How can a deep red state continue to send a progressive to represent it in the US Senate? How can a state’s electorate continue to elect people who do things that they don’t like? The key word is “continue”. Yet, simultaneously, people consistently register dissatisfaction with the direction of the country in polls. Wrong-track numbers persistently hover in the 60s. We need to explore the possibility that we are being fooled, or, more accurately, allowing ourselves to be fooled. The foolishness is a partnership between political jesters and an impressionable electorate prone to folly. People don’t like the results but go to the polls and contribute to them. Does this make any sense?
Two anecdotes point to the nature of the problem. One is Democrat John Tester’s popularity in red-state Montana. The other is the decimation of California under a raft of policies that originate in a popularly elected super-majority of Democrats ruling the roost on the state’s populous coastal plain and thus in the state capitol. If migration patterns within and out of the state are any indication of the level of dissatisfaction, the state is in a world of hurt that ironically is popularly chosen.
Tester’s prominence in my adopted home state of Montana is particularly vexing. One possible contributing factor is money, the mother’s milk of politics (see #1-#5 below). Tester is a creation of out-of-state money, and a whole lot of it. He’s a boxer with a potent left-right combination. He jabs with his left in the form of money flowing into his personal campaign to project his oneness with tradition, the rural lifestyle, domesticity, veterans, the outdoors, guns, and Montana’s working man. He elicits an image of rubbing elbows with Republicans and Trump, who’s popular in the state.

Anyone with half a brain would recognize this to be baloney. As he washes grease and dirt from his hands in a tv ad, the reality is that he’ll go back to Washington to reelect Chuck Schumer of New York for leader of the Senate. This is the same Chuck Schumer who’d pack the Supreme Court with lefties, who’d eliminate the filibuster to make it easier for his congressional allies to mangle voting throughout America by removing the few remaining barriers against fraud such as voter ID, who’d ad DC and Puerto Rico as states to create a lock of four more Democrat senators to guarantee such absurdities into the foreseeable future, turning the whole country into New York and California. Tester is a vote for continued bi-coastal control of the federal Leviathan, with all of their baleful influences.
Tester has the bank for his left jab to burnish his outdoors cred while he has a devastating right in Chuck Schumer’s Last Best Place PAC (LBP) to appeal to the darker angels of a public’s nature. This is a massive negative campaign to paint his opponent, Tim Sheehy, as an out-of-stater bent on raping Montana. Get this? A real out-of-stater from the power elite of New York is smashing Sheehy for allegedly being like him.
Putting aside the fact that Sheehy has beliefs and sentiments more in line with the popular Trump, we need to pull the covers away from Last Best Place PAC (LBP) to expose its rank duplicity. What we see is the darker underbelly of politics. The pro-Tester (no pun intended) group leaves a paper and money trail from DNC-patronized banks right to Schumer’s Senate office and right to the anti-Sheehy ad buys flooding Montana’s airwaves – over $5.6 million worth, and counting, as of June 12 of this year according to Open Secrets (see #4 below).
Here’s how the flim-flam works. Money is laundered from Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC, into Majority Forward PAC – a 501(c)(4) group that doesn’t have to disclose its contributors – and from there into LBP. These expenditures go through Dem-linked banks and consultancies in DC and Alexandria, Va. Throughout, Tester has plausible deniability. He can walk the high road of remaining positive about himself while the dirty work of maligning his opponent is performed by mysterious dark forces (see #5 below). It’s morally scandalous, but it works, as it did in the 2022 midterms.
It only works if the residents of Montana allow it. The story of this sleight-of-hand has been out for quite some time, since at least mid-2023. As before a judge, ignorance of it is no excuse. If you don’t know, you should have.
Its success is dependent on inventing fear, fear of something that doesn’t exist: stoking fear of Sheehy to assist the Democrats in continuing to move the country down the “wrong track”, and in the case of California, dread of an ecological disaster. The stage is set for a headlong rush to the emasculation of California’s entire way of life, the most striking “wrong track” that one can imagine.

The state’s entire governmental apparatus is geared to overturning the simple bases of life through a full-on assault on energy. Why? Climate-change hysteria. The fear factor gets people elected to enact edicts that disrupt how its residents pursue life in the most basic ways, and for the worst.
First, the hysteria. California’s popular ruling clique is terrorized, and is terrorizing, by a global average increase of 1.34 degree Celsius since 1880, well within the fluctuations in geologic time. And, besides, warming temps are a much healthier experience for growing food and increasing plant life, and better than the opposite with its plagues and famines and deadly freezes (see #6-7 below). If CO2 is the culprit, plants love it; and that’s the main reason for questioning it as a pollutant, that and our emission of CO2 every time we exhale. Are normal body functions now to be the target of regulatory extinction alongside the internal combustion engine?
The fabricated fright is even more outlandish when they try to strike a chord with the economy-minded by magically spawning imaginary threats to our standard of living. The chutzpah. At worst, according to Steven Koonin, Obama’s undersecretary for science in the Department of Energy, the warming will have a modest impact. He decries the hysteria as “shock-journalistic pseudoscience” (see #6 below). Given all the benefits of warming temps, the recent elevated levels of CO2 may be a net plus. The only real threat emanates from California’s ruling claque.
If the fanciful prospect of frying us in the skillet of a 1.34 degrees Celsius increase in 144 years won’t do the trick, maybe the story of twisters and hurricanes run amok will. In today’s politicized jargon, it’s called “extreme weather”. It may work if the fabulists pursue the Big Lie route. The fact is, just looking at hurricanes, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration study concludes that there appear to be no “… compelling evidence for a substantial greenhouse warming-induced century-scale increase in … [catastrophic] hurricane[s] ….” (see #8 below)
Fires might manufacture the necessary panic if hurricanes won’t. But, here again, the world’s total fire-ravaged area hit a new low (see #6 below). Could California’s recent spate of firestorms be a consequence of its uniquely screwball wildlands management policies and its forcible diversion of utility funds away from grid maintenance to “sustainable” pipe dreams? California’s governing choices are proving to be the match in the powder magazine.
What about droughts? Where’s the proof that SUVs and Exxon are triggering droughts? Others report that CO2 reduces drought – warm air carries more moisture (look at the tropics) – and increases food production (see #6 below). Anyway, droughts aren’t an unusual circumstance in a Mediterranean climate. Dry-summer could easily flip into dry-all-year if the normal annual pattern of offshore ocean temps flip, which they normally do in roughly 10-year oscillations. The window is awfully narrow – 5-6 months – for the state to get its annual allotment of precipitation. If it falls short at any time during that brief period, it’s in drought for the rest of the year.
But such attempts at realism are a yawner for the power-hungry utopians who are elected to run the state. Not possessing a shortage of other rhetorical arrows in their quiver, though, they’ll bark out the dubious crisis of rising sea levels. From 1880 to 2023, annual sea elevations have variously increased by an averaged .08 to .14 inches per year, with .06 being the number for 133 of those years (see #6 below). At that rate, it’ll be a couple of geological eras before the state’s foothills become beachfront property. Continental drift is faster.
No wonder California is the epitome of “wrong track”. The climate caterwauling has led to the election of people who pass laws and enforce them to further nudge the state’s residents down the path to dystopia, and it’s about to get worse for the remaining residents of the state. The state with one of the highest fuel prices in the nation (second only to Hawaii) is dead set on ballooning them to the thermopause (top of the atmosphere). No remorse, the state’s governing super-majority is cheerleading the pain by using it to make you conform to their chosen lifestyle for you. By hook or by crook, for instance, they want to make you trade reliability for range anxiety.
Don’t forget, nothing that they’re doing to their own residents will make a difference for the climate. California’s 38 million (and falling) are pale when compared to China and India’s 2-3 billion. Newsom and company will do more in reducing emissions if they convince Xi and Modi to stop their nations’ march to prosperity. In other words, persuade them to do to their countries what the California Dems are busy doing to the golden state. Good luck, Gavin.
The state’s popularly elected super-majority in Sacramento have created a legal glide path to terminal decline. What’s bad is about to get worse. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), one of the state’s principal eco-commissariats, is using the Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) and cap-and-trade laws to hijack the state’s residents out of their fuel-efficient sedans and big rigs and into dangerously frivolous electric vehicles.
One leg of the double-whammy uses fuel taxes under LCFS. Diesel taxes provide a glimpse into the fate for regular gas, and all fossil fuels. CARB’s timetable for ruination ratchets diesel taxes upwards from 59 cents (2025) to 66 (2026) to $2.41 (2041) (see #9 below). By that time (2041), your perfectly good family sedan and those diesel semi’s trucking down the road will be littering junk yards. I cringe at the thought of chronically empty store shelves and Amazon warehouses in the state and price hikes on everything.
The other leg utilizes the state’s cap-and-trade folderol. CARB has scheduled a lowering of the emissions cap each year (see #9 below). Above that, companies are taxed. It’s all geared to get you as a person or company to trade the reliable (fossil fuels) for the intermittent and unreliable (the “sustainable” stuff). If you think that you’ll do just fine in this brave new world, you’re in need of a drug test. Your prospects only improve if the ruling donkey progressives are stopped electorally. I’m pessimistic on that score.
Expect “wrong track” to be only thing that rises – that and prices. Did “they” do this to us, or did we choose it? I’m inclined to believe, based on all the evidence, that foolishness is popular. We don’t like the results but still go ahead and choose the cause of our discontents. Montanans might very well choose Chuck Schumer (through Tester) and Californians may prefer degradation for their kids and generations to come. We get the government that we deserve.
1. “Non-profit files FEC complaint against Super PAC’s spending on anti-Sheehy ads”, Nicole Girten, Daily Montanan, 2/24/2024, at https://dailymontanan.com/2024/02/14/non-profit-files-fec-complaint-against-super-pacs-spending-on-anti-sheehy-ads/
2. “Nine months before the Montana GOP primary, a mysterious super PAC is on the airwaves attacking Tim Sheehy”, Ally Mutnick, Politico, 9/12/2023, at https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2023/09/12/congress/montana-senate-sheehy-pac-ads-00115276
3. “Chuck Schumer Is Behind This Mysterious PAC Meddling in Montana’s GOP Primary”, Joseph Simonson, Washington Free Beacon, 1/26/2024, at https://freebeacon.com/democrats/chuck-schumer-is-behind-this-mysterious-pac-meddling-in-montanas-gop-primary/
4. “Last Best Place PAC Outside Spending”, Open Secrets, according to data reported on 6/12/2024, https://www.opensecrets.org/outside-spending/detail?cmte=C00849729&cycle=2024
5. “Schumer-tied dark money group wires $6 million to GOP primary meddler as Democrats slam anonymous cash”, Gabe Kaminsky, Washington Examiner, 4/24/2024, at https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/senate/2975704/schumer-dark-money-gop-primary-meddler/
6. “The Green Left Lies Used to Justify Authoritarian Climate Regulation”, John Fund and David Simon, National Reivew, 6/9/2024, at https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/the-green-left-lies-used-to-justify-authoritarian-climate-regulation/
7. Thanks to Fund and Simon for the following link: “Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multicountry observational study”, 5/20/2015, at https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(14)62114-0/fulltext
8. Thanks to Fund and Simon for the following link: “Global Warming and Hurricanes”, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), 4/17/2024, at https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/global-warming-and-hurricanes/
9. “California Gas Prices to Go from Bad to Worse as Dems Move to Tighten Environmental Regulations”, David Zimmerman, National Reivew, 6/12/2024, at https://www.nationalreview.com/news/california-gas-prices-to-go-from-bad-to-worse-as-dems-move-to-tighten-environmental-regulations/