Settling Controversy By Diktat

Below is a video from Mearns Academy, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, which went viral in June of 2019, of a teacher who removed a student for stating that there are only two genders.

In my mind, the remarkable thing about the incident was the teacher’s frequent reference to “policy”, as in the school’s and government’s policy of recognizing more than two genders settles the issue enough to squash dissent.  It’s an approach that seems to be seeping into most areas of public life.  In other words, be silent if you disagree with the powers-that-be on an issue that is inherently open to dispute.

Yes, open to dispute.  Elementary logic makes it easy to challenge this most modern of contentions.  Yet, the enthusiasts for 40 or so genders try to swamp opposing voices with, in essence, a politicized résumé.  The tactic is to prepare a list of gullible Ph.D.’s – ones with prejudicial sympathies for the claims – make sure that they occupy powerful positions in the relevant professional associations who have an instinct for political adventurism, and have a fervent activist base – size doesn’t matter, approximation to political power does.  In that way, logic and facts get overwhelmed by the loud volume of an intense few.  Education is bedeviled by the technique, as I can attest from personal experience.

For an alternative view of transgenderism, go here.

What it comes down to is a person’s self-assertion that he or she (or whatever) is the opposite of his or her (or whatever) chromosomes.  Rhetoric, verbal distinctions, and analytical procedures to identify “legitimate” claims are invented to bolster the new “science”.  If the purpose of the process is to winnow out the dubious from the genuine, the filter has holes the size of railroad tunnels.  If this is science, it is of the sham variety.

We’ve been down this road before with eugenics and racial purity.  And we might have to add overwrought “climate change” to the list.  So-called “science” is just as vulnerable to fanciful popular trends as hemlines and music.

At the end of the day, what have we done?  As is usual in these kinds of things, it’s the young who pay the price for our impulsiveness.  They are injected with pharmaceuticals at a young age in preparation for surgery later.  The drugs will stunt their development and the surgery is irreversible.  But by then, it’s too late.  A change of heart just became meaningless.  With transgenderism, you might as well repeal the Hippocratic oath.

The problems don’t stop there.  Girls’ track, swimming, soccer, etc., or girl’s anything, will have been made nonsensical.  The inherent advantage of the transgendered girl over those whose mental state aligns with their chromosomes means that past-boys will dominate present-girls.  I wonder about the survival of the longstanding feminist push for sports equity when the boys-now-girls are harvesting the majority of girls’ sports scholarships and dominating the record books.  We don’t have to much worry about the process working the other way.

This is what happens when government wades into a controversy in favor of the side obviously lacking in merit but nonetheless having proximity to power.  Government diktat overwhelms debate and discourse, and helps to produce viral videos of public employees shaming dissenters even though the dissenters have the stronger case.  Is this any way to run a citizen republic?


