Peggy Noonan’s growing “political dynamic” of our times (from 2016):
“There are the protected and the unprotected. The protected make public policy. The unprotected live in it …. The protected are the accomplished, the secure, the successful—those who have power or access to it. They are protected from much of the roughness of the world. More to the point, they are protected from the world they have created [emphasis in the original].”

She’s right, and it should gall anyone with half a brain.
I had a little time Wednesday, 1/3/24, while exercising to listen to Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. He inspired me to take a third look at Peggy Noonan’s piece from 2016, “Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected” (see below). Hewitt used the article as a launching point to discuss the fall of Claudine Gay, the disgraced president of Harvard. His point was that the vast majority of working Americans don’t care squat about the problems of a Harvard president. If anything, the episode reminds the common person of the rank favoritism of those who have placed themselves above the mire that they have made for everyone else. Good point, but it only goes so far.
Lets’ face it, Gay was not hired for her high achievements in scholarship or administrative skill. She fit the new ideologically laced identity standards of our insulated, self-anointed aristocracy: black, female, immigrant-affiliated, and predictably left-wing. She fits the superficial bill. She was placed on a fast track to a fully tenured professorship, Dean of the Arts and Sciences, and the Harvard presidency. Yet, she’s an empty suit with a checkered resumé. It should rankle the parents of any working-class kid who was booted for the same infractions committed by the appointed sovereign of Harvard College, one whose academic accomplishments are extremely thin and plagued by charges of academic fraud, plagiarism (see below).

Don’t think for a moment that she’s relegated to a bread line after her resignation. She’ll still garner $900,000 a year as a Harvard professor. She’s protected no matter how bad she’s been. If that doesn’t pore salt into the open wound of the “unprotected”, nothing will.
Yet, where does the recognition of this new political battle line take us? Nowhere, and fast.
Politically, it could easily end in a disaster. Are the animated “unprotected” sufficient in number to constitute a governing electoral majority? Recent history makes that possibility very tenuous. The Trump victory of 2016 was by the skin of his teeth. With narrow majorities for both parties in Congress during his term, it teetered wildly between Reaganite measures and Trump impeachment. By 2018 and 2020, the Republican congressional footprint shrunk. The expected GOP banner year of 2022 would go down as the Great Disappointment. It is apparent that a rebellion of the bellicose “unprotected” isn’t enough. Plus, you have to factor into the political calculus what is lost in a stance catering to the shrillest in those ranks.
And that brings me to Donald Trump. As a character on our political stage, he’s both the middle finger to the “protected” and repulsive, repugnant to large swaths of the voting public open to the GOP being the antidote to the left-wing lunacy coming from our so-called “betters”( the “protected”), the supporting mass of the Democrats’ progressivism. Is the goal of a political campaign to win or simply be a stage for venting? Losing leaves only the wallowing in wild conspiratorial excuses.
Chief among the excuses is the charge that the system is rigged. It is, and the complainers (the “unprotected”) are right to be up in arms. The pandemic brought it all into the spotlight. Protests for thee but not for me. Private and open schools for thee and closed ones and distance-learning for my kids. Then, parents learned of the hard-core porn and neo-Marxist indoctrination that were being inculcated into their children. The “unprotected” experienced the loss of one to two years of learning while the “protected” raced forward in their exclusive private academies. Small and medium businesses were shuttered and jobs lost leaving a monopoly for the bigs. Cops closing down church services as rioters were free to torch the downtowns and federal courthouses from one megalopolis to the next. 2020 to 21 was a disgrace, courtesy of the “protected”.
Though, admittedly, the rigged-system charge sounds eerily like the banal Marxist complaint, the one wholly embraced by the “protected” Left. When a complaint goes “systematic”, that’s carte blanche to tear down the society, the system, a totalitarian uprising. This time from the right, Donald Trump hinted as much when he suggested that his followers should not adhere to the niceties of the Constitution. To correct the alleged fraud of his election loss, on Truth Social in late 2022, Trump called for “the termination of all rules . . . even those found in the Constitution” (see below). He quickly took a rhetorical two-step away from it. But still, root-and-branch actions to upend the “system” was broached by a figurehead on the Right. The Constitution to the woke snowflakes is a white man’s slavery compact. For Trumpers, and Trump himself, it is a compact for sinecures of the “protected” Left and election fraud. For both sides, the ends justify the means. History is not encouraging about the repercussions of that tact.
I’m not quite ready for the Hobbesian life of solitary, nasty, brutish, and short outside the rule of law. Yet, that’s a possible destination for the country for both sides.
As we head into election season 2024, the faces of both parties – Biden and Trump – appear ugly to overwhelming numbers of voters. It’s a battle of the repulsive. FiveThirtyEight’s list of current polls consistently register disgust. Media and the incendiary commentariat focus on the head-to-head matchup. Trump is up, Biden is down, but regardless, 52% to 55% consistently view both with a jaundiced eye (see below). If Biden v. Trump II was pay-for-view, the investors would face a ratings disaster.
My worry is the down-ballot. If Trump should win, it won’t be by much, and he won’t have coattails, never has. If Biden wins, ditto. If elected, I expect Trump to be immediately impeached if the Democrats ascend to the majority in the House and Senate. If roles were reversed and Biden wins, Republicans will impeach not only Biden but his entire cabinet, leaving the VP to giggle and uptalk her way through the next four years. Unitary GOP government would give us more chief executive flamboyance and impulsiveness, and Trump isolationism and protectionism. Unitary donkey party rule will be an attempt to turn the country into California. Either way, the “unprotected” will get screwed either as part-and-parcel of them getting what they want – Trump elected and proving the failure of protectionism, isolationism, and chaos in the executive once again – or being the target of command-and-control social engineering after another Trump election failure and more donkey party eco-totalitarianism.
The “unprotected”, by themselves, don’t make an electoral majority. Their middle finger to the “protected”, in the person of Donald Trump, is repugnant to the vast center of the electorate. The goal of politics in democracies is to win and the “unprotected” don’t have the numbers by themselves. Trump is a divisive figure, not a unifying one. After all, he’s a middle finger, not a statesman. Thus, by default, given the narrow appeal of the orange man, the “protected” have a good chance of remaining protected and in power to continue to make hash of our lives. We need to move beyond a mere repeat of the same contest and practice a little more election calculus. The equation ends in the unavoidable conclusion: if the “unprotected” want protection, first, win elections!
* “Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected”, Peggy Noonan, originally published in the Wall Street Journal, 2/25/2016, at https://peggynoonan.com/trump-and-the-rise-of-the-unprotected/
* “Is Claudine Gay a Plagiarist?”, Christopher Rufo and Christopher Brunet, 12/10/23, at https://christopherrufo.com/p/is-claudine-gay-a-plagiarist
* “Trump Backtracks On Calling For ‘Termination’ Of Constitution Following Backlash”, Sara Dorn, Forbes, 12/5/22, at https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2022/12/05/trump-backtracks-on-calling-for-termination-of-constitution-following-backlash/?sh=7118d1d74161
* FiveThirtyEight latest polls at https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/