I am reading two books: Byron York’s “Obsession: Inside the Washington Establishment’s Never-Ending War on Trump” and Gordon Wood’s “Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson”. Today’s quote comes from “Friends Divided”.
But, first, a few words are in order about “Obsession”. Reading just the first few chapters will elicit a slow burn about our secluded and insular DC elites. This Soviet-style nomenklatura is seriously undermining the whole concept of a self-governing republic. Please read it.
John Adams wrote in an essay in the Boston Gazette in 1765, “But when restraints [on government] are taken off, it becomes an incroaching [sic], grasping, restless, and ungovernable power.”
Antifa, BLM, rioters, statue topplers, the base and leadership of the Democratic Party, and infantile academics like Ibram X. Kendi are making Adams into the possessor of a crystal ball. They want to construct a totalitarian Leviathan on racial reparations, escalating taxes, The Green New Deal, government health care in the form of Medicare for All, and a jihad against a racism that is so broadly defined as to encompass controls on all aspects of a person’s life – in Kendi’s sophomoric mind, the battle for race-based “equities”. “Equities” is cover for equality-of-result at the hands of an omnipotent state. Revel’s totalitarian temptation (previously mentioned) is on full display.
A set of infected chickens will come home to roost if given the chance. Our times are interesting and dangerous.