Tucker Carlson, My Tom Hayden Memorial Emissary Award Winner


Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda at news conference after their infamous visit to North Vietnam in 1972
Vintage Photographs of Jane Fonda's Trip to North Vietnam in 1972, Which Earned Her the Nickname ...
Jane Fonda in the seat of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun, the ones that were killing American pilots.
Tucker Carlson confirms he's interviewing Putin in Moscow
Tucker Carlson recently in Moscow to perform the same service for Putin

Tom Hayden, premiere anti-Vietnam War activist, who declared “We refuse to be anti-Communist”, made multiple trips to North Vietnam from 1965 to 1974, including a 1972 one with his future wife, Jane Fonda, whitewashing the communist Hanoi regime.  Who elected him to conduct our country’s foreign relations?  The nerve of the guy.  The American people already elected other people to do it.  He’s of the Left, and today on the Right we have Tucker Carlson.  In the Hayden tradition of pasting happy face on brutal and totalitarian thuggeries, Carlson goes to Russia and Vladimir Putin to normalize his tyranny, whether intended or not.

Watch below Tucker’s piece about his tour of the Kiyevskaya metro station in Moscow, Russia.  Watch him gush about its orderliness and cleanliness.  In case you may have missed it, spotless public spaces are a common feature of totalitarianism from Der Fuhrer to the communist Kim dynasty of North Korea.  Tucker, it’s hardly a selling point, unless you’re quick to sacrifice liberty for sanitized public spaces.

Throughout his interview with Putin, the despot betrayed his basic Marxist outlook, a product of indoctrination in the USSR from child to career KGB officer.  The Soviet Union hasn’t gone away; it’s only gone through a name change.  And you can see the shadow of the sinister past in the station.

The Kiyevskaya metro station is named after Kiyev, or the anglicized “Kiev”.  Yes, that Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.  As this station went up in the 1930s, Stalin was murdering and starving 10 million people or so, mostly in the Ukraine, in something called the Holodomor.  The murals festooning the station’s wall are propaganda images of happy peasants at work on their government-imposed communes, or collective farms (kolkhozes).  The reality was anything but joyous.

Stalin ordered industrialization, even the industrialization of agriculture, for the country.  Of course, the farmers liked their land, farms, animals, and equipment, and resistance fomented as their property was seized and they were herded onto collective farms or work camps (gulags), losing everything. Even the seed for next year’s crop which, like all the grain, was sold to purchase factory equipment. No more crop next year.  The communes were as great a disaster as the factories.  Famine spread and was exploited by the big man and his politburo to suppress Ukrainian nationalism.  The gulags proliferated and became an archipelago of gulags in Solzhenitsyn’s famous words.  The murals in the metro were designed to hide the horrors.  They were totalitarianism in art.

Spotlessness in public appearances, absolute hygienic orderliness, could be a similar sign of complete tyranny.  To keep the spaces clear of rubbish and ugliness, the Putin claque utilizes an import from the CCP: AI facial recognition tech tied to thousands of cameras.  But that’s not the only purpose of it.  Putin’s henchmen use it to pick up dissenters, dissidents, and political opponents.  Many a free thinker has been spirited away into Putin’s archipelago, many never to be heard from again.

Friday, another one of the greats of Russian free thought, Alexei Navalny, died in custody.  He joins many others in the grave.  Life imitates art, Orwell’s Big Brother.  Yep, Tucker, the last vestiges of freedom are thrown into the trash bin along with the other refuse.  But Russia has clean subways.

And cheaper food prices, cheaper for a fat and sassy westerner like Tucker as he was guided into a Moscow grocery store (see #4 below).  Everything is cheaper in the country, including the labor, which explains the lower prices. Lower incomes depress prices.  In 1930s America, during The Great Depression, the time was a buyer’s paradise . . . if you had a steady job.  The average monthly income in Russia is $787, as opposed to the U.S. monthly median of $4,568 (see #2 and #3 below).  That says volumes.

That’s not all. 60% of Russians spend half their income on just food.  22% of Russian households don’t have indoor plumbing, compared to the American .3% (see #3 below).  With a consumer base like that, Tucker could buy out the store with just pocket change, if he could slip it by customs at JFK airport.

North Korea is similarly spotless.  Over the years, we’ve seen many pictures of the pristine, purified places in Pyongyang, and thin, even emaciated people standing around.  Compare Tucker’s Moscow metro station with this video of Pyongyang street scenes in the next post.  Tucker, could we also learn a few things from the Kim dynasty?

I nominate Tucker Carlson for the 2024 Tom Hayden Memorial Emissary Award for his attempt at dignifying the indecent.

Please watch the Carlson tour below.


1. The full Tucker Carlson interview with Putin can be viewed at https://youtu.be/hYfByTcY49k?si=kxFsUvWJsbtKDUzl
2. “How Average Salary in Russia Compares to US”, Tom Norton, Newsweek, 2/16/24, at https://www.newsweek.com/how-average-salary-russia-compares-us-1870740#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20latest%20figures,was%20about%20%24787%20in%20November.
3. Thanks to Jim Geraghty of National Review for his comparison of Russia and the U.S. in “No, America Is Not ‘Ugly and Decayed’”, 2/19/24, at https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/no-america-is-not-ugly-and-decayed/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=blog-post&utm_campaign=river&utm_content=top-bar-latest&utm_term=second
4. Tucker’s grocery store tour can be viewed at https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1758158808835125642
5. “We Need to Talk about Tucker”, Jeffrey Blehar, National Review, 2/20/24, at https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/we-need-to-talk-about-tucker/
6. “Tucker Carlson Claims Groceries Are Cheaper in Russia Despite a Russian Food Inflation Crisis”, Troy Matthews, MTN, 2/16/24, at https://www.meidastouch.com/news/tucker-carlson-claims-groceries-are-cheaper-in-russia-despite-a-russian-food-inflation-crisis#:~:text=In%20a%20survey%20of%205%2C000,more%20than%2020%25%20on%20food.

