The World Turned Upside Down


Trump and Vance attack Zelenskyy in remarkable Oval Office exchange - POLITICO
Pres. Trump and VP Vance criticize Zelenskyy in Oval Office on Feb.28, 2025

People have talked about disruption as if it was some kind of virtue. Disruption is like a kitchen knife. It is neither good nor bad. It depends on our purpose. It could be part of our plan to make a family meal or part of a plan to harm another person. Similarly, disruption could be used to break up malign nests in our administrative state, or it could turn friends and allies into enemies and enemies into friends. Such is the foreign policy of the second Trump circus.

Imagine it, the Republican Party is the party of George McGovern, and the Democrats sound like Ronald Reagan (see Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet’s speech below). Can “disruption” get any crazier? Democrats invoke Reagan, and the Trump foreign policy is run as if Jane Fonda and her 1972 consort, Tom Hayden, are in charge.

Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda speak to press upon return from North Vietnam in 1972
Actress Jane Fonda sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun during her 1972 visit to the ...
Jane Fonda at North Vietnamese antiaircraft gun during 1972 visit to North Vietnam

The whole of MAGA world follows in lockstep. It is as if the 1960s peace movement, fresh from their maligning of returning Vietnam War vets at San Francisco airport, had a political transgender moment five decades later and discovered their inner MAGA. Trump cannot find anything negative to say about Ho (Chi Minh) . . . er, Putin. After Ho . . . er, Putin . . . rejected making any serious counteroffer to the one Trump coerced out of the Ukrainians, Trump responded in his now usual Putin smiley-face way (see #1): “Based on the statements he made today, they were pretty positive, I think.”

Fox News plays an outsized role in the camp of the MAGA chattering classes. Andrew Napolitano, MAGA’s Jane Fonda/Tom Hayden, came back from Hanoi . . . er, Moscow . . . with a glowing report of the latest brutalitarian Shangri La. He visited Hanoi . . . er, Moscow . . . on invitation from his friend, Le Duc Tho, North Vietnamese Foreign Minister . . . er, Sergei Lavrov, Putin’s Foreign Minister.

WATCH Lavrov speaks to US bloggers - Pravda Trump
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to the US bloggers Mario Nawfal, Larry C. Johnson and Andrew Napolitano, Moscow, March 12, 2025

It did not take long for Fonda/Hayden . . . er, Napolitano . . . to appear on Fox News to parrot Ho . . . er, Putin . . . propaganda. In an updated version of the old “Who are you going to believe, me or your lyn’ eyes?”, the Ukraine War according to Napoliano (or Fonda/Hayden, you choose) did not begin when Putin seized Crimea in 2014 or the 2022 invasion to capture Kyiv and the east and south of the country. Instead, Fonda/Hayden . . . er, Napolitano . . . blamed us. According to Napolitano, it “started in 2014 with a coup against a popularly elected president [Putin stooge Viktor Yanukovych] who sought neutrality for Ukraine. . . orchestrated by the U.S. State Department in conjunction with the CIA and British MI6.” In actuality, Yanukovych was corruptly elected and popularly deposed by millions of Ukrainians who hit the streets to protest his delivery of them into the arms of Putin. Yanukovych skedaddled to Moscow.

But do not let facts get in the way of a good smear on Ukraine. The sixties radical Left took over the Democratic Party, and with them they brought their peace-at-any-price plank which was part-and-parcel of their condemnation of western civilization. Do you remember “Hey, hey, ho, ho, western civ has to go”? Move over Democrats, now it is the Republicans with their own theatrical variant, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Ukraine has to go.” The sixties Left smeared the U.S. and then moved into the teaching profession and soon into the commanding heights of the culture. The Trump Right got bit by the same rabid animal and took over today’s GOP. The oval office scene of February 28 is what would have happened if President Tom Hayden and VP Jane Fonda had a meeting with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu.

The sixties Left aped Ho’s propaganda and the Trump Right apes Putin’s. It is “de ja vu all over again”. Maybe we should not be surprised. Read Ecclesiastes 1:9:

“What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”

Please watch Sen. Bennet’s speech in the Senate.



1. Thanks to Jim Geraghty for his insights in “Putin Flips Trump’s Cease-Fire the Bird”, National Review, 3/14/2025, at

