Time to Rethink Antitrust Exemptions for Big Sports, Inc.

The NFL’s building at 345 Park Avenue, New York.
NCAA’s corporate headquarters, 700 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN.

We are on the cusp of permitting them to impose a permanent disfigurement of organized athletics. The entrance of the highly contentious ideology of transgenderism is about to destroy girls’ sports. Big Sports, Inc., won’t allow dissent. If you’re a believer in transgenderism, the full monopoly power of the organization will indulge your beliefs. If not, and you and your daughter aren’t warm to the idea of “gender identity” being used to hand trophies to people who weren’t born female, tough luck.

Terry Miller of Bloomfield, Conn., wins the 200 meter dash with a time of 24.47 in the CIAC State Championship Track and Field Meet in New Britain, Conn., during the 2019 outdoor track and field season. (Mark Mirko / Hartford Courant)

MLB, NBA, NFL, MLS, NCAA – Big Sports, Inc – are clear partisans in the turbulent debates of our time. They ought not be. They tip the scales in support of one side in these contests. This isn’t about the ethical ending of Jim Crow or giving women an equal place at the table of organized athletics. No, Big Sports’ special status as sanctioned monopolies gives them power to impose their favored side. For the sake of our civil order, they should be stopped and their special status revoked till their charters are reformed to prevent the harmful meddling.

They take one side on issues that should be left to the people in their debates and elections. Contradictory standards may result but that just means that Congress must step in and do its duty, not to allow others to usurp that responsibility.

Gov. Kristi Noem, South Dakota.

Gov. Kristie Noem of South Dakota was caught in the vice. She was intimidated from signing a bill to protect girls in girls’ sports. She’s right to see this as a political fight. I agree, and until a broad revolt gains steam, Congress should revoke and revamp Big Sports, Inc.’s permissive charters.

These are matters for the people’s elected representatives to decide and not the province of corporate administrative offices functioning as partisan zealots. The people are quite capable of settling these matters without threats for holding the “wrong” views from those of corporate desk-jockeys.


Left Wing Indoctrination

The California Department of Education building in Sacramento.

In case you missed my post below, in the “comment” section, I posted this in light of the California State Board of Education’s recent approval of pure left wing indoctrination in the curriculum:

“Oh, and one more thing, and I thought that I’d never have to say this: Parents, get your kids out of the government-controlled schools, for the sanctity of their own mental state. Use part of Pelosi’s $2-trillion bailout – the kid and personal money in the monstrosity – and head to a good private school with classical curriculum and instruction. Go to acescholarships.org if you need further assistance.

The government schools are fully immersed in the Left’s revolution. As a public school teacher for 30 years, I’m loath to advise parents to get their kids out the public schools. There used to be individual schools and districts who avoided the worst of it. Not today. There’s nowhere to hide.

Get your kids out them. Now! Use the part of the Pelosi bailout money that comes to you and your kids and if necessary turn to Ace Scholarships, above, or other sources like them.

Good luck.


Stories, Damnable Stories

Josef Goebbels, Reich Propaganda Minister
MSNBC, a chief purveyor of our new Big Lie.
Photos of Robert Long, the accused shooter in the Atlanta murder spree.

Preamble: I’m going to suspend my normal rule against making reference to the Nazis when drawing a historical comparison to make a point. The parallels with our current mania are too obvious to avoid.

The Big Lie has long been identified with the Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels, and has been used thereafter as a political weapon against opponents. Goebbels’s deceit is much more than the lie. Here’s the fuller Josef Goebbels’ statement on the tactic:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” [my emphasis]

Most of his rendition concerns maintaining the lie, not making it. In short, the success of the lie requires suppression of dissent and control of information and thought. You see, the politically useful lie demands censorship and more than that, a controlling narrative, an imposed foundational story for which no one can evade.

Sound familiar? If not, it should. Today’s Big Lie is “White Supremacy”. The supporting superstructure of the story is sheathed in overwrought jargon like “critical race theory”, “systemic racism”, “white privilege”, and “white fragility”, and unceasingly propagated everywhere in an unholy alliance among our increasingly uniform political, economic, media, and cultural leviathans. You can’t escape the Big Lie and its supporting story – and that’s Goebbels’s point – even more so than the lie itself.

Everything is crammed into our modish Big Lie of the burgeoning threat of “White Supremacy” whose existence no one can prove. The secret of the Big Lie is to simply repeat it, not prove it, because it can’t be proven. Our Big Lie’s oft-repeated “statistical disparities” aren’t proof of racism, and the “White Supremacy” that undergirds it, because causation for the dubious claim faces the reality of many potential fathers, absent a paternity test, i.e., proof. It’s quite easy to cite more cogent factors to explain the disparity without ever turning to the gibberish coming out of the mouths of VP Harris, Robin DiAngelo, or Ibram X. Kendi. How about the desolation of family life in poor neighborhoods, for instance?

DiAngelo (l), Kendi

No better example of the modern Big Lie can be found than in the treatment accorded the horror in Atlanta on March 16. The actions of a disturbed and confessed “sex addict” are shoe-horned into the Big Lie of “White Supremacy”. Once the culprit’s picture hit the net, off to the land of “White Supremacy” they (the legacy media, our demagogues in high office) went. Violence against Asians began to be spun by our official and unofficial propaganda ministries as an outgrowth of the racial angst of MAGA supporters and angry white males, and an assortment of other illusory villains (QAnon). Traditionalist Christians were slimed. Ironically, the facts about violence against Asians, though, don’t make a neat fit with the propaganda story.


Watch the video below. The web of propaganda ministries want to make it difficult for you to see the contradicting reality. Jump through YouTube’s hoops to see it. You’ll see that it is no more violent than most of the other stuff on the site. It is relevant to the next paragraph.


Before we began the frenzied hunt for “White Supremacy”, it was well-known that 85% of assaults against Asian-Americans were perpetrated by African-Americans. The fact was too embarrassing for our web of propaganda ministers so the ministries went into overdrive to repudiate it, and a grand erasure took place. Look up the original reportage today and you’ll find of a Reddit Warning like this:

“Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.”

SFGate, an online news service affiliated with the San Francisco Chronicle, the original source for the factoid, came out with this bit of cancellation through distancing:

“Editor’s note: This 2010 column originally appeared in print in the San Francisco Chronicle. As of 2019, the Chronicle and SFGATE have been separate editorial operations.”

Maintaining the narrative and Big Lie of “White Supremacy” overrides all other concerns, like honesty. It’s a very familiar story to the one that took shape in the decades before and after the National Socialists’ rise to power. Eugenics by then had seeped into the minds of European elites, and it mingled with atavistic notions of racial hierarchies and the persistent undercurrent of anti-Semitism. Academics like Germany’s H.K. Gunther crystalized a previously existent story of racial superiority into a functioning “science” and belief system. From there, the story is a blood stain on history.

But everything was funneled through the narrow lens of race, just like today. And if the facts don’t fit the story, make the facts fit, or erase them. The shadowy “systemic racism” has much in common with the shadowy “Jewish conspiracy”. Proving the sketchy theory is made easy by simply citing the presence of a white male – or in the case of an enthusiast of Aryan race theory, a person of Jewish ancestry – in the incident. It’s a mental tick familiar to anyone in the SS Race and Settlement Main Office. All other inconvenient facts get weeded out.

We are in a dangerous time. Facts no longer matter, the story does. All competing explanations, even logic itself, are shunned or worse. As such, if history is any guide, a much more appalling injustice is waiting in the wings.

Armenian village leaders executed by Turkish troops during the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, 1915.


The Purge of the U.S. Military

Lloyd Austin, Sec. of Defense, in suit and tie.

From 1937 to 1938, Stalin oversaw the politically-motivated liquidation of “13 of 15 army commanders, 50 of 57 corps commanders, 154 of 186 divisional commanders, 220 of 406 brigade commanders, all 11 vice-commanders of defense, 98 of 108 members of the Supreme Military Soviets, all army political commissars, 25 of 28 corps commissars, 58 of 64 divisional commissars. Even the lower ranks were not spared.” The Communist Party leadership never fully trusted the Red Army partly because it was associated with Trotsky. For purely political reasons, Stalin decimated the officer corps just before their talents would be sorely needed three short years later when Hitler’s Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941.

First five Marshals of USSR; Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Semyon Budyonny, Kliment Voroshilov, Vasily Blyukher, amd Aleksandr Yegorov. Three of the five were either imprisoned or executed.

Is Biden and company copying a page from Stalin’s political playbook in his SecDef’s stand down order to weed out “extremists” in the U.S. military in the face of a resurgent Red China? Are we being laid open to a forcible retreat and catastrophic losses – or worse – like Russia as the Wehrmacht swept across the vast Russian European plain to the gates of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad? Are we prepared for the real-world consequences of political tinkering with the primary agency responsible for protecting us? The combination of Democratic Party neglect and the evisceration of morale in the ranks could spell our doom.

German tanks deep into Russia during Operation Barbarossa.

There’s much to keep a person awake at night. The rot predated the Left’s recent capture of the two political branches of government. The upper echelons in DC have long been encrusted with careerists whose distance from the rank-and-file and comfy billeting in one of the most financially rewarding playgrounds on earth has nurtured a receptivity to the worst of Lefty ideology. It’s jarring to watch bemedaled and uniformed big wigs talking like college snowflakes.

The sight begs another comparison with the Russian defense establishment, the one before and during World War I. It has been voluminously described as a kind of aristocracy resplendent in personal enjoyments, security of position, and completely divorced from reality. In World War I, dilettantes spelled disaster. In World War II, megalomaniacal politics did the country in.

Same here, or is gestating before our eyes. When riots engulfed our cities this past summer and threatened to overrun the nation’s capital, Trump was condemned by the likes of the retired Mattis, Allen, and Mullen and 280 other retired military officials and diplomats for advocating the use of troops to quell the mayhem. Last time that I looked, not a word was heard from these titans about the over 5,000 troops that Pelosi has ordered stationed around the walls and concertina wire of the nation’s capitol. I smell Lefty political agendas all over the Pentagon, among its comfortable pensioners, and in its academies and war colleges. Hmmmmmmm.

SEC. of Defense Austin with troops manning the wall and concertina wire around the capitol.

Maybe a person ought not to be surprised since our military is highly bureaucratized. Bureaucracies have a history of an ear tuned to chic thought since any threat is far removed from their air-conditioned office. One of the hot reads to appear on the navy’s reading list is Ibram X. Kendi’s trendy How to be an Antiracist – he being the director of Boston U’s identity politics indoctrination center, the Center for Antiracist Research. In complimentary fashion, Biden doubles down on the agenda by mandating a more “inclusive” military, which means more women on the front lines, pregnancy flight suits, and fully taxpayer-funded sexual reassignment surgery. It’s madness.

This is happening at a time when China’s navy is beginning to surpass us, its land and air forces are rapidly modernizing, and its nuclear arsenal is growing larger and more potent. Their advances in high tech and space are proceeding apace. They are manning up as we are manning down.

A fleet of Chinese ships sail out at sea after a joint naval drill with Russia, in September 2016. (Stringer/Reuters)

I’m afraid that we’ll wake up one morning like Russia did on June 22, 1941, facing Operation Barbarossa and find ourselves confronting a full-throated invasion of Taiwan with a couple of our carriers and task forces totally obliterated, the sea lanes left open to Hawaii. Don’t think that it can’t happen simply because we haven’t lost a major war. (Vietnam doesn’t qualify because it was a negotiated settlement, then violated, and we did nothing in response. It was abandonment, not defeat.)

The Pentagon’s reaction to Tucker Carlson says volumes. Here is Carlson’s report that drew their ire.


Warning! Don’t Box People into Corners.

Coach John Mosley of the East Los Angeles Community College basketball team, and a focus of Netflix’s “Last Chance U: Basketball” (highly recommended), stated, “Rules without relationships are rebellion.” When you think about it, he’s onto something. Rules in the absence of an interpersonal connection can easily be received as a cold and blind force, and frequently are. In a related fashion, I remember counseling young teachers against angling a troubled kid into a corner with no escape because he or she might violently lash out. When rules box people into corners without escape, expect rebellion.

Coach John Mosley of East Los Angeles Community College’s basketball team

The makings of a serious national rupture are happening as I write. The near complete monopoly by the Left in our society’s centers of power and influence is forcing an unpalatable choice upon the many dissenters. Right now, the safety valves of free speech and thought are being closed by the Big Tech oligarchy as the Democratic Party pursues a redesign of elections to keep themselves in power for generations, emasculation of our borders to chronically expand the critical mass of their supporters, redesign of our schools into their indoctrination centers, and removal of the last symbol of citizen self-reliance in the neutering of the Second Amendment. What will the loyal opposition do if this new Borg leaves the people with no recourse? My guess is that it’ll no longer be loyal. Don’t box people into corners.

In a relatively brief span of time, the hegemony of a narrow set of beliefs has descended upon us. For some, the deplatforming of Trump “for life” by the tech oligarchs was the omen of a new Dark Age of absolutist control of thought and conscience. The contradictions are glaring and instructive. Twitter bumps Trump but must be forced by a to Department of Homeland Security to take down a video of her son’s sexual assault. Amazing.

Hardly does Trump deserve much of a defense for some of his actions. I’m not in the Hannity world of Trump-worship. But neither am I in the habit of blinding myself to the first real exercise of raw power to erase a prominent figure from the world stage; though, it’s been happening for quite some time to the less notable. It’s raw power and used in a brazen manner.

Mark Zuckerberg famously stated before Congress that Silicon Valley is an “extremely left-leaning place”. He’s got that right. “Left-leaning” means a techno-utopian ideal of gauzy socialist-egalitarian, libertine, and greenie bliss brought into existence by universal techno-connectivity. It’s certainly a way for them to feel good about themselves by the self-elevation of the importance of their work. For the people who aren’t caught up in this romper room of the mind, they get cancelled.

Brandon Eich

It’s unapologetic censorship, like what happened to Brandon Eich, the brief (for 11 days in 2014) CEO of Mozilla. He was “forced” out by something loosely called the “Mozilla community” – a more accurate term would be “mob” – for daring to support traditional marriage (2008’s Prop 8 in California). Key to any mob’s “cancellation” is the recognition that there aren’t other legitimate points of view to be tolerated.

An excursion into the functioning of tech central’s totalitarian mind was provided by Forbes magazine in 2014 when it republished a Quora piece by Ian McCullough, “consumer tech”, of San Francisco, on the forced resignation of Eich. McCullough’s defense of the disposal of Eich pivoted on two claims: Eich’s opinion is beyond the pale and an extremely odd notion of freedom of speech.

Unbeknownst to McCullough, the unpopularity of opinions frequently depends on location. Eich’s opinions on marriage aren’t fashionable in Zuckerberg’s “left-leaning place”, and in McCullough’s San Francisco – thus, beyond the pale – but neither are McCullough’s and those of Zuckerberg’s left-leaning place as popular in the vast stretches of flyover country. There is a difference, though: McCullough’s support for gay marriage won’t by itself result in his forced resignation if he stated his views in Arkansas, at least as far as I can determine. If it does happen, there’d be a groundswell of opposition for making a person’s employment status contingent on rectitude with an area’s popular slant on a contentious issue. No, that kind of thing is routinely reserved for Zuckerberg’s “left-leaning place”.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, testifying before the Senate on April 10, 2018.

In that “left-leaning place”, fundamental rights such as freedom of speech is contorted out of all recognition. In McCullough’s twisted mind, the freedom of speech of a mass can be used to intimidate a single person’s exercise of free speech. In a way, ironically, he’s right. Every single person in the mob has freedom of speech individually, but the bigger question involves self-control. Ought we to practice it in that manner? Arkansas is much more into “ought” and Zuckerberg’s “left-leaning place” is all into gang-style suppression; that’s the difference.

And even more importantly, does the First Amendment have any practical relevance if an opinion is more popular in other locales but is unpopular in the little node where we find the oligarchic power of Big Tech to blot it out everywhere? By what legitimate right should one locale and their nest of opinions have the power to censor the opinions about traditional institutions in the communities that hold these traditions dear? McCullough, no one should have that power. No one, not you nor anyone like you, or me for that matter.

Today, Big Tech has the power and they use it. It does so by banning information that doesn’t comport with their socio-political prejudices. Look at what happened to The New York Post’s Biden family corruption story just before the election. In an informal, or formal (?), alliance of interest, Big Media and Big Tech shut out the story. No such forbearance was granted Trump regarding the grand smear that went by the name of “Russia collusion”. The fiction had a 3-year lease on life despite the fact that it was predicated on a demonstrably proven pack of Democrat-funded lies.

Another alliance member – the upper echelons of DC’s permanent Fed Administrative State – were giddy at the possibility of dragging Trump through the mud and only ended up with a two-year $40 million probe that was led by a doddering Robert Mueller and his band of partisan hacks who produced . . . nothing.

What did we get for $40 million? We got 3 years of hair-on-fire, a perpetuation of the smear, unsuccessful impeachments, and conservative websites hidden on page 5 of a Google search. Like the Biden corruption story, uncooperative sites go down the memory hole. Of course, initially, Google feigns that it’s due to their software “protocols” or “algorythms”. Then they dropped all pretense by calling it “misinformation”. It’s still a crock.

Big Tech’s “misinformation” campaign targeted the pesky Breitbart media operation. Breitbart News noticed clicks on Google dropped 99% from 2016 to 2020. Their entire website was given the NYPost treatment.

And if that’s not enough, complete platforms were deplatformed. Parler, the social media competitor to Twitter, was destroyed by Big Tech’s near-Gang of Eight. Like Trump and Breitbart, it was steamrolled by the big wheels of Big Tech. Read this quackery of a write-up on Wikipedia:

“Parler is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and right-wing extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories such as QAnon.”

Not a word about the charlatanism of the Green New Deal and the buffoonery of its eco-apocalypse and the 30-something adolescent mind from New York’s 14th congressional district behind much of it. Not a word about the potential for descent into Venezuela-land from socialism’s new found popularity. Not a word about the buffoonery of “settled science” since real science means a real scientific method that is operative all the time. Not a word about the provable unsustainability of “sustainable energy”. Not a word about the scientific backlash to the “settled science” of Fauci and World Health Organization. The paradox is that the most frequent purveyors of “misinformation” are the people combatting “misinformation”. Franz Kafka looking at our time would see abundant evidence of life imitating art, his art.

What will people do if they come to conclude that there is no recourse to submission? If the Democrats have their way, elections will have the legitimacy of loan sharking and only keep the Socialist Revolutionary Party (Democratic Party) cemented in power for the foreseeable future, thereby proving the Marxist revolutionary’s maxim: one man, one vote, one time. Voices are to be silenced by a formal unity of purpose among entrenched elites at the commanding heights of our society. The kids are to receive no respite in the assault on their minds from every quarter in entertainment and the schools. Traditional institutions and the morality of self-defense are systematically upended. For those standing aghast at this turn of events, some may sadly seek redress in more violent means, no other option having been left open to them. Boxing people into corners has dangerous consequences.

Friedrich Hayek had many reasons for the failure of socialism, but one was the “knowledge problem”. Big government’s attempt to manage the many affairs of its people requires a level of knowledge that no one person or small group of individuals can possess. Crap happens and human existence enters a dark place.

Coach Mosley and his team experienced the consequences in the state whose governing elites are infatuated with government’s top-down management of its residents, but aren’t, and can’t be, as knowledgeable and wise as they think themselves to be. After completing a 29-1 season and surviving the first round of the state championship tournament, and after loading on the bus to travel to West Hills College in Lemoore for the Final Four championship round, Coach Mosley received a phone call to announce the cancellation of the tournament due to COVID. It was part of a state of California lockdown that proved to be no more efficacious than states who left their residents free to live a more normal life. A season of hard work, trials, and tribulations was ended just as the prize for going through all the trouble was near at hand. And it was all for naught.

The spirit of resistance in California, April 2020. Protesters to the lockdown blocked traffic around the state’s capitol in Sacramento.

Coach Mosley properly acceded to the state’s decision. What else could he do? But what’ll happen when the one-party state of California is transferred to DC and the one party blocks all avenues of civil opposition to the ruling ideology? The Democrats are playing with fire.

CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA – MARCH 15: A man walks with a stroller as people stand in line outside the Martin B. Retting, Inc. guns store on March 15, 2020 in Culver City, California. The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted some Americans to line up for supplies in a variety of stores. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)


The Cult of Caesar

In a phone conversation with a friend from the Golden State, he mentioned a remark from an acquaintance justifying the COVID restrictions. According to him, his interlocutor quoted a line from Jesus (Matt. 22:21): “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” I responded by saying, “When you engage in the battle of the verses, you’d better make sure that the arrows in your quiver are more numerous than the number in the other person’s.” And there are other arrows to be found in her opponent’s quiver. In fact, many, many, many of them.

I suspect that the arrows dealing with idolatry alone would be sufficient to overwhelm her fusillade. One source identifies 30 including the famous Exodus 20:4: “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” It’s the main reason that Christians endured three centuries of persecution. They wouldn’t bend a knee to the altar of Caesar. For the ambitious Progressives of our time, government is the resurrected Cult of Caesar for which all must bend a knee. This is no longer simply “rendering unto Caesar” but bowing before the altar of a new set of god-kings, a new Cult of Caesar.

Christian persecutions in the Coliseum, Rome, 2nd or 3rd centuries CE.

I look around and see the Cult of Caesar nearly everywhere. “Follow the science” is one of the mystic chants of the cult, even as they ignore the real thing. The priesthood of politicized “experts” is just one group of high initiates to guard the Cult’s Inner Sanctum. There are other sources for the Cult’s men of the cloth. Many cut their teeth on the Cult’s lefty politics in the bowels of the Democratic Party and rose to power in the Cult’s geographic strongholds: namely blue states and municipalities, and in DC with the ascension of a new High Priest in the Oval Office that now serves as the seat of the Vicar of the Cult.

Let’s not leave out the numerous seminaries, our colleges, who germinate the Cult’s zealots, the militant Jesuits (Antifa, BLM, etc.) whose duty is to proselytize the faith and do battle with the small pockets of unbelievers. These militia of the faithful were groomed in very comfortable surroundings and received elite training in elite institutions, which are now almost solely devoted to the key tenets of the Cult. They spread out as rampaging mobs (Minneapolis watch out), dominate the commanding heights of the culture, fill the ranks of the Cult’s chief evangelists in seats of power (Pelosi, Maxine Waters, The Squad, and true-believers in the Senate, and staffs), and into corporate boardrooms that have been remarkably receptive to the Cult’s ministrations.

Progressivism is the modern manifestation of the Cult of Caesar. One of its early prophets from the turn into the 20th century was Herbert Croly, not exactly a household name.

Herbert Croly

He went up to the proverbial Mt. Sinai of his mind and brought down his great epistle, The Promise of American Life (1909). It, and his voluminous other writings in the journal that he co-founded, The New Republic, were all into “give unto Caesar”. Why? Because Croly’s Caesar has two qualities of a true god: the powers of heaven and the concomitant power to make perfect. And I quote from him, “[T]he sincere democrat is obliged to assume the power of heaven.” And again, “Democracy must stand or fall on a platform of human perfectibility.” The quotes aren’t taken out of context. They form the core of his theology – or theology disguised as ideology.

It’s interesting that he intermingled the idea of the state “assum[ing] the power of heaven” with democracy. Croly like all Democrats profess a love for democracy, but only so long as it produces the right outcomes, their outcomes. If it doesn’t, democracy must be reengineered to fit the desired ends.

Thus, the Democrats’ demand for HR1, the omnibus bill that seeks to enshrine the electoral practices of Tammany Hall. Want unaccountable voting? Scatter ballots to the wind (i.e., mail), institute automatic registration when you have any interaction with the state (get a driver’s license, pay a fine, get a business license, make a lunch date with the clerk, etc.), eliminate election day by voting before and after “election day”, allow the zealots to sow and reap ballots, and forbid voter verification will do the trick.

Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall, NYC

The Cult’s high priesthood claim to expand democracy, but do it by destroying it. Why vote, knowing that your vote will be canceled by a mysterious downpour of ballots from the ether that nobody can or is willing to validate? Even the minimal qualification of consciousness can be ignored . . . since really nobody is checking. Breathing on a respirator while flatlining is no disqualifier.

I can’t think of a greater downer for voter turnout than this monstrosity. The whole contraption requires nothing of the disinterested voter. The ballot is delivered to you and will be picked up for return by somebody else. Nothing will be expected of the voter. The only thing missing is somebody to direct your hand as you vote – or maybe that is next. No hassles and no civic responsibility are the order of the day. Thus, for the voter with a brain, why vote? After all, the result may be preordained, and as honest as a mob-run casino.

The Cult’s newly installed High Priest recently gave a speech on one of the Cult’s chief challenges: the pandemic. The talk took the form of a papal bull and was replete with the assumed powers of heaven in the body of our latest Caesar. The Heavenly Leader’s proclamation was part plea to follow His injunctions – get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, etc. – and if we bow to His wishes, He offers a return of our normal lives by Independence Day. If we don’t, or nature throws us a curve ball, He will exercise the powers of heaven to smash our dreams and livelihoods. This isn’t a citizen republic. It’s a theocracy with a god-man/woman/it and a College of Cardinals in charge.

Watch out! They’re not done. The High Priesthood is looking to disarm the unbelievers. The Second Amendment is about to become as much of a dead letter as the Mosaic Dietary Laws in the Book of Leviticus. That’s next for the reigning Cult of Caesar.

I feel like Cicero – hopefully without the same end (execution) – who witnessed, and resisted, the rise of Julius Caesar and the end of the Roman Republic. The new imperium was established with the old institutions kept alive in empty form only. Rome achieved the revolution through civil war. We may have reached the same end by passive acquiescence to a new faith: the Progressive Cult of Caesar.

Hail Caesar!


BUNKUM: noun; nonsense. Synonyms include rubbish, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney, etc.

Pres. Biden in his CVOID speech from the White House on 3/11/2021.

Did you tune into Pres. Biden’s COVID speech last night (3/11/2021)? I did, and bunkum works as its chief characteristic.

The first part of the pitch was devoted to empathy for the lives cut short, the businesses ruined, the miseducation of the young, and the demolition of a country’s social life. He said this as if it occurred by magic. It didn’t. These were outcomes of deliberate government actions that were most enthusiastically implemented by Democrat overlords, and are still clutched by them with a death grip. It’s extremely odd to express empathy for fallout that people like him caused. It’s absolutely mindboggling to watch.

The middle part of the truncated harangue could be summed up as vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. Not mentioned was the fact that the vaccines were Trump vaccines with a Trump rollout that was cut aborted by a semi-election of mail-in ballots.

Also, to be sure, getting vaccinated is a good thing, but getting our lives back is equally, if not more, important. We have known since the middle of last year who is vulnerable and how to treat the bug with a host of therapeutics, with or without a vaccine. It’s clear that the most stringent measures should have been targeted on the vulnerable rather than a strangulation of the lives of everyone. To be honest, I could do without Biden’s cries of empathy as he promises to prolong the agony.

We now know that the straitjacket didn’t do much good. Federalism provided a live experiment, and it showed that cemeteries didn’t get any fuller in the more open states in comparison to the ones in perpetual lockdown.

The worst was saved for last: The Threat. If we don’t follow the mindless decrees of his power-hungry appointees and bureaucrats-as-“experts”, we may as well shred what remains of our Constitution. There will be no back to “normal”, and we’ll be forever stuck under the thumb of our new autocracy.

The spiel would have made more sense if Biden was Dorothy and he/she was tripping down the yellow brick road.


At Least Someone in DC Still Believes in a First Amendment

Justice Clarence Thomas

In case you haven’t heard, Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski was just decided at the Supreme Court. Wow, in a 8-1 decision, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing for the majority, the college woke universe was dealt a blow! In a nutshell, as a result of this decision, these bastions of the left’s ministry of truth are skating on thin ice when they attempt to muzzle free speech. It’s about time!

It all started at Georgia Gwinnett College. The College, a new addition (2006) to the Georgia public university system, is modern in more than its buildings. It’s thoroughly modern in its wokeness.

An evangelical student, Chike Uzuegbunam, tried to disseminate literature and engage with fellow students but was smacked down by the school’s Politburo. Check this out: He was told that he must submit an application for a permit three days in advance and then he is to be penned in one of two “free-speech zones”. These so-called zones have a calendar and geographic dimension. The pens are only open 18 hours a week. On a Friday, the clock starts ticking at 11 a.m. and stops at 1 p.m.

Chike Uzuegbunam before the US Supreme Court

That’s not all. After he got his permit and went to the appointed spot at the appointed time, he was stopped by campus cops. They were enforcing the school’s ban on “disturb[ing] the peace and/or comfort of person(s)”. It seems that hearing about the resurrected Christ is harmful to the school’s Wicca followers and anyone else in full rebellion mode against the most prevalent faith in the country, like the majority in the faculty lounge.

He sued, and the Alliance Defending Freedom took up his cause. Here’s an organization worth contributing to. You can donate here.

My only question at this point concerns the campus cops. How can they in good conscience enforce these obviously horrendous administrative decrees? I’m reminded of the defense at the Nuremberg Tribunals in 1946: We were following orders. Are these uniformed personnel willing to commit disgusting acts for a secure job with good pay and benefits? At least for some, it must have dawned on them that this is wrong, clearly, unmistakably wrong. Yet they still carried it out. Shame on them. Shame on them.

I’d be interested in hearing their defense.


On Disunion

Illustration courtesy of Roman Genn, National Review.

Will we have a disunion? Yes, maybe, or somewhere in-between, with plenty of caveats. Sounds indefinite, as most sober projections of this nature should be.

Well, I’ll have to admit that some sort of disunion is taking place. All the evidence is pointing that way. Will it be a hard or soft disunion? A “hard” one would be some kind of constitutional restructure, or a complete break like the old Czechoslovakia into the Czech and Slovak Republics. The “soft” variety entails some kind of unofficial consensual agreement to live and let live. I’m of a mind to reject the former, but the latter raises some interesting possibilities.

Even more, is the talk of disunion part of a passing phase? All of this could be meaningless chatter. That’s an even more interesting possibility.

Evidence of disunion is all about, though. Some saw it coming at the dawn of the new millennium. Terry Teachout and Gertrude Himmelfarb back then wrote of it as “Republican Nation, Democratic Nation” (Teachout) or “one nation, two cultures” (Himmelfarb). Then, Bill Bishop and Robert Cushing crowned the idea four years later in their book, The Big Sort. Bishop and Cushing noticed that in-migration data showed like-minded people seek to live around other like-minded people. Are you paying attention New York and California?

The hard left turn of the Democratic Party is driving the talk. No, it’s not because the right has suddenly resuscitated Mussolini’s Black Shirts. Policies, laws, and actions in deep blue urban areas and states are forcing many people to make a choice between the comfort of their place of birth and desire to escape the one-party cultural revolution of the chic cliques that dominate their state or municipality.

At root in these havens of the ruling revolutionary thought is a set of prejudices about others not so willing to adopt the hedonism and its concomitant authoritarian rule, people who are loosely defined as traditionally inclined. The libertinism shows as a rejection of standards: traditional morality, the physical determinants of nature (DNA, chromosomes, biological limits, etc.), the elements of merit, etc. Oxymoronically, lying next to this idea of the free-floating individual is the ready submission to the aristocracy of sheepskin-wielding “experts”. Not all “experts”, mind you, just those who feed the libertines’ prejudices. It’s a terribly selective cadre of gurus.

It’s not as if the cool exponents of the philosophy actually live what they preach. The urban professional types, and the uber-rich that rose from their ranks, that dominate the ruling pack, get married and instill self-discipline in their young as Charles Murray so clearly observed in his research. They carry on like Horatio Alger even as they denounce the guy, which proves that consistency is not a readily observable human quality.

When they’re spouting “It’s good for thee but not for me”, they may be onto something. That something is the intuition that at least they and their children can’t prosper under anything goes. The public schools must keep their monopoly at all costs, as their votes and campaign donations proclaim, as long as elite prep schools are open for their young scions. The result is a descent into chaos for many inner-city schools, which matches the chaos in the surrounding neighborhoods that was engineered by bountiful entitlements and a pervasive ridicule of law and order.

It’s starting to ooze out: neither they, nor can anyone live this way. Yet, their indulged offspring fill the ranks of BLM and Antifa to make everyone else’s life a living hell. Their political activism produces permissive DA’s who won’t enforce quality-of-life crimes so the quality-of-life rots. Simple things like roads and the electrical grid crumble as their leaders pursue crusades against the chimerical “systemic racism” and for a greenie utopia. Urban landscapes each day look more like something out of Mad Max or John Carpenter’s “Escape from New York”. Indeed, many New Yorkers have already joined Snake Plissken (Russell) in the flight from hell. Florida, here we come! Life imitates art.

Where are they heading? It’s to more than Florida. The refugees are going to places where gun ownership isn’t treated as a mental illness, where churches have tendency to be full on Sunday, and where taxes are low, housing is cheap, and jobs aplenty. Sure, some may regret not having a beach nearby, but those boardwalks are beginning to take on the look of the rest of the dystopia anyway. The escapees won’t be missing much.

Some commentators have devoted much ink on extremists at the fringe of both sides. In their reading of the political landscape, the left has its Antifa/BLM to go along with the dynamic duo of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi with their critical-race-theory/systemic racism sermonizing. The right has the ill-defined QAnon and Arian Nation look-alikes. But the two fringes aren’t anywhere near equivalent; the right deserves a 10-handicap. The DiAngelo/Kendi crowd and their Antifa and BLM militias are much more deeply entrenched in our critical institutions than the QAnon devotees and Proud Boys ever were. The lefty militias are perfumed into respectability, DiAngleo and Kendi get rich, and nearly every other large and powerful organization has their own offshoot of the ministry of propaganda. It’s an egregious false equivalence and an affront to sound reason to pretend otherwise.

No other words describe our current divide than revolution (left) and counterrevolution (right), a classic civil war. The two stances are deeply divided into mutually exclusive sets of values. A commissariat-driven holy war to impose equality of result for fashionable identities versus a legal regime of equal opportunity is only part of the story. Another angle is the vague spirituality of my “personal truth” versus the certainties of altar and hearth. Still another one is the exaltation of two n’s – narcissism and nihilism – versus self-restraint and our heritage of compassion. Still another one is the impulse to tear it all down and build anew according to someone’s fanciful conception of heaven on earth versus the inclination to build upon the glories of the past. These approaches are mutually exclusive. Where is there room for compromise if one side, the Left, is hell-bent on forcibly foisting their worldview on the other?

Don’t take solace in the natural live-and-let-live of federalism. The Left from its perch on the cultural commanding heights is feverishly trying to centralize power in DC. Centralization will bury subsidiarity. The principle of subsidiarity embraces the value of local and regional control as the most efficacious form of governance. It holds that on most matters the more local, the better. Well, that’s on the chopping block in a host of ways.

The US capitol and surrounding buildings in DC.

Will sufficient numbers of people push back? That’ll be hard to achieve once the Left’s dream of legitimizing vote fraud is rigidly imposed on the entire country. At this point, elections as the corrective will be effectively neutered. Opposition will be forced into submission or the various lanes of disobedience, civil or violent. When elections seem to have no meaning, eruptions of less palatable methods of opposition will be more frequent. History is littered with examples.

Watch that space on HR1, the Left’s grab bag of “reforms” making its way through Congress to remove vote fraud from the category of a crime and reconfigure it as a legitimate get-out-the-vote strategy. If it passes, those storm clouds from Mordor will have reached your home.


A Cancelled Cat

Ted Geisel, “Dr. Seuss”

The “systemic racism” witch hunt knows no bounds. The airbrushing out of memory isn’t limited to long dead white guys on horseback. Ensnared are old lefties like Ted Geisel, “Dr. Seuss”. We are living in a very dangerous time. It’s beginning to look like the frenzy of the Reign of Terror that engulfed France in 1793. Nothing was spared: the Church, nuns and monks, anyone who dressed fancy, the calendar, and even the entombed remains of kings in the crypt underneath the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Our time’s vicious Jacobins are let loose.
