Sen. Jon Tester is a Democrat, duh! As a Democrat, and after the great national ideological sorting by party that has taken place over the last few decades, that says a lot about him. Where are the conservative Democrats? They’re gone! He insists on being a Democrat while one is left groping for a reason. He runs as a Trumper when running for reelection back home, and he absolutely fits the MAGA-clichéd look: grizzled, flat top, overhanging belly, pickup truck with gun, white farmer. But he votes as a national Democrat, which is nearly identical to being a California Democrat.
Being a Democrat today (California or otherwise) ranges from taking on the policy preferences of Europe’s Social Democrats – i.e., socialist – and enviro-extremist Greens – i.e., socialist – or the UK’s Labor Party – i.e., socialist – to the neo-Marxism of AOC, Elizabeth Warren, etc. His ads stress the part of the far-Left agenda that will sell in Montana: class warfare, interstate xenophobia, and abortion, abortion, and more abortion. If a person ever sat down to actually give them some thought, they’re a collective hot mess.
For instance, an endless Tester spot plugging his support for abortion-and-more-abortion shows him gently touching a baby in her mother’s arms. Think about it: pushing abortion and a mother with baby. It’s the logical equivalent of joining matter and anti-matter. The baby can’t understand how close she came to not being in her mother’s arms, or anywhere. The baby’s existence hung by the delicate thread of whether her mother would use her “right” to end her existence. The scene is so bizarre. But it sells in a state hung up on the freedom of the individual to exterminate the next generation.
It’s more than this. He takes the party line on January 6th, which is as close to a party sacrament as one can get. Babylon Bee satirizes it as “January 6: The Most Deadliest Day” [sic]. What did Tester say on its anniversary in 2021? He released on his website the following: “January 6, 2021 was one of the darkest days in our nation’s history . . . .” (see the full statement here: https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/pr-8833/)
Please watch the Babylon Bee’s parody for counterpoint and perspective. Go to the link:
Jon Tester is a California Democrat in muddy boots. Looks great but people like him are destroying our way of life. Montanans have a guy in Washington who looks like Montana but votes to turn us into California.
*P.S.: Facebook doesn’t like the Babylon Bee or the New York Post, which included a story on Tester raking in Lefty California campaign cash. A quarter, maybe more, in his treasury came from California. You’ll have to search “Montana Democrat Sen. Jon Tester rakes in cash after California soiree, New York Post” to get the story. Censorship is alive and well on Facebook.