“The Science” Places Homeschoolers in the Crosshairs

What Is Homeschooling? A Guide for Parents and Students | Homeschool SuperCenter

Homeschoolers be warned that a politicized science in politicized journals like Scientific American is gunning for you.

If you believe that science hasn’t been corrupted by a political ideology, that it is value-neutral, you are naïve and grossly ill-informed.  I invite anyone to go over to the Scientific American website (www.scientificamerican.com) and peruse their links to “Pressroom” for editor bios and “The Editors” for their stories (see #1 and #2 below).  The bios read like missionaries of the progressive blob.  The editors’ stories aren’t pure science but a monotonous drumbeat for greater central government power, the poker tell of progressivism.  These are people who are impertinent enough to claim to represent science in America.  Whew, what a mess.

Managing editor Jeanne Bryner encapsulates progressivism’s pretensions in her bio which includes the line “. . . just about everything can be viewed through the lens of science.”  “Just about everything” might be the escape hatch from her half-witted flight of fancy.  It should be clear to anyone with an ounce of adult-level awareness that moral judgments frequently evade the calculus of the lab.  Science could devise an effective means to terminate unborn life, and has (for instance, the abortion pill of mifepristone and misoprostol), but it can’t say squat about whether we ought to.  These people hitch “science” to their ideological commitments, such as the charge that we have too many people, and even add numbers, but that’s just quantifying an unquantifiable belief and calling it science.

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Politicized science in Scientific American, June 2022 issue

The editors of Scientific American exude progressive conceit.  Read their backgrounds; it’s something that they’ve been imbibing since their formative years, whose lifestyle reinforces.  Degrees in fields that are hotbeds of left-wing activism are common.  Environmentalism appears to be a substitute religion.  Many have degreed specialties in journalism.  Typical of ideological zealots, no serious consideration of trade-offs plays a prominent role in their thinking.  How much of their production is real science, and how much of their “science” is curated through experiences in certain ideologically infected college disciplines, lifestyle preferences, and the prevalent proclivities of their demography (female, college, many single, urban white collar)?  Mull over that for awhile.

Editor in Chief Laura Helmuth is straight from liberal-left central casting.  Rummaging through her background discloses a propensity for hijacking “the science” for progressive, left-wing causes.  The magazine endorsed Joe Biden in 2020 in a decision that was “both unanimous and quick”, citing the sins of the Trump administration to her brand of “science”.

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Laura Helmuth, Editor in Chief

Her “science” is the science of the progressive zealot.  Her mind is as closed as a steel trap.  I doubt that the writings of researchers in design theory (evidence of a Designer in the cosmos and nature), like the work of the Discovery Institute, would ever be allowed to grace the pages of the magazine.  If you’re cool to climate-change jeremiads, don’t expect a call to be a contributor.  Under her leadership, Scientific American is in competition with Mother Jones for the same audience.  See Helmuth’s Wikipedia page.

Progressivism lies at the foundation of editorial decisions.  So, what is it?  Progressivism is a ticket to power for people like Helmuth.  Going back to the late 19th century, progressives fell in love with “experts”, people like them, people of the appropriate cultural accoutrements like years spent inside classrooms.  They worship at the altar of credentials, degrees, and what not.  And these college matriculants are said to be deserving of power to lead the population to the promised land.  Little things like the Constitution, separation of powers, federalism, the subsidiary principle (localism), rule of law, and popular sovereignty shouldn’t be allowed to spoil the march to the rule of the administrative state.

That’s where we find the editors of Scientific American in their progressive jihad against homeschooling (see #3 below).  They complain about the absence of uniform standards for such independent practitioners (parents) and their charges (their children), who are the rebels to their leadership.  Of course, the “expert’s” uniform standards will be those that emanate out of the left-infected schools of education and the vile teachers’ unions and into the commissariat of the federal Department of Education and its policies and regulations.  Once announced, they become the excuse for a power grab away from parents.

Nothing is worse for the progressive than a bunch of parents making their own choices independent of the “expert’s” set of coercible rules.  They treat the population as cattle to be herded.

For example, these “experts” in the editors’ piece lamented the “pushback” of parents in Michigan against the experts’ much-loved registry of homeschooling parents and their children.  Sounds like the registry of Jews of a bygone era.  Their contempt for the “pushback” is actually a disdain for citizen involvement, something de Tocqueville praised but upsetting to the gurus of Scientific American.  They stooped so low as to resort to child abuse to rationalize a diminishment of parental rights.  It’s disgusting. If abuse occurred in one home, it is assumed to be characteristic of all parents who teach their own children, or why else bring it up?

Holocaust Remembrance Day,: Replace Numbers With Names – The Forward
Jews in Nazi concentration camps were tattooed with serial numbers for registration.

Here we have “experts” wallowing in the logical fallacy of composition – “if something is true for the part then that is true for the whole or the group too” (see #7 below).  An abusing parent who isolates their kid is transformed into being a defining characteristic of homeschooling.  This isn’t “science”.  It’s something out of the Joseph Goebbels playbook.

The same stance of this we-know-what’s-best-for-your-kids crowd is the pretext for sidelining parents regarding “Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming” children as soon as the kids are dropped into the clutches of school employees.  California is the Valhalla of this political sect masquerading behind a mask of “science”.

A huge leap in deplatforming California parents in the upbringing of their own children was promulgated in 2017 in the California Department of Education’s notorious Administrative Regulation 5145.3 (see #5 below).  Under the guise of “Nondiscrimination/Harassment”, the young “gender-nonconforming” are accorded unique privacy rights not granted to any other student.  The policy puts the child in the parental seat.  If the child wishes it so, school employees are obligated to lie or withhold information from parents on their child’s condition.  The kid may be transitioning with the assistance of school employees and the parents are kept in the dark.  Needless to say, some locally elected school boards are resisting (Chino and Rocklin for instance) while the jackbooted California AG, Rob Bonta, responds with lawsuits to compel compliance.

Up to now, Bonta has succeeded.  He even managed to sideline a parent initiative to codify the right of parents to be informed by using his power to title and summarize the proposition as “anti-gay” (all described in a prior post).  A California judge bowed to Bonta when the parents sued.  That put a stop to signature gathering.  Parents of California, this, combined with the strangulation of other educational avenues in the state (charters, private and religious schools, homeschooling) may leave you with no other option but to leave the state to save your kids from permanent mental and physical scarring.

Charlie Evans has set-up a charity to help people in the transgender community who want to stop or reverse their decision 
Detransitioner. Charlie Evans has set-up a charity to help people in the transgender community who want to stop or reverse their decision (photo: Stuart Nicol)
Helena Kerschner, now 23, is part of a growing number of “detransitioners,” returning to the gender of their birth. She said her male transition (left) was “definitely triggered” by trans activists online.
Helena Kerschner before detransitioning and after

The only child abuse may be choosing to remain in the state.

It is heartening to know that the Supreme Court is putting a break on this stampede to the rule of the unelected “expert” – the kind of person utterly adored by the editors of Scientific American.  At the federal level, the decision of the Court majority in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo put to rest the power grab of administrative agencies in areas not supported by law.  See, such agencies can only operate within the clear parameters of an underwriting law, if one still considers the Constitution operative.  If the law is silent or vague, they can’t freewheel it.  Congress must clarify or not.  If not, regulators aren’t free to legislate.  They’re stuck, not us.

Since the 1920s, the Court has upheld parental rights under the 14th Amendment (with a muddled modification in Troxel v. Granville of 2000, see #6 below).  Loper Bright drew a bold line for federal authorities, but has little impact on states whose electorates are infatuated with regulators, even if it means making the kids the sovereigns of their own upbringing under the guidance of empowered “experts”, even if it results in a compelled recognition of your daughter as now your son.

The people running Scientific American are typical of the educated “idle hands” class (in the words of philosopher Roger Scruton).  In other words, people imprisoned in the Disneyland of their own mind.  Don’t trouble them with reality.  They have idled away their time in fantasizing about the many ways to be ludicrous.

As with children, so it is true with many of the college educated: idle hands are the devil’s playthings (Benjamin Franklin).  The devil is playing around in the “science” of Scientific American.

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1. The Editors of Scientific American in “Pressroom” at https://www.scientificamerican.com/pressroom/
2. Scientific American editors’ stories in “Stories of the Editors” at https://www.scientificamerican.com/author/the-editors/
3. “Children Deserve Uniform Standards in Homeschooling”, The Editors, Scientific American, 5/14/2024, at https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/children-deserve-uniform-standards-in-homeschooling/
4. Thanks to James Mason of the Home School Legal Defense Association in “Why Is Scientific American Going After Homeschooling?”, National Review, 7/5/2024, at https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/07/why-is-scientific-american-going-after-homeschooling/
5. California AR 5145.3, imposed on all school districts in the state, can be read at https://simivalley.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=7&clip_id=1953&meta_id=123825. This is Simi Valley USD’s version of it. Scroll down to page 8 and the section “Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming”.
6. “The Supreme Court’s Parental Rights Doctrine”, parentalrigts.org, at https://parentalrights.org/understand_the_issue/supreme-court/
7. “Fallacy of Composition – Definition and Examples” in Logical Fallacy at https://www.logical-fallacy.com/articles/fallacy-of-composition/

