Watch Out, America! Here It comes.

Ossoff, Warnock, and Biden from earlier in the campaign.

How responsibly will the Democrats run the central government? Big question. I’m pessimistic. They are likely to win the two Georgia Senate seats. Georgia is quickly becoming a mess. Only a mess could produce two radical-left Senators. Now, America, await the coming storm.

A few observations about the post-Georgia state of play are in order: one is an observation about America in general; two concern causes for the result last night; and one a possible awful outcome. Taken together, 2021 could well be another disastrous year for the country.

First, America is sorting itself out geographically. There’s a flight from the coasts and metropolitan areas.

Major trends are slow in developing and carry a momentum of their own for quite some time. Once begun, they only reverse themselves slowly. The most recent one, the one that is waning, is increasing urbanization. It’s the one that helped flip Georgia as urban Atlanta swamped its surrounding counties. It flipped Virginia as Soviet-style centralization in DC made the city obese enough to smother the northern parts of the state. Today, COVID and disgust over the carnage of Left-Democrat policies is acting as a repellant to stop the older trend and begin the newer one. It’ll take a while for the new social current to establish itself. In the meantime, Atlanta and the other urban cores in states like Georgia will give radical left power-seekers to the country. Politics will be a lagging indicator for some time.

More about the possible awful consequence later.

A man waves a Black Lives Matter flag atop the CNN logo during a protest in response to the police killing of George Floyd outside the CNN Center on May 29, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. (photo: Elijah Nouvelage)

No doubt, the growth of urban centers like Atlanta provide rich mining for chic collectivist politics. Mail-in voting is just the ticket to mine the rich veins. It’ll bring out of the woodwork the kind of voter that could be dubbed “low-information” or a host of other related-but-accurate epithets. These voters have very little buy-in in the form of the investment in time and effort. They’ll only vote if you deliver the ballot to them on a silver platter, which was done by mailing the things to the wind. There was less of a need for the Democrats to resort to their time-honored Tammany Hall antics.

So, America, get ready for more of a low-information electorate giving us a low-information officeholder. Warnock and Ossoff are typical of the genre: heavy on ideology, low on knowledge and wisdom. The type is littered throughout the California legislature.

Into these urban-rich minefields of the low-information voter struts Trump. The post-election brought out the worst in him. His loss in an election festooned with low-information voters was seen through the narrow prism of . . . himself. He lost in Georgia’s contrived election process that should never have been run in this way to begin with, but was. He then goes out to lambast the process and everyone associated with it while asking the base to do it again. I don’t think it worked. People turned off by him will be more so, and his supporters will conclude, why bother? Combine a mob election with a provocateur-in-chief and we get crazies in office. What else did you expect?

No politician cares about me!

Now, for the possible awful consequence. Red America will resist a radical left central government. The resistance will fester and intensify depending on how intent the Democrats are in trying to make the whole country look like California . . . or Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York City, et al. The flight of middle-income demographics to safer red-state environs will heat up the divide. The fear of the migrants making red states purple is misplaced. The movers are overwhelmingly center-right. Thus, blue states become navy blue and red states become scarlet. If it happens, and it could very well, the nation will be irreconcilably split. Wait for some violent incident, or a few, over the next year or two to bring about the confrontation.

Homeless encampment, San Francisco.
Portland BLM riots from earlier 2020.

It all depends on whether the Democrats do what they said they’ll do. Even a watered-down version of their rhetoric would scare many people to the armories. The irony of it all is that the red states will be defending America and her Constitution; the Democrats will shred the country and its founding documents to get to a collectivist utopia. If the conflagration were to happen, the resisting states will be the Union in defending the country as it was conceived. The Democrats, in temporary control of the central government, will be intent on imposing their revolution. Make no mistake about it, it will be a real revolution. We’ll experience the intensity of 1850’s America but with the two sides relegated to revolution and counterrevolution.

I pray that cooler heads prevail. I pray that Trump returns to a happy retirement in Florida and leave the counterrevolution to more astute leaders. I pray for the many millions of victims across the country who will be laboring under neo-Marxist control. I pray for America. God help her.


