Our Times

Progressive/left protesters crowd and shout into Rep. Chris Stewart’s (R, Utah) townhall in Salt Lake City, March 31, 2017. George Frey/Getty Images

Our times seem to be especially fraught with some of the worst invective, character assassination, and outbursts of anger bordering on rage.  Disruptive chants and slogans have replaced reasoned discourse.  I’ve complained about this often.  Astonishingly, it has taken place at a time when we are spending trillions on education.  As it turns out, mass education hasn’t produced mass wisdom.  The situation raises serious questions about our educational system.  Are we educating citizens or producing close-minded activists?

Watch this episode of young climate-change activists making demands at a recent (August 22) DNC meeting in San Francisco.  The Sunrise Movement is most certainly the Sundown Movement, the sundown of reasoned discourse.

Very little intelligent dialogue takes place, nor is there any evidence of its presence in the short cognitive histories of these young people.  They jump from rash conclusion to street activism with nothing prior or between.

The same is true in much of our political landscape.  Brusque knee-jerk reactions take the place of thoughtful discussion and civil discourse.  I doubt if the groundwork in the form of sufficient knowledge has been made in order to make it possible.  So, it’s back to chants, slogans, disruptions, and hectoring.  I cringe just thinking about what will happen if Pres. Trump gets the chance to fill another Supreme Court vacancy.

In the case of the above video, the instigator is the previously-mentioned Sunrise Movement.  When I look into the faces of these young people, I slump into depression thinking of what our media and schools have done to their minds.  All is not lost though.  There are still a few golden and older voices in the wilderness, even if they’re no longer with us.  Two of those voices belong to the late Milton and Rose Friedman.  Their legacy continues in the Free to Choose Network.  Airing this month on Amazon Prime Video are “The Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed the World” and “Sweden: Lessons for America?”.  I viewed both recently.


The first should be a must-see for Pres. Trump and some of the hosts on Fox News.  Are you listening Tucker?  The second one should be required viewing for – wait, it’s a list –  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, her political soul mates, the activist base of the Democratic Party, Bernie Sanders, much of the rest of Democratic Party’s wannabee presidents, and those protesters pushing their way into the DNC’s meeting in San Francisco.

Pres. Trump reacts to trade issues in the same way as a developer dealing with his project’s immediate circumstances and the relevant people before him.   Tariffs for him are like the rent charged in Trump Tower.  It adds to his bottom line.  The “trade deficit” is treated as a debt or loss in his books.  It isn’t quite that simple.  Tariffs are taxes paid by consumers in one way or another.  Call it a value-added tax on imports, and operates in like manner.  As for the “trade deficit”, it is just one component in the balance of payments.  A shortfall in it will lead to surpluses in the other two components: the financial and capital accounts.  The importer gets dollars and we get their goods.  The dollars end up in financial instruments (bonds, government debt for example) and foreign direct investment.

For Trump, the dollars flow in the pockets of foreign fat cats as they live in, get this, a non-dollar society.  How does that work?  It doesn’t.  The fat cat must translate his dollars into his country’s currency to buy that swank penthouse in Shanghai or keep the Benjamins to spend them on a Montecito mansion.  He’ll need renminbis in the PRC or hand over the dollars to the old-moneyed seller in posh Montecito.  Another option is parking the money in our government debt.  Whichever way, dollars eventually come back here.

Dollars or renminbi (yuan).

Could trade deficits have downsides?  Yes, they could.  Some regions could fall into depression as they lose out in the international competition.  The social effects of economic decline aren’t pretty.  Shuttered factories and businesses, distressed neighborhoods, family breakdown, substance abuse, people locked into a cycle of life with few prospects, and welfare dependency are symptoms of the malaise.

Abandoned and dilapidated factory complex in Detroit, Mi.
Injecting opioids.

This is one weak spot in the film.  Free trade has a ying and yang quality.  It works best among countries with free economies, more or less.  The role of similar social expectations and norms among nations can’t be counted out.  I suspect that the PRC sees trade as another weapon in the long twilight struggle for national and ideological dominance.  If their people get richer in the process, that’s icing on the cake.  The country is certainly one for us to be very leery.

Nonetheless, the first film – “The Real Adam Smith” – lays out a useful primer for the value of free trade, one that Trump and his courtiers should understand.  It might restrain them in their enthusiasm for punishing our literal and natural allies with tariffs.  But we can hold two ideas at the same time (per Hillary’s iteration, and true).  President-for-life Xi may be Trump’s friend, but he isn’t ours.

The second film – “Sweden: Lessons for America?” – is a necessary corrective to a popular urban myth for self-styled urban sophisticates.  They pride themselves in being smarter, more intelligent, and better informed than the rubes.  For them, the right side of the political spectrum is populated with Morlocks.

The Morlocks in the 1960 movie, “The Time Machine”.

The prejudice was on full display when Paul McCartney accepted the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song in 2010 and bellowed this insult at ex-President George W. Bush while President Obama and wife were in attendance: “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”

McCartney and Pres. Obama at the award ceremony, June 2010.

Ironically, the rank condescension of an accomplished pop music star is rooted in a profound ignorance that is common in places like bein pensant circles in Georgetown.  For the beautiful people, all the smart people are on the left side of the spectrum.  In reality, they’ve adopted John C. Calhoun’s outlook, but the target isn’t African-Americans.  It’s anyone who might wear a tool belt, pay a mortgage, attend a Bible-believing church, and just might register Republican.  Johan Norberg, the documentary’s host, unwittingly presents proof of the presence in chic quarters of the “Ignorant” stamp on the forehead with a frequency equivalent to tattoos in the crowd of heavy metal concertgoers.  Norberg does it by shattering their fantasies about Swedish socialism.

Bernie Sanders has frequently tried to distinguish himself from the brutal socialism in the Soviet Union and Mao’s China.  He does it by attaching his socialist vision to Scandinavian “social democracy”, not Pol Pot.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , a younger Bernie Sanders with different genitalia, imitates him.  Both invoke the experience of “democratic socialism” in Scandinavia.

CNN quotes Bernie Sanders as follows: “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway and learn what they have accomplished for their working people.”  The Danes recoil from the “socialist” label.  Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen responded in a speech at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, “I would like to make one thing clear.  Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.”

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, October 30, 2017.

Bernie and AOC continue to maintain that these countries are working examples of a successful socialism.  They try to do so, in spite of the Scandinavian leaders’ rejection of the “socialism” label, by emphasizing “democracy”.  It’s rhetorical sleight of hand.  The fact of the matter is that the scheme is all about government control.  It matters little if the control is exercised through a small claque of ideological oligarchs or a mob of 50% plus one.   Private property becomes meaningless if it is at the mercy of any assemblage of 50%-plus-one.  “Democracy” is the cover for all sorts of sins. 

To say it is “democratic”, also, doesn’t mean the administrative state goes away.  Rules to avoid chaos and give direction will have to be promulgated by a commissariat approaching the size of the Soviet Gosplan.  The likes of Bernie and AOC have all kinds of social and eco  “justice” to pursue.  AOC helped author one incoherent version of the Green New Deal and Bernie later came up with his own monstrosity.  Whichever of the two routes you take, you’ll end up in the same place: central planning!

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey (right) speak during a press conference to announce Green New Deal legislation on Feb. 7. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Plus, the two carnival barkers act as if nothing has happened since the heyday of Scandinavian socialism in the 1970’s.  It’s here that the Swede, Johan Norberg, and “Sweden: Lessons for America?” clears away much of the verbal smog.  To make it simple for Bernie and Alexandria, Sweden had a free market economy, lost it, then gained it back.  How did they do it?  They reined in their “social democracy”.  Business taxes were lowered; pensions became contribution-based rather than benefit-based; universal school vouchers were implemented to the point of private high schools becoming half of all high schools; unions became cooperative rather than combative; the vaunted universal health care system is remarkably decentralized with vouchers and a growing number of private healthcare providers; and on and on and on.  In many ways they are freer than us.

Bernie wishes that we could be more like Sweden.  Oh really, Bernie?  I don’t think so.  There is one area that should especially draw the ire of Bernie and much of the Dem Party.  Sweden makes everyone pay taxes.  If you will receive government benefits, you will pay.  They don’t have a tax structure that attempts to shoulder the burden of government on the pocketbooks of the wealthy and the businesses who are the engine of jobs.  They tried that in the 1970’s and saw their economy slump and businesses flee.  Don’t doubt for a moment that Bernie and AOC won’t try to inflict the horrible history on us.

Really, the amazing part of the story is the abject ignorance of the story.  Bernie, AOC, and the like, stop history in the 1970’s.  Democratic socialism’s failures are deleted from the record so they can ignore Scandinavia’s movement toward free markets.  Our democratic socialist icons take the system of its heyday, pretend the failures and reforms didn’t happen, and attribute the successes of its reforms to the socialism of the earlier misbegotten period.  This is circularity with a huge bite out of its circumference.  It’s nonsense.

In Scandinavia, particularly Sweden, Adam Smith has made a comeback … out of necessity.  Socialism failed.  In America, especially among the Democratic Party base and millennials, Marx is making a comeback.  Go figure.  AOC tries to distance herself from Marx to be more politically palatable.  So does Bernie.  Yet, do they really understand Marx?  I kinda doubt it.  Marx is socialism with an eschatology.  Strip the violent eschatology and you still have socialism.  Our lefty politicos want socialism to be elected into power.  But does the means of implementation matter?  Socialism is socialism and it doesn’t work.  Isn’t the emphasis on 50%-plus-one just another attempt at putting lipstick on a pig?

A return to a sound understanding of human nature and the modes of social organization that are attuned to it would be huge step forward in removing needless chatter and destructive venting.  I doubt, though, that it will ever get a hearing in today’s toxic climate.  Too many people just don’t know a damn thing.  Many of them are on the left, but that won”t stop them from being oh so confident.  There is nothing more dangerous than an over-confident ignoramus.

Please see the films.


Viva la Gilets Jaunes!

Californians in November meekly went to the polls to shoot down an attempt to lower their gas taxes.  Over the recent number of days, rural and blue-collar French hit the streets of Paris to riot against a 5% increase in taxes on gasoline prices already exceeding $6/gal.  The contrast is striking (no pun intended).

Why the outburst in Paris?  The citizens in the countryside and the blue-collar middle class are tired of shouldering the burden of the climate-change fixations of their urban and wealthier “betters”.  “Climate change” is more than a scientific matter.  It’s code for the fixers in the nomenklatura/academy alliance, buttressed by the upscale elect and their fashionable beliefs, to manipulate the lives of those not so privileged.

So, we get with the French a replay of 1789; while in California, docility.  Interesting.  Will the meek inherit the earth, or will it be adult firmness?  My bet is on “meekness” till it becomes unbearable.

Viva la gilets jaunes (yellow vests)! But put a hold on the violence.


Nancy Pelosi’s Staff Will Get a Tax Cut.

A month ago, Rep. Pelosi screeched that the Republican tax cut bill would bring about “Armageddon”.

The IRS has released the modified withholding schedules for 2018, as per the recently passed Republican tax bill. Conclusion: rates were cut across the board except for the super rich. The “Armageddon” apparently won’t reach her staff. They, like most everyone else, will experience more take home pay. It’ll also show in their end-of-the-year tax filling.

Patricia Ross, policy advisor to Democratic minority leader Nancy Pelosi.

Take for instance Patti Ross, a Pelosi policy advisor. I don’t know of her personal background other than she is receiving a $69,750 annual salary. Plugging in the same numbers for the 2017 and 2018 tax years – “Head of Household”, $5,000 in deductions, 2 kids, and no other adjustments for retirement investments, etc. – her tax liability falls from $7,565 in 2017 to $4,938, a savings of $2,627. Her effective tax rate declines from 10.8% in 2017 to 7.1% in 2018.

Mrs. Pelosi has to explain to her staff how a fatter paycheck is “Armageddon”.


Sen. John Tester and I: An Exchange About Tax Reform

(Also on my “Roger Graf” Facebook page)

Sen. Jon Tester (D, Montana)

Recently, I had an exchange with Sen. Jon Tester’s office over the Republican tax reform effort. I’ll try to be fair to Sen. Tester in summarizing his position. What follows is my response. You might find it interesting.

Sen. Tester:
* Tax cuts must be done “in a fiscally responsible way and not increase our deficit or add to the debt”.
* Republican tax cut proposals would “add trillions to the national debt, saddling our children and grandchildren with heavy financial burdens”.

The issue of the national debt hangs heavy in his response.

My resonse:

Sen. Tester,
Thanks for the timely reply. I appreciate your willingness to communicate with your constituents.

But I’m taken aback by the use of partisan rhetoric such as “everyone pays their fair share”, “saddling our children and grandchildren with heavy financial burdens”, “tax breaks for the extremely wealthy and big corporations”, and the frequent use of the term “irresponsible”. I understand the need to be concise by using generalities, but the inclusion of the rhetoric complicates attempts at a thoughtful discussion of the issues.

First, the class warfare charge (“tax breaks for the extremely wealthy”) obfuscates the reality. No one, for all practical purposes, gets a job from a poor person. Sorry, you need rich people. Targeting rich people is self-defeating. So, now the question turns on the quest to get upper middle income and rich people to increase their business activities and create jobs. Punishing them with high tax rates and transferring wealth to DC won’t do the trick. If it did, then a robbers’ economy would be a fountain of prosperity. I refer you to Henry Hazlitt’s classic, “Economics in One Lesson”.

Next, the worry over adding to the deficit rings hollow coming from people who approach spending cuts with all the enthusiasm of nurses entering an ebola ward. The deficit is an indication of a spending problem, not a product of people refusing to be fleeced any further. The tax haul is already huge, particularly among the people who you’ll expect to produce the jobs. I’m reminded of a slave economy. For that hideous society, it is believed that increased whipping will make the people more productive. What? How does that work? The same is true with tax-the-rich schemes.

Thirdly, it’s strange to apply “cost” to a lowering of the tax burden. Our economy, and the people shouldering the burden of creating the jobs, is already excessively labored by a plethora of noncompetitive taxes. A tax cut is relief. Deficits are, ipso facto, creatures of spending excesses.

Anyway, projections of the “costs” and “benefits” are like many of the projections regarding environmental impacts, WAGS or SWAGS: “wild a** guesses” (WAG) and, adding a gloss of math, “scientific wild a** guesses” (SWAG). The federal number-crunchers can’t even get their spending WAGS correct. Look at the ’65 projections on the outyear costs of Medicare and Medicaid. What makes you think they’re any good at measuring the outyear ramifications of new tax rates?

Fourthly, if worry over adding to our children’s burdens was legit, we’d be taking a serious look at spending, especially entitlements. They are spending on cruise control. There’s no amount of “revenue raisers” that can keep up without biting into our children’s future prospects. The extractions to DC means less available for a growing the economy. An anemic economy is one that won’t make room for them.

So, get on board with the tax reform bill. I’ve already cited ways to improve it. These suggestions aren’t about the fool’s errand of Keynesian stimulus. Such foolishness is an acting out of a robbers’ economy, as mentioned earlier. “Bottom up” economics – or demand-side economics, or a “robber’s economy” – is one of the most anti-young economic approaches on the political shelf. If you’re serious about a prosperous future for the young, it won’t come out of maintaining, or increasing, the dollar flow to DC.

I think that a reconfiguration of the practical meaning of ‘irresponsible’ is in order.

Thanks again for hearing me out.


Pouring SALT Into Open Wounds

Salt as sodium chloride is a necessity.  SALT as the State and Local Tax deduction is a luxury, and an irritating one at that — like pouring salt into open wounds if you live anywhere that didn’t give Hillary 60% of the vote.

One need not stroll into the culture war to be smacked with evidence of our great political and social divide.  The tax code is a lively arena for conflict. It is a monstrous affair, littered with baubles and beads, overlapping into almost all human activity,  and encrusted with boundless perks for politically privileged courtesans.  Not all tax code gimmes, though, are equal.  One – the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) – has evolved into an icon of worship in blue state jurisdictions with a penchant for taxing and spending their way to heaven.  Take it away and they behave like alcoholics being forced into cold turkey treatment.

For low-tax locales,  they receive little or no benefit for their reluctance to turn their state tax offices into Soviet Lubyankas.  Their sole compensation is the exasperation of knowing that their self-restraint makes the subsidy more “affordable” to the public servants in hyper-taxed, Democrat-friendly environs.  People outside and between the urban and bi-coastal romper rooms know it.  It’s galling for them to know that the federal tax code incentivizes tax promiscuity.

SALT was born of the Civil War’s 1862 Revenue Act and the 19th century’s infatuation with sticking it to the super rich. (4)  Common terms  for the fat-cats that stretches across the last couple of centuries are “buccaneer capitalists” or “robber barons”.  It’s easy to find antique characterizations that align with the modern left’s preconceptions.

Cyrus Field, Jay Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Russell Sage on bags of millions, “Puck” magazine, 1883.
John D. Rockefeller as “king”, 1901.

The excitement led to the passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913, which legalized the fed’s tax on income.  The federal tax on income was reified into the Revenue Act of 1913, and the state and local tax deduction (SALT) tagged along.

The archaic justification for SALT was the fear of the federal government swallowing up all tax revenue, leaving little for streets and public safety.  SALT was thought to preserve a slice of the cash cow for city hall.  How quaint.

A more modern pretext is the avoidance of double taxation.  You know, the same dollar of income being slammed by the locals and then hit by the feds.  But what isn’t subjected to double/triple/quadruple taxation in our own tax Leviathan according to this logic?  Think about it.  For today, the excuse becomes less than a pointless gesture.

Look below at the growth of our federal tax monster by page volume.  (5)

Does anyone claim that multiple taxation isn’t at work here?  There are so many ways to tax income, and, when you’re done, tax the things that were purchased with that taxed dollar.  We don’t even need the income to be from human beings.  We extract the pound of flesh from ghosts in the form of businesses.  The requirement of breathing isn’t necessary.

Let me count the ways beyond the tax on personal income.

  • Estate taxes, assessments on your assets after you’ve left the land of the living.  Please remember, that stuff was most likely purchased with already taxed dollars.
  • Corporate income taxes, the tax on a business as if it were real human being.  These taxes are layered on top of all the income taxes generated by all of the buying and selling involved in doing business.
  • Tariffs and duties, the products being taxed at point of entry.  After facing this hit, these products will generate income to be taxed once again as estate, corporate, and income taxes.
  • Sales and excise taxes.  These extractions are mostly generated from spending originating in previously taxed income.
  • Ditto for property taxes.

Our whole tax system is a series of overlays of double/triple/quadruple taxation.  What’s the relevance of attempting to excuse state and local taxes from something that is so generic to our, or any, tax code?

If you believe the existence of “double taxation” is hyped – which some people do – the case for SALT teeters further.  A good portion of tax dollars to different levels of government goes to pay for different services.  Tax dollars to the feds for national defense aren’t the same dollars as those going to the state to fulfill a state’s policy of equalizing budgets among a state’s school districts.  It’s only when services overlap between layers of government do we run the risk of a taxed dollar being hit again.  The deduction purports to dodge something that doesn’t really happen in the first place.

Even more convoluted contentions have been summoned to keep SALT.  One mind-boggling claim is the belief, absent the deduction, state and local spending would be “sub-optimal”.  Wrap your head around that one.  Here’s the concoction: stir into the witch’s cauldron tax incentives to pay for more or less public services and add someone’s ideological preferences, and out comes the right amount of local spending.  Allegedly, SALT is the ingredient to go “optimal”.

Is it making any sense?  Only if you believe in magic.  The thing rides on the mystical power to glean SALT’s ability to encourage the funding of more local government services, services that might increasingly benefit non-residents.  Is that “optimal”?  I don’t know, though it smells fishy.  Strip away “optimal” and, in reality, you are left with a simple local decision to fund a service.  Nothing more.  Whether it aligns with a pundit’s conception of “optimal” is  meaningless.  In reality, SALT is the noise in the calculation to finance a park.

If the mystical sound of “optimal” doesn’t sound convincing, a second line of trenches in defense of SALT is thrown up by blue-state advocates when they contend that they get fleeced more by the federal government and, therefore, are more deserving of a bigger break.  They trot out such crude numbers as the return on federal taxes paid  – i.e., residents’ taxes paid out and federal spending coming in, as in this chart appearing in a 2015 issue of The Atlantic (7):

Deep blue, Hillary/Bernie-loving sanctuaries as New York and California reside at the bottom of the chart.  They get less than a $1.00 for every one sent to the feds.  In contrast, redder-than-red South Carolina gets a whopping $7.87 back. (7)  Are some states riding on the federal teat as they keep their tax burdens low?  Are red states hypocrites?  Are blue state victims and therefore deserving of SALT?

The numbers in the “return on federal investment” chart are too raw to be of much value.  Local circumstances muddy the picture.  Number one on the list of federal contributors is military installations.  Northeast states aren’t likely to be the source of cheap real estate for sprawling tank exercises and bombing runs.  A state like California ironically is (Does the Mojave Desert remind you of anything?), and so are states populated by now-posthumous “yellow dog Democrats”and represented by long since gone-to-room-temperature congressional mandarins: South/North Carolina, Texas, etc.

Marine armored vehicles at Twentynine Palms, Ca.

The presence of federal defense spending in a state has much to do with historical inertia.  Those states long in the game have the advantage.  It’s a mixture of red and blue states.  Of the top ten receiving the lion’s share of the defense pie, 4 are solid blue states (California, Maryland, Washington, and Massachusetts);  2 are purple (Virginia and Pennsylvania); 4 are red (Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama).  (9)  Nothing remarkable here since the federal pipeline was long established before the current progressive/left mania came to make blue states “blue”. (10)

Hampton Roads with Newport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. It’s the location for major military installations as the Norfolk Naval Shipyard.
USS John Kennedy at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, 1983.

Looking at it from the perspective of the importance of the federal defense spending on a state’s economy (GDP), 4 of the top jurisdictions are solidly blue (Hawaii, DC, Maryland, and Maine) and the rest are purple or red (Va., Alabama, Alaska, Miss., Kentucky, Arizona).  (9)   Once again, a blend.  Regardless of a state’s political hue, Pentagon dollars mostly go to facilities that predate ’41 Pearl Harbor. (10)

So, what do we have?  We have some blue states with a large infusion of federal defense money, coexisting with a tax-spend-regulation frenzy, all the while screeching about the loss of SALT.  Suddenly, the picture ain’t so clear.

Anyway, the scramble by localities for bases resembles the hustle for the next Google server farm, and should be viewed in that light – not as a “federal handout”.  Defense is an industry, and like any industry, it brings paychecks to be spent in the state.    It works the same as an Amazon distribution center.  If it adds to the state’s coffers in the same way as a Google or Amazon facility, so what.  A state can’t present itself as a victim of the federal tax monster as it shuns, or is incapable of attracting, industry – federal or private.

A growing state economy from expanding industries means a growing state tax base and a decreasing bite for each taxpaying resident … under normal mathematical rules.  Hence, low tax states.  High tax states punish economic activity, restrict the role of business/industry taxes to the state’s balance sheet, and create a greater reliance on personal tax extractions.  Up goes their state-driven personal tax load, up goes the desire to hide the gouging through SALT, and down goes the federal dollar influx.  The result is the funky calculation called the “return on taxpayer investment”.

And what about a state’s inflationary character that drives incomes and tax receipts?  That’s the other side of the “return on taxpayer investment” equation: the money that flows out of the state.  Yes, there is such a thing as a cost-of-living and income feedback loop.  As a state’s cost of living rises, so does the income to keep up; and as incomes rise, so does the cost of living.  Are state policies compelling an increase in the cost of living, and necessitating a higher income to maintain residence?

To no surprise, according to one measure, mega-blue and high tax states like California and New York nowhere appear on the list of the cheapest states to live.  Pride of place goes to 9 red states (Texas, et al) and 1 purple (Michigan).  (11)

On the flip side, blue states occupy near the top in the necessity for its people to shell out lots of cash to continue to live there.  (13) Two of the big stimulants are housing and energy costs.  Both are highly sensitive to a state’s public policies.  Environmental, land use, and growth control measures wreak havoc on the cost of living.  Add “prevailing wage” inflators to the mix and you have a recipe for escalating wage demands.  Plug those inflated income numbers into a progressive tax code and a river of money flows to the state capital and DC.

Californios, take a look at your electricity bill for a familiar inflator.  All that  “green” energy is expensive, and it shows.  See below. (12)

Utility rates are one of the favorite social engineering tools of the green lobby.  In many blue states, the presence of an all-powerful green lobby defines what it means to be blue.  Living in a 3 bedroom/2 bath house in the Central Valley of California means a $400/mo. electricity tab, unless you knuckle under to the state’s commissars and load your roof with solar panels.

The price of everything inexorably climbs.  An inflated utility bill component is factored into everything you buy.  No wonder a comfortable existence in these locales requires more green of the kind with presidents on them.

Democrat bastions don’t seem to be aware of the trap that they created.  It begins with an infatuation for progressive tax codes.  Then, greenie fascinations raise the price of existence.  Lump onto the process the attempt to raise wages by ukase (minimum and prevailing wage law), add a plethora of regulations to assuage any chic cause that comes down the pike, and the pitchfork-wielding peasants end up demanding more in their paychecks.  As they do so, they’ll be trapped into higher tax rates to artificially inflate the flow of cash to the feds.  At this juncture, there will be no shortage of number-crunchers to produce a kind of mathematical demagoguery to justify a special perk for the victims.

What started out as an honest gesture in the dawn of income taxation is a higher mountain of contradictions today.  The old pretext, along with these more modern ones, is baloney.  CPA status isn’t required to figure it out.  The real reason is something more simple.  After 104 years, people have grown attached to SALT, whether it makes sense or not.  In this sense, SALT is like today’s opioid epidemic.  An addict begins with raiding the medicine cabinet, a dependency develops and grows, and the person ends up as a client of the drug cartels.  Like an addiction, entire financial lives become wrapped around ages-old tax provisions.  Threats to take it away lead to the political equivalent of withdrawals.

Heebie-jeebies can erupt at any time from a blue-state anybody.  D’s we expect to be afflicted, but R’s aren’t immune from the spasms brought on by the threat to take away the perk.  It’s simply a blue or purple state thing – aka tax-happy jurisdictions – no matter the partisan color of their advocates.

Rep.’s Peter King (R-NY) and Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) threaten opposition to tax reform that includes the elimination of SALT.

Yesterday’s absurdity has morphed into today’s “necessity”.  As such, the inmates of tax-happy jurisdictions haven’t limited their defense to now-discredited claims.  They’ve invented additional arguments based on prudence.  Come to think of it, really, it’s the prudence of the addict.

The abolition of SALT, it is asserted, would wreak havoc on a state’s bond rating.  In essence, blue-state defenders are admitting that without the sweetener of SALT their residents would seek to be residents elsewhere.  Probably true.  Without SALT, residents would be exposed to the full effect of their blue-state’s tax mania.  The logic: out flows an alarming amount of the tax base, down goes the ability to make good on their bonds.  Elementary, my dear Watson.

Understandable, probably true, but as a defense, it’s bunkum.  The blue-state perk shields a state’s residents from the full effect of sky-high taxation while simultaneously making it easier for the state’s tax collectors to have a crowd to fleece.  The image recurs of a vampire with a herd of human livestock to feed upon.  Drugging the victims with SALT to make the experience more tolerable isn’t a valid justification for bleeding them white.  If they were sober, they’d flee like hell.  The argument for medicating the victims is an argument for exsanguination (sever loss of blood), without the slightest recognition about whether they should have their hemoglobin stolen in the first place.

Instead, sticking with the metaphor, wouldn’t it be wiser to start a campaign to eradicate vampires by recruiting an army of priests armed with wooden stakes?  In our case, cloning an army of Arthur Laffers would do the trick.  The effort would be expedited by a clear-headed confrontation with the horror among the patsies.  Eliminating SALT might produce outcomes such as an exodus (and a run on U-Haul rentals), mob exterminations of blue-state Republicans, and/or the patrons of Starbucks turning into icon-smashing peasants as they march to the homes and offices of the state’s revenuers and their abettors.  Maybe all three.

Number 2 on the probabilities list is a very real possibility: the extermination of blue-state Republicans.  Blue-state Republicans are already an endangered species.  SALT might make them go the way of Martha, the last known passenger pigeon who died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.

The fate awaiting blue-state Republicans if SALT is repealed?

Or so it is argued.  That might be the short term effect.  Beyond one election cycle, after the hypothetical  wipeout, the residents would be accosted with more tax-crazed “public servants”, further intensifying the state’s slide.  Don’t forget, your most likely choice on the ballot is between a tax lunatic (a “D”)  or  a now dispirited R.  After multiple waves of tax bingeing, an alcoholic’s bottom would be reached.  Then there’d be sobriety and a cleaning up – i.e., a return to tax sanity.  A short term loss might be acceptable if it results in a long term fiscal clean-and-sober.

But try selling the logic to a soon-to-be-unemployed Republican legislator in a hostile state.  Yet, is the preservation of his job a sufficient justification for keeping an iniquitous tax perk?  The rationale worked to keep the antebellum South married to slavery.  The South’s entire way of life , they cried, couldn’t survive the loss of their human property.  The argument was as dubious then as it is today in its latest incarnation for SALT.  The only difference in the 2 scenarios is the object of veneration and preservation.

While the tax perk may preserve a few “R” politicos, it continues to do violence to equity among the our sovereign states.  States that prudently restrain their state Leviathans also have modest tax regimes.  They receive little, if any, benefit from the perk.  There’s just too little to deduct to reduce a taxpayer’s overall burden.

The calculus is reversed in most blue states.  Nanny states are expensive, and so is their tax bite.  The deduction is a salve to a gaping wound.  Not surprisingly, it is coveted by tax hells and viewed contemptuously by places not located anywhere along Dante’s descent through tax “Inferno”.

There you have it: love of SALT is synonymous with jurisdictions defined by words such as spendthrift, irresponsible, gouging, and excessive.  For those locales not so enamored by SALT, words like prudence, modest, and limited apply.  Put the two sentences together.  SALT enables all that should be avoided in a universe with a reasonable relationship to reality.

It is, literally and figuratively, pouring salt into the open wound between the states.  It has no rationale other than to make the consequences of  irresponsibility less felt.  But that isn’t reasonable, is it?



Bibliography and sources:

  1. “Congress might eliminate California state and local tax deductions. Here’s a look at the numbers”, Kurt Snibbe, Orange County Register, 10/27/2017,   http://www.ocregister.com/2017/10/27/congress-might-eliminate-california-state-and-local-tax-deductions-heres-a-look-at-the-numbers/
  2. “Which Places Benefit Most From State and Local Tax Deductions?”, Alan Coe, Tax Foundation, 4/27/2017,   https://taxfoundation.org/map-state-and-local-deductions/
  3. “The State and Local Tax Deduction: A Primer”, Jared Walczak, Tax Foundation, 3/15/2017,  https://taxfoundation.org/state-and-local-tax-deduction-primer/
  4. For a modern leftist rendition of the demographic, see: “Michael Novak’s Ethics of Buccaneer Capitalism”, Frank Cocozelli, 10/1/2007, Daily Kos,  https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2007/10/1/392711/-
  5. “Look at how many pages are in the federal tax code”, Jason Russell, Washington Examiner, 4/15/2016,   http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/look-at-how-many-pages-are-in-the-federal-tax-code/article/2563032
  6. “Which States Rely the Most on Federal Aid?”, Morgan Scarboro, Tax Foundation, 1/11/17,  https://taxfoundation.org/states-rely-most-federal-aid/
  7. “Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?”, John Tierney, 5/5/2014, The Atlantic, https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/
  8. This article was cited in the above piece: “2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States”, John S Kiernan, Senior Writer & Editor, 4/21/2017, WalletHub,   https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/  .
  9. “MILITARY’S IMPACT ON STATE ECONOMIES”, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2/21/2017,  http://www.ncsl.org/research/military-and-veterans-affairs/military-s-impact-on-state-economies.aspx
  10. Virginia’s Hampton Roads has 20 military facilities, many date back to the Civil War and before.  For one compilation refer to wikipedia, “Hampton Roads”,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampton_Roads#U.S._military
  11. “Top 10 States With the Lowest Cost of Living”, Rick LeBlanc, The Balance, 5/16/2017,  https://www.thebalance.com/states-with-lowest-cost-of-living-4137935
  12. “Electricity Prices Rise for 30 States, But Some State Leaders Want Them Even Higher”, Heath Knakmuhs, Senior Director, Policy for the Global Energy Institute, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 4/8/2016,   https://www.uschamber.com/above-the-fold/electricity-prices-rise-30-states-some-state-leaders-want-them-even-higher
  13. “See how your state scores for living costs”, Natasha Sporn, MSN: Money, 12/22/2016,  https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/personalfinance/see-how-your-state-scores-for-living-costs/ss-AAlEaoG#image=31