The California Housing Crisis: The Intersectionality of Hypocrisy and Central Planning

A professional basketball player in a jersey that says Golden State Warriors.
Golden State Warriors guard Steph Curry, in an April 21, 2022, game in Denver, has voiced his opposition to townhomes near his San Francisco Bay Area mansion. (David Zalubowski / Associated Press)

Have you heard this?  Steph Curry of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors doesn’t want a 1.5 acre, 16-unit “affordable” townhouse development near his $30 million mansion in the exclusive Bay Area community of Atherton (see below).  It’s too easy to expose the obvious hypocrisy given the guy’s outspoken progressive views.  Rich people of lefty inclinations seem to run away from their lefty beliefs as soon as the consequences get too close.  But Curry has legitimate concerns of safety and privacy for a celebrity like himself and his family.  The bigger issue, though, isn’t affordable housing in a state woefully deficient of it.  It’s the central planning that inherently comes with lefty/progressive thinking of the type running the show in California.

It’s borrowed from Stalin, a fellow lefty.  He abandoned his orthodox seminary as a young man and radicalized himself into an atheist revolutionary.  Off went the priestly frock and traditional beliefs and on came the drive to build the utopia on totalitarianism in league with a clique of fellow bomb throwers and statue topplers.  Sound familiar?  Portland?  Almost any urban complex or campus in the so-called golden state?  Central planning is one of the quintessential expressions of totalitarianism.

Stalin 5 Year Plan poster | Year plan, Propaganda posters, Travel posters
Soviet poster proclaiming the Five-Year Plan of industrialization.

Now in control, to Stalin, the utopia means industrialization at breakneck speed no matter the cost and turmoil to people’s lives.  Sound similar to “zero carbon”, the Green New Deal, Biden announcing the end of fossil fuels, Newson and his one-party state destroying energy production and herding the entire population of the state into ev’s?  As for Stalin, he ordered more steel from his politburo to Gosplan (state economic planning agency) who then gets the furnaces billowing at full blast to produce more of something that few can and want to use.  It piles in heaps outside the foundries.

Ditto for Governor Newsom and housing.  Not enough affordable housing?  He ordered the regional governments in the state (like SoCal Area Governments – SCAG – for instance) to create precise plans for more “affordable housing”.  Atherton, within ABAG (Assoc. of Bay Area Governments), did its part with 348 new housing units – 16 of which are to be plunked down next to the Curry estate.

Aerial Photography Atherton - Airview Online
Aerial view of Atherton, Ca.
Atherton Homes | Floor plans, Atherton, House styles
New home development in Atherton with bungalows starting from between a stripped-down $620,000 to three-quarters of a million.
Steph and Ayesha Curry are selling their Mediterranean-style estate in Walnut Creek for $3.2 million.
The $3.2 million mansion sold by Steph Curry and wife.
Il campione della Nba Stephen Curry acquista una villa da 31 milioni in California — idealista/news
Rear view of Curry’s new $31 million mansion in Atherton, Ca

That’s how central planning works.  Need something like cheaper housing? Well, just order it as Stalin did steel, while ignoring the Russian realities of the absence of a trained workforce, the infrastructure for a supply chain, whether the stuff is any good, the absence of contingent enterprises that could use it.  Equally oblivious as Newsom is, the land in question in Atherton probably goes for $8 million per acre. Do the math: $12 million for the land and sixteen “affordable” units at $250,000 each will bring in . . . wait for it . . . $4 million.  Oops, it doesn’t add up.

Watch “affordable housing” turn into “unaffordable housing”.  To cover just land costs, each unit will have to go for $750,000.  Add other incidentals like labor, engineering, materials, energy (fuel, electricity, etc.), the inevitable California delays, fees, taxes, and approvals, and you’re back to California’s housing crisis.  Stalin ended up with the world’s largest steel ingot and crappy tractors.  Newsom commands cheaper housing and ends up with fewer units and a huge subsidy bill to fund from the depleted state, county, and municipal treasuries and the state’s beleaguered taxpayers.  My bet: the units don’t get built.

Don’t worry, Steph.  The state’s buffoonish central planning and incompetence will protect you.

The housing situation won’t improve because the political eco-system for development in the state hasn’t changed.  It’s the same one that caused the problem.  Layer upon layer of bureaucracy smothers the housing industry. Powerful interest groups perch like vultures waiting to pounce.  EIR’s and EIS’s and related “public” hearings filled with NIMBY’s and the state’s militant eco-utopians make a mockery of the process.  CEQA, the Coastal Commission, the planning agencies in every jurisdiction in the state, the overlay of air quality management districts throughout the state, Cal. Fish and Game, USFWS, and their endangered species lists are poised to tear their claws into the project.

Critically Endangered Insects Make History at San Diego Zoo - Times of San Diego
The endangered Lord Howe Island stick insect (female). Photo Courtesy San Diego Zoo.

May be a cartoon of text

California NIMBYs don't love their children | OC Housing News

To tell the truth, the state has a housing crisis because it wants one.  They must want it, or they’re insane.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense must know that punishing a behavior, like building more housing, will mean less of the behavior.  It’s been the reality since the eco-industrial complex discovered the Delta Smelt, the Tipton Kangaroo Rat, and the evil of humans attempting to live better.

It gets worse.  Newsom’s affordable housing imperial decree is ready to clash with a recent California court’s decree extending California Endangered Species Act protections to invertebrates – i.e., insects (see below).  Californios will quickly learn that bumble bees count more than anything affordable in the state.  Karl Marx was wrong about much, but he got one thing right: “. . . history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Stalin’s central planning created the Holodomor and dekulakization which devastated the Ukraine, the Donbas, the Russian peasantry and agriculture, and created the stirrings of the bloody purges in the hunt for “wreckers”.  Newsom thinks that he can wave the magic wand of an imperial decree and, voilà, “affordable housing” appears.  Just announce it and it will be so.  Forget about Marx’s tragedy stage; the state quickly jumped to farce.

May be a cartoon of standing and footwear


Read more here:

* “NBA’s Steph Curry joins neighbors in opposing affordable-housing plan for ritzy Atherton”, Howard Blume, LA Times, 2/3/23, at

* “California court ruling opens door for protection of insects as endangered species”, Liz Kimbrough, Mongabay, 6/2/22, at

