophanes of the 5th century BC.  I just hope that the lefty die-hards who permeate our cultural commanding heights can take it as well as conservatives in the past century and a half.

Go to the link below.  It’s a hoot.


Our Defiled Brahmin Caste

Lobby of NFL headquarters, Manhattan

At the top of our society is a Brahmin caste of an elect in possession of prestigious degrees.  Their high status is drawn from their educations, but the claim can only have legitimacy if their many years of formal instruction truly enlightened.  The evidence for that is weakening by the day. Instead, these paragons were marinated in a hot house of radical ideology.  It was political activism masquerading as scholarship.  Still, off they go to fill positions of power and influence in our culture.  They’re everywhere.

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Prime example: professional sports, or Big Sports, Inc.  An aristocracy of athletic talent earning six figures, sometimes seven, eight, or nine, is managed by a metropolitan administrative apparatus of people marked by paper credentials.  It’s an insular social caste far removed from the fan base that is not so well-endowed with these modern markers of prestige.  The interests, tastes, social norms, and biases of this caste in the clouds escapes serious cross-examination due to uniform social reinforcement.  Nearly everybody around them thinks the same way.  It’s the dumb lacking any self-awareness of their dumbness.

How else can the sloganeering of campus neo-Marxists seep onto the helmets of athletes with astronomical salaries, the normal expression of patriotic unity in opening ceremonies be debased by overt racial anthems, and the change of venue of a long-scheduled all-star game after the wailing of small-minded activists be realized?  Radicalism becomes fashionable when there’s no competing voices.

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Nothing escapes infection including the on-field attire.  The NFL has an approved list of slogans for their helmets that includes “Stop Hate”, “End Racism”, and “Black Lives Matter”, all of them taken from people who previously chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon”.  We know from where the adoption of extremist slogans come.  It comes from people whose agenda exceeds the simple and generic meaning of the words.  “Stop Hate”?  What hate?  Do they mean the garden variety of hate exhibited in domestic abuse, or the kind shown by a thief pistol-whipping a store clerk for resisting, or a jihadist taking synagogue worshippers hostage?  I think not.  The whole “Stop Hate” gambit became a cause because a viral video of an abusive cop was exploited as evidence of a systemic racial hatred.  In point of fact, it was a singular incident of a bad cop, not proof of the KKK in blue.

It says more about our time’s hyper-communicability of bad behavior to every corner of the planet, whereas before it would be put in the context of a local incident to be handled locally.

“End Racism”?  What racism?  Widespread racial animus shows up in no respectable poll.  In fact, whatever it is, it’s declining and widely condemned as shameful.  So, where’s the “racism” that needs to be “ended”?  Instead, a revolutionary agenda is at work.  Cutting to the quick, our new fashionable revolutionary cadre want to end “acting white”, the Enlightenment, rationality, math, the scientific method, the constitutional order, anything that they assert stands in the way perfect categorical equality.  This is the “racism” that they’re trying to “end”.  Of course, none of this is achievable without a totalitarian state.  That’s how you really kill the Enlightenment.  Mao or Che would be proud.

As for “Black Lives Matter”, it came into vogue as if people needed to be reminded of the obvious: black lives do matter.  Though, try saying “All lives matter”, the essence of the Gospels, and see how quickly the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Department and Twitter mob pounce.  All lives don’t matter to the chic radicals because they are consumed by the oppressor/oppressed shtick of Karl Marx and his later kindred spirits, of which there are many in the country’s thousands of faculty lounges.  Things don’t turn out equal in racial enumerations, so the egregious non sequitur “use racism to combat racism” – in the immortal words of the high priest of Anti-Racism, Ibram X. Kendi (Ibram Henry Rogers) – becomes the latest slogan to be turned into policy preference.  Until the numbers come out equal, ALL lives don’t matter in this sewer of the mind.

Look to the knit caps worn by people on the sidelines.  Prominently stitched is the word “Equity”.  Just yesterday, “equity” was consonant with justice.  Today, it’s consonant with racial vengeance.  It’s back to Kendi’s bunk of “use racism to end racism”.  That’s right, enact cash payouts for being black (reparations).  Hiring, promotions, and admissions should place race as the topmost criteria.  If one race shows up too prominently in the crime stats, redefine crime, end bail, and avoid prosecutions.  If you haven’t enough miscreants of other racial categories in the prosecutor’s hopper, invent them in campaigns to ferret out “white supremacy” as the new “domestic terrorism”, but define it broadly so you can bag your political opponents.

Why is it that “equity” crusades all too often stray into the ugliest despotism?

We can’t even watch a football game without getting a steady diet of the politicized word salad.  I can’t think of my San Francisco 49ers without Colin Kaepernick and the kneeling craze crossing my mind.  Ditto for the San Francisco Giants.  Taking it further, San Francisco is more aptly “San Fransicko” (Michael Schellenberger’s book of the same title). The city’s muddied reputation proceeds all.  Ditto for California.

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Most members of the San Francisco Giants kneel during a moment of silence prior to an opening day baseball game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, Thursday, July 23, 2020, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
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Hunter Pence #8 of the San Francisco Giants looks on during batting practice before the game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium on July 23, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)

And corporate-boardroom NFL parades across our TV screens BLM/Antifa slogans.  It’s just one big “Meh”.  No enthusiasm and don’t care.  I tried to watch 49ers/Cowboys and Rams/Cardinals but, once again, “Meh”.  Time to switch to Netflix.

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P.S.: The politicization of professional associations is next.


Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime or U-Haul?

A U-Haul truck and other vehicles travel along Interstate 10 as wind turbines generate electricity at the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm near Palm Springs, Calif., February 27, 2019. (photo: Robert Alexander)

As if any more needs to be said: U-Haul ran out of rental moving trucks in California in 2021. In its annual report the company stated, “. . . U-Haul simply ran out of inventory to meet customer demand for outbound equipment.”  That’s report-speak for, “We couldn’t keep up with the demand to get out.”  (Read the report here)

“To help meet the demand of millions of people desperately trying to escape the dark, ravaged wasteland of California, U-Haul is introducing a new product in its moving van line-up: the War Rig. These weaponized, armored moving vehicles will ensure you and your belongings stay safe during the long and perilous journey out of the state.” (Source: Babylon Bee)

Where could the refugees be headed? Top of the list is Texas, followed by Florida, then by Tennessee, and then South Carolina and Arizona. Not a blue state in the bunch. The U-Hauls seem to be following Elon Musk and Zuckerberg’s Meta (parent company of Facebook, et al), who is filling a new office tower in downtown Austin.

I guess it’s true. Make life miserable for people and they leave. Throughout history, it’s the same story. A third of Cuba lives in south Florida. Some people are drawn to leave their homeland for a fatter paycheck; others are forced to flee. In the case of California, the migrants must feel compelled to jump ship. Wonderful weather and natural beauty are no compensation for filth, crime, unaffordable housing, blackouts, schools as Maoist indoctrination centers, and regulations, diktats, and taxes up the gazoo.

Check out this latest California outrage: a sea of trash from the looting of trains as they pass through Los Angeles.

And now the poor souls can’t lay their hands on a rental truck. That doesn’t mean that people won’t still flee. We might be viewing an updated version of the 1930’s Okie migration in reverse: eastbound roads and interstates clogged with Priuses with mattresses on top. What’s next, labor camps in U-Haul’s top 5 destinations?

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Our Lousy Public Discourse

“Freedom is not simply the right of intellectuals to circulate their merchandise. It is, above all, the right of ordinary people to find elbow room for themselves and a refuge from the rampaging presumptions of their ‘betters’.”  Thomas Sowell

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Thomas Sowell

Sowell’s truism about freedom came to mind as more gibberish spewed from the mind of the self-styled Wise Latina on the Supreme Court, justice Sonia Sotomayor.  In oral arguments in the Biden vaccine mandate case, she hysterically proclaimed, “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.”  First thing, it’s not true!  4 Pinocchios!  Next, public imminences can’t be trusted any longer.  And, really, should they ever have been?

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Justice Sonia Sotomayor

The latest plague apocalypse to go viral is Omicron.  It’s certainly launching into our society.  It may have launched into me.  I can’t tell – wasn’t tested – but it turned out to be a 4-day flu.  Tested or not, it was the flu whether as the ominous Omicron or not – a virus by any other name.  Earlier in 2020, I had a brief bout with first-wave COVID and it was 2 days one-and-done.  Both were characterized by a low-grade fever and fatigue and that’s it.  The death cart making its regular rounds didn’t come knocking and I quickly resumed my domestic role as regular irritant to my wife.

According to the over-billed “experts”, I’ve got 2 strikes against me: I’m 69 and voted for Trump.  Yet, no comorbidities, not obese, regular exercise, daily vitamin and mineral supplements, and no vices (other than popcorn and “The Lord of the Rings”) may have worked to counteract the age factor.  As for the vote, sorry Rachel Maddow, I won’t do anything about it since I can’t endorse a doddering puppet of left-wing lunatics.  That “comorbidity” stays.

Our time is not a period of calm reason.  Wannabe totalitarians are out to make everyone, literally everyone, conform to their vision of vaccinations, endless boosters, Zoom school for the kids, and masks.  These blinkered despots can’t bring themselves to even mention natural immunity and treatments.  I’m up-armored by nature against the COVIDs going back to MERS and SARS.  Vaccines are obviously part of the public health arsenal, not the entirety of it.  Not a peep, though, from Walensky and company and The Big Wheels about natural immunity, monoclonal antibodies, and antivirals.  When asked, they act like the kid in the cafeteria buffet line who can’t bring himself to request the broccoli in spite of mom’s insistence before leaving for school.

Instead, we’ve got a truncated public interplay between Vaccine/Vaccine/Vaccine/… on one side and on the other Vaccine/Microchip/One World Order by the people who gave us Q Anon and Death Rays from Space during fire season.  Why can’t vaccines be an important element in a strategy without it being the focus of all our efforts?  The nutter right, you can drop the resurgent John Bircherism anytime.

Tunnel vision behind the wheel doesn’t end well.

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The End of Women’s Sports?

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Remember the scandal of the East German doping (male hormones) of their female swimmers that ran from the 1970’s into the 1980’s and included the 1976 Montreal Olympics (read about it here)?  Our girls (XX chromosomes) had to unknowingly compete against masculinized girls (still XX chromosomes) and few knew it, not even some of the East German girls.  Later, these same German girls would suffer mental and physical damage, and later to give birth to babies with serious defects.

As for the Americans, some in the press at the time referred to them as “Ugly Americans” for their justifiable complaints.  American Shirley Babashoff, slated to be the next Mark Spitz, wound up with one gold and a bunch of second place finishes in the ’76 Games.  She refused to remain silent and sounded the alarm but was dismissed as “Surly Shirley”.  She was right, she had courage, she was vilified, and it took 31 years (2007) for the scandal’s cover to be blown for all to see.

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Shirley Babashoff (r) and a portion of the 1976 US Olympic women’s swim team.

Check out these understandable reactions by other members of the ’76 team:
“To be frank, I don’t think we should look like men.”
“I wouldn’t want to walk around the neighborhood looking like a guy.”
“That’s not the way God created us to be like that (looking like DDR Swimmers).”

That was then; this is now.  Circa 2022 we have gone full circle, and then some.  Today, those East Germans would be heralded as trans pioneers.  We have men wanting to women and women wanting to be men, jumbled with the many whose psyche match their chromosomes, competing in women’s sports . . . with the full connivance of the so-called adults in the room.  Chic ideologies have redefined scandal as liberation, and created a massive class of new victims whose sole characteristic is their satisfaction with God’s endowment.  What chaos, what a mess.

Transgender Lia Thomas (MTF) recently hit the airwaves and pool at the U. of Penn. as a sensation setting pool, program, and meet records 38 seconds ahead of a real deal teammate.  Then in a Saturday meet, lo and behold, Lia ran into transgender Iszac Henig (FTM) – who underwent a double mastectomy – who bested Lia twice.  There you have it: female sports are to be dominated by people disenchanted with mother nature.  It’s a competition among the disgruntled, leaving behind the long hours of training and coaching for the well-adjusted and contented girl (XX chromosome), the kind of girl that you as a boy (XY chromosome) wouldn’t mind taking home to mother (also XX chromosome).  The other two would be difficult to explain.

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Lia Thomas, center
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Iszac Henig

The “adults” who sanctioned this biological miasma are – you may have guessed it – the NCAA.  In a policy that might have been written by a paid lobbyist or Ivy League lawyer, trans female athletes mustn’t compete on the women’s team until after one year of “testosterone suppression treatment”.  Not a word about bone density, muscle mass, or anything else is mentioned.  Much of the rest of their physical accoutrement in the men’s league follows them into the women’s pool.

Here’s the kicker.  The policy is justified by the quality of reasoning that you’d expect from a brainwashed sophomore Anthropology major writing on systemic phobias of western civilization.  Here it goes, brace yourself:

“. . . many people may have a stereotype that all transgender women are unusually tall and have large bones and muscles.  But that is not true. . . .  The assumption that all male-bodied people are taller, stronger, and more highly skilled in a sport than all female-bodied people is not accurate.”

Has anyone informed the geniuses at NCAA headquarters that the subject in question is not whether tall women or small men exist.  That’s wholly irrelevant.  At the level of elite competition in the vast majority of sports, men are taller, bulkier, faster, and stronger than women.  The statement has no credible place in any policy defense, let alone one that seeks to condone the competition of taller, bulkier, faster, and stronger women-with-a-Y-chromosome with women limited to the fetal arrangement.  It’s one of the goofiest things ever put to paper.

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Girls – Iszac Henig
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Boys – Lia Thomas

How can women’s sports survive this mounting chaos over who’s a woman?  Don’t look to bureaucrats of the NCAA for enlightenment.  They spread the chaos by transmitting the confusion.  The answer lies with us, the fans of girls’ sports. We must demand an end to the nonsense.  Chromosomes are the ultimate determinant, not surgeries, injections, or counseling.  Our pools, meets, and locker rooms must be made as safe for our girls and women (XX chromosome) as anywhere else.


Tyranny of Safetyism

The cartoon below captures the delirium of our times. It’s safetyism run amok. The obsessive/compulsive nature of safety-at-all-costs is destroying us.

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It took a virus to expose this latest contagion (pun intended) of the mind. We’ve lost all sense of balance. Safety-alone in all instances is as silly as having to wear a seat belt after a bad sunburn in a mad rush to the hospital for my wife to deliver our baby. No weighing of cost and benefit, comfort and discomfort, likes and dislikes, and personal assessment of risk. Somebody else – the government or the population of ninnies – claims the power to force us into their phobias.

If you really want to know the reason for the broad loss of credibility on the part of government-deputized “experts”, just look at their abundantly displayed lack of recognition of any other consideration other than the factoids of their narrow specialty. Fauci and Walensky wail about infections in a carpet-bombing of all the other things that make us human. Close the schools or open them with the kids isolated in pods, masks, plexiglass, and jabs; the germophobes screaming at other airline passengers for their refusal to continue suffocating behind a mask while eating; politicians ordering universal vaccination when the vaccine neither prevents additional infection nor its transmission; make it as difficult as possible for anyone to earn a living; prevent us as from seeking fellowship in worship; and effectually banish two thousand years of Christmas. Shocking and amazing.

The vaccines armor the many from hospitalization, but they can only do so much. They are not the “philosopher’s stone” of immunology. In fact, the unvaccinated 18 to 29 cohort run about the same risk as the vaccinated 50 to 64 according to OSHA’s own assessment (see https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/01/scotus-should-nix-bidens-vaccine-mandates/).

All the advice for sensible policy making isn’t limited to the kind coming out of a room full of lab coats. Their contributions are necessary but not sufficient. Necessary/sufficient isn’t a cliché. It’s a fact! I only wish politicians weren’t so eager to use the factoids of science as arrows in their political quiver. They end up besmirching themselves and science.


Are Bowl Games Another Canary in the Coal Mine?

USC safeties coach Craig Naivar, center, runs players through drills during spring 2020 practice at USC. (Photo by Keith Birmingham, Pasadena Star-News/SCNG)

Like a homeowner noticing termite shavings on the floor at the bottom of a wall, the urban folk of the metropolitan west coast might be awakening to the manufactured decay that is beginning to overtake them. The rot is “manufactured” (man-created) because of the bewildering decisions by public officials of their own choosing. Schools aren’t preparing the young for adulthood but are fermenting as radical indoctrination centers. The urban public square is littered with the homeless, the psychotic, needles and feces, roving gangs of thieves and extremist goons, boarded up store fronts, and no one in office seems to care, at least care enough to do anything about it, other than make it worse.

Homeless encampment in Portland in 2016.

The dégringolade (decline) ranges up and down the coastal plain. Nearly 60% of United Van Lines’s California hauls in 2021 were outbound, and it’s a poor metric due to its high cost. The more affordable U-Haul has become less affordable – 4 times the price for inboud – when trying to load up and skedaddle the Bear Flag Republic. Portlanders have acquired an affection for Boise, Idaho, according to UVL and Business Insider. The situation is summed up quite nicely by Greg Goodman, the co-president of the Portland Downtown Development Group: “If you know a retail or office broker, give them a call and ask them how many clients they have are trying to leave.” The exodus is palpable wherever progressivism reigns.

The east coast fares even worse by United’s numbers. New Jersey (69.5%) and New York (67%) rank #1 and #2 for the Great Migration out.

Is the decline and flight observable in organized athletic prowess? Is this trait a new canary in the coal mine alongside UVL and U-Haul numbers? As of now, in 2021/22, the PAC-12 is winless in bowl games for the second straight year. The last best hope for the conference, Utah, went down to Ohio State in the Rose Bowl on a last second field goal. Even the fact that Utah came close could be an additional sign of the new dynamism of people fleeing the coastal blight. The PAC-12 might have to switch its status ranking with the Mid-Atlantic Conference. It’s the “Conference of Champions” for volleyball or softball, but apparently not for anything exuding testosterone, which ironically is then forced to subsidize the former two.

UCLA lost its chance to break the losing streak by cancelling its appearance in the Sun Bowl after an outbreak of COVID on the team. COVID still raked the team after some of the most heavy-handed, authoritarian edicts by California’s recall-surviving governor and some of the most fear-paralyzed school administrations in the country. Remember “bend the curve” and “stop the spread”? The only thing “bent” or “stopped” was the hopes and dreams of the young men in shoulder pads. Try that as a recruitment angle.

Last year’s performance, the notorious year of COVID, was explained away, like the election laws, as a byproduct of the pandemic. Once again, nothing the prelates of the conference did changed a thing in regards to the rampage of the disease. It mutated and the crisis-too-good-to-waste registered as a wild-eyed panic to end athletic futures. Such overwrought reactions have a home in the same places that sanction violence and filth.

Another little-noticed and unremarked factoid is the appearance of four-star recruits from California showing up on the team rosters in the real power conferences. I tuned into the Georgia/Michigan game in time to watch Georgia’s tight end, Bowers, from northern California, receive a touchdown pass. Bryce Young, Alabama’s QB, and alumni of Mater Dei in Los Angeles, earned a 106 quarterback rating against Cincinnati. Ohio State/Utah was a battle between two California quarterbacks: Stroud and Rising. Are these mere anecdotes or a trend that has many similarities to prior demographic shifts in the country’s history?

Alabama’s Bryce Young (Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images)
Utah’s Cameron Rising
Ohio State’s C.J. Stroud
Georgia’s Brock Bowers

California’s loss of one congressional seat after the last census understates the seriousness of its self-immolation. The state made strenuous efforts to hide the flight of its middle class and businesses with campaigns to count every soul, living and non-living and legal and illegal. But everyone knows what is happening, and it’s now appearing on the playing fields.

Think about it.
