We don’t have to look very far for the cause of our discontents. California is the template for what ails us. It’s the Vatican of new wave progressivism, a movement with the mental genetics of Robespierre, Lenin, and every visionary with the ambition to make an entire population’s thoughts, actions, and way of life conform to their dream. Woe be to you if you refuse to fit in. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way, not our institutions, standards of decency, or principles of fair play. Yep, California is our future . . . if we let it.
This progressivism is monstrous. It’s an agent of desolation. Watch them as they go after Trump, or Steve Bannon, or your kids which, in their clutches, are radicalized or placed under the care of the transgender coven. Watch them as they lay waste to prosperity, your prosperity. It’s a ticket to Sheol (Hell).
All of us are living it. The Trump trial and verdict is a hot mess. As for the Bannon conviction and sentence, it’s technically correct, but also a clear example of politically advantageous prosecution. Forget about equal treatment before the law, treating like cases alike. The progressive’s Lady Justice lifts the blindfold from one eye. If you’re Bannon, you get a broadside. If you’re Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, sail on.

Compare the two. Eric Holder in 2011 falsely testified before Congress that he had been aware of Fast and Furious for only few weeks prior to his testimony. He’s contradicted by the facts. Justice Department emails to Holder from underlings discussing Fast and Furious date back to July of the previous year. Holder slow-walks congressional subpoenas for more information and President Obama puts the kibosh to any more cooperation, shielding his AG from congressional oversight under a blanket of executive immunity. Shortly thereafter, tired of all the nonsense, the House Oversight Committee voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress. What happened to Holder’s contempt charge? Nothing. It fell into the abyss (see #1-3 below).
Not true for Bannon. For Biden’s DOJ under AG Merick Garland, it’s full speed ahead. Bannon is accused of obstructing a congressional investigation, like Holder, because he falsely believed that he was covered by President Trump’s claim of executive immunity. I say falsely because Bannon wasn’t a presidential aide to be covered by executive immunity, nor was the information in the subpoena probably protected by presidential immunity. Technically, in accordance with law, Bannon is guilty. So, don’t blame the judge for sentencing him to jail time. But Holder should also be wearing an orange jumpsuit if America is still a nation that adheres to basic principles of fair play.
We aren’t that kind of nation any longer. Thanks, progressives.
Progressives rabidly wanted to get their man, Trump and any person around him, by creating in 2021 a bogus committee, the J6 Committee, to target Trump and his people. The committee was not legitimate since the minority party (Republicans) weren’t allowed their choices to be on it. Instead, the thing was stacked with zealous Democrats and a couple of carefully selected Republicans with a publicly announced hatred of Trump. Any legal actions taken by it were tainted by over-the-top partisanship.
It parallels the Democrats’ other shambolic distortions of justice in the Democrat Jim Crow South.

Hanging judges and juries and jury nullification were the stock and trade of Democrat white southerners in charge of the deep South. It’s in the Democrats’ DNA. Like the couple of whites accused in the torture and murder of Emmitt Till standing before a bigotedly sympathetic jury, Trump and Bannon were similarly hauled before a stacked hearing. No apologies, just convictions.

The sad saga doesn’t end there. Desolation is the consequence of progressivism. Look at the poster child of progressivism, California, its cities, combustible wildlands, teetering grid, collapsing infrastructure, broad assault on the retail trade, fleeing middle class and businesses, overall sense of ugliness and lawlessness, burgeoning public indebtedness, failing schools, eco-fanaticism, etc. It’s a mess, and some of the progressively minded are beginning to notice it to their chagrin. They didn’t sign up for this. Who would?
A mom is still a mom without regard to her party registration. The progressive agenda is well and good . . . until it places her child in its maw. It happened to Erin Friday whose daughter was gender transitioned behind her back by public school authorities. A progressive, Democrat, and supporter of much of the LGBTQ agenda, she was so incensed by this affront to her basic parental authority that she helped organize the Protect Kids Initiative to prevent this from happening to another mother and child in the state (see #6-7 below).

Then she ran into another maw, the new wave progressives who run the state of California. Their shenanigans killed the Protect Kids Initiative. How? Simply make it difficult to collect the required number of signatures. The antics of state Attorney General Rob Bonta was a dagger to its heart. State law gives power to the AG to provide a title and summary for the initiative. The “Protect Kids Initiative” became “Restricts Rights of Transgender Youth”. The attached summary asserted that the initiative “prohibits gender-affirming health care for transgender patients under 18, even if parents [sic] consent or treatment is medically recommended”. It’s hard to gain support from an ill-informed California electorate when having to face frowns after reading “Restricts rights” and “prohibits … health care”. The AG’s hostile language was upheld by a California court. The thing is dead, dead.

On top of everything else that the popularly elected progressive ruling class is doing to the state, parents can’t protect their kids from mental and medical interventions that will scar them for life. This state is just hostile to children from aborting them up to and including their passage down the birth canal to mutilating them for life, all at public expense. It’s a malevolent state that has become an Auschwitz for children.
Electing progressives is an invitation to disaster. For some, they think that their only recourse is Trump, or some such acolyte, which they find distasteful. Well, how distasteful is our ruined constitutional order or our kids scarred beyond belief? If California is our national future, flee, flee now to some lonely and isolated outpost in Australia’s outback. Get out, or vote against any Democrat before they get a chance to bring California to your town.
1. “Steve Bannon’s Remand Is Consistent with the Law”, Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 6/8/2024, at https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/steve-bannons-remand-is-consistent-with-the-law/
2. “Why Eric Holder Will Regret His Recklessness”, John Yoo, National Review, 9/25/2014, at https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/why-eric-holder-will-regret-his-recklessness-john-yoo/
3. “Fast, Furious, and Loose with the Facts”, The Editors, National Review, at https://www.nationalreview.com/2011/10/fast-furious-and-loose-facts-editors/
4. “Eric Holder, Once Cited for Contempt in Fast and Furious Probe, Criticizes Barr for ‘Protecting the President’”, Matt Naham, Law and Crime, 5/1/2019, at https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/eric-holder-once-cited-for-contempt-in-fast-and-furious-probe-criticizes-barr-for-protecting-the-president/
5. “Eric Holder’s Contempt Case Trends Amid Bannon Sentence ‘Double Standards’”, Newsweek, 10/21/2022, at https://www.newsweek.com/eric-holder-contempt-case-steve-bannon-sentence-double-standards-1753963
6. “California Parents Are Afraid of Losing Their Kids | Erin Friday”, California Insider (video), with Siyamak Khorrami, at https://californiainsider.com/california-news/videos/california-insider-show/california-parents-are-afraid-of-losing-their-kids-erin-friday-5608600
7. “Parent Group to Sue California Official Over Alleged Misleading Ballot Title, Summary”, Brad Jones, California Insider, 1/9/2024, at https://californiainsider.com/california-news/parent-group-to-sue-california-official-over-alleged-misleading-ballot-title-summary-5560682