Victor Davis Hanson, What Happened to You?

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I was an avid follower of Victor Davis Hanson’s podcast.  I appreciated his astute observations on the state of play in the country.  But lately, I’ve discerned derangement when it comes to Ukraine.  It’s the same mania that has a grip on the loonier fringes of the right.  Why did some Republican congresspeople stand in still defiance of Zelensky in his December 2022 speech to Congress?  Why do some mouthpieces of the right’s chattering classes (Tucker Carlson for instance) never miss an opportunity to smear Zelensky and Ukraine?  It’s so very odd given the fact that the talk emanating from this faction is chock full of complaints about Ukraine but is glaringly empty of any suggestions as to what we should do in response to one nation attempting a blatant conquest of another on a continent historically beset with near-apocalyptic conflagrations.  It’s a bitch session without any practical suggestions.

Video shows Marjorie Taylor Greene 'didn't applaud' Zelensky's speech to Congress | indy100
Marjorie Taylor Greene stands motionless as others clap during Zelensky speech to Congress in December 2022.

The behavior boggles the mind.  Not since Saddam Hussein barged into Kuwait, or the Wehrmacht’s 1930’s plunge into Czechoslovakia and Poland, has the world experienced such naked aggression as this.  Gauging by the reaction of neighbors and some adamantly neutral nations – Sweden and Finland – something very big had happened when Putin unleashed his military forces on Kyiv.  Sweden, a country that during the Cold War had its fighter jets on the tarmac simultaneously facing east and west, is rushing to the arms of NATO.  Finland, since Stalin’s time a strictly nonpartisan pacifist nation, has declared its intention to join the alliance as well.  The already skittish Baltics are in a panic, and rightly so.  Yet, for people like Tucker and Marjorie Taylor Greene, it’s the Alfred E. Neuman line of Mad Magazine fame, “What- Me Worry?”  More than that, they seem to have stocked up on a supply of broad coarse brushes and buckets of tar to lather on Zelensky and Ukraine.

I got a full dose of VDH’s mental state in regard to Ukraine in his February 9 podcast (see below).  It was full of vitriol about Ukraine and Zelensky but nary a word about what he would propose to counter a brazen act of conquest on a continent already the scene of the world’s two greatest bloodbaths that were ignited by nearly identical aggressions – Belgium/France 1914, 1930’s Austria/Czechoslovakia/Poland.  The lambast included a characterization of Zelensky as an ingrate, but by a standard that would make Churchill one.  Hanson’s depiction of the comparative weights (population, economy, nuclear weapons, etc.) of the two sides, while superficially correct, isn’t dispositive of the end result if history is any guide.  From the battlefields of Plataea, Marathon, and Salamis of ancient Greece to the jungles of Vietnam and the mountainous uplands of Afghanistan, small forces with esprit de corps and allies can defeat a much bigger one.  Hanson clearly knows this, so why does he suggest that the Ukrainian defeat is inevitable?  Once again, it boggles the mind.

Ancient Greece timeline | Timetoast timelines
Greeks defeat the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC.
Mujahideen Waiting for Soviet Army | Afghan-Soviet war 1979-… | Flickr
Mujahideen fighters in position against the Soviet army in Afghanistan in the 1980’s.

Far from it, Ukraine could gain the upper hand in this thing.  The question then will be: who got worn down?  One French estimate puts Putin’s losses at around 250,000 since he started the invasion (see below), not to mention the hundreds of thousands of fighting-age men who have fled.

Hanson’s trump card, though, is the Russian possession of nuclear weapons.  That somehow makes Putin unbeatable, which does more to explain why the Kim family of North Korea and the mullahs of Iran want them.  But the problem with a nuclear arsenal was the same one during the Cold War: use them and you’re done.  Mutually assured destruction either though a nuclear response, prolonged siege of sanctions and isolation, a forever red-dot bullseye on Putin’s forehead, or a Milosevich-type prosecution at the Hague awaits the Kremlin.  Remember, victims and survivors of holocausts are unrelenting in their pursuit of the perps.  Two names illustrate the point: Simon Wiesenthal and his pursuit of Nazis and Israel’s capture of Adolf Eichmann (and many others) in 1960.  Use a nuke, tactical or otherwise, and Putin will have a life of sleepless nights.  Don’t you think that he knows this?  Who wants to share space in history books with Heinrich Himmler?

May be an image of text that says '7 JEURNAL 20189 CREATORS.COM This is ALL UKRAINE'S FAULT... UKRAINE RAINE @Ramireztoons RUSSIA'

But here’s the rub with Hanson’s rant: none of his points about Ukraine make much sense outside a reference to American domestic politics.  A faction of the right judges almost every issue in light of its relation to Trump.  A Ukrainian energy company hired Hunter.  Trump’s “perfect” phone call – which honestly wasn’t perfect, nor illegal, nor impeachable – was with Zelensky.  Some Ukrainian policymakers favored Hillary, which isn’t unusual since all nations with a gun to their head – like Ukraine – nuzzle up to the likely winner of the leadership post of the big dog that can save them.  Heck, everyone including Trump thought he was going to lose in 2016.

Ironically, we also play the election-interference game in places like Israel, post-Soviet Russia, and elsewhere.  It’s therefore hardly surprising, even if illegal, for foreigners to interfere in our domestic politics.

Then there’s the notorious ex-Ukrainian US Colonel Vidman whose testimony at Trump’s impeachment hearing helped lead to the spurious abuse-of-power charge.  See, you paint enough anti-Trump stuff on Ukraine and Trump sycophants begin to view Ukrainians as outside their tribe.  Sure, it’s sophomoric, “the politics of the junior-high lunchroom” (see below), but it works as an important signifier for those who have difficulty constructing a coherent thought on their own.

Impeachment witness Alexander Vindman says in op-ed 'doing what's right matters'
Colonel Vidman in testimony in impeachment hearing of Pres. Trump in 2020.

So, we are experiencing the sophomoric thinking that goes along with the sophomoric behavior of the Trump influence on our current political scene.  VDH dips his toe into this pond scum.

VDH, I’ve got your complaints.  Now, what do we do?  If all is so bad about Ukraine, what do you propose that we do about bald-faced, naked aggression on the continent of Europe?  Are America’s other problems truly a justification for standing idly by?  Do we restrain ourselves till we have solved our border problems, opened up ANWR, created more entitlements, corrected our birth dearth and declining labor participation rate, etc.?  It seems strange to hold foreign policy hostage to success at solving every other internal problem.  It’s essentially an argument for not having a foreign policy.

It still comes down to one question: what do we do?  Do nothing?  If we choose to take that route, prepare for conquest in the world’s other tinderboxes.  I wonder how that will sit with Xi as he makes his preparations for swallowing Taiwan.  Don’t ever bring up Biden’s Afghanistan debacle if you’re willing to create a Ukraine one.

Negotiations could end this imbroglio, but it can’t be under a prostrate Ukraine for that will only sanction subjugation with words.  If the goal is to deter this kind of behavior, Putin’s forces must suffer on the battlefield.  Ukrainians are proving quite adept at providing that.  Keep them in the fight and give them the wherewithal in the form of tanks, fighter aircraft, Patriot batteries, whatever, to make Putin see the negotiating table as his only practical way out.  Make Ukraine a too hard of a nut to crack for him.

Ukraine destroy Russian tank with drone in 'extraordinary' footage | World | News |
Ukrainian soldier launches drone to destroy a Russian tank (r).

Additionally, talks at the stage of a near Ukrainian defeat after we starved them of supplies will be an inspiration for Xi.  The CCP armed forces invade and take Taiwan, then negotiate a new Hong Kong style status for the island to seem moderate, which in due course will morph into full incorporation into the regime.  Bye, bye Taiwan, to go along with the addition of the new Russian province of Ukraine.  It’s Churchill’s world crisis of 1939 all over again.

My bet is that we’ll get every bit of that international horror after this unhinged talk runs its course, and our domestic situation will still be a mess.  Reversing our decrepit culture and corrupting entitlements is a much more monumental task than shipping Abrams tanks to Ukraine.  Think about it, VDH: an unsafe and wracked USA compounded by an unsafe and wracked world.  That is the ultimate conclusion that we’re left drawing from your harangue on Ukraine.

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See and read more here:

* Feb. 9 VDH podcast “Our Broken Kaleidoscope” on Spotify at

* “EU estimates Russian casualties in Ukraine at 250,000 killed and wounded”, Yahoo News, Jan. 4, 2023, at

* “Why Progressives Can’t Quit Their Masks”, Kevin D. Williamson, Nation Review Online, Feb. 13, 2022, at

