I’m loathe to admit this, but a small dose of maturity was administered by the Senator to politicized youngins, a few older than 18 and most appear to be around 12 (watch the video below). All mouthed lefty boilerplate in a visit to Feinstein’s office that couldn’t survive a serious high school debate.
It’s difficult to watch adults exploiting a group of tweens. They were members of the Sunrise Movement whose purpose is to stampede the country into enacting the Green New Deal and its Soviet-style central planning by hiding behind kids.
The title’s “kinda” part has to do with appearances, which can be deceiving. Today’s Democrats are in favor of more central planning. Yet, the presence of the Markey/Sanders/AOC Green New Deal makes the other Dems appear moderate. The fact is, the whole party has lurched left, and to the left means in the direction of the Socialist International. Some, like the Green New Deal sponsors, are just in a hurry to get there; others want to take a little longer and slower route to the same destination.
It’s much like the difference between the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks of days of yore. They both wanted socialism. It’s just that the M’s were content with a more peaceful march to utopia while the B’s wanted it now, preferably with guns. The “M” and “B” thing is playing out in the office of Sen. Diane Feinstein and Democratic Party congressional caucus. Do you want your socialism straight (Bernie/AOC style) or diluted (Feinstein style)?