We Don’t Have Debates. We Have Fashion Shows on Tilted Runways. And the Republican Can’t Walk It.

Who won the debate last night: Harris, Trump debate takeaways – NBC Chicago

What we saw last night (9/10) in the so-called “debate” between Trump and Harris was a fashion show.  Like in a fashion show, various designers show off their wares to please one or another niche among their clientele.  From the left, we have Kamala trying hard not to scare off the muddled middle of the electorate by hiding her neo-Marxist “values”.  From the right – well, not exactly from the right – we have Trump flailing about in incoherence.  It provides great atmospherics but, in the end, one thing is for sure, after the election, we’ll soon see another lopsided plurality in the “wrong track” column in public sentiment.  We vote for “wrong track” when we fill out the ballot.

The conclusion is inescapable.  It’s clear that Trump doesn’t prepare for debates, or maybe he does but can’t resist his impulses.  He’s an impulsive guy which his rabid fans mistake for “speaking truth to power”.  It endears him to his fans, and only them.

He does it in all of his debates.  He did it in the June Biden-Trump dustup.  Trump didn’t win, Biden lost.  Trump doesn’t win debates because he can’t or won’t do anything to appeal beyond his fan base.  He actually thinks that this stuff sells because he won a squeaker in 2016, and ever since he’s the basketball big man who made a three-pointer at the start of the game and now won’t leave the distant arc for the rest of the game.  And the Republican Party won’t yank him.  They keep choosing him in the hopes that he’ll shoot the lights out from long distance like he mistakenly seemed to do in 2016.  The party base can’t come to grips with the fact he’s a terrible shooter, and unlovable to boot.

He let Harris get away with not having to explain herself or defend the shambolic policies that are destroying the country.  He’s not geared for the general election where we find a vast reservoir of the weakly informed voter of casual interest.  They vote more on appearances and emotional appeal. There’s too little time for them to be brought up to speed, even if they would sit still long enough to be informed, which they won’t by definition.

Sure, Big Media is in the tank for the Democrats, and it showed.  No GOP candidate should ever again be drawn into any forum moderated by lefty Big Media.  But Trump could have made the best of it by forcing Harris to explain herself.  And when left-wing moderators get out of line, make them a target of the debate.  Newt Gingrich skillfully did so in the 2012 primaries and was electorally rewarded.  If you want to see how it is done, watch the video clip below (click on the link below the picture).

Gingrich Laces Into John King for Opening CNN Debate With Question About Ex-Wife's Accusationshttps://youtu.be/ygtFc3eR6So?si=ChSQRbqRqB-gAj–

Trump is incapable of doing it.  He’s too self-absorbed to do anything other than recite brusque one-liners and exhibit bouts of self-pity.  Thus, Trump’s poor performance has made it easier for the country to continue to wallow in tidal waves of illegal immigrants, crime waves, energy shortages, inflation, greenie totalitarianism, XY “girls” in your daughter’s bathroom and locker room, racialism everywhere in public policy, legislative attempts to cripple the Supreme Court, the federal judiciary flooded with neo-Marxist jurists, abortion-gone-mad, and the American dream pummeled to nothingness for your kids and grandchildren.  The Democrats are the immediate cause (sins of commission) but the Republicans made it easier for them to wreck your child’s future by nominating the weakest and most detestable candidate possible (the sin of omission).

Brace yourself for more terrors to come.


