Some states seem to be at war with a federal government that they do not control. These are died-in-the-wool, neo-socialist Democrat states that have had their way with the federal tax code since the birth of the 16th Amendment. Watch NY’s AG Barbara Underwood as she shows chutzpa in claiming that somehow the state and local tax deduction (SALT) is somewhere in the Constitution while announcing a lawsuit to stop Congress from exercising its tax powers.
After I stopped laughing, I began to realize that these people are serious. She asserts that New York was unfairly targeted by the cap on SALT at $10,000. Targeted? Yes, they were targeted, but with benefits … up until the new law. One could easily say that they unfairly benefited with the old law as to say that they are unfairly treated with the new one.
This is one of the reasons politics is a great spectator sport. People unknowingly say the most preposterous things with a straight face. She needs to take this act on the road.