The scientific method begins with a hypothesis. You notice something happening in the world and ask why. You combine prior experience and facts to stitch together a possible answer. Call it an educated guess as opposed to a mere guess. Then, it must be tested and either confirmed, rejected, or reformulated for further testing. The rules of logic apply at every step along the way. So, I hear the cry of “systemic racism” from agitated marchers in the streets and ask why, why are they saying it? More to the point, is it true? They assert it, but historically speaking, mobs are seldom the founts of goodness, truth, and light.
And mobs they are, if you notice the charred remains of entire blocks in our major cities and vandalized monuments. The angry protesters went right from the post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc fallacy (this therefore that) to the illogic of the general-and-particular confusion (rule of logic: what is true of the particular isn’t necessarily true of the general and vice versa). The angry protesters qualify as mobs not only because of the violence. It’s also because of their track record for irrationality.
Let’s engage the mind of your typical acolyte of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, or your run-of-the-mill college snowflake. The constant pounding of “you (or they) aren’t responsible for your (or their) condition because it’s really the racist man holding you down” is the only truly systemic thing about the mania. The mobsters are voluntary inmates of a reeducation camp, thanks to our schools. They are primed for illogic.
With the unsupported conclusion in tow, they go right to the streets and statues. The only factoid in their cognitive miasma is some number in relation to a group’s proportionality – like police stops in relation to a subject group’s portion of the population. From there, they jump to the “racist man”. Post hoc ergo propter hoc anyone? But could there be any other possible explanation for the factoid other than the racist man? Don’t tax their minds with that question because you will first be met with a pause of blank stares to be followed by spittle-laced shouting in your face or a beating.
They’ve turned themselves into Leftist street thugs. As such, they gloss over any alternative hypothesis that might show the blame to lie with the same policies that they hold so dear. It might come as a shock for them to learn that their beloved idea of massive new social programs has already been tried and found wanting. LBJ announced the War on Poverty and proceeded to bulldoze entire neighborhoods and call it “urban renewal”. Welfare budgets ever since have exploded into mountains of cash and new ways to distribute it.
In the meantime, single parenthood became the mainstay in the black community, swelling from 24% in 1965 to over 70% today. In many cities, it’s worse. Alongside of it came increased dropout rates in school and the workforce. Crime rates soared. The litany is too well-documented to deny. Is it more logical to indict a shadowy “racist man” or recognize the fact that a Sherman’s March has been conducted through the families of the poor, many of them black, aided and abetted by the nanny state? Skin color isn’t the cause of these circumstances, but upbringing can be. The little platoons of civilization – the intact family – is an endangered species. How about that possibility?
There is no room in the mind of a late teen or twenty-something for the possibility after the non-stop pounding of tendentious curriculum, teachers, and profs from K to 16 and beyond. I should know. I was witness to it as a functionary in the Education Borg for 30 years.
The indoctrination created a new default position in formative minds. They are ready to plug single instances like a viral video of individual misbehavior into their preset dogmas. Thus, a single bad cop morphs into a cabal of Klansmen in uniform in all police departments and the hair-on-fire protester-run-amok. One or a few cops says little about all cops in much the same way as one shoplifting shopper fails to say anything about all shoppers. The foolishness of the particular-and-general confusion anyone?
Many of the adults in positions of authority aren’t any better. They are the equal of the mental midgets in the streets. If you wait to get your wisdom from Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, the Squad, Lefty mayors and governors (of which there are legions), and the army of mercenary and partisan pundits on CNN and MSNBC, you are setting yourself up for a fall. They similarly jump, for instance, from black over-representation in the crime statistics to the breezy scapegoat of “systemic racism”.
It never crossed their minds that the crime numbers come from black victims. This is supported by stats for victims and suspects by race. Looking at the numbers for violent crime, 45% of assault victims are black while 53% of suspects fit the same bill. The same is true for murders – 56 and 62 – and shootings – 71 and 74. The vast majority of complaints are brought by victims who overwhelmingly are black. Pelosi and company can only square this circle by mimicking Groucho Marx: “Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?”
A wild claim of supplanted and delusionary memory on the part of black victims would fall into the same category of illogic as the hoax of “systemic racism” – unproven, unprovable, and demagogic. Still, it is enough to enrage the inmates of the reeducation camps when they are freed to spill out onto our streets. I don’t blame the dupes. I blame the opportunistic adults, many of them with D’s after their names, many of them in tenured teaching positions, and some with R’s after their names who mistake the mob for the voice of the people. Shame on them all.