How Do You Get to Work During a California Brownout?

The eco-Puritans in California are about to present a quandary for sunshine state residents. How do you get your kid with a broken arm to the emergency room in an electric car without a charge?

As you should know, the state is at war with fossil fuels no matter how clean. They’re shutting down natural gas plants right and left. The fanatics in charge of the asylum are shoving solar panels and wind mills down the throats of the population and brownouts are becoming a staple of life in the state.

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Plant in the Mojave Desert off Interstate 10.

In addition to the gas pump, they have a visceral hatred for the internal combustion engine. Governor Newsom issued an executive order that demands “by 2035, all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles [ZEV]”. ZEV’s are electric cars if you’re wondering.

Well, put the two together. Brownouts mean that you don’t go to work. According to, if you use it daily, you should plug it in daily. But how do you charge your car during a brownout? During a brownout, will the charging stations even be available? I kinda doubt it.

Newsom and company are performing assisted suicide to the state’s oil industry and are calling it “managed decline”. I don’t think that the clowns can limit it to Exxon. It’s “managed decline” for the whole state.

Oh, as for your kid, either learn home medicine or hope that the hospital has a gasoline-powered ambulance. If their vehicle is electric, pray for the hospital to have a diesel generator, and drop to your knees to beseech God that somebody in the vicinity is still making the fuel.


