The Sicarii (Latin for “dagger wielders” or “dagger men”) were a violent splinter group of Jewish Zealots who were militant enthusiasts of the First Jewish Revolt (or first Jewish-Roman War). As Jerusalem was falling to Roman legions in 70 A.D., a portion of the Sicarii escaped to occupy the mountaintop fortress of Masada. There, they committed mass suicide just before the Romans overran their defenses in 74 A.D. according to the ancient historian Josephus.

Blind fury, combined with the self-conceit of the purity of one’s motives and beliefs, can take a person to some horrible places. Is Matt Rosendale willing to help lead the GOP to its own Masada?
I am a Montanan and flabbergasted that a person like Rosendale calls himself a Republican and occupies Montana’s second congressional seat. He’s an embarrassment.
To be sure, Sicarii-like mental states can be found Left and Right. Anywhere from much of the Democrats’ base to Antifa/BLM can be found the burn-it-all-down state of mind. Now, in the Age of Trump, Republicans have developed their own Sicarii.
Back in October, in an interview in The Messenger (see below), Rosendale said that he prayed for the defeat of some Republican candidates in 2022 midterms, just enough to ensure a narrow Republican majority in the House. Here’s Rosendale:
“Look, we have shown, OK, with a very small handful of people, six at times, five at times, that we can have tremendous impact in that body and when a lot of people, unfortunately, were voting to have a 270, 280 Republican House, I was praying each evening for a small majority,”
The Sicarii didn’t only direct their anger at Romans. They targeted “collaborators”, fellow Jews. Rosendale, like all fire-breathing zealots going back millennia, heaped scorn on fellow Republicans. Fanatics have their own rhetoric to identify the “enemy” amongst their normal and natural allies. “Establishment” and “RINO” serve the same function for Rosendale and company as “collaborator”.
He says that he wants to push the party further to the right, right into a Republican Masada. Rosendale can’t grasp the fact that there exist many, many people who don’t agree with him, that he doesn’t reflect the Party or the country. His little faction is a splinter of a splinter. Is this guy a loon or what? Does he know the difference between governing and campaigning?
Governing requires working with others who disagree, and there will always be many of those. An adult would understand half-a-loaf and compromise. Not the Republican Sicarii. They have turned the House Republican caucus into a clown car.
I’m in District 1 and represented by Ryan Zinke (R), thank God. Are the constituents of District 2 happy with a politically suicidal Sicarius pulling them into a political rut?
What started out as Joan of Arc ends up as George Armstrong Custer.
Read more here:
* “Montana GOP Rep. Prayed for Smaller Republican Majority After 2022 Midterms (Exclusive)”, Dan Merico and Matt Holt, The Messenger, 10/2/23, at https://themessenger.com/politics/montana-republican-house-prayed-smaller-majority
** Also in my Substack feed, The Golden Mean, at https://rogerlgraf.substack.com/