I don’t watch presidential debates or election night returns. What happens happens. The play-by-play of the boxing match (debates) or the color commentary of election returns (as in a televised football game) are a sideshow and irrelevant to the outcome and the underlying realities.
The underlying reality of this election season is a pungent personality vs. pungent policies. The former causes you to grimace; the latter ruins your life. For me, the choice is obvious: I can’t allow the grating of my teeth by a tweet or rally speech to be an excuse to let into power those who’d engineer national bankruptcy.
Biden is the aging and incontinent godfather of a philosophical crime family. A vote for him is an endorsement of left-wing radicalism. Say what you will, voting “D” this time around is a knowing or unknowing sanction of socialism and all its crudity. The stable for filling departments and agencies if Biden should win will be the same one that gave us an unsavory California and middle class flight from wherever they hold the reins of power. The same folks who gave us catcalls like “defund the police” – or “rethinking”, choose your verb – will give us a militarized EPA, and a militarized everything else in the Article II branch and beyond … with the exception of the actual military.

If you think that Biden is such a nice guy that he won’t appoint the dwellers of his own party then you must have locked yourself into a Salvador Dali painting. His party has welcoming room for what used to be called the hard left, people like Sandy (AOC) and her sophomoric Squad and Bernie and his bros. Occupy Wall Street is now Occupy DNC. Socialism is no longer a dirty word to the party’s base.
It makes no difference if Biden appoints an Elizabeth Warren or an Ilhan Omar type. It’s only a question of how far left to go and how fast.
Today’s left amazingly, actually believes socialism works. When someone cites its long history of failures, they respond with the addition of an adjective like “democratic” or “It’s never been tried”. It’s classic No-True-Scotsman fallacy, as in “No true socialist would be like that.” The tactic is to change socialism’s definition by adding a modifier (democratic) and a purity test and it’s all better. Yeah, really.

The deficiency of socialism has little to do with the means of getting there: election or revolution. It’s just anti-human; it unleashes the worst in us; it’s a recipe for a fiasco. Voting “D” this time around is a vote for fiasco. The only remaining question is how fast will Biden get us there if elected.

(also on my Facebook page)