Happy New Year, And Keep Your Powder Dry

No, I’m not spewing out a call for armed resistance if you’re fixated on the “powder dry” reference. Just watch out because the Biden circus is coming to town. Obama was right. Indeed, elections have consequences. So, on January 20, it’s Trump out, Biden in. After January 20, much bad governance is waiting to slither from Biden’s cabinet meetings and through an executive branch workforce of preexisting and deeply left-wing disposition.

Don’t expect much from Congress. The country is almost evenly split. No question about it. So is Congress, even if the Dems use their time-honored tactics of showering poll workers with counterfeit ballots (mail-in = counterfeit) and succeed in installing leftist radicals to represent Georgia and seize control of the Senate. What Democrat from a competitive state or district would risk the loss of their cushy sinecure by proving their Bolshevik bonafides? Sure, they just might be crazy enough to take the poison, but my money is on more meaningless grandstanding, bombastic patronization, and other repellant behavior, much of it for show. Most of the damage will come from our now-monarchical executive branch.

What does Biden and company have in store for us? They’ll try to have more sociology majors in squad cars and fewer people with the martial requisites to bring thugs into custody and protect victims. Expect a Green New Deal, Jr., and the emasculation of many of us to have livelihoods. Government-as-nanny will hair-trigger lock us down the next flu season. On guns, confiscation will be dubbed “buy-back” and the fed’s firearm Instacheck system will morph into insta-refusal. Race hustling will reach new heights up and down the red-tape ministries under the banner of “disparate impact”. Beware that your young and aspiring and deserving Ivy Leaguer night have to matriculate to a community college or State U if he or she fails the skin color and last name tests. You’ll notice that inked agreements will try to paper over Red China’s largest navy on the planet, its takeover of NATO ports, its extortion of more high tech from our muddled-headed CEO’s, its Belt and Road becoming a new Axis, and Iran’s mullahs pursuing their dream of annihilating Israel and becoming the region’s second nuclear power. In other words, America will be domestically enfeebled and our enemies stronger and emboldened. All courtesy of executive action.

“Affirmative action” chained to “disparate impact”.

Funny thing, bolshevism and its distant cousin, progressivism, don’t work. The 2020 electorate will be reintroduced to the functional definition of insanity: repeat the excursion into central planning, social engineering, and pacifism but magically expect bliss this time around.

The lunatics have retaken the asylum. And just think, a majority of the pieces of paper (ballots) were votes for it.


