Are we in the process of wasting our bountiful legacy, that fruit of the ultimate Giver of all truly good things? We might be forgetting that we have much to be thankful for. Thankful to whom? Why, of course, God. We have many blessings that we should be humble enough to recognize the Benefactor.
Are we? Many, yes, but others are too busy dismantling our cultural edifice, and with it, God. The rot began at the top among an academic nobility, people festooned in paper credentials and debased ideas and beliefs. The quaint barroom jibe gets to the point: “You have to be very well educated to be that stupid!” (as stated by Wilfred Reilly)
So did George Orwell: “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
From the inquisition to ferret out the esoteric “white supremacy” in the military to the recruitment of all levels of government in the crusade to the indoctrination of our kids in it, the trendy thought penetrates everywhere. Watch today’s football games for commercials festooned in swank thought. Amazingly, it’s how the corporate biggies wish to express their altruism by being fashionable and doctrinaire activists.
You’ll see commitments to pursue climate-change ideology in the burnishing of the least practical alternative in personal, mass transportation – the EV. You’ll see Wells Fargo ads bragging about using my savings and checking account to resuscitate the 2009 financial crisis. What they’re saying in tv commercials is only the tip of the iceberg.
If we continue on this trajectory, the blessings in future Thanksgivings may be harder to discern. But ultimately, God is in charge.
Are we to go the way of the Roman Empire or ancient Sumerians? Can a civilization think its way into decline? Possibly. Yet, at this moment in time, we should remind ourselves that we have much to be thankful. Surely, God has blessed us. Let’s not forget it.