Harming Our Kids

Steve Forbes in “Forbes” (April 30, 2019) reviewed Rich Karlgaard’s book, “Late Bloomers”.  In the book, Karlgaard makes the point that there is no hard timetable for human flourishing.  When we act as if there is one, we disfigure our kids and their future.  We go further in creating a cult of youth and shuffling the old out to pasture.  In the end, I can’t help but think that we are fashioning our young into future clients of the therapy and counseling industry, and increasingly dragging in the government as financier.  Taxpayers, watch out, for the taxman cometh.

Evidence of the mauling is all around. Parents will stretch themselves into bankruptcy court to move into a “nicer” neighborhood for the so-called “good” schools.  The schools aren’t better; the student body is just better dressed with better cars in the parking lot.

And the kids are more likely to do the homework.  But what’s in the homework?  It’s the same deficient curriculum for the most part.

Guess what?  This is all about cosmetic resume-building.  Make sure to get the AP on your high school transcripts; go to the right summer camp; crowd your kid into as many organized sports as possible; do a charity for the way it’ll look to the college admissions officer.  When does the kid have the breathing space to simply be a kid?

The college entrance cheating scandals are a sign of the trend.  Do all of the above, and if that doesn’t work, or if the kid hasn’t done it, cheat.  We’re creating a world of facile and sterile expectations.

But where does wisdom fit into the grand plan?  It doesn’t.  In a world of only looking good, wisdom has no place.  Wisdom doesn’t arise from a mad race to fill a resume.  Life, family, and faith have a much greater bearing on personal resilience and true happiness.  And for some, maybe most, that takes awhile.

A Stanford prof is quoted as saying that the incoming freshman are increasingly “brittle”.  Indeed.

Students in Los Angeles protest the November 2016 election result.


