Kevin D. Williamson in his recent National Review piece gets it right about socialism. For you Georgetown coeds, socialism is the turning of economic enterprises into government agencies; therefore, they work like the DMV.
Take Pemex, the Mexican government-owned oil monopoly. A stretch of the Gulf of Mexico is on fire thanks to a Pemex gas leak and lightning. Corruption and poor goods and services are rampant because, surprise, government workers behave like their counterparts in the Teamsters and, when government becomes the business, it has a poor track record of regulating itself. Production shifts from oil products to making secure and handsomely-paid jobs. Things like environmental protection and good products at a good price take a back seat to securing the gravy train.
This time, they have the power of the state to insulate them from the prying eyes of victims and competitors.
Sounds like Solyndra. Sounds like the Green New Deal, or Solyndra on meth. Sounds like the public schools and their money-grubbing interests in the faculty lounges and AFT/NEA. Sounds like Al Gore in his latest role of $200 million eco-tycoon. Dingbats like AOC, et al, and Bernie don’t get it, but, if they’re successful, we’ll get it – it being nothing wanted or expected.