Killing Democracy by “Saving” It

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On the masthead of The Washington Post is this aphorism, “Democracy dies in darkness.”  The country may not be in complete darkness, but the lights are fading, and the people at the dimmer switch are the same people who have loudly proclaimed “We need to save our democracy”.  Yes, they are trying to save it by destroying it.

Democracy and its prerequisites are disfigured to mean their opposites by this delirious clique.  The franchise is reshaped to mean almost anyone with a pulse: the uncaring, ignorant, the young to age 16 if Boston and others get their way, possibly those in comas, noncitizens (that means the citizens of other nations), and maybe even some without a heartbeat or brain waves.  So, even a pulse is unnecessary.  The freedoms of conscience and speech are constrained by the nebulous and capricious concept of “hate”, to be managed by a class of entitled and biased monitors and fact checkers.  Equal opportunity is turned into a bean-counting exercise to the benefit of the fashionably “oppressed” and harm to the unfashionably “privileged”.  The terms are flexible to fit the occasion.  And a massive campaign of indoctrination is turned loose on everyone to buttress the whole sorry edifice.  Did I miss anything?

Is this democracy in any meaningful sense?  How could it be, with thoughts and speech monitored, the enforcement of a new Jim Crow, just pointing in a different direction, voting without any expectation of responsibility or qualifications, and a propaganda offensive to rival anything that came out of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth?  This is a “democracy” to produce the desired outcomes of a pampered and revolutionary few, of the kind that delivers 99% of the votes for Stalin as General Secretary.  As for the other 1%, like those of today who run afoul of the chic views of the powerful and influential, they are disappeared.

Elon Musk’s dump of Twitter’s earlier internal communications exposed a rats’ nest of mini control freaks.  Speaking of the beaming of light into dark places, the rats are now attacking the guy with the flashlight.

I am no Fox News groupie, but you don’t have to be to find this swarming behavior deplorable.  Notice the playing of footsie with words? Old fashioned censorship is renamed as the fight against “misinformation”.  “Safety” and “hate” became the excuse to ban contrarian ideas and people.  Of course, the cult was encouraged to inflict punishments by influential others (politicized “experts”) who offer up more justifications.  This supportive cast superficially qualified their charges with “seemed” and “has all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation.  Think of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the New York Post. The qualifiers sound like plausible deniability to avoid civil liability.  Hunter Biden was a booster of the concept as his favorite escape hatch from accountability, as is it is for this manipulative web of political insiders.  It’s the language of skullduggery.

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Silicon Valley Democratic Party Club

California, as the Mecca and Medina of wokeness, went national.  Rudi Dutschke, the German radical Left activist of the 1960’s, spoke of the “march through the institutions”.  The Long March began in Berkeley, spread to any place with a Sociology Department, gained a stranglehold in Sacramento, and then the nonsense was marketed far and wide into all of civil and public society.

These dogmas became holy writ, and, if threatened, the hive swarms.  Too many parents protesting the indoctrination of their children into Antifa and transgenderism?  If you’re the National School Boards Association, contact your political compatriots in the DOJ and watch parent protests acquire the patina of terrorism, or organized crime, to federal agents with guns – a service which AG Garland dutifully initiated on Oct. 4, 2021 (memo below).  Parents were marked with an FBI “threat tag” despite Garland’s denial of doing what he was exactly doing.  Protecting the Lefty edifice through legal jargon is a gambit of those other “people’s democracies” in Cuba, North Korea, and that huge one based in Beijing.

And what about that incestuous relationship between the Twitter gang and the Democratic Party?  If censorship is your game, turn to your fellow travelers running the show at the social media giants to quash your opponents.  No need to exclusively rely on the feds with their badges and guns.  People were disappeared by Twitter’s “safety teams”.  In October 2020, Biden’s campaign emailed Twitter to remove 5 tweets.  What is even more startling is how quickly the Twitter people complied: “handled these”.

Politics & Media

“Handled these” was the outcome if the Party objected to comments by celebrities such as Stephen Liuhuan and James Woods.  Woods was banned, I kid you not, for parodying a meme about Democrats wanting men to step aside in favor of a women’s takeover of our society (see below).

Twitter banned The Babylon Bee for a joke about Rachel Levine, a transgender member of Biden’s cabinet.  Yoel Roth, ex-Head of Site Integrity at Twitter, said in an interview (see below), “. . . the targeting and victimization of the trans community is very real, very life threatening, extraordinarily serious . . . .”  So, transgenderism is above debate because to question it through humor is, by itself, the equivalent of a violent assault.  If so, every member of the Communist Party USA should be guilty of murder 110 million times over.  Assaults are committed by sociopaths, for instance, not ideologies.  Physical attacks aren’t intrinsic to people who find ridiculous the idea of biological sex being reduced to a state of mind.  Twitter can’t grasp the idea that the refusal of a person to participate in another’s discordant mental state isn’t an assault.

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I could go on and on about the bizarre idea of applying “gender” – a word taken from the masculine, neutral, and feminine appellations in some languages – to chromosome pairings.  For the folks running the show at Twitter, we must play-act as if biology can be suspended by personal fiat, and to think otherwise is yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater.  Treating some people’s oversensitive triggers as “Fire!” dilutes the seriousness of real fires.

Throughout Trump’s term, Trump was caricatured as Putin’s lapdog.  Could “lapdog” be an apt description of Twitter’s consensual relationship with the Democratic Party?

No more egregious example of lapdog behavior can be found than Twitter’s aforementioned deep-sixing of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story.  Even one of Twitter’s social justice warriors in the c-suite, Yoel Roth, admitted it was a mistake to strike it from Twitter (see below): “It didn’t get there [banning it] for me.”  The NY Post story should never have gotten anywhere near the death penalty because Twitter’s policy requires a law enforcement action to instigate a ban.  The reporters at the New York Post were engaging in journalism, not running a crime syndicate or extortion ring.  It was a real story that the American people deserved to see, but weren’t.

An unrepresentative political cult dominates our culture and institutions.  Who believes this stuff?  Who believes that “woman” can be divorced from chromosomes, and “mother” should be replaced by “birthing person”?  Who believes that the lack of racism by individuals is somehow proof of “systemic racism”?  In other words, the unprovable “systemic” variety is used to justify a jihad against what cannot be proven to exist in the first place.  Who believes that our language should be debased by euphemisms – “hate”, “threats to safety”, “systemic . . .”, the multitudinous pronouns, “racist”, the plethora of thought phobias, “misinformation”, etc. – in order to pursue a revolutionary agenda?  Who believes this stuff?  Answer: no one, but that narrow class of ideologically infected hysterics coming out of our defiled colleges and universities.

One more example before I drop this rant: John Gibson, ex-CEO, co-founder, and largest shareholder of Tripwire Interactive, was mobbed out of his position by the cult (see below).  Why?  He tweeted the following: “Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat. As an entertainer I don’t get political often.  Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer.”  Yep, he’s pro-life and that made him a threat to “women’s health”.  Just think, for the cult’s initiates, pregnancy is no longer a blessing; it’s a hazard, like COVID-19.  The cult is a social suicide machine.  And for his belief that a baby resides in the womb, he was subjected to social terrorism (to borrow his words).

It’s mindboggling.

Yes, I agree that our democracy is imperiled.  The threat comes from a half-mad political cult that has ascended to great heights of political and cultural power. After their “saving” of our democracy, we will wake up to find that we don’t have one, with a shriveled next generation to boot.


Read more and watch here:

* AG Garland’s memo to initiate an investigation of parental protests at school board meetings:

* Musk transferred the Twitter communications to Matt Taibbi:

* James was banned by Twitter for the following tweet at

* Yoel Roth interview after leaving Twitter explains the banning of The Babylon Bee for its parody of Rachel Levine at

* Yoel Roth in the same interview exhibited the same ritualized use of euphemisms to hide his predilection for censorship of The Babylon Bee at

* Tucker Carlson conducted an in-depth interview of John Gibson at

* Letter from 50 intelligence experts critical of story about the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop at

