Socialist Longing

Democratic Party presidential contenders debate, 7/30/19.

The morning after last night’s Democratic Party debate I was reading Jay Nordlinger’s story (National Review, 7/29/19) about the Russian dissident Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now in exile in Britain.  It brought to mind an inextinguishable need in the enthusiasts of socialism, whether openly declared or as quiet fellow travelers (much of the Democratic presidential field), to constantly point to a non-existent, never-realized form of it.  It’s a phantom only possible in the mind’s eye of the true believer and nowhere else.  Bernie exhibits it in great bounty, and so does an increasing portion of the party’s activist base, the party’s stable of presidential candidates, and its giddy zealots in Congress (the dimwit Squad for instance).  In addition to Stalin’s Socialist Realism in art, we must add Socialist Longing – the longing for a future and purer socialism that somehow will get it right – to the doctrines of the Church of Socialism.

Bernie sounds like he was mentally put into a cryogenic state during his glory days of the 1970’s and 80’s.  Mentally, he’s still honeymooning in the Soviet Union.  Khodorkovsky mentioned the everywhere-stated party slogan: “The Party solemnly promises that this generation of the Soviet people will live under Communism.”  Bernie is stuck there as well.  For Bernie, the promise is always in the future, or in a northern European country that, in reality, shed much of its experiment in socialism.  Bernie’s socialism is the Sweden of 1970, for example, not the Sweden of today.

Does he know that Sweden isn’t far behind the US in Heritage’s economic freedom rankings? (The US position was bolstered by the recent tax cut law.)  Still, Sweden has no minimum wage law, abolished its inheritance tax in 2004, and let go of much of its state-owned enterprises.  It’s vaunted public healthcare system is remarkably decentralized, a far cry from Bernie’s sovietized Medicare for All.  Bernie’s idea of socialism is the failed version, and can’t point to a functioning one this side of North Korea and Cuba.

Bernie wants to impose something that Sweden ran from.  Does he know it?  Don’t know, but the longing continues for a decrepit idea in the hope that it will be magically transformed into a success.  Bernie is the chief exponent of a made-in-America cargo cult.


