The Buffoonery of “Fact-Checking”

Xavier Becerra as California Attorney General
Little Sisters of the Poor on the steps of the Supreme Court in 2016.

Let’s face it, “fact-checking” radiates from the same noxious fever swamp of ideological zealotry that dominates most newsrooms in Big Media. An example is the herd of “fact-checkers” rushing to defend Xavier Becerra’s verbal gymnastics in yesterday’s (2/25/2021) confirmation hearing to hide the fact that he assiduously worked to force religious charities into sinning. With a straight face he said,

“I have never sued the nuns, any nuns. I’ve never sued any affiliation of nuns, and my actions have always been directed at the federal agencies.”

Salvador Rizzo of the Washington Post

And with an equally straight face, the Washington Post’s fact-checker, Salvador Rizzo, came to the demagogue’s defense: “It’s misleading to say Becerra sued the nuns . . . . the California attorney general has not filed lawsuits or brought enforcement actions against the Little Sisters of the Poor, a charity run by Catholic nuns.”

The Sacramento Bee chimed in as if the two newsrooms were working off each other’s Twitter feed. This vaunted exemplar of truth in the fourth estate bellowed that Becerra “did target a federal government exemption”, not a specific group. Then, the clowns went on to smear Sen. Ben Sasse’s assessment of the obvious as “misleading”. If this was a football game, the WaPO and SacBee were the pulling guards for a wide sweep left.

Kate Irby, Sacramento Bee fact-checker

The vast majority of today’s journalists aren’t referees; they are huddling with one team. Their team was caught with a teammate who wanted to coerce not just one group of nuns but every church and denomination with traditional morality and a calling to help the needy. To be clear, Becerra did target the nuns (Little Sisters of the Poor), and nearly every tithe-paying Christian, Muslim, Jew, and pagan.

Becerra began the feud in 2017 when he couldn’t tolerate the fact that many established churches have beliefs that he decreed shouldn’t be allowed to stand in the way of Obama’s edict in Obamacare that everyone, including nuns, provide birth control and abortifacients in their health coverage, a sin for them and many other people of faith. For Becerra, if they don’t cooperate, they must be made to cooperate. Trump saw the injustice in this authoritarian act and granted religious exemptions. Becerra, as the not-so-Golden State’s AG, sued the Trump administration (one of 100 lawsuits in his personal jihad against Trump) in a case that appeared in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as California v. Little Sisters of the Poor.

So, it’s worse than an assault on one faith group. The commissar wanted to force all of them into perdition, or get entirely out of Christ’s mission to help the needy.

Becerra’s verbal slight-of-hand reaches right up there into the highest ranks of public buffoonery. Earlier, his comrade, Sen. Alex Padilla, came to the defense of his fellow California revolutionary by invoking the race card in his gambit to one-up Becerra in tomfoolery. The race card is a pity card. He sat next Becerra to invoke pity for the times that he and Becerra were the only Latinos in the room. What? What’s that got to do with handing over control of the nation’s healthcare to a lefty zealot? A person’s high level of melanin doesn’t inoculate the person from foolishness. One can be Latino, Anglo, Asian, Black, a man or woman, gay or straight, and a man-one-day-but-a-woman-the-next, and still be stupid.

Sen. Alex Padilla (D, Ca,), foreground, and Xavier Becerra behind the mask in yesterday’s confirmation hearings.

“Fact-checking”, and much the rest of the fourth estate, can no more be trusted than the race-hustlers seeking a promotion at taxpayer expense, like Becerra. Our public discourse more resembles the babblings of an asylum than the interactions of mature adults. The problem: others around the world are watching the madness. What a sobering thought.


Impeachment Forever … But Pelopsi Prays for You

I know, I know, it’s Christmas eve but I couldn’t resist commenting on the latest impeachment fracas.  Pelosi is holding impeachment hostage by refusing to deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate.  Like the sword of Damocles, now in the hands of Pelosi, Trump will face an assembly line of impeachment articles as she demands more witnesses and documents for further expeditions into all things Trump before she turns over the already-approved articles to the Senate.  But she says that she is a good Catholic, hates no one, and prays for the target of her political jihad.  Really, how good of a Catholic is she?  Is this Christ-like behavior?

One has to wonder.  Is it Christian to endlessly hound a citizen by placing them under the perpetual gaze of inquisitors?  Is it Christian for one house of Congress to step outside its legal role of investigating possible wrongdoing and demand the other house, acting as jurors, step outside its role to do what the first house refused to do, such as produce the information that it chose not to provide as part of its duty?  Trump is no angel, and neither are Pelosi, Schumer, and the Resistance.

Is it Christian for her to proudly announce her Christian bonafides as she soils the very doctrines of her faith?  Under the euphemism “right to choose”, she crowed in 2018 that “I’m a rabid supporter of a woman’s right to choose …” Rabid indeed!  Earlier this year, rather than condemn Ralph Northam’s (D, governor of Va.) support of a live-birth abortion bill in the Virginia legislature and his description of it, she dodged the question when asked.  Not even the killing of a newborn can draw the ire of this allegedly “sincere” Catholic.

In addition, she has persistently opposed efforts to protect viable babies in the womb and those born alive in the course of an abortion.  She is absolutely grotesque when it comes to the Christian responsibility to protect life.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was rejected for Holy Communion by
a priest in South Carolina, Oct. 2019

It doesn’t stop there.  In that space where some assertions of gay rights conflict with religious freedom strides the hubristic Nancy Pelosi.  Religious freedom must give way, according to her holiness Pelosi.  Her House-passed Equality Act would strip protections for denominations with Bible-based views on sexuality and family, particularly if their Christian calling carries them beyond the sanctuary into running orphanages, hospitals, counseling services, schools, and wherever human need lies.  Pelosi wants to essentially rewrite millennia-old Christian doctrine to fit her social views.  Where’s the Christianity in this?

Here Polish World War II war orphans are being cared for at a Catholic orphange after the War in 1946.

This season to honor the birth of Christ is saddled with the preachiness of a pagan-Christian.  Yes, it’s an oxymoron and also a reality in today’s morally-confused Democratic Party.  I find it hard to take seriously Pelosi’s attempt to wrap herself in the garb of the Church.  Does the phrase “false prophet” remind you of anyone?


Chik-fil-A Rejects the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Conservative political figures’ calls for “Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day” in 2012 resulted in long lines, such as this one in Wichita, Kansas. The call came on the heels of LGBTQ protests of the company. (Photo: NPR)

Has Chik-fil-A abandoned the Salvation Army and FCA?  The company claims it is merely redirecting its charitable giving.  The media center-left, which includes the heavies and the so-called “fact-checking” sites, have howled that the criticism of the company’s action from the right is gross hyperbole.  For me, I smell a rat … in the company and among our disreputable and tendentious national media. came to the defense of the company’s decision by saying that Chik-fil-A and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes were just 2 of 80 organizations losing support.  Snopes quoted the company’s announcement in describing their new giving philosophy as one to “deepen its giving to a smaller number of organizations working exclusively in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger.”  Hogwash! What a pile of mush.

How do you think a sellout to the cultural left occurs?  “Deepen” becomes synonymous with “abandon”.  The new foci are favorite hobby horses for the left’s ongoing program of social engineering.  It’s certainly a way to soften the company’s image away from a Bible-based Christianity to a compromised form more compatible with transgendered bathrooms and new forms of nuptials.

Snopes and its media parasites aren’t engaging in “fact-checking” but in “claptrappery”.  They mistake PR fluff for real motive.  The company’s statement has all the earmarks of the ages-old campaign tactic of removing a candidate’s hard edge in order to appeal to a wider public.  In this case, the company avoids the boycotts and the Antifa goons.

Until I hear of anything else, “sellout” appears to be the more accurate word.


He’s Coming for the Churches

California Governor-elect, Gavin Newsom, 2018.

“‘Religious Freedom’ which has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with a license to hate/discriminate”, Gavin Newsom, Twitter, July 2016.

Parse the tweet.  His Honor Gavin Newsom, and the constellation of lefty groups in the Democratic Party’s gravity field, believes that “Religious Freedom” must be defined by sexual activists of the cultural Left.  Make no mistake about it, the Bible in their excitable imaginations must be compelled to bow before their fashionable ideas on matters of sex.

You should not be allowed to take its sexual injunctions seriously, and so says California voters.  They, in their hip “wisdom”, have overwhelmingly entrusted the matter to the donkey party and its zealots in near super-majority numbers in the legislature – 29/11 Senate, 60/20 Assembly.

Here are the California Democrats at their state convention in May of 2017 announcing their dislike for President Trump, John Burton at the podium.  It’s a message that could equally apply to his evangelical supporters.

Soon, anti-Bible laws will take the pace of anti-sodomy laws. Oh, they say you’ll be okay if you keep the faith in the sanctuary.  Don’t dare, though, operate an orphanage, school, hospital, or charity.  Birth control, sexual reassignment surgery, abortion, nonchalant bathroom rules, curricular pandering, carte blanche in couplings in adoptions, and censorship in any pastoral message to drunk and drug-addled street people are just over the horizon.

What about the sanctuary?  Is it really sacrosanct?  If you naively presume it to be, I bring you “Houston, we have a problem”, the 2014 edition.  Houston Mayor Annise Parker and her cabal on the city council passed one of those all-inclusive anti-discrimination laws that ropes in “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”.  Innocent enough, right?  No, it’s the camel’s nose under the tent.

Mayor Parker announces the the withdrawal of the subpoena, October 2014.

Pastors in the city were worried about the ordinance’s reach into their long-held faith and practice.  They helped organize petitions to repeal the edict.  In a subsequent lawsuit, the city subpoenaed any sermons and related documents reflecting on Her Honor, the edict, and her fellow power brokers.

These grand ukases on sex in the guise of anti-discrimination laws cater to the barkers of the new sexology.  Yet, they won’t be satisfied with a legal abstraction.  They want it materialized in the here and now.  So their sexual license in policy inevitably will rub up against the First Amendment.

To clarify for the confused, tax-exempt status doesn’t repeal the First Amendment, if that rambled into your head.  Restrictions apply to candidate-advocacy, not issue-advocacy.  When fashionable policy trends stray into longstanding faith and practice, quite rightly these battles erupt.

Well, surprise to the disconnected and unaware.  The Bible is the centerpiece of Christian faith and practice.  Of great importance is its definition of the Godly life, and that includes injunctions on the subject of sex.  For many, you can’t take the book seriously and embrace gender fluidity and sodomy without twisting yourself in knots.

And you can’t do to the Bible what the lefties have done to the Constitution.  That is, interpreted it out of existence.

California is positioning itself as the first state to bring back the concept of the “state church”.  The only approved form of Christianity (and any other religion for that matter) will be the kind bleached of any advice on sex.  Like textbooks, the Bible will have the uncomfortable passages excised.

Newsom and the gang is coming for any denomination outside the officially sanctioned doctrines.  You’ll have no place in the Golden State if you don’t conform.  Time to load up the U-haul.
