Watch Gov. John Hickenlooper tell the California Democratic Party at their convention that socialism isn’t a winning campaign strategy. Watch him get booed.
This is in tandem with the 2017 get-together flipping off Pres. Trump, led by then-chair John Burton to the cheers and participation of the audience. Do we need any further evidence that the Party had gone off the rails? And remember, California is a one-party state, not unlike Cuba (in more ways than one). Just think, these people are piloting a state of 40 million people.
They have made California into a campaign slogan. For anyone not caught up in the mania, the state is synonymous for what to avoid. Anyone running for office in any other part of the country can simply say, “Do you want to end up like them?” The word “California” is now toxic.
Hosannas to John Hickenlooper for making the obvious obvious.