The Babylon Bee: The Return of Satire

As a follow-up to “Buddy can you spare a U-Haul” in a previous post, check out this bit of humor from the uproarious The Babylon Bee under the headline, “U-Haul Introduces Armored War Rigs For Californians Trying To Flee State’s Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland”.  If you think that satire is dead with the downfall of SNL, it is alive and well on The Babylon Bee.

On the same link you’ll find this gem of a headline: “Christian plumber under fire for refusing same-sex fittings.”  Parody is an excellent vehicle to unmask the ditzy pretensions of the Left.  The whole belief system is a slipshod amalgam of demonstrably proven silliness.

Long live satire, an admirable tradition going back to Aristophanes of the 5th century BC.  I just hope that the lefty die-hards who permeate our cultural commanding heights can take it as well as conservatives in the past century and a half.

Go to the link below.  It’s a hoot.


